Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, January 08, 1916, Page Page Five, Image 5

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    Saturday, January 8, 1916.
Page Piv
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County.
Paul G. Freeman, Plaintiff, vs. Fred
Campen, whose true name is Au
gust Ferdinand Campen, Defendant
To Fred Campen, whose true name is
August Ferdinand dampen, Defen
OF OREGON: You are, hereby re
quired to be and appear and answer
the complaint filed against yon in the
above entitled action on or Deiore
Monday, the 31st day of January,
1016; and if you fail so to appear and
answer, for want thereof the plaintiff
will take judgment against you for the
turn of $165.00 together with interest
thereon from the 31st day of May,
1913, at the rate of ten per cent per
annum, and the runner sum oi zo.uu
reasonable attorney's fee; and the
further sum of $30.00, together with
interest thereon from the '27th day
rot November, 1913, at the rate of six
per -cent per annum, and ror tne costs
and disbursement of this action.
You will alBO take notice that this
summons is-served upon you by publi-
judge of the above-entitled Court, and
that said Order bears date the 28th
day of October, and directed that this
summons be published for six consec
utive weeks in the Malheur Enterprise,
a weekly newspaper printed and pub-
lisnea at .vaie, vresoa, as wins uic
newspaper most likely to give notice
of such action.
Attorney for plaintiff.
Date of first publication Dec. 18, 1915,
Date of last publication Jan. 29, 1916,
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office nt Vale, Orogon,
December 23rd, 1915.
NOTICE 1b hereby given that Al
bert Coxy of JanUeson, Oregon, who,
on October 26th, 1914, made Home
stead entry, No. 03524, for the NEV4
NWU, Sec 14;, and tho SWiSWU,
NEKSWH, Section 11, Township 17
8., Range 43 E., Willamette Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Commutation Proof, to estab
lish claim to the land aboVo described,
before the Register and Receiver, U.
B. Lend .Office, At Vale, Oregon, on
the 24th day of January, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
W. J. Morrison', Jamieson, Oregon;
Thomas W. ThurBton, Percy M. John
eon, Burton R. Pickle, of Vale, Ore-
Dee. 25-Jan. 22.
By virtue of an Execution in Fore
closure duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court of the State of Ore
gon for Malheur County, dated the
28th day of December, 1915,
in a certain action in the Circuit Court
for said County and 'State, wherein the
United States National Bank, a cor
poration, as Plaintiff, recovered judg
ment against L. B. Teter and Hnttie
Teter, as Defendants, for the sum of
Two Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-six
and 66-100 Dollars, with inter
est thereon from the 22nd day of De
cember, 1915, at the rote of 10 per
cent per annum, and for the further
sum of Three Hundred Twenty-five
Dollars, Attorney fees, and for the
further sum of Twelve Hundred Thirty-nine
arid 70-100 Dollars, with in
terest thereon from the 22nd day of
December,' 1916, at the rate of 10 per
cent per annum, and for the further
rum of Sixty-one and 55-100 Dollars,
costs; 1
I will on the first day of February,
1916, at the hour of two o'clock P. M.
of said day, at the main entrance of
the Court House in Vale, Malheur
County, Oregon, sell at public auction
te the highest bidder, or bidders, for
cash, the following described real pro
perty, to-jVit:
All of Lots Six (6) and Seven (7)
except that portion described as fol
lows: Commencing at the Northeast
corner of Lot Seven (7), Block Nine
teen (19) Original Townsite of Vale,
Oregon, and running thence Southerly
along East line of Lot 7, 23 feet 10
Xlpches; Thence Westerly on nn angle
ofTW detrrees from' nrevious line a dis
tance of 70 feet 8 inches; thence'
Southerly at an angle of 90 degrees
to last described line 1 foot 5 inches;
thence in a Westerly direction at an
angle of 90 degrees to last described
v line a distance of 23 feet 4 inches;
thence in a Northerly direction at an
angle of 90 degrees to last described
line a distance of 25 feet 3 inches to
the Northwest corner of Lot 7, Block
19; thence (Easterly at an angle of 90
degrees to last described line along
the North botmdry.line of said Lot 7
to the point of beginning; All in
Block Nineteen (19) in the orignal
town of Vale, as the same is now lain
out and platted, 'which plat is now of
record in the County Clerk's Office in
the County of Malheur and State of
Oregon; :
Taken and levied upon as the. pro
perty of the said above named Defen
dants, L, B. Teter and Hnttie Teter,
or as much thereof as may be necess
ary to satisfy tho said judgment in
ary to satisfy the said judgment in
favor of the United States National
Bank and " against the said Defen
dants, with interest thereon, together
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Dated a,t Vale, Orogon, this 30th
day of December, 1916.
