Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, January 23, 1915, Image 7

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' '. ' J-
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Malheur County.
Malheur Mercantile Company, a Cor
poration. Plaintiff, vs S. W. Gould,
To S.-W. Gould, the above named de
In the name of the state of Oregon:
You are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled action within six
weeks from the 19th day of December,
1914, the date of the first publication
of this Summons; and if you fail so to
answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff
wilt take judgment against you for
18957.94 together with interest thereon
from th 14lh day of December, 1914,
until paid, at the rate of ten per cent
per annum, and for the further sum of
$708.00 as attorney's fees, and for its
costs and disbursements in this action,
and an order of sale of attached pro
: This Summons is published in the
Malheur Enterprise, a weekly newspa
per, published and of general circula
tion in tins county and state, by order
of the Hon. Dalton Biggs, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
.83 made and entered on the 17th day
of December, 1914, and directed the
publication of this Summons for six
weeks commencing the 19th day of De
cember, 1914, and that a copy of the
Summons and complaint herein be
forthwith mailed to defendant at his
last known postofnce address.
Geo. E. Davis
Attorney for Plaintiff,
Dec. 19- Jan. 30.
Notice For Publication
Department of the Interior,
1 U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
December 26th, 1914.
--Notice is hereby given that Louis
A. Vidal, of Vale, Oregon, who, on
October 30th, 1913, made Homestead
application, No. 02948, for the S
SW4. NVU SWli. and SWU NW
, M, Section 4, Township 18 S, Range
45 E., Willamette Meridian, has filed
notice of intention to make Com
; mutation Proof, to establish claim
to the land above described, before
the Register and Receiver, U. S.
Land Office, at Vale, Oregon, on the
8th day of February, 1914.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ed
ward L. Romph, George R. Hart, Ed
ward G. Hart, Thomas W. Davidson,
all of Vale, Oregon.
Jan. 2-30
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon,
December 22nd, 1914
Notice is hereby given that Austin
M. Goodrick, of Vale, Oregon, who, on
October 24th, 1913, made Homestead
application. No 02943, for the SWJ
NEK Wi SE1. and SE1 SE1. Sec. 3.
T. 20 S., R. 43 E., W. M., has filed
notice of intention to make commuta
tion proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before the Regis
ter and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at
Vale, Oregon, on the 25th day of Jan
uary, 1915.
Claimant names as witnesses:
C. F. Anderson, Herbert Cedergren,
C. F. Ford, Bert Worthley, all of Vale,
Oregon. t
Thos. Jones,
Dec. 26-Jan. 23 Register.
Notice For Publication.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Vale, Oregon.
December 22, 1914.
Notice is herebv riven that Ezra Dil
Ion, of Vale, Oregon, who, on March
Z5th, 1911, made Homestead Applica
tion No. 01761, for the SEJ, Section 4,
Township 18 S., Range 44 E., Willam
ette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make three-year proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before the Register and Re
ceiver, S. Land Office at Vale, Ore
gon. on the 10th dav of February, 1914
Claimant names as witnesfes: Peter
Griel. Aueustin Simonet. Warren W
Roeder and Wilbert;eolwell, all of Vale,
uregon. thos. jones.
Dec. 26-Jan. 23 Register,
Registration of Land Title
In Th Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for the County of
In the matter of the application of
Herman 11. wise to register the
title to the land in said application
described aeainst J. R. Weaver,
Emory Cole, The Empire Lumber
Co., Limited, a private corporation
u. it. L,awson, b. J. Aker and Mai
heur Mercantile Company, a pri
vate corooration and Carrie A
Aker, and all whom it may concern,
Take notice that on the 5th day of
January, A. D. 1915, an application
was filed by said Herman H. Wise, in
the Circuit Court of Malheur County
for initial registration of the title to
the land above described, now unless
you appear on or before the 10th day
of February, A. D. 1915, and show
cause why such application shall not
be granted, the same will be taken as
confessed nnd ? decree wil be entered
according to the prayer of the apnli
cation and you will be forever barred
from disputing the same.
(Seal, Circuit Court)
Applicant s Attorney,
1-9 to 1-30.
