The licst Way to Roost This District is to Send Your Friends Copies of the Malheur Enterprise every week. mm i vIiFv - " ''V.tlAMftaA&&..ifUt .Ya. .1 The Malheur Enterprise Dw v livered to your home or , mailed, $2.00 per year, in ! advance. ' The Leading t Paper of Malheur County. AND VALE PLAINDEALER VOL. 1, NO. 3 VALE, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1909. PRICE 5 cent 'DEPOT SOON TO BE BUILT City Council and Railroad Engineer Meet to Dispose of Matter R.R. WANTS GUARANTEE WILL FIGHT NEAR BEER Prosecuting Attorney McCuIloch says that Beverage Called Soft is Hard and Will Have Hard Time Company Not Yet Decided Whether Depot Will be Built on West or East Side of Main St. The Vale City Council is ready to guarantee that main street will be op ened and straightened provided the rail road agree to give enough ground for a4 road around the depot to connect with the street North of the tracks. Engi neer Ashton of the railroad attended the meeting with maps which were carefully examined and a long discus sion ensued as to which street should be kept open. Finally Main street was definitely decided upon and the guaran tee was offered on condition that the railroad promises to build within a cer tain time. The company has not yet decided whether to build the depot on the East or West side of the street but the mat ter will require only a very short time for decision. LARGE PLANTS FOR THIS CITY Woolen Mill and Scouring Plant May be Expected Here in Short Time CHEMICALLY ANALYZED Said by Authorities to Contain 3 1-2 to 4 1-2 per cent of Alcohol and to Manufacture Jags SHEEPMEN TO AID WORK Those Who Will Establish Plants Coming to Wool Growers Convention That a woolen mill and sheep scouring plant will be erected here within a short time is more than a probability. The men who intend to establish the plants will attend the wool growers con vention at Ontario on the 15th of the present month and will be brought to Vale which is conceeded to be the very best site for a scouring plant owing to the presence of the hot water springs. -George McKnight, president of the State wool growers association, when asked about the matter says that the p'ar.t i will almost certainly be construct ed here and the sheepmen of Malheur and Harney Counties will support the movement to the limit as the success of the undertaking will mean a tremen dous advantage to. all concerned. He also said that half a million sheep can be scoured here and the advantage to be gained may be guaged from the fact that the wool now must be all shipped East in the dirt, which causes a shrink age of three fourths. "There are three pounds of dirt for each one pound of wool," said Mr. McKnight, "and all this dirt must be shipped East, after - which it is shipped back at the sheep man's exjiense in the shape of blankets etc., instead of having the money spent tht way given to local people in wages." P. 0. RECEIPTS MAKE BIG JUMP Are the days of near beer doomed in the regions where Prohibition holds sway? J. W. McCuIloch, prosecuting attorn ey for Malheur, Grant and Harney counties, seems to think they are and on next January he will exhaust the whole armory of the law, if necessary, to bring down the curtain on the only existing substitutes for the real thing that was dear to the heart of him who imbibed not wisely but too well. "Can we prove that near beer violates the regulations?" said Mr. McCuIloch when in Vale last Thursday, "Well, I guess so. In the first place we know that men who drink Tnear bear, have succeeded in cultivating some most en viable jags and surely there must be something in it in the near beer, I maan. Can we prove anything direct ly by a chemical analysis? Well, listen; we have had near bear analyzed and the analysis has demonstrated that it contains from 3,lg to 4 per cent alco hol." More than this the Prosecuting at torney could not say, but he re-iterated the firm belief that the beverage is in toxicating and that the fight to be put up against it will be to a finish. NEW TEACHER FOR SCHOOLS Alterations Will be Made in the Ar rangement of Grades and Teach ers Next Monday A new teacher will be added to the staff of the Vale schools. next Monday to handle ' the increasing number of pupils. Miss Ford of Bully Creek has received the appointment and Principal Seeley will arrange for a substitute to take that lady's place in the school formerly taught by her. New arrangements will be made in the classes and teachers also. Miss Mulkey will have the seventh and eighth grades, Miss Piatt will teach fifth and sixth, Mrs. Jacobs and Miss Ford will preside over second, third and fourth, and Miss Raymond will have charge of the first and prim .ers. There will also be a and b class es which are sub divisions of the others. Principal JSeeley, who teaches the hig'h school says that the number of pupils is now approximately 200 and constantly increasing. The class of Mrs. Jacobs now con tains 60 .children. R. R. RECEIPTS '' SHOW BIG GAIN Last Month's Freight Nearly Doubles That of Nov. '08 and Passenger , Traffic 50 per cent Larger The business transacted in the Vale post office during Nov. exceeded the volume for ' November I'.MW by more than 40 per cent according to Postmas ter Boswell. The summary of the business for the past month is as follows:- Receivcd 419 sacks of ordinary mail. Received 133 locked ouches of first class mail. Dispatched 2!K) sacks of ordinary mail. Dispatched 131 locked pouches of first class mail. I Separated 414M5 pieces of transit mail ! for tithe r offices. Recorded 511 transit registers for other offices. Delivered XMli pieces of mail to pat rons of the Vale 1. (). , Dispatched '21 ll't piece of mail de MHitvd in th.'s office. j Ihui-d 'Alb money order, received for Mine 2.'mia- , Stamp gale for the month $.K, la. 1 Beautiful Ixxika of m m Mini novel of ihu world' Ut writer, full leaitur 1 hi Hi I. tmip I'livi-m, in tfill, I n Jleil. y at 'IU DrvAtl l'ruk' (.'v. The freight receipts for Novemler, 1909 on the local railroad nearly doub led the receipts for November 1908 and the passenger traffic for last month ex ceeded that of the preceding November by 50 per cent. The number of pounds of freight for Nov. 1908 was 1,641,329. For last month it was 2,517,022. The freight charges Nov. 1908 were $6,350.15. For last month they were $11,773.74. The ticket sales Nov. 1808 amounted to $1,029. For last month they amount ed to $1,473. Twenty three carloads of freight were received Nov. 1908. Thirty-seven came in 1909. In Nov. 1908 one immigrant car came Last month the numbar waa 6. No immigrant families came in November lat year, Eleven came last month. The rash remittances sent by Agent R. B. Hoyt for November 1908 amount ed to 7,65.31. Last month the sum of 12,74.75 wa remitted. Dig Fight Arranged Trs Kukard ami G!aon have ob tained th privilege of staging the J ffrict -Johnson fig-iil on July 4. The amount given i $101, mi and the bis? half of the moving picture receipt. Tde f k lit may take pUcV dear fcan r raiautJ or In Utah. WOOL GROWERS S00NT0 MEET Excursion Trains Will be Ran From Vale to Ontario on 15 and 16 to attend Wool. Growers Meeting The Wool growers of Malheur and Harney counties' will meet in conven tion at Ontario on the 15th day of the present month, and matters of prime importance will be brought up for discussion. On the following day a fine stock ex hibit, as well as an exhibit of poultry and pet stock, will be made and on both days special trains will leave Vale about 8:30 a. m., on which special excursion rates will be obtainable. On the sixteenth a big free dinner will be part of the program as will be the formal opening of the Snake River Bridge. Ex-governor Gooding and Senator Borah, of Idaho, will address the wool growers on the evening of the fifteenth and a banquet will wind up the proceed ings of the day. At the convention the question of the leasing of the public domain will be taken up and discussed. It seems sure to sheepmen that they will succeed in having some grazing law enacted by the coming congress and as Malheur and Harney counties occupy almost the entire public domain of Oregon. It is onsidered necessary that the sheepmen of these counties should all attend. HAS FAITH IN THE OIL FIED Prominent Civil Engineer Who Worked in Florence Fields Visits Local Ones That the indications in thej Vale Oil fialds are as good if not better than those of the rich Florence, Colorado, fields is the belief of civil engineer David H. Ashton who paid a visit to several of the properties in this vicinity during the past week. Mr. Ashton was occupied profession ally in the Florence fields "for quite a considerable period and gained a some what extensive knowledge of the in dustry. On the whole he seems to be inclined to the belief that the Vale fields are superior in every way except in the fact that this Camp is not yet a producer and the Florence fields con tain wells that pay. Mr. Ashton is not in the slightest way interested in oil property here and volunteered his opin ion with the air of a man who was much surprised to find oil conditions here so promising. Mr. Ashton is in Vale in -charge of the proposed construction work on the' O. S. L. railroad. MAN SHOT DEAD AT JORDAN VALLEY Frank Clarke was shot and killed by Lewis Franklin in the Jordan Valley Hotel last Thursday evening about 6:30 o'clock. The killing is said to have been done in self defense and only after Clarke had attempted to kill Franklin. Ac cording to the reports Clarke butted in to a conversation in whichJFranklin and Borne other men were engaged and re sented the efforts of the others to get rid of him when he became a nuisance. He went away stating that he . would get Franklin and soon afterwards re turned to the hotel where Franklin was dining. As the latter left the dining room Clarke fired, the bullet grazing Franklin's breast. Franklin then pul