Hay gFM" ONTARIO-The Pivotal Point of the Great Interior of Eastern Oregon t nfenrio vm. Ontario Argus lejdnin Presnire, merit, and Circula tion. Watch us jrrow Representative Newspaper of Ontario and Malheur County. i i VOLUME XVI ONTARIO. OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22. 1913. NO. 21 ll The Produce from 15,000,000 acres is marketed from On tario each year UST OF TEACHERS FOR CONING TERN What will Become of Retir ing Touchers and Some thinf? About New Ones Superintendent Bailey is Retained. ONTARIO TO HAVE COLD STORAGE AND ICE PLANT AT ONCE. MM W. ECIIMT WW HIS 1MB The srhool year cloned last week m mw tbe "' aattarhi Udouk the tcacbera. The director ! nTHNuml for t!ie following for not ru"i rrce: Mr. Ilslloy will have chiuge of the rh.u.l. the dlreotora being well peM,,,l ith the reaiilte he obtained A. A. IUII. wh " principal of tbt IiIkI' school lwt year, hue taken a poaition with the atate flam warden it 1. 1 .it fur tbla rtletrtc.t and wll probably he here much of the time D. C. Petrle, the aclence teaaher, will inend the vacation at ble home Mir l"lse anil will return in the fall. Mi- "rr. who wiu the 11 In teach- bas n-signed ami accepted a sohonl rt Hii"tf . with only ou pupil, at ftMnt. Ml Hage will leaf lo a abort time for Chicago where aba la to marry the odmI ytiunu man In the world nn1 aill rfwble tbera. Kj 1 Hniith. of 8nlin. haa been ployed hi militant principal of the llgkacbooL Mr. Smith la a graduate oltbn WillamettaUnlferalty and had two yearn at me Iowa Uulveralty. All. . Stoddard, of Portland will t.b tm.thcmatloa. Hhe baa bean priucii --1 f the Kliln hluh aohool. Ida Marllnaon. a graduate of the Mlnn.-i.ita iiolverely. recently of I'mui. .. Washington, will have dm., of tin oommaroittl department and tt-ai'i .Kimao. Opel Wuett, a gnidiiata of the I'nlrsrslty of Mlnnaaotaaod that). A. C. at Corriillla, wll bave charge of tin- (inin.-itlo aolenoe department, tii- ti I- a uew feature to be added tb ruining year. Mr I'avnaau.l Anna Soatzal will tar charge of the H rat nrlmary gradea mm Mra. Payne will camp at Hil-fti.. lakca thla aummar and Mra. BtMtzsl will ha at Weleer with ber airsuts. The aecond primary will bare aa tiaclidi. HaUy Taylor, who will ii.l the aummar at Juutura uud Kot- Hailey, who take Miaa Carter'a il... Miss Carter having realgoed ami gone to her home iu Miuneaota. lath l'.n-oell will agaiu bave charge -I tbe third grade. Mlii Lewie, of Molee. a graduate of tW I. ,. itata normal, will bare the fourth giade loaa Auetlo. of Klglu. and Suaie atot. who ia apoudlng the vucatloo in Nel i ,.ka. will have the fifth grade. M rlatt and Mav Huttou. of Kruith. ig, will bave the alxth gradea. Mlii l-iiiti will apen.l the vacation in Port I an, I. Mallii IMatl and Margaret Modlvcrn till bait MM seveutb grade. Mr. (irirtlu will bave tbe eighth ml. Mii Mloheebou having a potiti.ii with the Pasadena. Callfor la, i.-hool, Mr bailey oouaidara tbe teachers lor b , omlng yeur unusually atroug awl the are all very highly reooin Beaded. An eaily morning wedding took place In the pleaoaut home of Mr. and Mra. E T. Roger, of thla city. May 18. inn, when tbalr aconm pliahed and beautiful daughter, Mlsa Lola, waa united in marriage with a promitien attorney of our city, Ralpb W. Kokhardt, of the Arm of McUullnnh nod Kckbardt. Tbe cere mony wna performed by Rev. R. J. Davidson, of tbe United Preaby teriao abiirjb, n( Ontario. Mr. and Mra. Kckbardt have tba beat wishes of their mnny friends iu tbe city. ONTARIO BALL TEAN IS BLANKED AT VALE Home Team Not Showiujr as Much Form as When Season Opened. A Site for Building Secured and Preliminary Work Already Begun. Arrangamenta were completed Tnea day for tbe erection of an Ice aid cold atorage plant bare at onne by K. E. Dtitton, of Caldwell, who haa tba Caldwell Ice and Cold H forage plant and worka with tba Hazlawoo.I people there. A alte baa baeu leaaed from the Short Line company jnat aouth of the Mover warehouse and tba gradlug of the lot baa been contracted for by Oeorge Routh. A. M. Roaa. of Bo lac, ia bere In obarge of tba oooatruotlon of the building, which will ba 25x70 feat, with cement foundation and one atory blgb. Tba plant, wheu oompleted, will ba In obarge of Paul Duttoo and will bandle ice. an Ice