Notice of Sheriff's Safe in Foreclosure
Notice of Sheriff's Sale
-By virtue of an Execution duly is
sued by the Clerk of the Circuit
Court of the State of Oregon for
Malheur County, dated January 4th
1915, in a Certain Action in said
Court wherein Gertrude S. Mogus,
formerly Gertrude S. Wallace, as
f laintiff, recovered judgment against
Iarry G. Wallace for the sum of One
Thousand Two Hundred Fifty
($1,250.00) Dollars, with interest
thereon at the rate of six per cent
per annum from the 6th day of May,
1913, and for the further sum of
thirty six dollars, costs and disburse
BY GIVEN that I will on the Eighth
day of February, 1915, at 1:30 o'
clock in the afternoon, at the main
entrance door of the Court House in
Vale, Malheur County, Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder or
bidders, for cash, the following de
scribed real property, to-wit:
The undivided two-thirds interest
of Harry G. Wallace in and to Lots
Two and Three, the Southwest Quar
ter of the Northeast quarter and the
Southeast quarter of the Northwest
quarter Section Six, Township
Twenty-one South, Range Fourty-two
East of Willamette Meridian in Mal
heur county, Oregon, and also the un
divided two-thirds interest of said
Harry G. Wallace in and to Lots
Nine (9) to Sixteen (16) of the
Town of Westfall in Malheur County,
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of the said Harry G. Wallace, or
as much thereof as may be necessary
to satisfy said judgment in favor of
Gertrude S. Mogus, formerly Gert
rude S. Wallace, and against the said
defendant Harry G. Wallace, with in
terest thereof as aforesaid, together
with all costs that have or may ac
crue. Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 5th day
of January, 1915.
By Ross A. Soward,
I irtt publication January 9, 1915.
La&t publication February 6, 1915.
Notice of Estray
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing described stray animal is at
my ranch, Sec.4-15-41 at Cow Valley,
One black steer, two-year old, and
branded with a bar-F and on the right
hip with a . Said animal has been
at my place since June, 1914. The
owner muy have tame by proving
property ai d paying expense of Keep
ing and com of this notice within 80
tiays from the dkte herfof, otherwUe
lh said animal will l tl aninJiny
to the lruy U of tie State of!
r W. H UltOKI'KK. J
I'ated .t lull. !itrii, r
'I In r i iin, i, i il in I.I)
yiM'Iti tit )Ai Miiik 1 !' t ii"li,
By virtue of an Execution in Fore
closure duly issued by the Clerk of
the Circuit Court for the County of
Malheur and State of Oreeon. dated
the 28th day of December. 1914. in a
certain action in the Circuit Court for
said County and State wherein The
Pacific Loan & Investment company,
Ltd., a corporation, as flaintiff. re
covered iudement aeainst William J
Morrison and Jessie M. Morrison,
husband and wife, Peter S. Morrison
and Hannah Morrison, husband and
wife, J. H. Gordon, Vale-Oregon Ir
rigation Co., a corporation, and Ore
gon Forwarding Co., a corporation,
as Defendants, for the sum of Four
Ihousand Dollars with interest there
on from the first day of January,
1913, at the rate of 8 per cent per an
num; and for the further sum of
four Hundred Dollars Attorneys
fees, and for the further sum of
Thirty-two and 50-100 Dollars, costs;
and for the further sum of Three
Hundred Twenty Dollars on 2nd in
terest note, with interest thereon at
the rate of 8 pet cent per annum from
January 1, 1912; and for the further
sum of Three Hundred Twenty Dol
lars on 3rd interest note, with in
terest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum from January 1,
1913; and for the further sum of
One Hundred Eighty-two and 7-100
Dollars, taxes paid, with interest
thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per
annum from May 29, 1914;
BY GIVEN, That on the 2nd day of
February, 1915, at the hour of 11
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
at the main entrance door of the
Court House in Vale, Malheur County,
Oregon, sell at public auction to the
highest bidder, or bidders for - cash,
the following described real prop
crty to wit
The West Half, and Southwest
Quarter of the NE4, the NV6 of the
Southeast , Quarter and the South
east Quarter of Southeast Quarter of
Section 35, in Township 16 S., Range
43 E. W. M., containing 480 acres,
more or less; together with the wat
er right to the waters of Kennedy
Springs located in Section 3, in Twp.
17 S, Range 43 East, the filing on
which was made by William J. Mor
rison May 29, 1903, and recorded in
Book C of Malheur County Water
Rights at Page 6; and also right to
the waters of Kennedy Springs Gulch
between Little Willow and Currant
Creeks, the filing on which was made
by Wm. J. Morrison and Peter S.