led a gun and shot his assailant fatally through the neck. Clarke had-lived for 20 years in Jor dan Valley and was peacefully inclined except when under the influence of drink. Franklin is a new arrival Sher iff Bob Odell was summoned to the scene and left immediatly afterwards by auto. He will probably place Frank lin under arrest. One Day Deposit $150,000 An idea as to the banking business transacted in Vale may be gained by the fact that the sum of $150,000 was deposited in the U. S. Bank on one day last week- Nov. 24. The depositors were mostly small ones and the list was consequently a long one. . S NATIONAL WOOLCROWERS WILL MEET AT OCDEN The wools-rower have been summon ed to meet at Ogden, L'Uh, by the Nstionel President on January 4, 7 and S. The principal subject to be taken up are Waffle and Und conservation. R. R. TO BURNS WILL BE BUILT Engineer in Charge of Construction for 0. S. L Says Preparations Are Now Being Made TO BUILD IN CITY SOON Track From Ontario Will be Made to run Straight Through Heart of Town towards Burns STORES MAYiOR MAY NOT CLOSE "We are now getting our engineer force ready and preparing the potes and other necessary preliminaries and just as soon as we shall have them completed we will begin the work of construction on the railroad between Vale and Burns." Such are the unmistakable terms us ed last Wednesday, morning to a report er for the Malheur Enterprise by no less a person than David H. Ashton, engineer in charge of construction for the Oregon Short Line. "It would be impossible at the pres ent time" continued Mr. Ashton "to arive definitely the date upon which we shall be ready to begin work but it is certain that the tracks and yards through the city will be built within three months. The only matter to be settled is securing of the right-of-way through the townsite. Mrfc Ashton at the present time is in charge of the construction work on Jthe line from Huntington to Lewiston which will soon be completed to Home stead. " LOST MINE RECOVERED Prospectors Preparing for Spring Rush Into Remote Idaho Region Boise, Idaho, Nov. 29. Prospectors throughout Idaho are preparing for a Spring rush to the Bruneau country, a somewhat isolated district, where one of the famous "loBt mines" of the West has just been relocated. For 30 years there has been a tradi tion of a sheepherder who came to civi lization with samples of qnartz yellow with free gold and told his friends of a great ledge from which the samples were taken. Starting back alone, he disappeared and was never heard of again. The finding of a skeleton recently in the region where the shepherd ranged caused a revival of the storv and a re newed search for the storied ledge. The search is said to have been successful. D. A. Bourne, one of the pioneer dis covers, has returned from the Bruneau and gives details of the developments there. He says the ore carries values as high as $80,000 to the ton. The smal lest return from a random sample was $86 a ton and there is in sight on the surface ore of the value of $175,000. It can be quarried like (building stone the prospector declares. HIGH LINE . TOJOME UP Commissioner Meet Next Mon day to Hear Views on Ques tion of Forming District Commissioners Mallet and Scott will sit in the County Court house next Monday, December 6, and will ascertain the views of those concerned on the question of forming a new district un der the Owyhee high line ditch. It is expected that a tremendous op position to the idea has been developed. Hostility is said to have been created by the doubt felt as to the ability of the projectors to carry out the work successfully. City Council Refuses to Take Any Action In The Matter Of Sunday Observance. PETITION DEALT WITH Protracted Discussion Shows Majority Of Fathers Inclined To Make Merchants Keep At Grind The petition signed by the business people of Vale some considerable time ago asking the council to enact an ordi nance making it unlawful to conduct business in Vale pn Sundays was resur rected at the meeting last Monday eve ning but again laid on the table to await the presence of a full council. Before being re-committcd to Limbo the petition caused a very considerable discussion, during which it became evi dent that the majority of the members of the council were opposed to a day of rest. "Why do they not close voluntarily?" asked Mr. Moffitt. "They have all signed it." A merchant who was present stated that combined voluntary closing is prov en by experience to be impossible. "Let the merchents who are here agree to close," he said, "and the new man comes and keeps open." Another member of the council sug gested that the petition was intended to affect the closure of the soft drink places. ' "You cannot close hotels, drug stores, etc.," said Mavor'Mulkey. "A mighty hard thing to do," said Dr. Taylor. "It would surely cause hard feelings." Judge Wilson interpolated the opinion that the matter is ultra vires. Lawrence