The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, May 01, 1913, Image 5

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Ontario Pharmacy
Keep the Moths Away
From your Furs with Our Moth Compound
25 Cents per Can
Rexall Remedies
Eastman Kodaks
Local Items
yr ii, Mr. Fred OHiley have re
turned frntii Hone and are at tbe
piey farm, west of the city.
II,.- regular business meeting of the
ConmHtlouitl Ladies' Aid will be
. J( ,t the cliurch on Wednesday
ternoou, Mny 7.
Hker Hall claims 200 per cent kid
-on at Ml place. Nothing like the
Oregon climate.
1'he st h w !ilo examinations will li
DrM tbe 6tfe tmd 7th of May. All
BBjetfri arc reiucted to get their
ordera In iu tiin1. A. U. Macphersou
Antel Winslnw haa his place aliout
cleared sud I" building a home.
Two furnished roonia for root.
Private family. a Cope, tailor.
C. Plntt returned Monday from
Pottlauil where be went with Mia.
plntt nlio will remain a abort time.
Alfalfa iced ceuUn pound at tba
Home Livery and Grain oumpauy,
Mn. Sproul and Harold were pai
ifnk'; - to Hot Lake Saturday to visit
tkt head of tbe family. They found
him id I "I and suffering a great deiil
tithinllainmatory rheumatism. They
returned borne Monday.
Buy POOr alfalfa seed at the Moore
Liitry and (Jraln company, 5 cents
i pound.
CsrnslK. the nurseryman, Is plant
Intra furty acre apple orchard west of
tbf city which he will finish this week.
Ontsrlo Uakcry givos you more
ud better csiidy for your money tbau
ur other place iu town.
Milt Clark has Koue to Ludraude
Ud liter will go to California to visit
itlatiTM snd possibly tu looatc.
Kodaks Have the Uurrlll atudio
do join developing aud priutlng.
Mill orders ulven prompt utteutlon
Arthur Moody was down from Vale
em Sunday,
The College Town" by tbe high
boo i. Dreamland, May 8. Comedy
U(l lOOg.
Till (rank tiaukrupt case wneolONed
p ou Friday before Iteferee Wheeler.
Krnset Ksud, oua of the govern
Mot lurveyurs, waa here Saturday
looking after government property
re. Tbe change iu administration
tu delayed ordera for surveying and
Mny of tin. crows are idle.
Miis Amy Odell la repotted some
'' under tbe weather and may have
to I'ouie Imiiie before bar school is
li'i the college songs at Dream
'l ou tin sib.
Mr. and Mrs Dave Uunlls were
am several days this week vlsltlug
usirsun Jack and his wife. It wus
U wedding anniversary of the young
MP"). Mrs. Jack Laudia returned
IbImbUI tbe visitors uud Jaok
'ill bach fur a month.
'tun- la night, May 8th. tbe senior
claw il give the "College Towu. "
On Mnniay night. May 51b. the1
'oamu's cut, wiH Rve a vaude- '
,'"' asff rtsMM at the Dreamland.
R$t Powder
The only Baking Powder made from
Royal Grape Cream of Tartar
Makes delicious home-baked foods
ol maximum quality at minimum
cost Makes home baking
pleasant aud prolltable
Remember tbe "College Town"
and the high tchool olaas Ht Dream
land on the 8th.
Miss Lcnh Hanson wns visiting
Weiser relatives Monday.
Mr. and Kr. JeiseBain have mov
ed here from Weiser.
F. W. Sheffield wns around among
bla friends here this week looking
after his interests.
Donald McDonald and bis brother,
David, came in from the ranch at
Castle Rook this week for a short visit
aud to nttend to srme hminess.
Miss l.. ii mi. who has been visit
lug her sister, Mrs. II. (). Drauc, for
the past year left for ber home In
Des Moines, Iowa, yesterday.
Fred l'latt was down from Parma this
Little Improvement Is reported In
the condition of J. S. Jonei, who has
been HI for some time.
Dr. Connnt and George Neshlt were
up from Weiser getting supplies for
a lUlilng trip to the Haven Devils
Tbe stockyards market at Portland
showed n general decline last week
all along the line, with small offer
ings. Ninety five par cent of business
men fall, eighty-five per cent of them
are non advertisers. Does that spell
something to you?