Morrison November 4, 1903, and re
corded in Book C of Water rights,
page 24; also water right to the wat
ers of Little Willow Creek, filed on
by Peter S. Morrison and William J.
Morrison May 15, 1905, and recorded
in Book C of Water rights, page 85;
together with all and singular the
tenements, hereditaments and appur
tenances thereunto belonging or in
anywise appertaining, and the rents
issues and profits thereof;
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of the said alove named De
fendants, William J. Morrison and
Jessie M. Morrison, husband and
wifePeter S. Morrison and Hannah
Morrison, husband and wife, J. H.
Gordon, Vale-Oregon Irrigation Co.,
a corporation and Oregon Forward
ing Co., a corporation, or as much
thereof as may be necessary to satis
fy the said judgment in favor of the
Pacific Loan & Investment Co., a
corporation, and against the said
above named Defendants, with inter
est thereon, together with all costs
and disbursements that have or may
Dated at Vale, Oregon, this 30th
day of December, 1914.
Fint publication Jan 2 1915. Lat
publication Jan. 30, 1915.'
Forfeiture Notice
To P. F. Olson and Ethel H. Simpson.
To you and each of you, your heirs
and assign:
You are hereby notified that we
' have expended during the calendar
year 1914, $100 in labor and improve
ments upon the petroleum placer
claim of the Daisy Oil and Gas Asso
ciation covering the SWV4 of section
6, township 17, south of range 45, E.
W. M., in Malheur county, State of
Oregon, the location notice of which
is recorded in Book 8, Page 286 of the
"Records of Oil" in the office of the
county clerk of said Malheur county,
state of Oregon,, in order to hold said
claim under the provisions of section
2324, Revised Statutes of the United
States, and the amendment thereto
approved January 26, 1880, concern
ing the annual labor on mining claims,
being the amount required to hold
mining claim for the period ending
December 31, 1914.
And if withm 90 days from the date
of personal service of this notice or
within 108 days after the publication
thereof, you fail or refuse to contrib
ute your portion of such expenditure
as co-owners, which amounts to $12.50
each, your interest in said claim will
become the property of the under
signed, your co-owners, ' who have
made the required expenditure, by the
. r '- I a; - .1 1
terms oi saiu section oi me icviseu
M. Rosenthal
Donato Barone
Real Estate Transfers if U. S. Land Office.
Complete List of Deeds Recorded
by the County Clerk of Malheur
County since the last Issue
of The Enterprise.
0. K. Transfer Co.
Olfirt rkoo 29; Ret. 34
All Ordm Promptly Filled
IRONSIDE, Jan. 18. Ivan Welch,
who has been in the Agency country
the past eight months, returned homn
the first of the week for a brief visit,
A heavy snow which fell on Wed
nesday pleased the farmers as for the
outlook of the coming year, there now
being eighteen inches of snow but can
not boast of our good sleighing. On
Thursday and Friday a terrible wind
raged through the valley, piling snow
in drifts from three to six feet, whilo
other places were left perfectly bt re.
Cris Province, who has been in the
Wallowa country at Enterprise the
pa-t three months, returned the last
of the week. He reports he starvea
out and had to return, but he is look
ing fine.
C. Smith and Elmer Molthan, ac
companied by Joe Reed of Brogan, re
turned from Westfall the middle of
the week where they had been riding
after stock.
Charles Thomas, of Vale, was up on
business first of the week.
Chas. Seton, who was called to the
bedside of his mother at Baker some
three months ago, returned the latter
part of the week. Mr. Seton pur
chased a fine blacksmith equipment
during his absence and intends put
ting up a shop at this place as soon
as weather permits. He will also
erect a hotel here in the spring, which
will be greatly appreciated by com
ers from far and near, as we have no
hotel accomodations whatever.
Fred Locey made a business trip t
Brogan on Saturday and returned.
He was accompanied home by Miss
Nannie Duncan who has been visiting
in Ontario and Weiser the past two
Ike Dean, of Westfall, arrived in
the valley the first of the week. He
is a guest at the Rutherford home.
H. M. Rutherford and Ike Dean
made a trip to Unity last of the week.
W. T. Bunt returned from Baker
the last of the week with a load of
A number of farmers are hauling
wood for the following year.
Mrs. O'f.onnor Yo in entertained a
numbcrof friends at dinner Sunday.
