Malheur enterprise. (Vale, Or.) 1909-current, December 11, 1909, Image 3

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. Inflames ths Joints, stiTens th muscle,
nd In soms rases, if neglected, causes suf
ferings that art almott tjnenduralile.
Thousands of g'ratefiA people have testi
fied that they have been radicnlly and per
manently cured of this painful disease by
the great constitutional remedy
Hood's Sarsaparilla
which neutralizes the acid in the blood on
which the disease depends and expels it.
In usual liquid form or in chocolated tab
Jets known as Barsatabs. 100 doses $1.
Spolllm the Shaw.
Showman I don't know as w ran
. rivt any kind of a show this after
noon. Assistant What's the matter?
Showman That fresh kid's been in
the cae of the man eating Hon har
Ing romp, and the critter Is aa play
ful aa a kitten, the farmer we rented
the sacred cow from India from says
the money ain't payln' him for the
loss of his milk route, and the wild
man of Borneo says he's got to have
a day off to register and see the police
parade. Baltimore American.
Stop guessing! Try the best and
most certain remedy for all pa nful ail
ments Hamlins Wizard Oil. The way
it relieves all soreness from sprains,
cuts, wounds, burns, scalds, etc., is
sr. . .
The old gentleman went Into the
parlor the other night at the witrhln
hour of 10:30 and found the lights
out and his daughter and a dear
friend enjoying a tete-a-tete in a cor
ner by the window.
"Evangeline," said the old man
sternly, "this Is scandalous."
"Yes, papa." she answered, sweetly,
"It is candleless because times are
hard. Lights cost so much Ferdinand
and I said we would get along with
the starlight."
And papa turned about In speech
less Amazement and tried to walk out
of thr mom through a panel in the
wall paper.
Too Harsh.
"Wretched woman! you took ad
vantage of my hospitality to steal my
,. "Pardon me, but Is It exactly steal
ing where a guest, wishing a souvenir
of an agreeable visit, carries away
with her some trifling thing which
ler hostess gives every token of car
'Xng little for?" New York Life.
Chnnfflnar the Label.
"Marie, who is the young squirt that
eomes here about six nights In the
week to see Bessie?"
"You'd better speak a little more re
spectfully, John, of the young man
who Is likely to be your son-tn-law."
"Alt right. Maria: what's the adven
turer's name?"
-pjunS Asnoi-nof v. mil) joi ui ijii.hii
-"d )o am jo ski uo atlj.
It will inrtantly relieve that racking cough.
Taken promptly it will often prevent
Asthma, Bronchitu and serious throat and
lung trouble. Guaranteed tale and very
All Druggists, 25 csnt.
Startled nim.
Twynn I hear that the weathet
prophet has . had to be taken to thi
Triplett That Is true. Th shock
was too much for him.
."What shock?"
"One of his forecasts came tru.'
"If I were as ugly as you are," said
the clam, "I never would thrust mjr
self Into good society."
"And if I were as tough as you are,"
retorted the oyster, "I'd reform."
If a maiitafee cuuaucui is broken,
the men, in talking about it, should
never Insinuate that the man broke it
The women Till skin them If they
A Bible Name.
An Alabama man tells of an old ne
gro In Birmingham who became pos
sessed of a seedy and forlorn-lookini
dog, to which he promptly assigned
the name "Moreover." The story li
printed In Harper's Weekly.
"Jefferson," he was asked, "how did
you hit upon such a name as 'More
over' for the dog?"
"I gits It outen de Bible," he replied
"The Bible?"
"Sure, sah. Doan' yo' 'membei
where It says, 'When Lazarus lay a
de rich man's gate, Moreover, de dog
come an' lick his Bores?'"
Their First Kncuunlrr.
Mr. Pecksniff and Mr. Turveydroi
had met for the first time.
"You look like a person of som
consequence, sir," spoke Mr. Turvey
drop, "but your Deportment la nol
quite up to the correct standard."
"Sir," quoth Mr. Pecksniff, surveying
him with lofty scorn. "I cannot forge
that you probably have an Immortal
Soul, but you look Hke an Ine.fabl'
Ass." Chicago Tribune.
Srrnia froltable.
They were looking at that celebrat
ed statue, the Venus of Milo.
