Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, April 24, 1915, Image 1

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VALE, Core of the "New Empire of the West"
'ill Irrigated Farm and Fruit Lands
The Banner Live Stock County of The United States
in i?iy
NyiQ $
j,ttf.'.,wf.-:-.l '
1 1 i
Subscription, $2.00 per year.
Bully Creek Reservoir is Filling
Big Artificial Lake which will Furnish Life-giving Waters to
the Thirsty Lands Below, is Being Filled. Hundreds of
Happy Homesteaders will Greet the Glad Tidings
With Unbounded Joy. Paradise for Fishermen.
It is now three years since D. M.lernment
uiogan, Ueorge K. Davis and John
Rigby commenced the preliminary
work on the Bully creek system. Her-
Corn Crop Increased Ten-Fold
Jl. G. Kmgman Says Malheur County will Produce Ten
Times Greater Crop This Year Than Last, as a Re
sult of the Work Done by 'Pomona Grange.
bonds. I the horizon of prosperity is about to
Holders of unoccupied land have lift. There will be a change in gov
wisely concluded that a fair price ' ernmental methods which will relieve
which fills all the land with farmers us from worry over financial methods,
.,l,l,l . ,i. ...
.......u um oi ine greatest improve- ,s better than a high price with only , money will become elastic through
iuu . ue iounu lor the an isolated rection here and there un-,sane banking methods and we are rea
der the plow. Interest on big values dy for renewal of activity. We have
soon cause holders to realize the true ; learned the lesions of the past and
method of quick sales and short prof-i will beware in the future. Orchardists
its. will not depend entirely on, one prod-
We now realize what this wonderful! uct. Sheep men will improve their
improvement means to Vale and to method and cattle will increase once
advancement of Vale, the Enterprise
prophesied and boosted for the proj
ect. The preliminary work consumed ov
er a year and cost some $25,000.
Meanwhile the election of 1912 and
A. G. Kingman, representing the
Malheur County Pomona Grange, was
in the city the first of the week, in the
interest of the Corn Carnival to be
held this fall.
To an Enterprise representative Mr.
Kingman said: "There will be ten
times as much corn raised in Malheur
county Wis year as iuni,, uuc w uic
interest that has been aroused by the
Pomona Grange, and it is our inten-
f tion this year to get into the National
f Corn Show, and give Malheur county
a nation-wide name as a corn produc
ing country.
"Last year the Vale section was not
represented at the Corn Carnival, and
just now we are devoting our atten
tion to this section, in the hope of get
ting some prize winning corn from
here. This Malheur County Corn
Show is a strictly Grange affair, the
Granges in the different localities put
ting up the money for the cash prizes
ottered, lhe Orange in the upper
valley having disbanded, we have had
no medium to work through here, and
for that reason we are now arranging
to take the matter up through the Vale
Chamber of Commerce or the business
men of the city.
"A mistaken idea has become cur
rent in this section that the corn show
is an Ontario institution. It is not. It
is strictly a Pomona Grange institu
tion, and an affair of county wide in
terest and importance. The first car
nival was held at Ontario because it
was most central point for the great
est Grange membership, and after this
year the carnivals will be held at Vale,
Nyssa, Brogan or any other point that
will offer similar inducements to those
that have been offered by the business
men of Ontario."
Mr. Kingman handed in the follow
ing circular of instructions to contes
tants and Grange committeemen,
which is being sent out to those who
may be interested in the carnival:
a depressing ettect on all. promotions
of large or small enterprises: we say
a depressing effect so far as the invest
or was concerned; neither hard times,
elections, European wars, nor any of
the evil 5 that attack the ordinary pro
moters have any effect on D. M. Bro-
"Bully creek and spreadng the wa
ter over the land," says Mr. Brogan,
tor the purpose of assisting in the, "is my business. Why should I quit
standardization of the Vale schools, 'my business because times are hard?
consequent unrest and liquidation had: the county. Every family on 40 or 80 more.