A rabbit drive was enjoyed by
many Sunday afternoon, there being
over a hundred rabbits killed in a
couple of hours.
F. W. Smith returned from Baker
first of the week, where he had been
to dispose of a load of hogs. He
brought back a load of kerosene for
Walter 1 1 in ton'.
Georee Devenney and wife passed
through Sunday to their home at Bon
ita from a trip to Sumpter.
George Johnson, of Weiser, Idaho,
who was agent for cream separators
the past year in tnis locality, and pur
chased the Banks farm near Malheur
City last fall, was a business visitor
here first of the week.
A great many stockmen have been
vaccinating their stock during the
past two weeks. Several head have
died recently of blackleg.
An epidemic of colds and sore
throats is going the rounds in this
The show and danre that took place
at the Bonita hotel Friday of last
week was well attended. The sleight
of hand performer is reported quite
Vernon Beam conducted the eighth
grade examinations which took place
Thursday and Friday of last week.
Don Iocey, of Weiser, is a guest at
the home of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. T. Locey.
Friday evening, after completing
some necessary work at the postoffice
and store, Will Beam and family and
Mary Rutherford started for home,
but on arriving at their sleigh's des
tination they found they had been left
behind, us the team had made its es
cape and gone homeward. The tele-
phono line wo kept buy in an effort '
to i cale the team along the line, but i
in'rt'jiislt!' it h-J rniseed the cynj
0 lid arrived at il detinatii
Ufct Uing iliovrix by anyone, j
A trruat many honxinvit wie (ly
ing aiotitxt with UuUiiib trying lo
ill mih i ttbuli way I It y liwl vH'K Mud
l Im win llii hi bii'liiig tt' ulli H'l
title and lli l'iitf lhi ixMii, 'n
a vny lt liuui by 1 1' Uui lb im
f Uii'W'l MM I'l'inv, m Uiurf
mi, i ii.iK. r I !,
Jan. 11 to Jan. 16, 1915.
James A. Turner et ux to Ed W.
Turner, lots 8-9 bl 2 Rinchart's 1st
Adn Vale, Jan. 11, 1915, $100
U. S. A. to Frederick W. Cammann,
NEU 26-17-38, Nov. 12, 1914.
State of Oregon to the Heirs of Da
vid S. Lamme, deceased, SE'4NE4
12-17-44, Dec. 23, 1914, $350
Ontario Land and Town ite Co. to
S. D. Dorman; lots 5-6 bl 2, 5 bl 3, 33
to 39 bl 5, 27 to 30 and 38 to 44 bl 6,
3 to 58 nnd 61-62-65 and 69 to 74 bl 7,
1-2-7-8 nnd 17 to 06 bl 8, 69 to 72 bl 8,
3 to 36 and 41 to 72 bl 9, 3 to 36 bl
10, 3 to 7 and 1 to 39 bl 11, 1 to 7 and
10 to 18 bl 12 and a piece of land 20
ft by 615 ft bordering on Nev. Ave
and Maple St. West of Nevada Ditch
and SESEUSE'i 5-18-47, Jan. 4.
1915, $8200. (All in Villa Park Adn
S. D. Dorman et ux to Interstate
Land and Loan Co., 5-6 bl 2, 5 bl 3, 33
to 39 bl 5, 27 to 30 and 38 to 44 bl 6.
3 to 58 and 61 to 62-65 and 69 to 74
bl 7, 1-2-7-S and 17 to 66-69 to 72 bl
8, 3 to 36 nnd 41 to 72 bl 9, 3 to 36 bl
10, 3 to 7 1G to 39 bl 11, 1 to 7 and 10
to 18 bl 12 and a piece of land 20 ft
by 615 ft bound on three sides by
Nev. Ave., Maple St. and Nevada
Ditch and SEV4 SEU SEV4 5-18-47.
Jan. 4, 1915, $8200. (All in Villa
Park Adn. to Ontario.)
Interstate Land and Loan Co. to
Ontario Land and Townsite Co., lots
1-2 bl 14 Villa Tark Ac'n Ontario, Jan.
4, 1915, $1.
George Hart et ux to Fred Zogg
and Joe Grass, SSE'.i NWtfSE
10, SW',4SW'4 11-18-40, Tan. 12, 1915.
$2000. ?