, EEN J. BROWN, Sheriff,
"" . By Ross A. Soward,
First publication, Jan. 1, 1916.
Last publication, Jan. 29, 1916.
The story of the settlement of Ore
gon first by English and French trap
pers and traders, then by American
immigrants who came in search of
homes will be sketched by Professor
J. B. Horner, during the Short Course
at O. A. C. Jan. 10 to Feb. 4. The
experience of these early settlers will
be graphically portrayed in their
hunting, fishing, shipping, fanning
and home building.
Don't limit your patriotism to
standing when the national anthem is
When you want "something done do
H jfciirstlf and ayoJd an argument.
By virtue of an Execution in Fore-
closure duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for Malheur County
and State of Oregon, dated the 28th
da of December, 1915, in a certain, ac-
tion in the Circuit Court for said
County nnd State, wherein the United
States National Bank, a corporation,
as ElaintifF, recovered judgment
against L. B. Teter and Hattie Teter,
as Defendants, for the sum of Two
Thousand Two Hundred Sixty-four
Dollars, with interest thereon from
the 22nd 'day of December, 1915, nt
the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and
for the further sum of Two Hundred
Dollars, Attorney fees, and for the
furthor sum of Forty-nine and 75-100
Dollars, costs;
I will on the first day of February,
1916. at the hour of two o'clock P. M.
of said day, at the main entrance of
tne uourt House in Vale. Malheur
County, Oregon, sell nt public auction
to the highest bidder, or bidders, for
casn, tne touowing described real pro
perty, to-wit:
An undivided one-half interest in
and to all of Block Twcntv-nine (29
of the Original Town of Vale. Orfjcron.
,auu un ui ials oix ana mat portion
.1 ll C T - L - , ,
oi ixt seven ot if lock Nineteen oc
cupied by and covered by that certain
stone building known as the "Grand
Opera House;" the said Lots Six and
Seven being in Block Nineteen of the
Original Town of Vale, Mnlheur Coun
ty, uregon;
Taken nnd levied unon as the nrn
perty of the said above named Defen
dants, L. B. Teter and Hattie Teter,
or as much thereof as may be necess-
iavor ot tne united States National
Bank nnd against the said Defen
dants, with interest thereon, together
with all costs and disbursements that
have or may accrue.
Dated at Vale. Oregon, this 30th
day of December, 1915.
HEN J. UKUWNi Sheriff,
By Ross A. Soward,
First publication, Jan. 1, 1916.
Last publication, Jan. 29, 1916.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office nt Vale, Oregon,
December 22nd, 1915.
NOTICE is hereby iriven that Lew
is Reagan, of Westfali, Oregon, who,
on January 26th, 1912, made Home
stead entry, No. 02102, for the SWVi
NEVi, WSE, NEViSEU, Section
31, Township 17 S., Range 42 E., Wil
lamette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final three-year
Proof, to establish claim to tho land
above described, before the Register
and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 25th day of Jan
uary, 1916.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Arthur Claypool. Mrs. Arthur Clay-
pool, of Vale, Oregon: Charles Sten-
berg, Edward Stenberg, of Westfali,
Dec. 25-Jan. 22.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
D. Miles, Plaintiff, vs. Inde
pendent Oil & Refining Company, a
Corporation, Defendant.