At the High School Auditorium, Tues
day, May 4, to Saturday, May 8,
Both Dates Inclusive.
an art show will be staged as above
stated. To standardize the school, it
must, among other things, place at
least one picture on the walls of each
We will keep going until Bully creek
is completed and Willow river valley
a garden from Brogan to Vale while
the Bully creek benches will be cov-
room of the school annually, and for ,ered with fruit trees and waving corn."
this purpose this splendid art showj On this page will be noted photo
will be held, and an admission price graphs showing the great lake already
of 25c charged. j made by the diversion dam. This
This exhibition of pictures is one 'dam raises the water 90 feet to the
of more than ordinary interest. It! outlet gates and is completed to 125
consists of carbon photographs and feet, making a reservoir holding en-
engravings loaned by the Elson Art 'ough water for some five or six thous
Puh. Co.. Inc.. Belmont. Mass. The land acres.
collection is a large one and contains j These pictures talk louder than any
only the very best reproductions of the j of the many stories told of progress,
masterpieces of art of different coun- j Shortly we hope to publish pictures of
tries and periods. Nearly every gal-, the great flumes and trestles convey
lery and country in the world would injf the life giving water to the lands
have to be visited to see the original under the system, and chronicle corn-
pictures which are brought here to- mencement of work on the great stor-
acres means increased values for all All together with the flow of water
purposes it means success for traders 'assured over our rolling prairie an
and bankers and every other industry, era of prosperity will come, has come,
Commencing at the mouth of the and those who willmay profit.
Bully creek canyon high above Vale I The war will be followed by an era
on the magnificent benches over the j of construction unequalled in history,
divide from Jamieson to Vale is some' Destroyed towns must be rebuilt, ships
of the finest land in the world. As is i sunk must be replaced, and all is la
the whole Snake river basin, this land ' bor. Labor therefore will prosper,
is built up of plant food. The light j and when labor prospers business is
rains have not leached out. the values; good for that is business. To feed the
and washed them to the : ea. Ages hungry millions will be our work. We
have stored the potash, phosphorus, will spread water over the land, send
nitrogen and now the land is prepar
ed for man's use and will give up the
wealth of ages upon persuasion.
Filled as this land is with plant
elements, with proper conservation and
management it will last as many cen
turies as have the great plains of Europe.
Grand Jury Makes Final Report
Finds One True Bill of Indictment and Ignores All Small
Affairs that should be Cared for in Lower Courts. Ex
onerates County Officials in Bond Sale Matter.
fruit, vegetables, grain, hogs, shaep
The V?le High School presented a
three-act comedy entitled "College
Chums" at the Rex last Friday night,
which drew a crowded house and was
thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
George Taylor was in his element
as the old Southern General, and Mil
lard Nelson made a perfect old Dean
of the University. Freeman Kirwin
.kept the house in an uproar as the Ger-
and cattle beyond the sea and many man Professor, and Walter Taylor
from beyond the sea will come to help made good in the role of a colored ser-
us build up a country of homes, where , vant. Clyde Ellis, as "The Babe,"
war shall not destroy.
"At last," said Leo Schmidt, man
ager of the Vale Trading Company,
Here then are the hopes of Vale and "it looks really like business. No man
Malheur county about to be consum-:can tell what wonderful impetus to
mated. The 30,000 acre under the; business will come when Bully creek
Bully creek system; 20,000 acres un
der the Willow creek system, means
that within a decade Vale will be the
center of the greatest farming section
in the west.
Corn having proved so great a sue
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of Malheur.
In the Matter of the Final Report of
the Grand Jury.
We, the Grand Jury of this county,
have been in session three days and
have returned into this court one True
Bill and one Not True Bill of Indict
ment, and have examined into all mat
ters which have been brought to our
attention and have acted thereon.
