THE ONTARIO AUUUS. ONTARIO, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920 .-- i The Ontariu A rgus 0. K. AIKEN. Editor and Publisher l'ulillslicd Thursdays lit Ontario, Oregon, and ontorcd at tlio Ontario post offlco for distribution iih 2nd class mnttor. SUnSCIUPTIONH, .... Ono Your $1 Mi WIIV NOT ItlJ.NW.MH (TI'V, TOO? Wlillo wo art1 cIiiiiikIhk tlio iiuiiioh of Ontario's hIioiiIh, why not ko nil tlio way and rrchrlHton tlio city from lop to bottom? Tlioro Ik hoiiipHiIiik In tlir ronton tlon that naiuoH of pliice. nioiin talns and Hlroanm mIioiiIiI liavo koiiui IokIciiI connection with llto rur. 01..11I Iiich; Hhould ho IihIIkoiioiih of tlio wintry In which thoy tiro locatod. HpoakliiK about iiiuiiom, thoroforo, Ontario Ih out of placo In tlio H unite Itlvor valloy for It Ih 11 Canadian iiamo and Uh only connection In thr I'nttod HtatoH Ih In connoctlon with tlio cooIokIc iIIvInIoii of Hiluroaii trata found In tlio Ohio Itlvor btmln, or still moro oxantly locatrd In lower Cnnada, In the Province of Ontario, from which tlio neoloclc otritctiiro tiiUitH Its iiamo. Thoroforo It appoarn that tin) uaiuo Ontario Ih outlroly Inopt for Km con notion with doad foHnllH of tlio palo insole or othor prehistoric tlmo In the world'H hlNtory Ih not doMcrlptlvo of tlio active life of the people of the city today. Moreover, tlioro are other Ontario, not only do wo have our mall uiln mint to Ontario, California; hut even In Oregon If one wore to wiy that ho "lives In Ontario," the ehancoH are that the pomou Mpokou to would think ho meant the Province of On tario, Canada. Of, coiii-ho, wo may live down that Implloatlon, and hy dint of hard work i;et OroKonlaiiH at hmMt Into the notion that Ontario Ih within Hie' houiidarloM of their Htato; hut Mtlll vi have not 11 dlMtliicllvo pame for the city. Htartlm; with the name of the county, there Ih 110 lack of tlUllnetlvo nainoH In tills miction that iiiIkIiI lie adopted, hut then perhapH, nlnce there U naucht In 11 name the pres ent ono will do, and after we et 'used to our new street names wo 11 11 lake up the name of the oily for fur Iher cliaiiKo mid betterment. If thai ho poHHlhlo. IIOOVHIt OK OOMPMItH? Two political iiiiuouiicomoiitH up peered In the dally papers Moudm Ii ono (he public wtut Informed Ihi'i (he American federation of babul I koIiik to islvo nil pundldalori for of fee 1111 official vine, and If not up I' laiidard of partiality ieiiilred hy the I ihor committee, proceed lo d-feal t 1111 If II oaii. ".be other statement wiih thus Dane hy llerheit Hoover thai he. at 1 he present Hint, at IimnI. Ih net 11 1 indldate for the presidency, mid will not wiy for which part he would Mite, until he U luformel el the principle for which that part) lauds Ho nays In part that he will led vote for any psriy that I ( 01 trolled hy a elliUo which seeks to .nivalin- Its self lateretit. and al Hie ,ime Miu. ho will have uaiiKht to do with 11 imrty Hint advances mh'I.iI 1 Mc ir oinmunlHt b Idmis for Mie lilt Ion of Hie iirowut etouon 11 UH And uKulu Mr. Hoover w.uil iiMMi'i? to do with Hie ludepeodi ul party ldm, for ho bollovtw In paito :r the proper uisthod of Hchievnu' pel It leu I nrtlon In this country In bis statement Mr. Hoover points to the daiiHHr of liidopaiidHiit parti mi dbldliiK the repretwulwtlveH that wo will Iihvh Kosernnieut lv hiuuII luluerltlw. Certainly, tboroforo. labor chii not uppcrt (he party Hist uoiuliiHles Mr Hoover, for Iih tlotM not hellee In luo of (ho fiuiiUmHiitHlN of Uie Coin perS doi'trlllH, HptMlltl fllltlMMMloilN to peclut luturuMts Hilt! (MCl.lliHtlC p tnuceos; therefore the varty tlmt w, tuts (lompers import will have to abaiulou I loo vor ne u iwmlliUtc 'I bat will aid lit solving the pellti at piotdem which lias ruiltl shue t'.ie Nw York World uomliiuted Mr limner for olthr of the bin imrtl-- Ih a prowtM of hIiiiIuhIIou we ouuht t he able in the oounw of time. lufere the coineutlon ihmimiu. to luo .111 ariurutw Haw u which of the pollilcHl parties uiiir ntwiiy suits Mr HiMivwr Hut this condition could not longer