The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 19, 1913, Image 3

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The Ontario National Bank
United States Depository
State of Oregon Depository
IS Our Hank Your Bank ? If not, We cordially
invite you to make our bank your bank. We
have the usual Safeguards of Fire Proof Vault,
Burglar Proof Safe, Bonded employees, and do
business m cunpervative manner.
:- -?-
Capital and Surplus. $80,000
For Rent 5-room furnished
house. Address C. C. Dodge,
Box 246, Ontario. Oregon.
Transfer, Baggage and
Meet All Trains
Will Practice in all Court!
Notary Public. Office over Postofflce
A Complete Line of
Bribing Slaiummj
At the Argus Office
Dr. Harriet Shark
Dr. PaiunkSeahr
Graduates American School of Os
teopathy. Kirksville, Mo.
Wilson Block
Telephone. 134. Bik.
Office in I. O. O. F. Bid..
Ontario. . . . Oreooh
Ontario, Oregon
Office in New Wilson Block.
Best Equipped Livery in
the city. Headquarters for
Hone Bought and Sold.
A. McWILLIAMS, Proprietor.
Oaa with Extractions
Phone. No. 188JR in Wilson Block
J W MrCulloch R W Eckhardt
Mcculloch & eckhardt
Rooms 1-2 -S.FIrst Nat'l Bank Bldg
Ontario, Oregon
Dr. W. G. Hoe
Telephone No. 732
First National Bank Bid.
Townsite Now Open
Situated near the Malheur Lake, on a high, fine gentle
sloping tract of land. This site offers exceptional
opportunity for making a good city. Vast areas of ara
ble territory spread out in all directions. Every valley
and streamlet of the distant mountains has its ranches
and flourishing livestock. Considerable land in the
valley is still subject to homestead entry, and with the
advent of the
Oregon-Eastern Railway
Now building toward Harney Valley, this grand new
empire will teem with land seekers and people seeking
business opportunities and professional locations.
Good opening for a newspaper, blacksmith shop, hotel drug store, hardware
and implement houses, as well as other lines of business
A limited number of lots are now offered for sale at remarkably low prices
either for cash or on easy twms, which prices will advance when the railroad
is built into the Harney Valley. .
REMEMBER, Harriman will be the first important point in the great Harney
Valley to have a railroad.
Salt Lake City, Utah.
H. M. HORTON.'Sec.
Bums, Oregon
S. F. Taylor, Agent, Ontario, Oregon.
The Bishop Scott grammar school
for boys will be reopened In Septem
ber on the new site near Yamhill,
formerly known as North Yamhill.
The war department has awarded
the contract for the building and eree
tion of 11 lock gates In the Celllo ca
nal at The Dalles.
President Wilson has nominated
Milton A. Miller of Lebanon to bs
collector of Internal revenue for the
district of Oregon.
Governor West hss appointed Ar
thur Clark, of Corvallls, prosecuting
attorney of the fourth tllstrlct, to suc
ceed B. B. Wilson, who has sent In tils
resignation to become effective July 1.
To discuss general conditions and
measures for the Improvement of trees
and crops, a meeting of all prune grow
ers In the stale will be held at Salem
July 3.
State Game Warden Finley will lib
fits IBoo China peasants this month
In eastern Oregou counties. The fish
car will be sent to Roseburg with 10,
0OP.000 trout fry for planting.
The striking teamsters at Spring
field have returned to work with no
definite agreement as to wagea, al
though It Is said the city council la
Inclined to be liberal.
A campaign for a $106,000 building
fund for Albany College to erect build
ings on the new campus, recently pur
chased southwest of Albsny, was
launched at the annual commencement
exercises of the college.
Governor West has appointed Dr.
Juli" Fernando, Morel, of Cortland,
until recently atsto veterinarian, a
delegate to the department of agricul
ture of International exhibition to bs
held st Client. Belgium.
The desperado who was-killed-!?
The Dalles by Artie Minimum while
the latter was defending his ranch
home, was positively Identified as Ce
cil Pettyjohn by his half brother,
Thomas Pettyjohn.
The salmon fishing season on the
Rogue river In Curry county has open
ed, and the Indications are that there
will be a good catch. This Is the first
time that the river has been open to
fishing since 1910.
Secretary of the Interior l.nm haa
grunted the petition of the Vale cham
ber of commerce uud restored in nil
tlement and entry 6000 acres of land
along the Malheur river, withdrawn
for reclamation purposes.
After a full consideration of the sub
Ject. the members of the state fslr
board have decided not to use a half
mile track this ear for the harness
races, but to use it only for the novelty
and relay races.
A movement to save from the hang
man's noose Robert MorKun. sentenced
to death for the murder of Vlrgle Hart,
his sweetheart, at Condon In-d er.
lias been Inaugurated In I'm I laud, and
letters haw been sent to Governor
Weat urging commutation.
A bulletin prepared by Stats Dairy
and Food Commissioner Mlckls (Ives
the value of the dairy output In Oregon
In 1912 at f ltJ.000,000. No farm crop
for that year Is valued u( more thuii
112,000.000, the livestock Indus! r of
course eiceedlng that figure.
With two of the original members
of the association present and with
one graduate, attending who has been
present at ever) reunion for 22 con-
sec uliie- i ears, the Alumni Associa
tion of Albany College met In 40th
annual it union at lhany.
