THE.ONTAEIP AEQUB, ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY; MARCH 30 ,1922 - tl b 13 r li o r y s F a d d t t ! , ! '4 I ,c t i ! li i jj::; r n i I i ? 1' I : i ! "I. 'i f ! i I ; t ' ! . T ! i Ijp GDutunu Argun County Official Paper An Independent Newspaper Publlshod Thursdays at Outnrlo, Oregon, nnd ontarod at tho Ontario post offlco for distribution as 2nd class matter. Q. K, Alkon, Managing Editor BUDSCKIPTION Ono Year, $2.00 CUTTING DOWN TAXIiS Tburo cnu bo uo question ot tbo demand for tbo prosent tax payors for n reduction in tbclr annual con trlbutlon toward tbo oxponsu of government. Dut thoro is room for a dlfforonco ot opinion ob to tbo ninnnor in wblcb tbat reduction sliull bo secured. Locally tbo principle object of attack is tbo public schools, parti cularly tbo High Scbool. In tho stato tbu principle attack is being dtroctcd at tbo Stato University at Kucono and tbo Orogon Agricultural College at Corvallis with its exten sion scrvlco. Undoubtedly it is possiblo to ro duco tho operating costs of both of theso clasBos of institutions. Tho prlnclplo question thou Is how far to go townrd a roductlou in our educational plant, both locnlly and for tho stato. Iloforo tbls Is undortakon, how ovor, would it not bo tbo part of wisdom to oxamlno sonio other sources to soo It vory inatorlal sav ings could not bo inadu? It Bach savings cau bo securod elMowboru in tho governmental machinery, tlion tbo nood for drastic reductions In tho school Bystom will obviously bo thus, roducod. Tho Argus bollovos tbo roughly that tho poopto of Orogon nnd of Ontario do not want to Jeopardlzo tholr educational Institutions, but If too drastlo a cut is mudo in tho appropriations for thorn that Is bound to bo tho result. It appears that tbo groutest ex ception la taken concerning tho Vocational courses. This Is Just tbo opposlto position to that which provailod a few years ago. Thou tho iiuo and cry wns to substitute for tbo cultural courses which pro parod for collogo aud university entranco, thoso courses which pro parod tho student for actual busi ness or other work in after life. Away with Latin and drook, was tbo rally cry ot tho rofonnora In educa tion, aiva us for our cjilldron, manual training, domestic sclouco, agriculturo, bookkcoplug, typewrit ing, and subjects which will glvo tho boys and girls training In tho affairs which tboy will como into contact with on Saving school. Fow, comparatively, will go to collogo, and therefore why should tho stato fashlvn its educational system for them only? Thoso nro soma ot tbo arguments which wore hoard on oyory hand, Just n fow years ago. In answer to (hat demand such courses woro fur ' nlshod, and proved to bo popular with tho studontu. So popular woro thoy that today In n scbool of moro than 200 only five studouts In tbo Ontario High school nro roadlng Caesar, whllo years ago every boy and girl in tho socond yoar In High school was reading tbo commontors of tbo famous Iloman gonoral. Now tho publlo, or at least an no tlvo portion ot It, is condemning tbo vocational coursos and wants thorn abolished, Porhaps thoy aro right. Tho Argus will not dispute that point. Dut how can wo maintain an educational system to obtain do flntto rosultB it with overy chango ot tbo winds of popular opinion wo chango our school curricula. No mattor what courso Is tnkon In this mattor tbo public should act only after duo deliberation. Nothing shduld bo dono moroly bo- WHYWALK NEW FORD FOR $200 Dalanco easy torms V. B. STAPLES FORD ONTARIO, OREGON causa somo group ot citizens want that course followod. Aftor all tho supromo test is what effect any courso will havo on tbo futuro ot tho boys and girls of tho schools. It may mean a crcat deal to thorn, moro porhaps than somo people realize