machine being part of the plant and buy all poultry and uppllaa they can get. paying caab for averytbing. Ontario haa been in need of jnat auob a plant for aome time and It will enble tbe farmer to get caab for tbelr produce and then ba free to trade where they can do ao to the beet ad vantge. They will alao he able to aell tbelr atutf when It ia ready for market aod not have to hold It until condltione are right. Mr. Dutton la an experienced man In the bultoeaa, haa tboronghly looked over the Held aod knowa tbe plant will ba a aucceaa and a art at iieueflet to tba city and aurrouuding ountry. ELECTRIC IRON LEFT WITH CURRENT ON CAUSES EIRE BIG CLASS OE STUDENTS TAKE GRADE EXAMINATIONS There were 103 atudentt took the eighth grade examinations lor May and of ili.-M. : pataed with araragea better than 87.4. Thla ia aald to have been the moat aucceaful ex aminatlon ever held Iu this county. When the exmlnatiou wa bald last January there were 81 applioanta and . ii I v 9 paaaed. The county and olty auperlntetidenta are paying mora at trillion t the poplla paaalng through the gradea and when they come up for the eighth arado they know what to expect and are well grounded in all the aubjaota. It la a detriment to a child to be peeaed when they have not done the neoeeeary work. SCHOOL YEAR CLOSES WITH GOOD SHOWING Great Interest Manifested in Commencement Exercises and Many Excellent Pa pers and Speeches are Rendered. there was an excuralon to Vale on Huoday to wltueee what waa promleed aa a ball game with a team from On tarlo on cue aide and a ale team on tbe otbar. 'I Im Vale team waa compneed of aome bowa man and two paid playera. although the agreement waa lo bave no paid men In tbe league. In tbe llrat luulng Ontario got one in. in on Ami. Tbe Vale team theu went t bat and got Ave rune with out making a bit. Tbla atioad the demoralized con dltion ot tbe Outarlo team and they kept up tbe ragged playing throughout the iciiiii-. Liudtav pitched a aplandld game. but wa given no aupport. with a fair line up behind him be would have won the game. The Ontario team I capable of play lug wluuiug ball In tbe local league and when tbey can bave a manager aud captain wto will give them aome intelligent coaching they ill abuw what tbey can do. The game next Sunday will be with tbe Payette team. lu tbe game at Payette tbe Payette team wou from Welaer. JUDGE WILL R. KING IS ONTARIO VISITOR THIS WEEK Judge Will R. King arrived In Outarlo thla morniug from Waehlng ton, where bo hua been aluce the Inauguration Tbe judge uuw holda the p nsit ion ot legal advlaer to Secre tary Lana, of tbe Interior Depart ment, and we believe tbe judge and tba entire waat la entitled to hearty congratulations The waat baa bad little recognition lu recent yeara and It la aafa to aay that tba ateellug of mlllionaof dollar from Oregon' ahare of the reclamation fund will not ...-.in- while Judge King ie coouected with tbe department. The govern ment landa are praotically all iu tba western etatea and It la ouly juat to bave men lo charge of the pollclaa govarulug tbam who are familiar with tbe weat aud tba coodltluoa Secretary Ume aud Judge Kiug are both weetcru meu and we can expect many radical change in the tawa tbat will aaaiat In the development ot tba weat during tbalr term of ofbVe. Tbe firemen were called out Taet- day evening iilinut 10 o'clock to at tend a email lira in tbe Cope .1 Oun auck tailor abop. Water waa poured into tbe room and when the auiuke cleared away and tbe firemen could eater It waa found tbat an electric Iron bad oeen left with the currant u. Tbe damage by lire waa -mull, the top of tbe table aud aome woolen gooda being burned, by t" water the entire atock waa enaked n..d damaged "- t. .......... .1 Hm.. I lt.li. (Ill country .,,.., damage to the bulldiug, covered . . I L' I at 1 1 1 I It I WOOL PRICES BETTER THAN ANTICIPATED The Tendency On the Part of Many Growers to Hold is Stimulant. by insurance. aured. Tbe atock waa uot in CEMETERY SOCIETY TO GIVE DINNER ON DECORATION DAY The ladiea iu charge of the cemetery are atlil In need of help to get the grouoda In shape for Decoration day aod hope that all who cau will lie at tba grouoda on Friday ami natuiduy of thla week to help lu the cleaning up. On Oeooratloo Day