In a number of cases witnesses have
appeared before us for the purpose of
securing indictments upon minor char-
ces. in cases which are DroDerlv trv-
who finally found his grit and led the ble in Justice and City Courta We
football team to victory, handled hisbelieve thia daa3 of cageg 8h0uld be
part admirably, as did Jack High asitried in the iower court3 where they
the "bully." Dave Ellis and Willard ' be handied more expeditiously and
Edwards, as captain and manager of at much lesa expense to the taxpayers
the football team, and Floyd Powell, of the C0Unty, and therefore in a num-
a sopnomoi e, eucii uiu excellent
water is spread over 'the land. It looks work. The lady characters were very'e action.
ber of these cases we have refused to
as though our hopes were soon to be
fulfilled. Now for the Malheur Warm
Springs project."
"It will look good to mc," said man
ager Diven, of the Malheur Forward-
cess we can point to the great middle "ig company, 'to see isuuy creen water
states and show in fact what will sure-! flowing across the divide. It means
age dam. While many of the owners iy happen to the great Snake river val-j that we are soon to be out of the
Tiii nniiof lirvn enmnrkos two hundred and settlers under the system haveiey. The recent wilderness and prair-i woods."
subjects representing all the principal iI-,een impatient under delay they have,je now called by the names of munyj "Guess I'll have to go up and get
splendidly sustained by Misses fcmiiy ye have carefully examined into the
McColm, Eva Neely and Mildred Flet- irregularities connected with the sale
cher. Lf the Big Bend Bridge Bonds. We
The entertainment was a success in nd tnat tne C0Unty has received par
every particular.
gether in one collection
value for said bonds and that all ir
regularities occuring in the sale of
said bonds is due to the fact that the
county officials were mislead by the
advice and actions of Keeler Brothers
To All Contestants of Pomona Corn
Keep a complete record of the pre
paration of seed bed, the cost of seed,
fertilizer, and labor, the receipts from
the crop etc., so you will have no trou
ble in filling out the blank spaces at
the close of the season. This report is
of great importance and should show
the actual cost of making the crop,
s well as the profits on the acre.
Fill out this report promptly for
each operation as it occurs and you
11 have every item available at the
of the season. We want a re
port from every contestant, even if
the yield is small.
The county is divided into three dis
tricts, viz; Big Bend-Nyssa, Boulevard-Ontario,
and Willow River-Dead
x Flat. For each district cash prizes
of '50.00. $25.00, and $15.00 for first,
jwnd and third prizes respectively
n a special prize of $100.00 for
wst acre record in Malheur County
"8ve been offered by the Pomona
nge. Only one cash prize will be
janled to one contestant. There must
least ten contestants from each
"net to secure the district prizes.
Wementary prizes of merchandise
4t"r m mut,hnery will be announced
JJ' ?ommilu'e " planning a corn
nival which will probably be held
Ontario. VrhH w!l 10 awardcd at
tomu!1,lu,M H,e bc,n lrfctl
l ,l ' 4'u'"val truly education
Ui ''uluuf"ly njoynbl and of pec-
"iiri I. in .....I. . .
.. . . xj il. 4 :
ol,lH rst ,-t ,,n,1 in,.l..,1in re- nevcrtnciess accepted me Hiiun.u..
productions of sculpture, architecture impossible to prevent. It is certain
and important views from nature.! that irrngation securities have been
Few collections have ever been brought .looked upon with suspicion. Just as
together which so completely cover the eyerytning iookcu av - -
I- r .t, nu v,!c A r.w'P et on of negotiations Kuhn Bros, let
history of art times as this. A catalog , i u0IlllOD nf nnv ia(.k
will be on sale at the exhibition hall.,?" " t -
win ui. on rtie v, . ,ff . 0f valuable and nor because of failure
No city or town should be indifferent , . t- . ,lnulluin(,sslike
.-ofmompnt nf ts - cu.u.c - -
to the culture
people. It is part of the school work
to inculate these qualities in the chil
dren through whatever means it has
at its disposal. The wholesome and
refining influence of picture3 of the
right sort on the school walls is now
generally recognized as one of the most
valuable means of securing this end.