To the Independent Oil & Refining
Company, a Corporation, the above
named defendant:
OF OREGON: You ore hereby re
quired to be and appear, and answer
or otherwise plead to tho complaint on
file against you in the above-entitled
Court and cause on or before Monday,
the 17th day of January, 1916, or for
want thereof, the plaintiff will take
judgment and decree against you as
On plaintiff's first cause of suit, a
judgment for the sujn of $1342.30, and
tne lurther sura or 55.00 for prepar
ing and recording lien, subject mat
ter of this suit, and the further sum
of $130.00, reasonable attorney's fee
Un plaintiff s second cause of suit
a judgment in the sum of $1342.30,
and the further sum of $5.00, for pre
paring and recording lien, subject
matter of this suit, and the further
sum of $130.00, reasonableattorney's
fee herein, and for the costs and dis
bursements of this action.
For a decree against you for the
sale of the following mentioned and
described lands, to-wit: The NEVi
of Section 31, in Township 19 S., R.
44 E. W. M., and the SW of Sec
tion 4 in Township 20 S., R. 44 E.,
W. M.. all of said lands being in Mal
heur county, Oregon; and forever bar
ring and foreclosing your equity of
redemption therein or thereto, as well
ns forever barring all persons act
ing by, through or under you in any
capacity whatever of all right, title
and equity of redemption, therein or
thereto; and for a sale of the said
lands as well as for a sale of all tools,
implements, ropes, derricks, engines,
used in the operation and development
of the said mines, and also, all dwell
ing houses, and out houses, located
upon the said mines, and used in the
operation and development of the
For a Judgment and decree that the
plaintiff or any other person may be
come a purchaser at the sale of the
said property, real and personal, and
that on the sale of all of the said
property, and the application of the
proceeds of said sale to the satisfac
tion of this Judgment, if any deficien
cy remain, that olnintiff have iudtr.
ment and execution against you for
sucn uenciency.
You will also take notice that this
summons is served upon you by pub
lication, by Order of Hon. Geo. W.
McKnight, Judge of the county court
of Malheur county, Oregon, which or
der directed that the same be pub-
usned for six consecutive weeKs in the
Malheur Enterprise, a weekly news
paper printed and published at Vale,
Date of first publication Dec. 4, 1915.
Date of last' publication, Jan. 15, 1916.
UEU. W. HM ti!),
Attorney for Plaintiff.
One of the interesting evening en
tertainments of Farmers' Week will
be a college products banquet at
which the products of the College
farm, orchard? greenhouses and dairy
will be served. A fee covering actuara
cost of the banquet will be charged
. In the circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County,
Chester J. Kelly, Plaintiff, vs. Lillian
I M. Kelly, Defendant
To Lillian M. Kelly, the above-named
OF OREGON: You are hereby re-
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint on file against you in the above
entitled Court and cause on or befort
Monday, the 24th day of January,
1916, and if you fail so to appear and
answer to the said complaint for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded in
plaintiff's complaint, namely;
For a decree of the court forever
dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore nnd now existing between
tho plaintiff and defendant; and for u
divorce absolute from the defendant,
that the same be annulled, vacated,
set aside and held for naught
You will also take notice that this
summons is served upon you by order
of the Hon. Geo. W. McKnight, judge
of the county court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur county, and that
said order bears date Dec. 6, 1915, nnd
directed that this summons be served
upon you by publication in the Mnl
heur Enterprise, a weekly newspaper
printed and published at Vale, Oregon,
tor six consecutivo weeks.
Date of first publication, Dec. 11, 1916.
Date of last publication, Jan. 22, 1916.
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
The Empire Lumber Company, Lim
ited, a private corporation, Plaintiff,
vs. Vale-Oregon Irrigation Compa
ny, a private corporation, Defen
dant. To Vale-Oregon Irrigation Company,
a private corporation, tho above
named defendant:
OF OREGON; You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled action within six weeks from
the date of the first publication of this
summons, that is to say within six
weeks from the 27th day of November,
1915, and if you fail to answer for
want thereof tho plaintiff will take
judgment against you for the sum of
two thousand, five hundred, fifty eight
and 33-100 ($2558.33) dollars, with in
terest thereon from the 12th day of
August, 1915, until paid, at the rate ,
of ten per cent, per annum, together i
with the costs and disbursements of
this action, and for an order of sale 1
of the personal property attached in '
sum action uescriDea as ninety seven
hundred and sixty three pieces mak
ing two hundred and thirty one thou
sand nine hundred and eighty nine
feet of lumber, board measure, and
thirty two thousand, seven hundred
and fifty linear feet of lumber known
as "tank stop," now in the custody of
the sheriff of said county, and apply
ing the proceeds of the sale of said
property to the payment of the said
debt and judgment
This summons is served on you by
publication thereof by virtue of an
order made by Hon. Dalton Biggs,
judge of the above entitled court, bear
ing date the 23rd day of November,
1915, directing tho publication hereof
in the Malheur Enterprise, and that
the first publication thereof be made on
the 27th day of November, laib, nnd
that the same be published once n
...Ant. fn. n.v Jlnnnlltl'itn .itnAlfB
commencing with publication on said
day last named.