"But where are the hands?" asked
Mrs. Pneuritch.
"They were laid off, madam," ex
plained the polite attendant, "in conse
quence of a disastrous break in marble
Standing- tp tor Ilia alltf Land.
Teacher Tony, why does the Hud
on River bear that name?
Small Boy Maka de easier nam
for speak dan Verrazano.
The RAYO LAMP i a liiph grade lamp fold at a low price.
There are 1 u in is t hut tvt more tun tlu-ru is no bettor lump
ut auy price. The huriier, thy Wick, the ('hiinnev-Holcler
ull lire vital thinu-i in a lump: these puru of the RAYO
LAMP are perfectly const ructed unci there is nothing
known in the rt of Unm-making that could arid to the
value of the RAYO as a lighl-fhving device. Suitalde for
any room ill the lnmc. Kvery dealer everywhere.
If not at yours, write for descriptive circular to Uie
nearest Agency of the
Standard Oil Company
is lit I
The Larc-est manufacturer or
Men's Fine Shoco in the Wqrlo
Wear W. L. Douglas comfortable,
e a a y-w a I k I n a snoes. They are
made upon honor, of the best leath
ers, by the most skilled workmen,
In all the latest fashions. Shoes In
very style and shape to suit men
In all walks of life.
If I could take you Into my large
3 factories at Brockton, Mass
show you how carefully W. L. Doug-
is shoes are made, you would
then understand why they hold
their shape, fit better, wear longer
and are of greater value than any
Other make.
CAI TION.-Spb tbfit W. I.. Drmelaa
Hume :uni the retail price is a hiiimI oil
the but lorn, lake MiliKtiiule.
i ' litiaiw n i
1 I
, and H iflVi'-yi.. m
Old Favorites
The EnaTinrrr'a Story.
No, children, my trips are over,
The engineer needs rest;
My hands are shaky; I'm feeling
A tugging pain In my breast;
But here, as the twilight gathers,
I will tell you a tale Gracious God,
'Twill run In my head forever.
Till It rests beneath the sod.
We were lumbering along In the twl
The night was drooping her shade,
And the Gladiator labored the top of the grade;
The train was heavily laden,
So I let my engine rest.
Climbing the grading slowly
Till we reached the upland crest.
I held my watch to the lamplight
Ion minutes behind the time
Lost In the slackened motion,
Of the up-grade's heavy climb.
But I knew the miles of the prairie,
That stretched a level track,
So I touched the gauge of the boiler,
And pulled the lever back.
Over rails a-gleamlng.
Thirty an hour, or so,
The engine leaped like a demon,
Breathing a fiery glow;
But to me ahold of the lever
It seemed a child alway,
Trustful and always ready.
My lightest touch to obey.
I was proud, you know, of my engine,
Holding it steady that night.
And my eye on the track before us,
Ablase with the Drummond light
We neared a well-known cabin,
Where a child of three or four,
As the train passed, often called me,
A-playlng around the door.
My hand was firm on the throttle,
As we swept around the curve.
When something afar in the shadow,
Struck fire through every nerve.
I sounded the brakes, and crashing
The reverse lever down In dismay,
Groaning to heaven eighty paces
Ahead was a child at its playl
One Instant one awful and only.
The world flew around In my brain,
nd I smote my hand hard on my fore
To keep back the pain:
The train I thought flying forever,
1th mad, Irresistible roll.
While the cries of the dying, the night
Swept into my shuddering soul.
Then I stood on the front of the en
How I got there I never could tell
My feet planted down on the crossbar,
Where the cowcatcher slopes to the
rail. '
One hand firmly locked on the coupler,
And one held out In the night.
While my eye gauged the distance and
The speed of our slackening flight.
My mind, thank the Lord! It was
I saw the curls of her hair,
And the face that, turning in wonder,
Was lit by th deadly glare.
I know little more but I heard It
The groan of the anguished wheels,
rid remember thinking the engine
In agony trembles und reels.
Ont. rod! to the day of my dying,
I shall think the old engine reared
And as it recoiled, with a shudder,
I swept my hand over the track.
Then darkness felj over my eyelids.
Put I heard the suikc of the train,
4nd the poor old engine creaking,
As racked by a deadly pain.
They found us, they said, on the grav
My fingers enmeshed In her hair,
And she on my bosom a-climblng.
