The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 29, 1913, Image 2

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    The Greatest of All Contests
$2,250 in Prizes for the People of Ontario
and Surrounding Country.
A magnificent, five-passenger
Model F. P. '13 Mclutyre tour
ing car heuds the list of prizes.
With this issue of the Argus,
then, is inaugurated an under
taking which for generosity,
enterprise and a whole-souled
desire to meet our thousands of
friends and customers more
than half way has never heen
surpassed in this section of the
country. Conceived in an atmos
phere of higness, planned on a
generous scale, aptly descrilx II
the joint contest of the Argus,
Ontario Hardware company,
Ontario Furniture company,
Rermele Drag company ond
Newton Shoe store, herewith
There will ulso he other lesser
prizes given certain candidates
as announced in later issues of
the Argus.
thk ran ram
The first prize is well de
scribed in the full puge adver
tisement in this issue. The
Mel nt v re is a car which anyone
might well ho proud of. "Built
for Service," is the phrase which
most neurly covers the many
and great advantages of this
All of the latest features and
devices approved hy the moPt
up-to-date automobile practice
are emhodied in its make-up.
Witness its fore doors, center
control, tclf starter, etc. All
the very lutest features ure in
cluded, hut there is not an ex
periment ahout the eur. The
workmunship uud quulity of
material used in the Mclutyre
are absolutely the best to be
purcha-ed. Hacked by over 4
years' experience as one of the
largest manufacturers of horse
drawn vehicles in the United
Slates and with their establish.
i.. .eputation for piaiity to
iiiiniii). in, ttiere is no question
as to , I. A.oth of this splendid
automobile manufactured by
the . II. Mclutyre Co., of
Notice the long wheel base of
114 inches, long enough to in
sure easy riding, yet not so long
as to prove cumbersome in nar
row country rouds or in crowded
city streets. Power to meet
any und every demand is insur
ed by the bij lx' T bead motor.
This long stroke motor will take
the hills and sand with a rush
that will bring a glow of satis
faction to the cheek of the iortu
uate possessor. While speed
was not the primary intention
of the builder, the Nclntyre yet
has speed m plenty The driver
of this car never has to sit back
in the dust for a speed of from
five to liity miles au hour as a
direct drive is at his command
at all times.
You can be sure that as splen
did a prize as this will not be
without seekers, therefore we
would advise you to use the
nomination ballot printed lure
in. Write your uume or that
of a friend upon it and drop it
iu the ballot box at any of these
stores. This will creJit you
2 000 nominating votes toward
Hia first Drue. Enter now and.
get the boost which comes of be
ing winning quality thus early
in the game.
ANvnooY Kiiwiiii.i: 41 UHWBA
There is no age or sex qual-1
ifications placed on the entry of j
candidates. Mu, women and
children all are welcome. You
do not need to have been a sub
scriber to the Argus, nor do you
have to subscribe now in order
to enter. Neither is it necess
ary that you should have prev
iously traded with the Ontario
Hardware Co., Ontario Furni
ture Company, Bermele Drug
Company or Newton's Shoe
Store. This automobile goes
absolutely free to the person re
ceiving the greatest number of
votes by the time announced
for the close of the contest.
Votes will be given on the
following schedule:
iiOO votes for each dollar iu
cash trade at any of the stores.
400 votes for each dollar paid
on account at any of the stores.
1000 votes for each dollar of
new subscriptions to the Argus.
500 votes for each dollar of
renewal and each dlolar paid on
account to the Argus.
The contest is now officially
opened. Ballot boxes are now
up and ready to receive the first
ballots and all that is necessarv
is for the enorgetic candidate to
have his or her name placed in
in nomination. Euch name
when nominated will be credit
ed witli 2000 nominating ballots
at the lirst count. Use the noin
inatiug ballot appearing below
Be sure that you are nominated
Stait early for its the early bird
that gets the worm.
The ballot.- will be counted
each Wednesday and the result-
announced each Thursday in
the Argue.
The decision of the Judges in
this contest will be absolutely
final. This is a fact that should
be born iu mind by everyone.
The rules and regulations of
this contest have been mxde
such as to assure an absolutely
fair and equal race. No em
ploye of any of the business
houses cau enter as a candidate,
nor cau any relative of the pro
prietors become a candidate
No votes cau be transferred from
oue candidate to another after
tkey are once cast. No society
or organization can enter as a
candidate. In short every rule
hos been adopted which oceur
td il being to the best inteiet
of all candidates. 1'nder tin -
conditions it is announced j
hrtore, that the decision of th
judges will be absolutely final.