Abovo alt things lot tho mattor bo approached without per sonal rancor, and with tho solo ob ject in mind that tho public school systom, tbo vory foundation, bulr wark and dofonso of popular govern ment shall not bo wrockod. DOUNT1KS IXIt ALL OH NONE Elthor, tho Stato of Oregon, and tbo peoplo ot Malheur county should pay bounties for tho extermination of all tho onomlos ot tbo farmor and stockman or they should pay for tho extermination of nono ot thorn. Wo can soo no reason why a bounty should bo paid for tho exter mination ot tho bob cat and tho coy ote, and no bounty should bo paid for tho extermination ot tho alfalfa wcovll, tbo coddling moth and tho cut worm. On tho theory ot upon which bounties aro pnld tho buslnoss man too is entitled to consideration, and a bounty or rownrd ought to bo paid for tho arrest and conviction of ovory check artist nnd dead beat. It tho stockman as ono class ot taxpayor Is antltlod to consider ation nnd spoclal protection wo can not soo whoreln thoro Is equality boforo tho law. If tho theory of bounties la nban donod and tho government huntors woro employed Mainour county would oavo not less than from 17000 to $10,000 annually. That would moan n saving to tho taxpayors of Schdol District No. 8, of approxi mately $1,000, or tbo equivalent of reducing tho number ot toachcra omploycd In tho grammar school by ono. ' Dut that Is only ono fcaturo of tho saving Bccurod by tho elimin ation of tbo bounty systom, which is wrong In prlnclplo. Undor tho bounty systom thoro is uo end on tho domand upon tho taxpayor, whllo undor tbo huntor systom tbo pest Is finally romovod. Furthermore undor tbo huntor systom n sclontltlo and purposoful campaign Is wngod to got bonoflclnl results. Undor tho bounty systom tho bounty hunt or docs not kill tho fomalos, and doos not hunt during tbo brooding season. Tho roason for tbls is ob vious. It Is Just as logical to expect tho bounty huntor, or coyoto farmor, to kill tho females on his torrltory as to oxpect tho Bboopman to soil all his owes or tho cattloman to mar kot all bis cows. Following tbat practlco tho coyoto farmor would soon bo out of a Job. Novada, Idaho, California amw Washington havo practically elim inated tho bounty, nnd na a result, Orogon Is being mado tbo dumping ground for nil tbo coyoto bides ot tho West. This has boon proven bo yond a doubt, and yot, so far as wo bavo hoard thoro has boon llttlo do mand on tho part ot thoso whdkfrro demanding tax reductions that this patent graft and absolutely waste ful mothod ot combating tho coyoto mouaco bo stoppod. Bvon tho Btockmon, who ot all othors aro intorostod, unless It bo tho coyoto farmor, now commend tho hunter systom. In tbo Docem bor numbor of tho National Wool Orowor au ablo ploa for tho oxtonslon ot tho huntor systom nnd a discussion of tho bounty systom written by Hugh Sproat ot Dolso. It shows tho chango in tho attitude sclontltlo mothod. With this en dorsement it certainly morlts tho consideration of thoso who aro seek ing taxation rollof. Will sell or trado a 7 passonger Studobaker car in good condition, flvo cord tlrea, for good work horses. Inqulro Argua Oftlco. IlililHilllth. When you can buy .a GARAGE MALHEUR COUNTV KKAL ES TATE TRANSFERS RECORD ED MAR. 18 TO MAlt. 23 Pnul0. D. Car ou ot ux to Mnr garot McOlvern ot al, lots C and 7, block 147, Ontario. 31122. $10. I. M. Culler ot ux to D. F. Dohau nan SEtfNEtf Sec. 10-17-47. 214 22. $1.00. F. A. 1'ugh ot ux to John T. Logan ot ux, NEUSWtf Soc. 14-1C 42. 32022. $1.00. John T. Logan ot ux to liny T. Moo, ltocolvor, NE8WU Soo. 14' 1C-42. 3J20J22. $1.00. Ilay T. Moo, ltocolvor to F. A Pugh ot ux NB54SWU Soc. 14-15-42. 32022. $1.00. U. S. A. to John Llndsoy Ham- mack, WUSWK Soc. 27; EHSEJi, SWViSEH Soc. 28; NHNEVi Sec. 33; NWViNWU Soc. 34-1B-40. 