To nestle securely there.
We are not much given to crying
We men that run on the road
Sut that night, they said, there were
With tears on them, lifted to God.
For years In the eve and the morning.
As I neared the cabin again.
My hand on the lever pressed down
And slackened the speed of the train.
When my engine had blown a greeting,
Khe always would come to the door;
And her look with a fullness of heaven.
lilf-HHcd me evermore.
Author unknown.
From Arctic to Tropics
in Ten Minutes
No oil heater has a higher efficien
cy or greater heating power than the
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
With it you can go from the cold
of the Arctic to the warmth of the
Tropic in 10 minute.
The new
Smokeless Device
prevent smoking. Removed in an
instant for cleaning.
Solid Iras font hoIJs 4 quarts of oil -sufficient to give out a glowing heat
or b hours- solid brass wirk iarru-is tltn(r to cool handle- oil indicator,
lltstt r bt-autifully hi iahol in iiu art or Japan in a variety of styles.
Swr lmr. t !' If Sol At Yr. M'riu fo lKrfUva Cuulaf
l Ika N ui wl Ai.'j ut th
Hail l.ltllr ? for Ntwi,
A "tub" reporter on an up-State pa
per was sent out by the city editor to
get a story on the marjlage of a young
society girl and a man well known lu
the city, says the Philadelphia Times.
The "cub" was gone about an hour
and then returned and went aimlessly
over to his desk, by which he sat
down. Shortly aiterward ttie city
editor noticed his pi est nee and his
evident Idleness.
Here, kid!" shouted the superior.
"why aren't you at work on that wed
'.Nothing doing." replied the boy.
"Nothing doing? What do you
mean? Didn't the wedding take
"Nope; the brldgroom never show
ed up, so there ain't nothln' to rrlte."
K aulas.
Kumiss Is a valuable beverage foi
Use In the sick room. Heat one quart
Of milk to 75 degrees F., add one and
one-half tablexpoonfuls of sugar an I
one-fourth of a yeait. cake dissolved to
one tablebpoouful of lukewarm water.
Fill sterilized bottle to within one and
one-half Inches of the top. Cork, ana
shake. Place the bottles inverted
where they may remain at a tnujxjra
ture of 70 degrees F. for ten hour,
then put in too icebox or a cold place
and let stand forty-eight hours, shak
ing occasionally to prevent the cream
from clogging the mouth of the bottle.
It Is refreshing and nourishing
Woniau' Home Companion.
lra rrlii.
"Friendship. ho) i4 flrla," aald a
tusuiber of provliiiial education com
lulltee. "is a thing lo be ruitlvaiej aud
p(aud by sll ot us tal aud p.ju
dr lb Hurls of the great fdsudships
of sat red and profane hU'urr 'l ake
inm fur jour uio'lsl - 1'aviJ sid Jcu
M4 C'tfU'r- lbdvn 'flr(,, I
vava tas IBTOIaatarf Work of m
Dim Slat Machlae Compear.
The disappearance of the 3-cent
piece has for years been a matter of
mild speculation. The New York Sun
says persons are aware that a large
proportion of the coins of this denom
ination which remained In circulation
when tha government stopped Issuing
them are peaceably slumbering In
sundry large fat canvas bags In the
vaults of a certain electrical manufac
turing company of Chicago. They are
not for sale Just yet.
Each of the coins Is an evidence of
petty larceny.
' Years ago tha company equipped
many telephone pay stations with dime
slot machines. It was supposed that
they could be worked only with dimes.
Tha S cent pieces were becoming rare
and no thought was taken of them.
Hardly six months passed before one
of tha -telephone companies discovered
that tha collectors were yielding a
harvest of 3-cent pieces. Then from
all over the country came atmtlar com
plaints. '
Each company forwarded the pieces
to the manufacturing company and
more or less politely asked that a cor
responding number of dimes or a
check for an equivalent amount be
ent back In exchange. .
A council was held at the office of
the manufacturing company. The cost
of correcting the boxes was compared
with fairly trustworthy information
of the number of 3-cent pieces In cir
culation. It was found that a balance
was In favor of the 3 cents and It was
decided to accept the pieces as dimes.
Gradually the In pour of 3-cent pieces
narrowed down to an Intermittent
current. The company seemed to have
about all the pieces.