a diuuer will he aerved for all who care to .itrulc lt aod the procedawlll go to help pay the expense ot maiutloli.g the grounda. The wool barveet la oo all over the aud tba warvboueee are gradually filling up Manager Kiaser. ot tha M. M. i'n . aay that be expecta a larger amoaut ol wool to go tin.. ugh the waiebouaee than ever before judging from the arrangeuieuta already made with the growera. The buyera bave been around and picked up aftw lota, pay lug about II lo 11 oenta for good grade atutf and tbe groacre acm to think tbat It la a talr price, consider Ing tbe tlukerlng tbat i halug dona with the t-iltf. The flretealeaday b.re will be June '."Hi and an unuauallv hug.t number of buyer will be here aa It I eav fr them to get bere and back to HoUe witb little Imm of time. What wool baa been brought In in. li.-ies that the grade la going to be good, the aheap having wiutered wsll. REED SM00T 3 atr flBe, f wM 9r s7 M, -''" ' kmS afaJW , ' - 1 -.sMajffl A -BXafaK-BXaaaaaaaTaaw MORE THAN A MILLION POUNDS OF WOOL Up to This Time More Wool Has Been Stored in the M. & M. Warehouse for this Season of the Year Than Ever Mot in the History of Ontario PRINCESS LOUISE ON THE BIG TUNNEL WILL BE FINISHED IN JUNE Bu Wood waa bere a few days, last ex fr. oi Juntura, where ha haa vbrt ol the towuaite. Mr. Woo- report. .1 tbat tba work iu tbe big tin. : I. going along in fine abape tad ii:. ld be through and tbe tracke laid by tbe middle of June. Tbe bridge gangs are erecting temporary st-ociuree weat ot tba tunuel, ao there all I. ..,. j.i h -ila to -- .. ii.. uemy iu iiiui JO " . r - te tu.l of the grade aoon aa tbe tunnel m ' u... i.. paaaabla for trains so tbat tne "-tii.ii cau be carried to the fron There ia much tullding at Juutura n-i it u expected thare will be quit) large .litnianrf t,.r the lOLS wueu uu- - . . ui. i .e-cha. there. Large warabou-. -tLT-tS "n. -rat "I ba araatasj and every conv.oienca and w 11 ba at borne aiia -'- tad fertbe large trade of tbat at tbelr reaideuo. on Morfltt Mre "-lion. It will ba tbe prluoipal s..,.. . . . . ... .,. Mr. aud Mra. Muiray Uli R.ad Smoot, United Statea Sanator from Utah, who will pl proralnarit n .n a.e ar.' DfM " th bn"' : NEWLY WEDS ARRIVE HOME. Mr. and Mra Ralph W- Kckbardt Morton re 'PPtng point between Ontario ao- ";--", ,.,, ttom tbelr r"aud will require oay people turned Wedneaoay eveu The wool aituatiou look very piom lalug for Ontario this aeasou aud a reut deal ot activity ia seen ai'ouna the wool warehouse at this iiue. Tbe M. M. company hay. ali.udy received about oue mllliou DOOI I" 'f wool, which ia more than baa erar been received in Ontario up la tble date in any one year. Tbe wool thie year is comiug from nractlcally all tbe shearing camps lo the county either by teams or iron tbe branch roada running iuto Outarlo. A good many of tbe growera lad It ft. ftSaaJa urlvi.ntaue to haul tbe -tool io wagona to tbe neareat shipping point on tbe bmncbee and load It on tbe cara to ba ablppe.1 lo Onta ilo to be aold. aa by aaaemhllng a large quantity of wool iu oue pleea m. th. main line they get a great deal more money than where it la hell o tba ootalde and buyera bave to make epecial tripa to eee tbe wool. Outarlo beiog largeat abippiug uoiui ou tbe Short Line, baa warebouaee that have ariangementa with the rail road compauy. whereby tbe cunipaay willuke waiehouaecoont and weight and avoid tha naoaaaity of aaultirg ibe couveu.eoca of a epaolal agent of the railroad oompaov to check the .i i.,,.k i,. t.i tm done at tbe UUl WUlu smaller shipping point. L i la!"V ' -ft ; i i i Tb.-re ha ouly he. n oue .lip of lambs wool aold aud forwufded this jear. This ooiisigumeui trougui me grower about 11.41 pat he.nl tm tb fleece, wbloh is couriered a very good price tor wool from lamh. The indii-aiioii for price aeem to be very much better than had beau thought some time ago There are a number of direut mill buyera tbat will make an effort to buy tbe Ontario woola tbla year and competition is golug to be very strong between the different bouaes. It la very fortunate for Ontario aa wall aa tbe growera that the - is ao wall equipped witli warebouaee aud facilities for bat ..lllug Ibis crop. We notice among the woola comiug tbe laat few days a number of grow era aa