I ONTARIO ARGUS PUBLiSHKD EVERY THUK8DAY Entered in the pontoffloe at Ontario, Oreiron, for transmisairm through the niRiU iim ..,.,-, .n.i ,-Uh., matter. M. E. BAIN. Editor and Proprietor People in the News W. J. Harrla, formerly Democratic chairman of Oeorgla, has been named by President Wilson to be director of the censue, to succeed E. Dana Dur and. Samuel Oompera, president of the American Federation of Labor, la con fined In a hospital at Waablnt tnreataned with maatoldltla of the left ear. He haa been 111 for eevsral weeks. The strike at Pateraon. N. J., devel oped a new phase with the arrest ,f Joseph Fisher, a allk manufacturer, on the charge by Grace Fasollno, a atriker, that he threatened her with a revolver while ahe waa picketing. Because It practically removed fh pardoning power of the chief eiecu tlve, Governor Hunt of Arizona haa vetoed the revised pennl code of that state as embodied In a bill passed by the legislature after several weeks' work. The parcel post rate will have to be lowered considerably before It will serve to decrease the gnp between the 20 centa which the producer receives and the 88 or 40 cents which the con sumer has to nnv for a down eggs. , , rra LET us help you pick out your new Stetson. As a Stetson wearer, you are one of a goodly I company the personable young men who set the styles wherever they happen to live. Much depends on buying where the selection is fresh and repre sentative. We are now showing the mew Soft and Stiff Stetsons for Spring. Bayer's Department Store - w f r e e FRUITLAND ITEMS Monday night the frnlt growers of effected an organization at n aub tatlon of the North Paoiflc Frnlt Distributors association. Directors were elected aa follows: B. F. Tas ng. president: D. L. lngard, vloe preeideot; A. G. Rogers, secretary and treasurer; B. 0. Blskesley and Grant Fisher. John McClure bns ptirohssed 20 screa of land on the south hslf of MrK limey Island on the Payette river east of Frnitland, from A. C. Berdlng at .r)() aD acre. Earl MoCol lough was taken sudden ly ill with appendicitis and within a few hours was rushed to the hospital In Ontario and operated upon. The Philathea Sunday school olnss metlast Tuesday afternoon with their teacher. Mrs. II. K. Robinson. A very pleasant Ime was spent. Mas Velva (iriiniH vlsite. I flstur- day and Sunday with friends In Far ran. Mrs. Fuller died Thursday after noon at the home of her son, II. B Fuller, who lives west of town. She was quite old and had not been well for several years. The funeral was held Hsturday at the home. Rev. Reed of the Payette Presbyterian church conducting the services and Interment was made In the Pnyette cemetery. She will lie greatly missed by her neighbors and frieudsforto know her was to love her. YSsis ? Miss Ida U mi,', it rlsited at her home in Cadwell Saturday and Sun day. Arthur Llnck returned home Mon day after several mouths trip In neighboring states. II. K. P.ohnon sud family were entertained Mumlay ,1 ten .,1 I he ('ar,ciitoi home. the entertainment given ln-i Hairs- ,lnv exciting by Miss Hnri.s, ;i iuliniht and reader, was very good. Not a very large crowd attcuded owing to the busy time of year, but tbosa present were well pleased. The Method M ladles' Aid will must Thursday at the P.pwortu ball The ladles will eat a basket dinner together and spend the day quilting. Mrs Howena Robinson visited relatives In Nampa Saturday and Sunday. Misses Elsie Sohmid and Father Kiissell visited Saturday and Sunday aftsriioon with Miss kiliu.beth Reed, of Payette. Mr. and Mrs. Hsusel visited iu Payetts Sunday. 1st Prize--$5.00 Cash 2nd Prize$3.00 Cash 3rd Prize--$2.00 Cash 4th Prize-2 sks Wild Rose Flour Wild Rose Flour Our Special Brand BAKING CONTEST We will give the following prizes for the best loaves of bread baked from our WILD ROSE FLOUR: 5th Prize-2 sks White Quartz Flour 6th Prize-2 sks White Froth Flour 7th Prize-1 sk White Quartz Flour 8th Prize-1 sk White Froth Flour In order to enter the contest, you must buy and get your purchase dip of one sack of Wild Rose Flour at our store. You must deliver one loaf of bread inrl purchase slip to our store not later than 3 P. M. of Saturday, May 3 1913 is prizes will be awarded at 4 P. M. of the same day. You will he given a number when you present your bread as we do not wish your name to be known until af ter the judging. Three judges will be selected from our city; best qualified to act as same. Everv lady (no age limit) in Ontario and surrounding country is invited