It Is said that If ever the premium
on 3-cent pieces goes high enough the
coins will . be offered to collectors at
prices based upon the original cost to
the company, plus 6 per cent a year,
plus cost of storage, plus cost of guard
ing, plus cost of carrying the fund
upon the books. Long ago the slot
machines that collected them were rel-
"gated to the scrap heap.
Prince Edward Island's annual
catch of lobsters amounts to 20,000,000.
A many as 126,000 boxes of Taama-
nlan apples have arrived In a year lo
England In perfect condition.
Receipts from Suez canal shipping
In the first nine months of tha yeai
amounted to $17,768,000, against S16,-
020,000 In 190S, and 117,268,000 In
Miss Ivy E. Woodward has been ad
mitted to full membership In thi
Royal College of Physicians of Lon
don. This is the first time that thi
coveted M. R. C. P. has been conferred
upon a woman.
The high price of wheat has caused
the BrltlBh farmer to alter greatly th
layout of his yearly crops. In the last
year the acreage under wheat In Eng
land Increased no less than 12 pel
cent, or nearly 200,000 acres.
The province of Hrltlsh Columbia If
now receiving the attention of Inves
tors from eastern Canada, the United
States and England, and with th
further development of Its rich re
sources of coal anil other minerals,
timber, etc., Its wealth and population
should steadily increase.
No creature Is more apt to hecomt
a hopeless dipsomaniac than the hone;
bee. The flowers deliberately trade on
the weakness and make their hone;
Intoxicating simply to give the bee an
irresistible taste for it and indue
the deluded Insect to make continual
calls at their bar. London Globe.
The United States has been maklni
increased purchases of lambs from
Canada, amounting to about 1 1,000,
000 annually for the three fiscal yean
1906, 1907 and 1908. for the fiscal
year ended June 30, 1909, however, th
amount was not quite $500,000. Thi
chief ports of entry have been In New
York state.
Out In Colorado an Inventor got s
patent on a flashlight put on smallei
arms, even pocket pistols, so thai
wherever the searchlight strikes then
the bullet hits, making the taking ot
aim unnecessary. This pistol method
was devised by the Inventor for police
men to use on burglars and ottiei
night felons.
TM Kataral Eal,
Tha "actors" that Lionel know most
About are th sort that do lofty feat
In tha circus. He has a proper appre
ciation of the danger of their calling
nd the means adopted for their
ftfety. Recently, declare a writer in
th Buffalo Express, he heard his fath
er mention the nam of Sir Henry
"Who is Sir Henry Irving, father?"
asked Lionel.
"He was a great actor," said th
"What show Is he with?"
"He Isn't with any show now. H'
"What happened? Did h mis th
SORE EYES, weak, inflamed, red,
waterv and swollen eves, use PETT-
IT'S EYE SALVE. All druggist or
Howard Bros., Butralo, Is. X.
The two sat on the park bench, look
ing at the moonbeams dancing over
he lake.
"Just one, Doris!" he pleaded.
"'Sh!" she whispered. "I feel as If
some other man were watching us!"
Just then the moon accommodating
ly went behind a cloud and the man
in It disappeared.
OTrrnkrliuls Sueeasa.
Tou have the 3 cent fare In your
town now, have you? How does it
"Too well. There's enly about on
person in half a dozen that can get
at in the street cars now."
Poor John!
A Phlladelphlan who was former);
a resident of a twwn In the north of
Pennsylvania, says a writer In I.lppln-
cott's, recently revisited his old homi
own after an absence of many years.
One day he was talking with an old
friend about various people he used to
"What became of the Hoover fam
ily?" he Inquired.
"Oh," answered the latter, "Tom
Hoover did very well. Got to be an
actor out west, mil, the other broth
er, Is something of an In New
ork, and Mary, the sister. Is doing
literary work. But John never amount
ed to much. It took r.I! h could lay
his hands on to support the others."
Supply ! lniaa4,
"We could all live on 10 cent a da
f we would rut out htgh prb ed meat
and eat beans and rice"
"Aw, tome off. If 90,000,000 peopli
each oruercu a uunnti ui u- um io mor
row, beans ouM go to 2t) ceuti
apiw - hunass i-'ty nmaa.