followa I A I Oraeo. McConuell hrotbera. ot Nyaaa; K. H. Vernon. K. L. linker, of Brogao; H. V. Cornet. Henry Wickerliz. of Weetlall; Hietsema and Hiaton. V. Ambrose. Skull Kpriugs: baker and Harrison. J. Ii. Biilmgsley, Tonotugaen Bros.. Ontario. K. K. Robur Km r ran Valley. ThU ia juat a starter to tbe clips mer and K. Sage th.t will be bare witoin tbe next tew , who took part waeka. There ia a prediction that there will be over ttiee milion pounda of wool atored bere tbla aeaaoo. The auditorium waa crowded no Friday eveuiug to hear the I'oni- mencemeut program and the splendid tinner and talk made all feel that they were well repaid for the time apent there. Mn-i. was furnished by the Jonea orchestra and waa heartily applauded. Mualo by the orchestra and lnvnc tion by Her. Davldann waa followed by Chaunoey Hhmbergeron "Stepping stones." liking the little child at tha mcther'a knee and following him through whool and Into manhood. I.e. ma Kail, i . the prealdeiit of the claaa, apoke on "An. in an Ideal. " Tba apeakar ahowed tha Hue of pro greaa tbe people are following to reach au Ideal lu governmental oondltlona and of the great awkenlng for a higher atandard iu all line of bualuaaa and government. Kva Vanderhoof spoke on "Now Education" and abowad up aome of tlieahoitcomluga of the piesent system of educiitlou lu the lack of practical studlee ao that tb aludenta. are nut n it.-1 for the battle ot life when tbey laayaa tha school. Few ever go beyond the eighth grade aud vary few beyond tbe high acbool. Alex .M. Ti.. i. on gave a vary la tere! lug oratlou on the diaoovery In the antarotlo by the Hcutt expedition ami what It all meaua to the win Id of .Inure aod lo in. i ii. Mr. Uailay tb. u Introduced J. II. Ackn in. .ii. who waa alate auiieriuUud- an for many yeara aud la now at tha head ot the Mouuiouth uormal school. Mr. Ackermau ia well kuown to the Ontario people and while he had but four lo hear blm tha first time he a i pea... I here, the 1ml la are now tuo small to aucomuiudate thoae wbo ap preciate blm. Mr. Aokarman epoka of e.iin atinmil matters, advisiug th m .nil . ia of the gun losing claaa to contluue In tbalr puratilt of know ledge aud assuring tbeui that the high chool ahould he oonahlarid merely astepplugstoue lui something higlier. lh, . dncatloual system is iu Ua In fancy and wa will all live to see many cliang. ..n. I a. lvalue. It Is no mora right for tbe teacher, lawyer and doctor to be educated lu stale insti tutions tbau It would be for the black smith, tun enter aud ail other trade men and the aohool are comiug to It. aa Is evidenced by the lulruduct 'ou of the domeatlc science and iu.niu.il unhung in the high schools. The Oularin acbool la well to tha limit of tUe schools ot tbe alate and thebuildiugaaud e.piipu cut aie among tbe ti.il f . m ml anywhere. ('. K. Kepyou wade the graduating class a sburt talk and then, asslated hy l-'iauk Itader ami 0 W. I'latt. pi... uted In in with tbelr diplomas. In. membeis ot the class were ex i.-n lei congratulations hy their ft lend-.. BRICKLAYERS HAVE ABOUT EINISHED ON THE CITY HALL Princeaa Louise, daughter of the German Kaieer, who will wad Prines Erneat of Cumberland May 24. GUN CLUB HOLDS SHOOT The hiieklsvera will about complete then part of 'he work iu the con htrnctlon of the uew olty hall this week aud theu Ins cm pen tela will have a session, to be followed i.v the plumb her and naliiteia. '1 he walls aie now Op sufficiently to indicate the citv la going to bave a first claaa home f. if tbe council, Cammerolal oluh aud flrameu aud an ornament to tbat aeo tion. ,.. SALE DAYIN ONTARIO SATUR DAY DRAWS GOOD CROWD Tbe members of tbe Oun club h their first about oo .Sunday. V, llllam i beagle got 23, ii. 24 oo aloglaa and aa on doubles. Fred Huge broke 14. I lff.lt, and I 23. O Moaly got 4. o ueM H -4U He .Uo triad out - J' "' lC" .uU dlt,. but the 20 gnage gun. inn couia not K" i --- : birde. Wm Wilkersoo. Haity Far were among tbo. I .ii ire change of night at tba Maze. program every people did not hiing ia much to aell. Th. cow that were offered oy K. K. Ingle were good specimens and wore hotly cooteated for. A cur load of cowa wa expected here, hut did not arrive hi time for the aale. "... .,. Iu Wile tbe trade trip to Portland.