ho endured and in 1918 tlio people look tlio mutter Into their own hands, voted to extend tlio credit of tho nit)'' to n point that would permit of tho construction of a now ami modern Hystom adeiiinto for the need of (ho city. Tho prosont bvh- tein Ik 11 Monument to tlio foreslght oducMH o:' tho citizens and their pro KtoflHlvj Idon of what a city Hhould he. It Ih to tho" credit of tho present municipal Hystom that there lias been no recurrence of typhoid slnco It wiih put Into use 'I'lio repeated IohIh that have been made of the purity of tho water hy tho Htuto officials show that the water Ih now absolutely pure It could not ho otherwise for prior to enterlni: the mains It passes thru two bli: filters, Is washed with an nlitin preparation and with i-lilor-luo which kills nil organic matter. Thus It is that ono of Ontario's greatest assets Ih an abundant supply of pure Hofl water. ONTAItltVS WATHU SCPPM . Ill (he effort lo build the olty of On tarlo. the founders hhiI thwlr follow trs fought niHiiy oImIhi-Iim. ono of the licatetit of which was tl atotuico of a pure supply of wntr easily c resslblo tit 11 low cost For yourn tlio olty suffered thru the Intuloijuuoy of tho supply furnUb od by prlvuto ooncorns uud from tho effects of a ouutamlnultMl supply ulilch nnnunlly wus tli souroo of discomfort to tho poopla. that tho tcachurs tiro entitled to higher salaries. Tho startling statement Is made by tho United States Commissioner of Education, P. P. Claxton, that half of tho teachers In tho schools of Amorlca today arc imdor pur. That means then that Iialf of tho pupils of Amorlca aro receiving less than an avcrngo standnrd of Instruction. Cortnlnly that Is a galling admis sion to mako for tho American peo ple whoso vory government Ih found ed on tho education derived in the common schools. What Is truo of tho country iih n whole will undoubtedly be true of Oregon, In tho near future, uiiIohh measures aro taken to recognize tho pica mndo for better remuneration for tho teachers. Oregon Ih not a buckwootlH state, It Ih 11 progressive commonwealth, and as such It cer tainly will not bo deaf to the com mon hoiiro plea for holier treatment for Uh loncherH. thi: .Mibi.KAui: tax. In May tho voters of Orogon will determine whether or not the Insti tutions of higher learning in the state aro to maintain their prosont standards, or aro to deteriorate to schools of tho second class. That in substance Is tho question which will bo solved hy tho vote on tho mlltoago tax. It Ih tp tho Hliaino and discredit of tho public that it permitted Its teach ors to continue in their present econ omic condition. Itlght now the touchers of tho schools and universi ties tiro paid loss than unskilled labor receives for Uh contribution to society. There need ho 110 IiinIiIIouh comparisons made iih to the potential worth of the work that ouch does, and Mtlll the argument Ih wtdl taken gram of sprays required for tho con trol of different orchard pests and dlsonsefl troublesome In tho state. Many growers will tako up system atic spraying this year who liavo paid little intention to this in the past Thoy rcnllzo that bucccss In commer cial fruit growing roqulress the com bating of many orchard enemies, and oxper'lcnco has shown that suc cessful prevention or control ruqulroH a knowledge of tlio right tlmo to spray. Spray put on at any old time when tho grower gets rondy Is usual ly almost a comploto waste of time, tfforts and money, while wisely di rected spray programs result in ti truly remarkable percentage of per fect fruit which .can top tho market In prlco. Send to O. A. C. Exchange, Corvallis, for a freo copy of Exten sion bulletin 24, Orchard Spray Program. HPHAV.MAKI.VO IJXPIiAINEI) IroctloiiH for the homo preparation of the common sprays used for the control of fungous diseases of fruit treoH have been Issuad by tho sta tion plant pathologist and may be secured without cost hy writing to tho College Exchange, O. A. C, Cor vallis. Standard commercial prepar ntloiiH of llme-sulphiir nro usually hotter In strength thnii tho grower can mako, although not differing es sentially In quality. No commercial preparation of bordeaux known i's superior to tho home-made product, and 110110 cheaper. Correct prepara tion Is simple and easy. HPKAV CAI.KNDAIt OI'KI'KKI) A. b. bovett, entomologist, and It. P. Hiii-mm. plant pathologist, of the Orogon Agricultural college, have cooperated In the preparation of a brief bulletin describing tho pro- MEIlCHANDISi: nt prices (ha( bring down the eoM of living! .Heady Mlvetl Paint S't gal., Pure l,lncoil Oil ."jS'-MII, plug- Hlar, Hoi'M'shoe of thick Cllniav tleiheied Jji.'