Mra. Herbert Williams was culled
to McMlnnrille on account of the ill
uess of ber mother. Mr. Davis.
E. F. 1'rstt, the Owyhee rancher,
waa an Ontario vlaltor Friday and
seemed to eujoy tbe change.
E. lillller, one of the Nyssa tuer
obauli, waa doln Ontario a few days
I: (1. Wheeler, the Vale, attorney,
was looking after soma cases here a
few days ago.
A. Veoator a'id wife were in from
tbelr raneii this week. Mrs. Venator
i. it.. I at the Charles Peterson home.
Miss Looey returned from liolee
Mrs. George I'undlaud, of Portland,
is the guest of frlauds here this week.
E. A. Fraser made a flying trip t
Vale Tin sday.
Mra. D. N. Holland, of Boise, Is
the guest of bar daughter, Mrs. K. A.
The Ma.e has changed bands. SJ
Kingsbury, of Idaho Falls, Is now
in o'.urge He is an experienced
man at tbe buslueas aud will make
tiv.-ntl t'haugei, tending to improve
the service at that Inn se His family
buve moved here
Tbe Cemetery committee will be at
tbe grounds Saturday aud will ap
preciate help from friends.
Superintendent Macphersou visited
tba Sisters school week and found
some t -nt v pupils gaiuing a thorough
y practical education. Thesuperiu
teudeut was very well pleased with
condition and progress being made
liv the voting people.
Local News
Friday night, My 2. the operetta.
Florida, will be given by the pupils
of the 8th grade.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hlanton en
tertmnnd a number of their friends
last weolc In honor of tbelr 58th
wedding anniversary.
Vaudeville, Dreamland, Monday
A court of the above named order
will shortly be instituted in this
city. The Foresters Is a purely so
oiitl and benevolent society of a
patriotic nature though devoid of any
nci , tm i. iii or political bias, thorough
ly American In spirit. Its Initiatory
oeremony teaches a valuable lessen on
loyalty to our American institutions
and love of tbe flag of our common
country. Ha benevolent features em
body a splendid system of benefits
In time of sickness and dlstreaa for
Ita members In addition to a burial
benefit for deceased members and
members wives.
Field Deputy O'Connor, of the
graud court of Oregon, has bean in
Ontario for tbe past week In tbe
Interest of the imposed new Court
aud reports satisfactory prngresa In
securing the number nscnasary to
obtain a charter. Adv.
As tba weather warms up the tllthy
fly la making an appearand sad the
swatters and traps should he kept busy
as a fly killed now will prevent the
breeding of several inlllon during tba
season Whenever you sea a fly Just
figure out that he Is carrying typhoid
germs for someone and than do your
Where you use closed gsrhtgo cans
have them fitted with traps so that you
cNti catch the fly that tries to get in
and .mother to catch any fly that ti lea
to got out with his feat covered with
filth. The same applies tu the screens
in your doorsaud windows. Tin odor
ol Booking will attract them and a trap
n the acreeu will natch them.
Mies breed only In filth an I you
sin old remove all breeding places.
Mrs. Mary Kroesalu, was born In
the state of Wlsconslu. Nov. 22. 1861,
and died Iu Ontsrlo, Oregon, April
20. If II, at the age of 18 yuais.
In early childhood she moved with
ber parents to the state ot Minnesota.
I,, pa she grew to womaubood. She
married Louis Kroesslu February 24.
lHHti. For twenty-seven years they
lived together sharing each others joya
aud sorrows uutil death caused an
unwilling separation.
Hesides a sorrowing husband three
children remain to mourn ber loss.
They are Walter, ot St. Puul. Miu
ueaola. Louis uud Kose of this tUf,
two brothers aud two sister and other
relatives and a boat of trieuds.
About a year ago she was stricken
aud has been a sufferer since then,
sometimes intensely, but always
patieutly. Tbe bast medical talent
available was called to treat her, but
the disease would uut yield to their
skill. Anxious for her rSSSfWI "I
hoping that the climate uf .astaru
Oregon might bring ber reliel the
family moved west with hei buwevrr
the desired results were not realized
and sbe passed away peacefully -at
unlay moruiug. April M, IllaV
Sb wbs a loyal member of the
Presbyterian church, a devoted wife.
B loving mother and a kind neigh' '
May the hope of an everlasting re
uuiou comfort those who mourn.