Flral Go'.fsr- Who th turf r
Haioiid (Jolfr- llti'e an actor -j.Uyi
the gral!iur In "lUmUt "
First (Jolfsr Wish hod Riid sio
wbtr slat to rahnarse Pudrh.
Waral Haas.
told thaw paonle ui l' Cook "
"Aud dldu'l It git yxuae bndut?
'Ns, It t UU the I'safjr tide wf
Ui oj.ul Mr It n' I SvllX
IvltLU CWUf Jvui kai,
Ta Brest: In Nw Shoes.
Alwavl Khake in Allan's Fnnt.Ksa atntr
It cure hut, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
I'urv rorna. Ingrowing nail and bunion. At
11 druggist and shoe stereo, 'iic. Dont accept
tny substitute. Hmple mal led FREE. Address
Allen B. ululated, be Kojr.N. Y.
Th dead past was burying Its dsad.
"It's a perfectly absurd perform
ance," grumbled the d. p. 'I'm only
doing this because Mr. Longfellow tells
me to do it"
Back of this seeming reluctance,
however, there may have been a con
viction that mankind would not begin
to act in the living present until th
funeral was over.
A Continuous Performance.
Anxious Wife John, I will have to
nave some new clothes thi fall.
Economical Husband Good heav
ens, Eliza, how long Is this thing to
go on? That's Just what you said lat
(all. Baltimore American.
Recipe for Catarrh.
The only logical treatment for ea-
ftarrh is through the blood. A prescrip
tion, which has recently proved wonder
fully effective in hospital work is tha
following. It is easily mixed:
"One ounce compound syrup of Sar
snparilla; one ounce Toris compound;
half pint first-class whiskey." These
to be mixod by shaking well in a bottle,
and used in tablespoon doses before
each meal and at bedtime. The ingredi
ents can be gotten from any well
stocked druggist, or he will got them
from his wholesale house.
Hard to Plaeo Htraaalf.
"Engaged to that beautiful girl, and
yet not happy?"
"Well, she's gone In by turns for
rowing and tennis and horses and golf
and dogs."
"Bay on."
"Sometimes I wonder if I am a
sweetheart or merely a fad." Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Tc ( huas.
Mrs. Chugwater Joaiah, this paper
talks about "peunut politics." What Is
peanut politics?
Mr. Chugwater It's the kind they
use in a goobernutortal campaign.
Think you understand It now? Chica
go Tribune.
of the California Fig .;;yrup Co. and the
scientific attainments of its chemists have
rendered possible the production of Syrup
of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its
excellence, by obtaining th pure medic
inal principles of plants 1 nown to act most
beneficially and combining them most
skillfully, in the right proportions, with
its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of
California Figs.
As there is only one genuine Syrup of
Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen
uine is manufactured by an original
method known to the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, it is always necessary to buy the
genuine to get its beneficial effects.
A knowledge of the above fucts enables
one to decline imitation or to return them
if, upon viewing the package, the full namu
of the California Fig SyrupCo. is not found
printed on th front thereof
DdonciiiaIs Troches
InatanUY rUv Sor Throat, Itaaissntaa ana
Coughs. liitcUa far cktrlnf ths vo4ct. Absa
lutslV in from otlsts or annl.hi( ham Jul.
Pries. 25 csnu, lo cant ana t.CO ft Sua.
atatnpl asnl an ftquasi,
JOHN I. BWO'VU tr SON, Boston, Mass.
I Imin pwuaWiallr tut f i ktl. 4wmu4
fx!' rraVii.o Uhommm, upturn m mmf lit
fctbil f'nrviiftf 4iu hm . f la t4 .
full aU t Wltat Nll to taWs Joa4 wiiW
oa trf u.t bM i'4 lh it
'U ur f. it!wm H I'M Iriti. V w to b
It Jssl. W !
lk dough
nd complies with
all puro lood Uwi.
cxbsnufr lira
lawtlar Uka kUttM
We Will Pay as Mows:
Dnwsed Horn o
Drwuwd Veal, up to 130 I bo 10c
Mve Chicken, hens and spring 140
Drwased Chicken, hen and
apiinirs 1" to 10
Preesed Geese 15 to 16c
Dremed Ducks 1 to 20c
Preened Turkey 20 to 22HC
All produce must ba s-otri, fat quality.