11. U. EASixlAM,
Attorney for plaintiff.
Nov. 27-Jan. 8.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Malheur County.
Martin Fnzekas, Plaintiff, vs. Inde
pendent Oil & Refining Company, a
Corporation, Defendant
To the Independent Oil & Refining
Company, a Corporation, the above
named defendant:
OF OREGON: You are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above
entitled suit on or before Monday, the
17th day of January, iai6;'and if
you fail so to appear and answer or j Th5s same exhibit of corn has figured
otherwise plead, for want thoreof, the i at a number of corn shows and has .
plaintiff will take judgment and do-1 won prizes nt Walla Walla and Spo
cree against you, as -follows: . knnfi in j(iition tn thfi pnrtinmi nrizf.
For a iuriement aeainst vou for tne
sum of 2845.00. and the further sum I
of S5.00 for preparing nnd recording
lien, and the further sum of $100.00
reasonable attorney's fee, for bring
ing this suit and for the foreclosure
of that certain laborer's lien, subject
matter of this suit; and for decree
against you forever barring and fore
closing your right and equity of re
demption in and to the following men
tioned and described lands, to-wit:
The SW of Section 6, in Township
20 S., R. 45 E. W. M., Malheur coun
ty, Oregon, and the SEVi of Section
11, in Township 20 S., R. 45 E. W.
M., Malheur county, Oregon, and for
the sale of the said lands, as well
as for the sale of all tools, imple-
derricks, engine house, dwelling hous
es, pumps, sand DUCKets and sand
nines, used in the operation and devel
opment of the Petroleum Placer mines
as located on tne tracts oi land Here
in above described. And for the costs
and disbursements of this suit.
For a judgment and decree that the
plaintiff or any other person may be
come a purchaser at the sale of tho
said lands, tools, implements, houses.
n ml aI. bmiI I n . r n 4liA f nil
oiiu cm... nuu uia. un viio amn vt un
of the above mentioned and described
real and personal property, that plain
tiff have a deficiency judgment against
you, tor any denclency remaining al
ter applying all of the proceeds of said
saie in suusiacuon or mis juagmeni
! i i n : . i .
You will also take notice, that this I
summons is served upon you by nub-
lication, in the Malheur Enterprise, a District was held on Wednesday after
JmJS A. noon. All members of the Board were
Hon. Geo. W. MeKnfeht. lurlire of tha
County court of Malheur county, Ore
gon, tor six consecutive weeKs.
Date of first publication Dec 4, 1915.
Date of last publication, Jan. 15, 1916.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Generally speaking, the man who
pats you on the back expects you to
return the compliment
It is well to remember, when mak
ing a bet, that you are entitled to on
ly one guess.
Is an Ofinion an Idea?'
Real Estate Transfers j
Complete List of Deeds Recorded (
by the County Clerk of Malheur j
Cnnnfv iinre Ine last lune e
of The Enterprise.
December 27th to 31st, 1915.
United States to Finlay Morrison.
Lot 1, SEUNEV ESEV4 4-28-45,
March 19, 1916.
Charles LeMoine et ux to Alfred
Vogue, Lot 4, 18-18-44, Dec. 21, 1915,
Charles LeMoine et ux to Alfred
Vogue, 2 acres in See's 29 and 30-18-45,
Dec 21, 1916, $800.
Riverside Homestead Co. to L. D.
Clay, Lot 1 Bl. 20 Outlook, Dec. 8,
1915, $150.
Ben J. Brown, sheriff to State Land
Board, SEHNWU 35, SVsNEVi 34
20-46, Dec. 22, 1915, $3352.95.