Fuueral services were conducted
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
tba home by Hev. Philip Koenig. ot
the Congregational church lntrmeut
Saves half your labor. For sale at
Ontario Pharmacy. Eight washings
for cents. Mouey back if not
Tb Gntiitrurtlon company Bent a
trill down from Vale TueiuiAT for'a '
1. . . n l..i. ..-.,. ,, unrl ,m it,..
tunnel. The work Is bad and It la
hard to keep a full force of men
They aregatheilug them iu Portland
and Spokane.
It has always been n question among
circus folas ai t whether their i at mra
liked the elephants or clowns best,
hut no one ever questioned the public
loyalty toward horses, for which the
Sells Floto circus has .! ,v. Inn
noted. In addition to the trett dnus
galaxy of atarB owned by the circus,
tbey have this year procured the Rhode
Royal complete troupe of blgh school i
and menage horses. lieyond question
the very best of their kind on the
face of the globe.
Tbe Koyal troupe comprises twenty
lx beautiful aud highly educated
anlmala who accomplish all the num
bers known In the repertoire uf the
blgb school. They appear at cvsry
pertormancs on the hippodrome track
Bud give an exhibit Ion. which Is not
only marvelous from the eductional
slaudpolut, but such as will lie re
celved with acclaim by everyone who
loves to see tbe horse at his best. It Is
oue of tbs strongest uutnbsra ever in
roduced by a traveling organization.
The Hells Pinto olrcus will appear
iu Payette on May 27. Tbe price of
admission remaluB the same as that
of former years -25 oauls admits to
tbe circus proper, menagerie and
horse show, in its eutlrety.
"No Woman Should Spend Her Days
With a Brute or a Sot."
Chicago. Compulaory divorce Inwa
Instead of laws to make divorce hard
er to obtain, were udvorated by Judge
(lemlll, who. In the court of domestic
relatlona heirs perhaps more talea ol woe than any other Judge In
the laud.
"There are people living together
today who should he forced by law tc
separate, " said Judge Ui-inill. "There
are women mitiediK untold miser)
through a miataken sense of the hind
lng uuallt oi tin marriage tie. God
inner ineunl tin I a I I U - bMM
apend all bur days with bruto.
Northern Pacific as Railway Company
Must Pay Obligation as "Railroad."
Wahhitu ' .1 ;i of mo
mentouH Importance, especially as to
railroads, tin- .supreme court laid down
the general principle that a creditor
Of a corporation, not a part, lo Its re
organization, ma hold Its successor
for Its debt.
In this spsj iin- ObbwX llM court, 6 to
4, lu a decision which Justice l.urton.
who d I "was alarm
lng," held the Northern Pacific rail
way compau) responsible for $125,000
judgment against the NSftkSfl Pacific
railroad coiupan), which it succeeded,
despite the fact that the court ex
pressly stated that no moral wrong
doing was to be found in the morgan
Corporation lawyers who hoard the
decision declared It waa a direct blow
at the practice oi rBOrgMlfiafl corpor
ations to get rid of onerous
Wheat Club, 87c; bluestem, sic;
rsd Russian, s
Hay- Ti I othy. $15; alfslfa. $12:.
liutter -i rajSawM , -c.
Eggs Candh 4, 21c
Hops 1912 crop, 16e.
Wool Eastern Oregon, He; Wll
lametts valley, 20c.
Wheat HI u.-s tern. 9sc; club, 87c;
red Russian, got-.
Eggs 20c.
Butter c
Hay Timothy, lit per ton; alfalfa.
1 12 per ton.
There is in one of our Sun Set Shirts
an attractive air of style and qual
ity, which every man desires.
If you have had shirt troubles;
If you are hard to fit;
If you are aboveor below the ordi
nary, you will find in our New
Spring Shirts just opened all these
things and new patterns and in
colors that are fast.
Boyer's Department Store
Hafi Just Kctoivod :i Shlpmenl f K. & H. Cori ti
Y u can gft 1 1 1--in at the
New York Store
The Star Brand Shoe
Is as Good as Ever and Cheaper
Graphophoncs Grafonolas
"No one thing will give so much
pleasure, to so many people, for
so long a time at so little c()st.,,
Double Disc Records
Bermele 'a
7 l
r ri i
i ; j
Drug Store
'was made In the Ontario -emetery.