and Taylor argued that the f armera must have stores in which they may purchase supplies on Sundays. "How do Baker City, Boise and other places where a Sunday law is in force get along?" asked Moffitt. "Oh, well," said Lawrence, "it would be all right after a. time, but Vale isn't boken in yet." ' Another merchant at this point butt ed in with the statement that tho peo ple they were talking about never showed up in the city on Sunday any how. "I only know one rancher that buys anything on Sunday," he said. "Enact a closing law," said Moflitt, "and the new conditions will not be noticed in six months." t "They got used to early closing," suggested Business Man No. 1. "Why should they not get accustomed to Sun day closing?" But the Fathers .were as adamant: " 'Tis a move to close the soft drink places," said Mr. Lawrence. "It would be a nuisance' to close the banks," suggested Dr. Taylor, appar ently as a reward for the supjiort of Mr. Lawrence. At this point every member of the council appeared to Uave borne home to him the disastrous results to bo ex pected from the closing of pleasure re sorts, and what might be called a howl of terror and indignation aroKo. "Nothing doing. No, sirrce," seem ed to be the unanimous sentiment al though it was, of course, couched in language that was a little bit more chaste and worthy of the dignified lody that gave it utterance. "Close the pleasure resorts!" cried Mayor Mulkey. "You cannot done the drug stores. Think of the fortunes the druggists would make out of iced drink in Summer!" The council did think of it with awe, and Mr. Lawrence again Ix'gged that the question be Ktponed until the full ; council Is present. Dr. lay lor again , a rreed, j "The first time saloons were cloned hrc," said tho Mayor, "a very consid erable number of men could be seen I iboring under the influence of the 1 fjrbidden juice on Sundays." That ended it. The excuse for the ' presence of the full council prevailed I ami back to the archives went the petition. CROWD EXPECTED ROOMS WANTED Mayor Mulkey expect some hun dreds of strangers to come to Vale on Monday to attend the High Line ditch district hearing and suKgeats through the Malheur Enterprise, should the ho tils be unable to arroiiuit'adate them all, that ptxple having vacant ruorns might leave their name at the htrl and so direct lite visitors to ttLcff they caa find CITY NEARLY OUT OF DEBT And the Fathers Contemplate Inaufur ating a Riot of Cement Sidewalk Building NO ACCOUNT OF FUNDS Months, Almost Years, Pass by and Even Members of the Council know not City's Wealth or Poverty "We are practically out of debt, and within two months we shall begin the onstruction of cement walks right lown to the depot on main st., and along Fourteenth street. We shall be fully cleared of debt next summer al though we owed more than $3000 three years ago. These words are a sort of a condens ed and unified expression of the opin ions of some members of the Vale city council last Monday evening after ad journment. The speakers appeared to feel by no means a small amount of pride in their Rockefellerian achieve ments and it was nothing less than a ihame when some ordinary store-keep- j ing citizen asked them a question as to hen the last financial report of the council had been issued. The nearest iny member of the council could go to answering waa to say:- sometime last year." The city fund is divided into several funds and of course to gather the ac counts of all the funds together and ive one grand total would be altogeth er too Herculean a task. Especially would this be bo when the City's finan ces involved such huge amounts as Vale's municipal treasury usually holds. Anyhow there was no accounting, they said, and those walks will be built. A city council is not expected to know anything about a city's filthy lucre, anyhow. They did not exactly say so, but One member did take a flying shot and commit himself to the statement that the Citv's indebtedness did not reach one thousand dollars. He may be right. Who knows? ARE RAISING BETTER BREED $6000 IN SEED FOR 40 ACRES Mart Hansen raised $G0O0 worth of alfalfa seed this year on 40 acres of ground. The net profit from the seed amounts to $125 per acre; In addition he raised one crop of hay which pro duced a tons to tho acre. Iiuys 110,000 lbs. seed Cashier Clark of tho U. S. Nat. Bank purchased 110, (MM) ids. of alfalfa seed yesterday at 15 cents per pound. Church Services Judge William K. Jxiwcry will speak in the Methodist church Sunday eve ning Dec, 12. His theme will bo "An experiment in Ejector making." The usual services will be held morn ing and evening. THREE GREENS WED IN VALE ONE DAY I No less than three people hearing the name of (Jrecn were married in Vale last Thursday morning, and in one hous by one Judge. I The bride and bridegroom who were ; joined by Judge Kicharditon fimt were bth (Sreens but bore no blood relation ship. A few hour after the