Ki'i.Ks ani MOVLATIOlfl
1. The uutoinobile offered iu
this contest will he given to the
candidate who has received the
greatest number of votes by i
p. iu. on the duy on which this
contest closes.
'. Ballot Boxes will be kept in
the contest stores and votes will
be counted ouce each week by a
committee of three selected by
the contest manager, his choice
to be subject to popular approv
al. The result of each week's
count will be published the fol
lowing day.
3. Votes will be ordinarily is
sued at the following rates:
400 for $1.00 on the payment
of an account made before the
starting of this contest.
200 for 1.00 on cash sales.
100 for each 1.00 on due bills
sold. Money for due bills sold
must be turned in within five
days from receipt.
Votes will he given on new
charge purchases paid within
thirty days at rute of 200 for $1.
I. No employee or relative of
the merchants will be permit
ted to enter the contest.
5. On bargain days which will
be announced later, votes will
he given at rate of 400 for each
$1.00 cash trade on a certain
line or lines which will be an
nounced at that time.
6. The soliciting of votes in
the voting places is prohibited.
7. Votes may be cast by any
one personally or by mail but
are not valid ami will not be
counted unless stain ped with the
firm's name. A voto that has
the appearance of alteration
shall be thrown out, provided
the defacing should indicate a
figure has heen tampered with.
8. All purchases made on Sat
urdays will regularly bear It)
This committee composed of
well known townspeople, assures
au absolutely impartial and c9r
rect count at all times bb they
will have full and complete
charge of the counting of the
At this time it is well to an
nounce tiiat votes may be cast
personally or by mail, but that
all votes must bear the signature
of one of these firms before they
are valid. Votes not bearing
these signatures will be cus jut.
When more than one ballot
is cast at the same tune for
some candidate, the ballots
should be fastened together
with a rubber band or sealed in
an envelope. This is requested
as an aid for the judges and we
are sure that everyone will use
tftrj 'ate in this regard.
per cent more votes than the
.-ehcdule announced above in
Kule .
0. In case of two prist winners
having an etjuul number of
otes at the close of the contest,
the candidate ahead as publish
ed the week prior to the close
shall he declared winner.
10. In casting I number of hal
lots at the same time for the
same candidate, they must be
tied together or placed in a
small envelope.
Good for 2000 Votes when used to Nominate a new
2000 Votes for
Six High Class Publications, including .
AU for Only $1.50-Think of It!
Always on the Job
If you have Job of hauling you
want done, large or imall, you oao
always depend on John Land Ingham
being ready for you. Call him at the
Moore Hotel.
The Most Qualified Judges
Pronounce Taylor & WilUams
Straight Yellow Stone Whiskey the BEST
FOR SALE in quantities from
One gallon up, and many other
Good brands, bv
L B. TETER. Wholesaler.
Now your own railroad system'
The "light and right" Ford gives
it to you at small cost! And
back of the car stands a financial
responsibility and service - that
any railroad might envy. Don't
side-track that "urge." Get
your Ford today.
More than a quarter of million Fords now in
service - convincing evidence of their wondfr
ful merit. Runabout. $600; Touring Car,
$4i75; Town Car, 875 f. o. b. Ontario with
all equipment. Get interesting "Ford Times"
from Dept F, Detroit.
Ford Auto Company
Ontario, Ore.
Farm Loans
On Improved Property
At current rates. Any amount.
For straight term or with In
stallment privilege.
Thomas W. Clagett
Ontario - - Oregon
100 acres of fine sage brush land,
deep rich sandy soil, first class water
right. 5 miles from Ontario. Price
HO. per urre. Terms given wiih
low rute of interest or would trade
for stock or other property. Must
be disposed of soon, as I am engaged
in other business.
Postoffice Box 94
Ontario, Oregon
New Grocery
We have opened up a stock of new
groceries in the Wilson Block and
would be pleased to have you call
and get acquainted.
McCoy Bros.
Wilson Block
- - -i
Economy in Painting
Your House
does not mean buying the paint sold at the
lowest price per gallon. It means getting the
paint that covers the most surface per gallon
and gives the greatest number of years of service
- in other words, the best value for your dollar.
costs less because it takes less and lasts longer.
Let us show you pleasing color combinations,
estimate auantitv needed, or be of
any other service we can, whether
you buy or not.
Ofi'KJtu 3
Come in and get an Acme Quality Painting
Guide Book and some color suggw-