.IO, 21 ciiiih Slag or Ciilon bender delivered $i!.l!(. Write Co-op Store, Caldwell, for 11 price IM. WHITE CObblE MAbE PUPS for salo. Slro enn bo scon nt Poultry Show. 210 8 tf II. b. Propst loft for n week's visit to Portland and Spokane. YOUNG MAN wishes board with private family. Phono 150. 22'1-10-lt LOST On Wed.. .Tanuary 21, some, whore between tho narrows or chard and E. b. Sargent's ranch In Idaho, the top clamp to 1111 electric automatic wringer. Flndor ploase notify owner and receive reward Phono !l-2:i, Krultltuid, Idaho. 220-fl-lI IN 5 K dl Coach of Beauty dldorns This Silent Chalmers THE fine craftsmanship of coach building turned itself loose in this new appearing Chalmers. You observe a high front line and a low rear line, which a well known artist has said is the way a car should look. You find nothing severe, however, about this Chalmers. It has a new elegance, a new grace; and yet a quiet reserve distill' guishes the oar from others. Particularly .' . this appeal to you after you've been seated and touch youru-ot to the accelerator. The silent How of power, the notable harmony, the case of the engine engage you. ' And again you pay a compliment to Hot Spot and Ram's horn, which tackle the low grade gas of the day and make it perform. Thus the beauty which the eye sees is enhanced by the beauty of action of its master engine; and you, too, say with so many others that Chalmers surely is one of the few great cars of the world. Malheur Motor Sales Co. Ontario, Oregon .WlllWM Mwwrni, JaEv MWfHi S m -r- r.-- , R8 W HH ' ,PTlJ1,yMu t f m8h xmmmmmmmBmm (&;&,& ,1;; VW ymir IsMwBaBggliroirt W .''' . Vi II..' '" .. " '''IV''' 1 ill"7 HT&w'ili i, 'mini -1 ik!1JVtun' iiii iHinn oi imnrniw IIIUMIIIIII.V m H IP I i Jjj N 1 w Hi QtmdlftVlt BilH S vso A Bis? S iiiitnii iiu, i!ucv '""pkX- . tit 8 8 illllil!l,VlSi, W-T 16! ?KrvJ itn'r i'jT IIH E S' lv4yPlr!, m, B m E! iviJJ"'yi&Su"iUl Hi.. Ulil Si te l liI VJlUiii'VH ff IIH r3 S WiMimilMii M II ra s CZ -fHIH! IflPllllllllT'l!!1! IIHIX-L14.8BU B r S I It I llliillll i BBBBIIIHBBbu-rfWi ISM 6 .YOUR MONEY COMEToflAPU l'&n.A nnvch Jm Nfc f.M T 62VWT9Q;afet Our special Savings-Investment Plan makes it possible for you to earn 6 per cent on your savings while you are paying for Idaho Power 7 per cent Cumulative Pre ferred stock. After you have completed your payments, your investment earns 7 per cent per annum, payable quarterly by mail, February 1, May 1, August 1 and November 1. Ask about our Savings-Investment pjan at any Idaho Power office. The Idaho Power Co. i in iiiww awflu l WEi"!? c V, va m g 5 5R m ft $ !oasai YOUR car drives up hill easier coasti farther rides more smoothly ahayt on Portage Cord Tires. Portage Daisy Tread Cords on the rear wheels and Portage Ribbed Cords forward make a combination for endurance and speed you will appreciate. And they will materially reduce your gasoline consump. tion all of which means more value lor your money, Ask us. ' SERVICE TIRE & BATTERY CO. Pnrsohs & llutlcdgc Ontario, Oregon Portatfelires O ; All ivcrsxzc U It's Like Finding Money' says the Good Judge When you take a little chew of this real quality tobacco, and the good tobacco taste begins to come. You'll find it keeps com ing, too. The rich to bacco taste lasts and lasts. You don't have to take a fresh chew so often. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. i Pat Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco .Bfi; i-i msn ' i S A