to enter this contest as we feel you will be greatly pleased with a trial sack of our FAMOUS WILD ROSE FLOUR. mal Having Bad Luck With Your Bread? We Have the Remedy-Enter Our Contest and Be Convinced. WE CARRY THREE BRANDS OF THIS FAMOUS FLOUR Wild Rose, White Quartz, White Froth Which are Money Back Goods and Every Sack is Guaranteed Peoples' Cash Grocery J. B. BUCHANAN, Prop. Successor to Ream Grocery Co. Exclusive Agents for these Famous frauds of Flour ONTARIO, OREGON CLASSIFIED AD1TRMHEHTS Mousy to loan Kfttjd tin in... W. II i in i rn ! Irri l. ..in Is Co. Drayage orders taken at Moore I oii I .li.lm Laud Ingham, residence pboos 424 Base Balls, Bats and Catcher's Mitts THIS OFFER FREE TO SCHOOL BOYS UP TO SIXTEEN YEARS OF AGE In your own handwriting, mail us a list of fifty or more of the names and postoffice addresses of the boys attending your school. If there are not fifty boys in your school, send us a list of as many as do attend. Also tell us your preference Base Ball, Bat or Mitten, and same will come to you as soon as we receive the list of names. DO IT NOW -Won't take over ten minutes and the boys who interest themselves in the work will later re ceive opportunities for addittional presents. ADDRESS ALEXANDER'S Tom Jouss -mil daughter. Mum Leila, are down from Vale vlsitiiiii frlsnds. A number of enthusiastic fans want to Vale Siu.iliiy to ' the Vale Weiaei game. Soore 8 to 0 in favor of Vale. Bert Fltohner. Mysterious Morse, la doing good work for Portland In the Northwestern league. Mian Emma Clark Is Halting with her lister at Nampa. Ward Cuutleld and Mr. Creese are iu Purnia today on hnaiuess. Postmaster Bproul haa been In the hospital at Hot Lake about all the time aluce goiog there. Mra. Holland, of Boise. Is vieitins; ber daughter, Mrs. K. A. Fraaer. Natloual Maater Wilson, of tbe Patroua of Husbaadry, will ootne to Oregon to attend tbe meeting of the State Grange Iu May. He will prob ably visit tbe other northweat states on biatripto tbe ooast. Three lots for aale 2 blooka weat of poatofhYe at a bargain. Inquire at Argus ..Mir... Ladiea tailor and dressmaker Mrs. KitH cope Pboos) 104 N. 1, Tbe taxpayers are Invited to briug their notices of taxea due. to ua aud 1st us send in their paymenta and take oare of the reoeipta until oalled for. Ontario National Bank. Wanted- To rent a bouaa. Apply at Cope & Duunuok, tailors. To the Members of the Work and Win Club A speolal meetiug of tbe Work and Win club will be held Thureday after noon. May 1. 1913. at half past two o'clock, at the public library, to vote upon the queatiou of obaugiug the name of tbe olub Work uud Wlu olub to the Outario Womau'a olub. Caroline Benuer Whitney, Pre. Katelle Kiddle Dodge, Seo'y. Florence Bailey Dorman. Trees. The place to buy Drat clase oaudias a at the Outario Bakery. Now i the time to get a new rug for that room while Parley haa a big stock to select from. For tbe beat bread aud puatry io town go to tbe Outario takery. For Hale Choice Ruial New Yorker seed potatoes. J. Dsfoe. Ontario, Oregon. For Sale Byron Jaokaou centrifu gal pump, I inch, foot valve and lb foot of pipe II. E. Met '.ii ly. UuU rio plume 202 k "'' WkS - ' " X 0r ONTARIO. ORE GROWTH OF DEPOSITS April 4, 1909 $226,078.74 ApriU, 1910 350,636.16 April 4, 1911 320,505.81 ApriU, 1912 341,620.99 April 4, 1913 374,293.54 A strong;, progressive, growing institution, conducted along absolutely safe lines, by men of more than ten years Western banking; experience. ' New Business Invited A. L. COCXRUaf, President; T. TURNBULL, Vice President; C. E. KEN YON, Cashier, H. B. COCKRUM, Ass't. lashitr; C. W. PLATT, Asa't. Cashier For Sale A Ford automobile iu good shape. Prioe 9350. D. C. Booth at Multnomah rooms. Uet your alfalfa aead uow 5 centa a pouod at Moore Livery and Gram company. For Italian prunea see atock Kiuiuett nursery, Ontario yard. of For Sale- lawn mower, good aa new. cheap for quick aale. Phone 103 M. Rosea iu variety, accllumted, at tbe Emmet nuraery, local yard. For Sale - Buggy aud harness and horse. Good traveler in harneas or under saddle. Geutle. Inquire at Butter Wrappers Must Be Printed We are printing more wrappers than any other two offices in this section. There is a reason. We have the machinery, type and workmen necessary and we take the same care with Butter wrappers that we do with wedding invitations. Take your next order of A r(ru c. OffiCC Butter Wrappers to the iiTgUk WW P. O. Box 609 Boise, Idaho Dept. T Uet tbe Argus, only 11.00 I Fugle livery.