Ben J. Brown, sheriff to State Land
Board, SWViNEVi 3-18-47, Dec. 22,
1915, $2196.40.
W. F. Homan to Anna L. Horn an,
Lots 11 and 12 Bl 82 Ontario, Dec.
27, 1915, $100.
C. R. Emison to Then Emison, Lots
6 to 10 Bl. 137' Ontario, Dec. 27, 1915,
United States to James E. Rusk,
NWU 22-17-46, Aug. 21 1913.
James E. Rusk to C. F. Cox nnd
Geo. A. Bender, Dec. 15, 1916, $400,
NWVi 22-17-47.
United States to James Moore, SE
ViSWVi 18, NEUNW1 NViNEV 19-27-39,
Nov. 24, 1915.
United States to Herbert Cedergren,
SEViNWVi NEViSWVi WViSEVl 23-20-43,
May 26, 1915.
State of Oregon to Thomas Turn
bull, SVzSEVi 27-27-38, Nov. 19, 1915,
I. F. S. Diven to R. M. Diven, Lot
4 and a portion of 5 Bl. 26 Eldredges
AdnT Vale, Dec. 29, 1915, $3740.16.
L. F. Roberts to U. L. Andre, SEVt
SEU 6-32-41, Dec. 13, 1915, $1.
Augusta Hodgin to A. B. Boek nnd
J. W. Graff, Right of way, Dec. 29,
1915, $1.
Juncturn Investment Co. to Francis
M. Oswalt, Lot 10 Bl. 14, Juntura,
Nov. 14, 1913, $90.
Francis M. Oswalt et ux to Vcrner
J. Hopkins, Lot 10 Bl. 14, Juntura,
Nov. 15, 1915, $60.
Loren Goicochca vs. Ignacio Guer
ricagoitia, Suit for an Accounting.
State of Oregon vs. S. Elizabeth
Asher, Injunction.
Marriage Licenses
Russell Zimmerman and Pauline
Hillmon, Dec. 27.U916.
Ray Parsons and Bessie Blanton,
Dec. 27, 1915.
Clarence E. Rees and Charlotte E.
Burres, Dec. 27, 1916.
J. L. Wasson and Anna L. Burton,
Dec. 28, 1915.
Robert Wnllaco and Ruth Housley,
Dec. 30, 1916.
Claude Gallahan and Beulah Little, i
Dec. 30, 1916. ' I
Major H. Salt and Mary Gordon, '
Dec. 31, 1915.
Robert .F. Smith and Martha Don
aldson, Jan. 1, 1916.
G. G. Brown has received notice
that his exhibit of corn had won a
prize at the Portland Corn Show, the
same being an Iron Age Cultivator.
1 .
Following is the letter from the K,
M.,Wade Co., advising him of his good
Portland, Dec. 27. Mr. G.' G.
Brown, Nyssa, Oregon. Dear Sir:
We are advised by the Union Pacific
Railroad System that you won the
prize which we offered at the Corn
We are this day shipping by freight
to you at Nyssa, Oregon, the Iron Age
We" hope that it will arrive in good
condition and that you will find it val
uable in cultivating your corn fields
during 1910.
On receipt of same we will be glad
to have you acknowledge it.
Wishing you success for 1910 and
that you may win another prize in the
next Corn Show, we are yours truly
R. M. Wade & Co.
Edward Ncwbcgin,
Nyssa Journal.
A meeting of the Board of Super-
visors of the Nyssa-Arcadia Drainage
. present and n number of landowners
in the district were also present. The
purpose of the meeting was to discuss
the material to be used in the con
struction of the drainage system.
Samples of concrete pipe made by
the Utah Concrete Pipe Company were
there to be examined. Two of the
samples were pipe made from sand
and gravel shipped from Nyssa. In a
few days this Company will have oth
er samples shipped (from Portland
which will bo made from Nyssa sand)
and gravel. Clay tile samples made
by the Utah Fire Clay Co. of Salt
Lake were alfo there for examination. '
The other materials considered were I
I U. S. Land Office.
Complete Record of Homestead.
Desert and Other Entries at the
U. S. Land Office at Vale
daring tbe past week.