We do not chart commission on any thlr a.
"rishtint the Beef Trust"
Portland, Oregon.
Not Eaoaath Money la It.
Miss Cheatham I believ I hall
have to give up bridge.
Miss Frank Rsally? Wasn't- th
gam worth the scandal? London
Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria
twice a week holds an audience, when
he Is accessible to the richest and
poorest of his subjects.
"l have been nsine Cascareta for In
somnia, with which I have been afflicted
for twenty years, and I can aar that Cas
ta ret have given me more relief than any
other remedy I have ever tried. I shall
certainly recommend them to my friend
as baing all that they are represented."
TOO. UUIard, Elgin, III.
naaaaot Falatabk. Potent. Taate Good.
Do Good. Never Blcksn.iWeake or Grip.
Mo. ZVj, soa. Nevor aowl In bnlk. Tha reo
taa tablet tampadCCC Uaaraateed fo
ear or rear manor baok. 824
Sinless Dentistry
Otrt ef towa panple
van bsts liter pist
ana brtnajswork 0 ns
Ishsd la aaa aay
It asoassary.
Wa will fhsir a rss4
im ti r
Hslar Crwa 6.0
6ala Flltinss tP
Emi nirmt 1.0
Rllvar rilllnn .6
Inlay rilllnn 2.50
goo s aster la
Plstss B.OfJ
BS...WUI,r an Way "rr".."rS
n fusj amsusHs a nnss riiai( ttr cm o w
Painless Eitrsotloa rss when plstss or bridae work
Is ordered, Oonsalistloa Frsa, Tom oannot ee tiettea
palnlssa work ana enrwhst. All work fully (ssr.
anteed. ModsraelsntriceqatpiDSBl. Best meiaoda
Wise Dental Co.
FAir.rwa Btnioma ,
OrriOl lOVaS! at. I. M. Ssaaays, Is
will give you full value
ror every aoiiar spent
and keep you dry in
uie wettest weatner.
Tower Canadian Ca limitco toomto,cam.
At Prices that Defy Competition
Out-of-town patientM can obtain perfect work
and aave money by calling at our office.
All work aiiarantoed for ten year
323Hi Washington St., Cor. Sixth
Established 15 years. Hera to stay.
C. Gee Wo
The Chinese Doctor
Thi wondeful man ha
made a life study of the
rropertle of Roula,
lerlia and liarka, and
is giving the world the
benenl of hi servicna.
A No Mercury, Poisons
3s.'yly 4 or Drugs Used. No
b'X&k OPr",l" or Cuttln
Guarantee to euro Catarrh, Aathma, Lung,
Htomarh and Kidney troublea, and all Private
biaoaaea of M n and Women.
Just received from Pekin, China safe, sure
and reliable. U. Jailing in It works.
If you cannot call, writ for symptom blank
and circular. Inclose 4 cent in stamps,
The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co.
Sherman, Clay & Co.
Opposite Postoffiw, Portland, OrejM
Portraits of
A beautiful booklet, containing
75 splendid photogravures of tha
world's most celebrated musi
cians will be mailed free upon re
quest, providing the following
questions are answered:
1. Hto you a Piano?
2. Do you ovpoct lo buy Piano?
3. When do you aspect to buy?
4. Do you know of anyon who ia
going to buy?
Nam ,
Mention this paper.
i ai aaw.a' a
Mean an unfailing water aupply. It
means that you will have th most practi
cal Domestic water aunply system now In
use. No elevated tank, no froaen pipe In
winter, no stagnant water in aummer. no
water supply troubles of any sort. Tank
placed In basement, out of aight and way,
niHtle of pressed steel, will not rust ana
will last a lifetime.
You will be pleased with tha LEADER
system of furnishing Domes tlo Water
Kupr'y. Ask fur our catalogue and frea
tiooklnt. "How 1 Solved My Water upply
Portland, Ore.
Spokane, Wash.
Boise, Idaho.
No. 60-0
II Kit writing to AdvrtUr plaig
mniiia inn ppr.
A new and wonclnrful
musical hiNlrunivnt,
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ona of our $12. M iinrv
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V Wi,aal4aU4uUia, MVlV V4 WVa-eU f, H4uft l-tu. 1