12jlC21. U. S. A. to John Llndsoy Ham mack, lots 3 and 4, E8V'H. 8WJ4 NEVi, NWUSBU. Sec. 30; Lot 1, NEUNWU Soc. 31-1C-41, 121021, E. W. Tomlln ot ux to J.- II, Dowers ot ux, SSEViSEVi Soo. 35- 16-47; Lot 1 and E lot 2, Soc. 2-17-47. 21822 $7,000.00. Gray Stono Orchard Farm to H. C. Orlswold, lots 2 and 3, Soc. 0-10-47. 3118122. $1.00. J. D. Connor to Margaret A. Con nor, 8E,iBW",i Soc. 15; NWWNW V4 Soc. 22-10:47; part of Lot 2, Soc. 33-15-47. $1.00. M. II. Dostlck ot ux to Joo Stam- 31 acrcB In Soc. 24-20-40. 31822. $50.00 LlQyd L. Culbortson to First National Dank ot Wolsor, 30.7 acres In Soc. 20-1C-47. 01021. $1.00. llonry "W. Jones ot ux to E. D. Dutlor, Br., 8EUSWU Sec. 18-18-47 32122. $6,000.00. A. E. Shearer ot ux to Lllllo May Taylor, Lots 11, 12, 13 and 14, Dlock 80, Ontario. 32021. $875. Izorn Dunbar to Molvln Stanwood ot ux, All Dlock 52, Park Add. oo Nyssa, 32020. $10.00. Alfred Voguo to Annlo D. O'Neill, Lots 8, Dlock 28; nnd Lot 3, block 20, Eldrldgos Add. to Vale. 22722. $10.00. U. S. A. to Thou. Scott, SEUNEU EHSBVi, SWtfSEK, SH8WU Soc. 22; SWtfNWU and BWtf Soc. 23; NHNW4 Soc. 40; NHNEVi, NEVi NWU Sec. 27-10-30. 121021. U. S. A. to Allan O. Johnson, NV4NEV4 8oc. 22; NWViNWVi Sec. 23-10-30, 0821 Chas. E. Johnson ot ux to Allou Johnson, NEVi, and W Soo. 10; NWVi Soc, 15; SV4BV4 Soc. 0-10-30. 2118 22. $10.00. Chas. E. Johnson ot ux to Alton Johnson, SWVi and WV48EU Soc. 15; WVSNWU Sec. 22-10-30. 2)18 22. $10.00. Thos. Scott to Allen Q. Johnson, SEViNEVi, EV48EV4, SWViSHVi, BHBWU Soc. 22; SWViNWVi. 8W U Soc. 27-10-30. 112121. $10. U. 8 A to Wm E McKamoy, lots 1 and 3, NEVi NWVi, NViNEVi, SWViNEVi, NEViSEU Sec. 30-15-39. 5110131. Arthur A. Dobbins ot ux to Ernest Mnrtin, NHNWVi Sec. 17.10.44. 32633. $4,000.00. Joel O. Chastoln ot ux to C. E. Johnson, EViNWVl. SWVi NEVi, NV48WV4 Sec. 22; SWVi SWVI Soc. 14; SEUSEVi Sec. 15-10-30. C. E. Johnson ot ux to Allon O. Johnson Eft NWVi. SWViNEVi, S WViNEVi, NVJSWVi NWV48EV4, Soo. 22; SWVi SWVi Soc. 14; SEVi SEVi Soc. 15-10-39. 32222. $10. Marriage Licenses James L. Turnbull and Mlnnlo V. Cronln. 33322. Lloyd E. Orris and Florence Dullard. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 8TATE OF OnEOON FOR MALHEUR COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN A. MORTON, DECEAS ED. Notice is horoby given by Rosa D. Morton, Administratrix ot tho estate ot John A. Morton, deceased, to the orodltors of and all persons having claims against said estato, to prosent such claims with tbo nocossaray vouchors according to law, within six months after tho first publication ot this notice, to tbo said Rosa H, Morton at Ontario, Oregon, or to the law office ot Drooko & Oallaghor at Ontario, Orogon. Tho first notice hereof is published this twenty-third day ot ' Marob, 1022. ROSA D. MORTON, Administratrix ot tho Estato ot John A. Morton, deceased. Last publication April 20, 1922, ARCADIA ITEMS 0HIS-HUL1AHI At tho home ot the bride's parent Mr., and Mrs, Chas. Dullard, last Sunday afternoon, occurred the wedding ot Miss Florence Dullard and Floyd Oris. Ror. Chas. Dlom ot Ontario, officiated. Miss Dul lard is well known In this commun ity, and Mr. Oris has made many friends slnco his coming here from) Iowa. Tho young couple will make! tholr homo on tho Hunt ranch,! Taste is a matter of tobacco quality . We Kite It tt our honeit belief tbat the tobaccos uted In Cbeiteifield are of finer quality (and hence of better title) than in any other cigarette at the price. Hartt Cf ifftrt TtUcrt Cm. Lower Pricoa 20 now 18o - 10 now 9c .