flrt nmrii S'tother took pUce in which the bride's rmrne was also (iieen. htie wss ('r H (irven id was marrivd Vi Juli . Kndlv. Cattle and Horses of Malheur County Undergo a Tremendous Evolution BLOODS REPLACE DUBS Many Men Are Now , Importing toe Best That Money Caa Boy and Expect Big Results Beginning with the summer just pas-. sod a remarkable evolution began in the horses and cattle of Malheur coun ty and its neighboring districts and the improvement which is expected to make itself manifest in the near future will be very large, according to Charles Thebaud, one of the most expert cattle and horse men in Eastern Oregon. Mr. Thebaud himself has just return ed from New Plymouth where he suc ceeded in purchasing some of the' best blooded cattle and horses in the market. He obtained cattle of the' best descrip tion from Illinois and some splendid horses of the French Coach breed. " Several other men, amongst them - High Brothers, have also imported fim?" stock and others in districts further away from Vale have done likewise. The movement received its only real ' impetus last summer but it is increas ing in momentum as the time" goes on. lluilding Residence David Ashton, constructing engineer for tho Oregon Short Lino has begun the bulldiriK of a residence at the corn er of B and Smith streets. Utiyli and company are the contrac tors and the building niunt be finished within !!0 days. The home will be used as a residence by Mr. Anhton during the work of extending tho railroad up tho Malheur valley. Cuttiss Company a Suuccess TheCurtiss Dramatic Company which has been appearing at the Grand Opera House during the past Week has afford' ed a very great amount of pleasure to crowded houses every night. Mr Curtiss himself and some of the mem bers of the caste arc very clever while of none can it bo said that ho or she failed to portray the character allotted very well. City Treasurer Will Quit W. J. Douglas will hand in his resig nation as city treasurer at the meeting of 1 1 city council next Thursday. The sHlary attached to the office is $100 year. On his resignation Mr. Douglas will present a report on the finances of the c;ty covering his term of off re. Monday Church Service I There will he an Kpiscopal service on Monday,' 7;.'M) p. in. at the Methodist ( l urch, by the Itev, J. Neilion Kerry, lCe oor of St. Stephen's Church, Baker City. ! tank Fxumliu r Here (". H. viltfiMi, haitonal Ksnk Ki amiiii r, arrived tiUy In VaU on the , UUI Ivur of Jij; Doll. CITY MEN FAIL IN DITCH WORK Know Nothing Abvut Conditions in West But Think They Know It All VIVID EXAMPLE GIVEN Successors cf Canyon Canal Co. up to their Necks in Trouble and State Aid Is Sought That men who have lived their lives in the East should be satisfied to supply , the necessary, money and let men who know the conditions in the West do th work, has once more received a striking illustration by the appeal for relief and damage just made by the water user under the Canyon Canal to the stat I ind board of Idaho. Tho water users have asked that th Trowbridge and Niver Company, th s iccessors of the JCanyon Canal Com piny, be compelled to live up to th t rmi of their contract with th atte of Idaho, which contract Is said to hav been violated. It is alleged that th . construction work already completed ia inferior, that the capacity of the Can al Is insufficient ami that by reason of the delay on the part of the company the lands under the project have de preciated $500,000 in value within a period of five months. Ixsa of crops, discouragement of settlement and th restriction of improvements wer charged to the failure of the company to proceed with the work. Chairman It. B. Wilson of th Water Oners Committee of five, which wa , accompanied by a delegation of 30 or more Emmett citizens and settlers, presented a resolution to the board last Saturday asking its member to secui the necessary relief. Several of the men affected have giv en expression to tho conviction that th builder, not being familiar with th conditions prevailing in the irrigable lands, should have leen content to sup ply the money and to let the actual work be performed by those who hav made irrigation a profession. It seem ed also to bo the concensus of opinion that work performed directly by East ern capitalists may be compared with that accomplished by either Stat or Federal Government, neither ever af fords the satisfaction found in work done by men or companies who do vote all their time and efforts to a study of the question and who convert th know ledge so obtained into result that al ways prove beneficial. One member of 1 1 delegation summed the matter up a i follow :- "lt the land owners and the ditch b lilder who understand the work gt t igether and work together. That I t'i only method by which th West ran he rt-clsimed satisfactorily," For a uwful Xmaa gift, rail at th Dreiitd Drug (o. Itoll lop deks, flat top dcki, ate, it T. T. NsUit's.