James Barber, Moorevillc, Lot 3,
SViNWVi 6-27-38, 317.24 acres.
Charles A. Wyman, Sumpter, SW
Vi 4-17-46, 160 ncres.
James R. Coder, Mooreville, SWVi
SEVi 30-27-39, 40 acres, Isolated
Lynch D. West, Mooreville, SWVi
NEU 30-27-39, 40 acres, Isolated
Charles E. Carver, Brogan, Lots
2, 3, 4, SN NEViSEtt 5-16-41,
JJ5.41 acres.
Benj. Swisher, Jordan Valley, Lot
4, SNWVi S,4NEVi 1-37-48, 200.28
Max W. Lange, Jamieson, SEViS
WU Lot 4, 31-16-43, Lot 4, 6-17-43,
Lot 1, 1-17-42, 161.95 acres.
Leola Kennedy, Unity, SV&SEVi' 10,
NE NvsSEVi 15-14-38, 320 acres,
John H. Howland, Ontario, Lot 1,
4-17-46, EVaSEU 33, SWVi SWViN
WVi 34-16-46, 320 acres.
Nannie Duncan, Ironside, NVsNWVi
8-15-39, 80 ncres, Isolated -Tract
Nannie Duncan, Ironside, NEV4NE
Vi SWViSWVi 14-15-39, 80 ncres, Iso
lated Tract
wood box and iron arch.
The prices on all materials wero
compared one with the other and the
qualities of the materials were com
pared, taking the co-operative prices
into consideration. There was much
discussion by nil present but as tho
hearing bythe Court of the objection,
if any, to the appraisement will not
bo held before Jan. 25 it was thought
best not to decide definitely at this
time on tho material to be used.
Nyssa Journal.
It is hard for some men to keep
from looking like a waiter when they
wear full dress suits.
Nearly anyone can be elected on a
straw ballot, but the offices aren't
awarded by that system.
In vour effort to learn one thintr
every day, you are also likely to learn
n great deal that isn't so.
If I FAIL to CURE any CANCER or TUMOR I treat
before It POISONS iImJj u ituctis to BONE
No X-Ray or other
swmaio. An uiaaa
Plant makes the curea
on the Up, fac.or body
longUCANCER. Itnover
snlng until last Btago
tin-rASESOQKFGFE. Tit tlcasolllx
nflBinrn " hard; It fthravi polsoir
IS I.Um.rkl aoen armpit elands am
We reluso monv who wait trio lone t must dl
I'oor cured at hall price It cancer Is yet smal
Dr. & Mrs. CHAMLEY & CO. SMffi
"Strictly Reliable. Oreitest Cancer Specialist llvlnf
134 &436CIS Valencia St, San Francisco, Ca
-iim V MAIL T!-'IS't!rr"eflCANCF!-
WANTED Clean white cotton rags
suitable for wiping machinery. ..Enter
prise office.
$25.00 reward will be paid for in
formation leading to the arrest and
conviction of anyone taking poles or
wire from any of our lines..
Malheur Home Telephone Company
Vale and Ironside Telophone Co.
FOR RENT. Nicely furnished steam
heated rooms, strictly modern. Phone
110. Doolittle residence. 1-ltf.
printing, enlarging. Quick service
and first-class work. Price list for
the asking. The Burrcll Studio, On
tario. Oregon. adv-l-30tf.
Bring your Clothes Trouble to the
Clothes Doctor, W. A. Mullins, or
phone 139. I want your cleaning,
pressing, altering and mending, Best
of treatment accorded to all. Locat
ed at Sweeney old stand opposite
Drcxel Hotel. Adv.
The Enterprise is now connected
with some of the leading engraving
houses in the country. See our latest
styles of engraved card work. All
work delivered within one week from
date of order.
FOR SALE 19 stands of Bees.