(Two 10's 18c) for somo tlmo. Mrs. E. D. Dutlor, Br., who has boon qulto sick with tho flu, Is slow ly Improving. Tho Minstrel show nnd box sup per hold at tbo school homo, last Friday evening, wns a success. About 25 boxes woro sold bringing a total of $70.10. Tho highest bid was $18,60, tho lowest $1.25. Mr. and Mr. Clyde Long tpont Sunday with Holdon Clomont and family. Darnoy Wilson, wlfo nnd baby spont Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Claronco Darrott. Miss Ruth Roberts ot Ontario spont tho wook end Visiting with Miss Holon Dutlor and attonded tho box Buppor and mlnstrol hold nt tho DIRECTORY OF ONTARIO'S BUSINESS FIRMS These Men and Firms will serve your very needs promptly. Call upon or writ to any of thoso who are listed below when in need of anything in their respectlye lines. Thoy are reliable: DANKH ONTARIO NATIONAL DANK Tho Oldest Dank In Malheur County "Service that Borvos" Capital and Surplus $100,000. DRUGS AND SUNDRIES ONTARIO PHARMACY O. M. Castleman, Prop. -Proscription Specialist Victor Phonographs Roxall Romodles Eastman Kodaks Morelnud Dairy Phono 203 M THE BUOAR DOWL Wo Make Our Own Ice Cream ELEOTRIO SUPPLIES ONTARIO ELECTRIC CO. Electrical .Appliances and Wiring HARDWARE MCNULTY HARDWARE CO. Satisfaction Guaranteed TAGOART HARDWARE CO. Malheur County's Largest Hardware Storo H. ft. UDICK Plumbing aad Heating Doranatle Water Systems '"" UP Chesterfield CIGARETTES ofTurlush and Domestic tobaccos blended u M school house Mr. and Mrs. Cody Dutlcr spont last weok visiting tho former's par onts, Mr. nnd Mrs. E. D. Dutlor, Sr, Mrs. Jnmos Smith spont tho wook ond with hor brother, Chostor Lack ey nnd family. nia Uwino I'Xm the THRU-TV IIOUHKWIM-: Fow homos Indcod do not fcol tbo nood ot economy. Tho nocosslty of making ovory penny count touches tho purso of ovory housowlfo. It Is doubtful If thcro is n slnglo nrtlclo omployod as a food or In tho propnr ntton ot food that demands moro buying wlBdom than Haklng Powder. Upon its quality doponds tho succobs and economy of tho Makings thorn- HOTELS HOTEL WILSON Tho "Homey" Hotol ot Malheur County. Oood Meals 40c OITOMICTKIST DR. J. A. MO FALL Eyesight Specialist Eye Glasses and Spectacles MILLINERY Distinction In Clothing And Millinery Is the Mark ot Those Who Patronise THE STYLE SHOP MORRIS MILLINERY ft NOVELTY S.tOP Palymre Waists Women's Drease And Sport Clothe OSDORN MILLINERY Nell O. Bedford. Prop. Tho Only Exclusive Millinery Stor This Side of Salt Lak 'DAKERJBft PURITY OAKERY Ernest Barcas, Pro. AU Kinds of Breads, Cakas and Pastry ""nTWTOnT" VARIETY STORE More than a thousand Artlslas for the home ONTARIO nEAL ESTATE CO. Farm Land City Property Iatoraaco A Rental TROXELL IMPLEMENT CO. - Farm Operating Equipment WcCormlcr, Desrlng and P. ft O. solves. Calumot Daklng Powder enables tho housowlfo to mako throo worth whllo savings.- Sho saves whon sho buys It It is modorato In prlco. Sho saves whon sho usos It sho uses only half as much as Is required ot most othor powdors. Sho saves materials It Is usod with It novor permits bako-day failure Any wo man can uso Calumot with absoluto corCalnty ot best rosultB delicious, tasty bakings that aro puro and wholcsomo, Truo homo economy ot tlmo, ma terial and effort Is complotoly handl ed In Rollabto Receipts, tho 70-pago Cook Dook and Housohold Hints. A copy is yours FREE for tho ask ing. Address Home Economics Dopt. Calumot Daklng 1'owdor Co., 4100 Flllmoro St., Chicago, HI. Adv. . GROCKRIK9 THE INDEPENDENT MARKVT Phones 0 and 111 If Its Oood To Eat W Mva It It It's Farm Product W Bar It ONTARIO MEAT ft GROCERY CO. Tho Home ot Oood Eats aad Low Prices Phones S and 181 DEPARTMENT HTOUBtT Dopendabla Usrebandlas "Not tho Cheapest. Dut ifc BmI" RADER DROS. THE KUD On ot 40 Storas Will Rava You Rsal Uoaay . A. FRASMR Hardware and Qretarlaa "HrVELSEaT BLACKABY JBWELKY srYORE Home of "QltU that Laai" W. L. HAXBLVOra Watchmaker, Jewelry All Work auaraut4 DYKO.X TUnNKR Slgus A '''iiiaiiMiiiiiiMiitiiii whoro Mr. Oris has been employed' o