The funds for purchasing such pic
methods, but because money was nid
ing, just when they too needed it.
Land had been forced to tremendous
speculative value. Canada offered
cheap lands in the frozen north, and
the tide of settlers together with the
tide of investment funds turned away
from Oregon. This is now being
changed. High prices for iarm pro
i a 1 aJa iVm Intul
tnrpq as well as an opporumuy tu
v . Jm from a very large Experience in raising crops in a coun-
make a selection fiom a veiy " . . f t ry month
nmhr u sprured bv means of the ex- try where there is a irost eve y
u:uu: ti,o l-ro-Pi- the attendance, ; in the year has
states with a population of millions, ;my desert claim ready to sow to grain,"
were dependent upon this great cereal
for their change.
We note the great orchards produc
ing prunes in the Willamette valley
and compare their returns and their
prunes with the returns from the or
chards of the Snake. basin and another
reason is apparent for our high hopes
of the future.
We listen to the enconiums passed
on our apple display at the great San
Francisco exposition, we note that we
are nearer market than are they for
such a product, and we feel certain
satisfaction as to what the future will
give us in that line
aid Ed Hamilton, of Alexander com
pany, "it looks as though we might get
a few dollars back at last, for the many
years we have been waiting."
"I am glad to know that those lands
will coon be watered," said T. T. Nel
son, furniture dealer and owner of the
Nelscn build.'..g, "it will fill the coun
try with farmers and make good bus
iness." Every human being in Vale has some
pleasant remark to make and well
they may for it means prosperity
to all.
Fish Pond
It is proposed to make application to
While we are somewhat behind in! the state and government for a car
development as compared to some oth- j load of young fish for the purpose
or i,.uii(i thi is liwie.f c-iul in two or t) antinir in the meat reservoir
we have new land for develop-'created by the diversion dam. This
turned the tide from merit and the experience of other local-j body of water will always remain
the greater the number of pictures that
can be secured for the schools.
W hone vou will not fail to visit
the exhibition, and believe you will be
Canada and British Columbia back to
ha lnnH nf Kunnv skies, while eastern
capitalists realize that irrigation secu
rities on well projected and fairly es-
u.e mhu, . , - . Bn(1 timated systems are as good as gov-
fully repaid tor tne siigm. nuu.. -
expense in the pleasure and pi out ou
Hies in the better way to handle the some DO feet deep at the dam as the
land or market the crop. outlet is at that point. The lake is
The European war has delayed us 'some 2Vs miles in length and from
as it has every other industry in the 300 ft. to V mile in width making an
west needing funds. The cloud on 1 ideal pond for that best of all food.
M. B. Gwinn of the Malheur Live
stock and Land Company was in the
city the first of the week on his way .while the said Keeler Brothers were
to the Barren Valley country. acting as the legal advisors of the
county officials in relation to said bond
issue. We further find that the coun-
ing on the Malheur county ranges, ty officials acted and relied in said
greatly to the detriment of the home matters in good faith upon the advice
flocks. Feed and water are short this of said Keeler Brothers and that all
year, and the ranges of this county 'irregularities in relation to said mat
will not support the local sheep, so ter is due to the misplaced confidence
that itiM interlopers on the range are of the county officials in Keeler Bro
a serious menace to the Malheur coun-ithers and to the fact that the county
Mr. Gwinn states that there are
some 100,00 outside sheep now graz-
ty taxpayers.
City Marshal Bert High laid
officials were misled thereby. In
view of the fact that we believe said
county officials acted in good faith in
the matter, we recommend that no
Monday to look after his horses which proceedings be taken to enforce per
are running on the range between here 80nBl liabilities against the county of
and the Owyhee, and Charley Powell
the former night marshal, was put on
in Mr. High's place
We further find that W. II. Brooke
as District Attorney of this county had
In speaking of the matter Mr. High no knowledge whatever of any irregi-
said, "I have a large number of valu
larities in relation to said matter and
able brood mares with colts that have ia entirely blameless therein,
not been looked after for some time,' , wf find thftt, fo 8om4e time Paat
and I will have to take care of them slanderous articles nave oeen appear
ill o-Min for vourself, besides neipniB
..... c -
on the work.