Call on or address V. S. Curtis, pro
prietor of the Drexel Hotel, Vale,
Oregon. Adv. 12-4
FOR SALE Old newspapers, 25c
a hundred. Enterprise Office,
Meets 1st and 3rd Friday evenings of
each month, at the Hayes building, ob
liquely opposite the court house. Vis
itors always welcome,
First National Bank
of Vale, Ore.
and pay all your bills with checks, which is a
more convenient way and at the same time
tablishcs a credit
In making loans a Bank will always take
care of its customers first. -
Give us your business and we will treat you
J. E.' Lawrence, President
T. W. Halliday, Vice President
W. R. Wilkerson, Vice President
A. J. Selover, Cashier
T. T. NELSEN, Vale, Ore.
Fifth and Washington Streets 1 ' PORTLAND, OREGON
Remodeled and refurnished throughout. Unquestionably the most
centrally located houso in Portland. Within radius of four blocks from our,
doors are located ticket offices of all railroads and steamboat companies: '
14 banks; 12 theatres and show-housca; 5 department stores; Chamber ox
Commerce; Commercial Club; Elks Club; Press Club; telegraph offices;!
fost office, public library; museum of art; and all tho largest office' buildings
t is worth something to be in the midst of the life of the city. VTo make
no extra charge for same however. Our rates are: Room without bath,
$1.00 and up: with bath $1.60 and up. Automobile bus moots trains. Cars,
from Union Depot pass the hotel every few minutes.
L. Q'.SWETLAND. Pres. and Mgr.
The 3A Folding Ansco illustrated is especially
popular because it takes pictures postcard size 3i
by 51 inches excellent proportions for all kinds of
subjects. It has an exact radius finder to prevent
cutting off any part of the scene, and an automatic
adjustable focusing scale to change the focus instantly
while locating the image in the finder. You can
raise and lower the front and shift it to the side.
Combination back for film or plates. This model,
and the many other Ansco Cameras from $2 to $55,
we will gladly demonstrate to you.
Vale Drug Co., Vale, Or.
Secures Film Production of
Haddon Chamber's Famous
"The Idler." William Fox's produc
tion extraordinary, to bo released by
the Box Office Attraction company,
which will be seen at the Rex Then-
tre, next Wednesday, Jan. 12, is one
of its author's the well-known drama
tist, C. Haddon Chambers, greatest
triumphs. "The Idler" is Mark Cross,
a young man of good family, who In
a wild fit of darcdovlltry has emigrat
ed from London to the far west. John
Harding, also well-born of wealthy
nnrents. but disinherited and a poor
clerk, is also seeking his fortune In the
gold fields. One day Harding receives
a letter from a firm of London solici
tors Informing him that his father has
died and that ho Is now Sir John
Harding, Bart.
He sets out at once to make his pre
parations for his return to civilization
and to take up the station in lifo that
Is riirhtfullv his. But that vorv day
ho becomes involved In a quarrel with
reux Strong, tne young nrotner oi a
miner named Simeon Stronr;, and Fe
lix is shot accidentally during tho dis
pute. Harding accused of murder,
Wo want to tell you of our splendid
stock of Furniture. It is just what
you need to $ut that cozy touch to
your home this winter, and is so sub
stantially made it can hardly wear
We have it in sets, or single pieces;
low priced, medium, or a little higher,
and every piece a splendid value. We
can suit any taste or pockotbook, or
any body.
but flees to England in time to escape
the vengeance of a posse, headed by
Simeon Strong, who is determined to
avenge his brother. Years after In
London, Harding, who has married
the girl both he and Cross wero in
love with before they emigrated,
comes faco to face with Cross and
Strong, who have becomo partners and
liavo "struck it rich."
In ordor to win Lady Harding for
his own Cross allows the evil sido of
his nature to get the upper hand of
him and plots to have Strong kill Sir
John in a duel. Strong slaps Harding
n the face in the foyer of tho opera
house in order that ho may involve '
him in "nn affair of honor" and
avenge his brother's death by killing
Harding. Cross in the meantimo lures
Lady Harding to his rooms where Sir1.
John comes to seek her.. She hides
"n Mark Cross' bedroom, but reveals
herself at a dramatic moment when
Harding, shouting "Curso you, 111 kill
you!" springs at Cross' throat. Her
splendid nature, as shown in her de
nunciation of both men, one as a hus
band without faith tn his wife and the
other as the would-be destroyer of u
home, overcome them with shame.
They shake han3a arid Mark, parting
forever with Lady Harding, orders his
valet ho pack his things for he is p(T
"on a long trail,"