Jessie C. Crocker to J. E. Thamert,
SV4 SWVi 29-16-47, Jan. 4, 1915,
James M. Butler et ux to S. H. Ben
der, SE',4 SW4 17-18-47, Jan. 12.
1915, $8500,
D. Geimanus to Carrie Germanus,
Va Int in SW'i 27-20-45, Dec. 1, 1914,
George Hart et ux to Fred Zogg,
Water Rights, Jan. 12, 1915, $1.
Juntura Investment Co. to Frank
H. Van Wyngarden, lots 9-10 bl 11
Juntura, March 30, 1914. $100.
Juntura Investment Co. to F. H.
Van Wyngarden, lot 8 bl 11 Juntura,
Feb. 16, 1914, $150.
Er kine Wood et ux to C. E. S.
Wood, SW Vi N W Y 29-18-47, Jan. 9,
1915, $10.
S. M. Stewart et ux to Fred G. Mit
chell, ENEViNWU NWV4NE4 30-
15-43, Dec. 1, 19, $12000
Ben J Erown, sheriff, to Gilbert L.
King, lot 15 bl 76 Ontario, Jan. 15,
191 , $179.30.
Ray W. Logan et ux to Marjorie
Alvira Logan. SW4NE SV6NEU
NEU 36-19-44, Dec. 14, 1914, $10.
in good condition, so no damage is reported.
Protracted meetings began at the
Iron ide school and church house on
Sunday and will continue every night
except Saturdays during the month.
A large crowd assembled on Sunday
evening. The meetings are being
conducted by B. F. Hooper, pastor
Evangelist of Pendleton Presbytery
Church, D. K. Laurie, Pastor-Evange
list of Grande Ronde Presbytery
church and Rev. Harrison of Unity,
Miss Maud Caviness who has been
very ill the past two months, passed
away on Sunday morning. The funer
al services were held on Tuesday at
the Ironside church. The remains
were buried in this cemetery at 11 o'
clock, services by Rev. Harrison.
Miss Caviness has been an invalid
since infancy. She was taken to
Portland several weeks ago and was
operated on, but never seemed to im
prove or recover from the operation.
Walter Hinton and wife after spen-
dinng the day Sunday at C. E. Boor's
on returning home were riding along
through snowdrifts several feet deep,
when all at once the doubletree was
broken in two, and Hinton was pulled
over the dashboard holding onto the
lines and was thrown headlong into a
large snowdrift, but no injuries were
sustained, vo after tying up the broken
parts they drove home safely.
Several loads of sawdust have been
hauled from the sawmill the last few
days for preserving ice for summer
T. T. Nelsen
Funeral Director
I Carry a Fine line of
Undertaking HuppUm
Hearse Service
.Imii4i !inli4liiirr
Complete Record of Homestead,
Desert tad Other Entries at the
U.S. Land Office at Vale
dorbf the past week.
January 11th to 18th.
Arthur M. Murray, Unity, SE SE
'4, sec. 24.NE14 NEW, Stt NEW,
SW SE4, SEW SWW, 25-13-37,
320 acres.
George W. Shutes, Bridgeport,
SW4 SWy, EH SWVi, sec. 4, NE
NWU, 9-13-40, 160 acres.
Fred Zogg, Westfall, Stt W ,
sec. 15, NE NEVi, sec. 21, NW
NWVi, 22-18-40, 320 acres.
Wallace Whiteford, Everett, Wash.,
SW4, 29-19-43, 160 acres.
J. II. Tons, Vale, SE NW, SW
SEW, sec. 3, NW SEVi, 12-28-45,
320 acres.
Charles Francis Falens, Sheaville,
Lot 4, 18-28-46, EM EH.sec. 13, Stt
SEW, NWW SEW, 12-28-45, 821.16
(White Star and Malheur Valley.)
Otis Thayer lost a fine Belgian
horse last week.
Walter Moffet came down to the T.
A. Boston ranch Monday to get a
horse belonging to A. Carter, of West-
fall, lie reports that the coyotes are
doing a great deal of damage to the
stock there. John Zimmerman has
lost thirty head of cattle besides a
great many hogs. Eastern Oregon
will certainly be ruined if something
is not done immediately to extermin
ate the coyote.
Parents here are afraid to Bend the
younger children to school.
Carrol Mansur has just recovered
from the measle3.
Taresa, Bertha, Slady and Jesse
Pederson were out of school two
weeks on account of measles.