INSANE MAN LAS'l &li.-nwa i
Some time since rumors came to the
authorities that a wild or insane man
was roaming in the hills in tne yum-
but failed to locate him. . 'tUll fonK,iiitv of furnishing water by
AUnrnev on Visit To County
Enthusiastic Over Probable Out
come of Tallmadge Contract.
P. J. Phillips, attorney from Nyssa,
s roaming in the h. i, .n . v an(J who has
of Twin Springs. Judge Mc K. Kh 01 airreenent with the Tall
lt a rider out or . couple of Vtmpany for examination into
Vale Garage Company Selling One to
Two Cars a Week.
of the Enterprise
splendid car, and I
to introduce
iy so doing is
Returning from a visit o m b ""- 'j . from the Snake, through the
camp Sunday last, a roughly dre sod. WnB' electrjcil, power developed
long haired man stepped " 0 j l J J p lte river, is quite enthusi
road in front of the team, lhe kc.o 'the pr0,,ai,ie outcome.
asked him his name ....u . -r-, , R sharp and discouraging , he ihvm in f,m lhe f;u.
"I have lost my grip and am Roinj. '""I out f,.()m the povernment." aid .
. .... i Kin in il. t f.. ; i .. a 1
to town as Hoim " ... ihillios. "through meir iu.v
. p ii. a. .1.1 hitn 1 iiiiiL a -
States There is No Trouble in Making
Land Sales, As Purchasers Are
Aluuvu IfotiHv In Huv.
l he vale iiarage L.onipan.v i m'uimki
Buicks as fast as they arrive from j Thof! (;fl,nam wus over from 0wy
the factory, and now has order ahead he(j counlry Tuesday ailj reports con
to be filled as soon as the next con- jKiderttWe aclivity in land the past few
signment is received. I months, "lf we get away from spec-
Mr. Copel is so busy in his machine!... . . r,lhBm ,hre i(1
shop that he has no time to go out and ' . me whjn
i - M i V
TV,a with our other "g in cenain newspapers oi mis coun-
horses are scattered on the range, and ' u"l"u
I do not know at this time how long I Personally against county official ..
will be absent." jAs a Brand jury we demand that the
' 'newspapers of this county cease print-
IVOR WILLIAMS BUYS A BUICK V slanderous articles.
, , We have examined the various offl-
Ivor Williams, the popular younjl ef the CQUrt house and find the
sheepman, has purchased a new BuicklBame conducte(, , an orderly neat and
auto, a five passenger touring car, and mBn ftnd recommend that
is now taking it through its paces ,ino,eum be ,uced on the floor in the
preparatory io urivniK ifc ui w mo
summer range on Steins Mountain.
Leonard Cole, the land man, received
some severe scalp wounds and other
solicit business, but uses the column ,, fc . h , d j th from minor mjuries about the head one day
abled to dispose of Buicks as rapidly
it productive point of view, there is
a purchaser ready to buy."
irrin had been found
vou will get into the buggy we
drive in and get it.
Wherupon the two came in and the
man was given quarter with the hher
i!T until Tuesday last, at which time
an examination was held and the man
committed to Salem. Hi name wu
ascertained to be Wo.dcn l.ym-h.
J. O. Johnston, held for actum ' ,hl-
...I i,ix il klMlutul V uffcnM', WH
enamiiieil t-"l committed u"'
lum at SaK-m
. ; , ;f Uo nut through the Malheur project.
I in Vale and if , to put . ... , the end
w e win ---
from ine .inun- v..--,.
t the high line Tor
us water
.l..ptricitv will bea
rni'ily pu'pose.l
W G. Norton, who has coimui u , tht, Mau.ur ,.(, N .
. i ...... r..k i iiu 1
,l. Arlington It"'' """.''
f,.w stun, took his departure N,;w ,M N I R.