8 Benson, riillio.iulre t'.tubermun of
Portland, will spend a fortune In au
effort to secure the adoption of s con
stitutional amendment prohibiting the
manufacture, Importation and aale of
whixkey. gin and similar splrltoua li
quors. S. -. retary of the Navy Daniels haa
written to Superintendent of Public
Instruction Alderman that the petition,
signed by iore thau 10,000 Oregon
school children, that the battleablp
Oregon lead the parade through tbs
Panama Canal at the formal opening,
would be carefully considered.
That 86 clips of wool, amounting to
over 760.000 pounds, will bs offered at
the wool aalee at Condon la bow as
sured. There are 10 ollps In the ware
houses now aad others to come. The
wool already there amounts t 1143
sacks or approximately IIT.uOO
Ths Instructional werk of ths ds
partaaeuts of mining, engineering aad
of forestry at Oregon Agricultural Col
lage will bs reorganised before ths
ops o lag of ths nsit school year aad
tbs departments will In ths future be
known respectively as ths school of
lalnes aad the school of forsstry
Announcsment has boon made thst
the girls' training school, provided for
by an sot passed at tbs Isst session of
tbs legislature, would be opsnsd Jaly
I. The old polytechnic building ou
ibe grounds of the deaf mule home a'
Salem will be used until a bulldln
for which f60. 90S has been approariai
eg. rsn be erected
Jack r Adams who was recently
found guilt) of murder In the first
degree for killing Harney Chamberlain
oa the evening of February 7. is to
bs lauged at th state pennentlarv at
Salem Friday. July It That was the
sentence pronounced by Judge labia
of the circuit court a. Asia!.
Boston. American troops in tbs
Hawaiian Islands hsve taken posses
sion of the crater of a largs extinct
volcano sltusted on the coast, and are
working night and day to convert It
Into a fortress capable of withstanding
a long siege. Ammunition and food
supplies are being stored within It.
guna are being mounted, a water sup
ply has been arranged for and gardena
have been planted on the slopes of
the crater to provide food and thus
render the place self sustaining in
case it Is besieged for any great length
of time.
This information reached Boston
from an authentic source In Honolulu,
and the communication ftirther said
that Americana residing In the Hawai
ian Islands, Including troops, are much
eternised over the Japanese situation.
Policeman Who told Protection to
unco Msn Gets Five Years.
Ran Francisco. Frank Esola, for 16
years an officer of the San Francisco
police department, was sentenced by
Judge Dunne In the superior court to
serve flvs yeara In Folsom peniten
tiary. He had been found guilty of selling
protection to bunco men. The specific
fonvlctlon was on the charge that he
had been an accomplice of Michael
Oallo, now lu San Quentln, In fleecing
John Foida, a Modesto farmer, out of
fin. i in December. 1910. The max!
mum penalty posalble waa 10 yeara.
Lewlaton Goods Confiscated.
I.owlston. Idaho. The Investigation
by the state pure food commissioners
of Idaho while In Lewlaton reaultsd
In confiscation of a largs quantity of
groceries and fruits.
End of State Debts and Tsxss Desire
Of Wslssr Banker.
Welser. One of the most remark
able plans proposed In this stats to
frse Idaho from indebtedness and
place the state ou a uon-taxatlon basis
was presented to the Idaho Hankers'
Association at Its recent meeting hers
by Senator D. W. Davis, of Anierleaa
Falls, president of the First N'ntlonal
Bank, of that city. He proposed tbo
sale of 300,001) acres of land year by
the state to raise a sum of more than
$30,000,000 to be loaned out at Intereat.
part of the Interest money to be plnced
aside from, year to year In n surplus
fund, thereby multiplying the state's ,
earning capacity.
Idaho has 2,934,000 acres that are
unsold l'nder the law only II sec
tions, or 16,000 acres, can be sold esch
year. At this rate It would 'ake ths
state more than ill DC yc.i to die
pose of Its land holdings.
Taking the total assets i the state
ss a basts. Senator Davie proposes by
hla plan to build a financial enrnlng
producer for Idaho so that In 11 years
taxes would be reduced 40 per cent by
paying the cost of the state's schools
nut of the earnings, leaving a balance
to add to the working fund to provide
every cent of revenue required In the
state, county and munlclpnlltlss, long
before the resources of the state csn
he brought Into action under the pres
ent system.
Balkan War Near Again.
London. -Both sides refusing to
mnko the slightest concession, war
between the I la II. an stntes Is growing
more Imminent. If Bulgaria ssnds a
negative reply to the Servian note
and nothing Indicates that she will
answer otherwise Hervln and (Ireece
will proclaim the annexation of the
occupied Macedonian territories, there
by establishing a definite casus belli
We have some boys' and men's cloth
and underwear occupying room that
we need for other goods. This stuff
is odd sized and stock ends and it is
yours for small money. If we can
fit you there will be no question
about price.
Call today and get first choice.
Do You Know
This Bear?
He t. mi Is for
t& A. w
testae w A.M. 1
vhh Jl Hfl B ft Bbbt BLA BHbv 1 1 jI
The Standard Oil for
Motor Cars
Watch for him. He is on every
ZEROLENE can. fit- marks
the otl that Im . .1 the car (row
carbon. 4J
tut up in the
shaped can
easy to handle . alao
in barrels and hall
Sold by dealers
everywhere and at
all agencies of the