W. M. Harris' little girl has been
quite sick with scarletina.
Mrs. R. Robinson, the teacher at
White Star, is training the children
in military drill. Tommy Boston be
ing the tallest of the children was
chosen captain.
Mrs. Nettie Baird, sister of G. H.
Ricker, and formerly one of the
teachers in the Vale school, has been
appointed to conduct the eighth
grade examination.
By Howard Goebel.
(Special to the Enterprise)
CORVALLIS, Ore., Jan. 11. The
young people of Malheur county who
are attending the Agricultural Col
lege this year are as follows: H. M.
Currey '15,, of Ontario; George Hard-
man '15, of Ontario; Thomas Lowe, of
Nyssa; Esther South and her brother
L. G. South, of Juntura; George Mad
dux '18, of -Ontario; Clinton Anawalt,
of Jordan Valley. Those who attend
ed the institution last year are among
the most popular students on the
Hiram Currey, of Ontario, held a
place on the annual triangular de
bating team of the college this year.
The results this year will determine
who will receive the prize of the vari
ous competing institutions. Mr. Cur
rey was also on the team last year
in the debate against the University
of Idaho, which took place in Cor
vallis. Since entering school he has
been very active along this line and
has been rewarded by being elected
president of oratory and debate this
Esther South.of Juntura, who also
attended the college last year, is pres
ident of the Madrigal club of this in
stitution this year, this club being
composed of the best singers in the
school. She possesses the best so
prano voice that has been in the club
for several years. She is also prom
inent in other student activities and
is a member of the choir in one of
the local churches.
The Cosmopolitan club of the col
lege, of which George Hardman is
president, held ita ninth semi-annual
meeting recently in Shepard hall. It
was featured by several songs, lec
tures and a dainty repast. Steps
were taken to raise money to send a
representative to Berkley, Calif.,
next semester, to the annual confer
ence of representatives of the associ
ated Cosmopolitan clubs of America.
If you just go on attending to your
knittinsr vou will tret an even break
with the good things of life. You
can't force luck.
By the time that farmer has done
fifty-seven varieties of chores in win
ter weather he begins to lose interest
in the fresh air crusade.
A man's idea of an appreciative
woman is one who will hearken to an
extended recital of his autobiography.
Trader's Day
Every 2nd Saturday
Ut your horvn 3
days U-fore Hul U)
fliatiltf Miariauur to
writ1 Uj ttm 1'iiyrre
- - . . !..,.
W. (J. Norton, Mgr.
Deposit Your Money
in the
First National Bank
of Vale, Ore.
and pay all your bills with checks, which is a
more convenient way and at the same time es
tablishes a credit.
In making loans a Bank will always take
care of its customers first.
Give us your business and we will treat you
J. S. Edwards, President
T. W. Halliday, Vice President C. 0. Nelson, Cashier
W. R. Wilket sob, Vice Pres. J. E. Lawrence, Asst. Cashier fj
A Mutual Pleasure
Grocer's Boy "This is great I'd
just as lief deliver your stufTat night
as in the day time."
Housewife "That's nice, and I'm not
afraid to answe a rap on the back
Have Our Ligkl Man install an
Edison Mazda P .ch Lamp on your
back porch and you will feel the
same way. It osU but a mile.
Vale Elestri: Cj.
Vale :: Ore.
Try one of our hot drinks
-it will warm you up.
Hot Tomato Bouillon
Hot Oyster Bouillon
Hot Bee f Bouillon
Hot Chocolate
Ice Cream and Cold Drinks
Vale Drug Store
John Iioswtll, Prop.
Fifth and Washington Streets l'OKTI.ANO, OREGON
Remodeled and refurnished throughout. Unquestionably the most
centrally located house in Portland. Within radius of four blocks from our
doors are located ticket offices of all railroads and steamboat companies:
U banks; 12 theatres and .how-houses. 5 department stores; Chamber of
Commerce; Commercial Cl io; Elks Club; I'ress Club; telegraph offices;
post office, public library; museum of art; and all the largest office buildings
It is worth something to he in the midst of the life of the city. We make
no extra charge for same however. Our rates are: Room without bath,
f 1.00 and up: with bath $1.50 and up. Automobile bus meets trains. Cars
from Union Depot pass the hotel every few minutes.
L. Q. SWETLAND. Pres. and Mgr.
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