" " ... . I. !' .. U .......
Sutuiduy f'-'' 1 re'''' J. Kimball, i-f N-lgvMck, t oioruuo.i
. I - rarrh urn 1 . i- i i.. i .1 ..
whfio be "wh " !rrivi in ! i"1 l" ,anv
Mhi.'h b will dmote bin attention o'.l-rifo BS iiimmi of lb., lion..,
j(, ,lt. futr.'. ,vr ioinpw..y of tbi, .ity. Mr. Mo.,.,.,
Ml, Noll. Ml Mf.olllptl.l"l by (,0 folll.ll III..OU1. I. ' olllpm.l.d by
ll'7 "u"'- hi fall'll), l' ' f" ""''. ' rt'.'o'l
L . 1 I . i' ... a
upon muni ttiuie liny will ''' "
The Buiik jieople are furnisiMi.g a
car that will stand thorough in e li
gation, and they are not afraid to -id-vcrtise
its merits and its prices. The
Enterprise reaches all the pt-ople in
Malheur county, the result being the
greatest sale of B.iu ks that has ever
been enjoyed by any uulo agency i,,, ? (,
of last week, when a tire of his auto
It required a thorough investigation
at the time to convince Leonard that
..'someone had not shot him with a load
The many friends of "Mac" Stiles,
the young Vale baseball pitcher who
left a few weeks ago to take a po
sition with the linker team, will be
pleased to learn that he pitched bis
first game Sunday, ugainst Latiraude, I
ami won in mi extra inning game with
of buckshot.
Assessor's office.
Having completed our labors, we
ask to be discharged.
W. S. LAWRENCE, Foreman.
The indictment returned was against
Fred Green, of Juntura, who is charg-
ed with threatening to burn property
i ..I : . r t A 11
The work at the Alaska well under "'
the management of James rrost is
progreshing rapidly. The formation
hus caved considerably giving an ex-j
Uii fonleelj The fol- lum l mihi.i.
' " ; n lhe io.,Ut. W A I I H l I' AT ! Mill
...,. 15 " rMU I l oluliiblrf wll, ui..l-i
,f ,t' '' on the product nr...l '-""
Sheriff Ben Brown and Judge Mc
cess of material to take out. The com-, Knight brought an insane man from
......if u.l u rti uVili'h riMftnttil KIuuuu Trinruiluu a rut liuil m inmiurnit
t',. t., the end of the 1th .....,ng th., f ,() ,tf u of , there- kvrious time landing him at the court
was I to i ii u m mvor. . , .. , ,. , ... .
I.u Lm,'HIIi tllM ktl.iM fill IllM ll..llkm All
1.., ll,.L..r Kt.l-- ""I-- . .
... ....iv. " V . - ,.1..U ...Ml I .. 1 ... 1 .. .. 41...
oi i iiu limn wii.ii. win ii. ii. no i v..
m oi e
The butteries
und Jutk'on, and for Latiraude wet
.(Mirii k, and (i. htvr.
At'coinpaiiied by u helper they sturt-
Ml ... . " I
klo'ihd mI,, im
loi , (,,
...,M' will be u v
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, . I (1 H flol.l tllV llill S ItHol
at I II II l.lfbt who II '0 10.
UivJ in caving for- tl Ny.oa itl. U.u ,utlwi,t on tho
niatloii. I front iut a ho uppeund ipilet, lie
Tim hole is dry ami when katuU are, ku.blvnly look a notion to Jump out
eiu oui.teiod vuluu will be lininidlt-
ly utisiiublo,
-l t.l
k I I 41 Ml, It .44 l.ltf H I
I i.i I 1. 1 I I.u hit Ii . l.ool
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I,,, il u nu ft I'lll on 4 iili.llii'l bull kli'l'iiai.l
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ami lli fcl.iiiilf kMiilibvd hiiii with one
. 1 1 I I 1
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lllm I'utiuiil) was abiiul bulf nut bs
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