The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 29, 1909, Image 1

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t ' A I A. TL. A 111 f I'D
uoni rorgei mai no uo
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For Ontario and Ma'hiur
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
v i
vr- :
Local News.
If it is in the Ontario Argus
it is news.
It begins to look like all otir
dry land is to be watered. Sign
up for an irrigation district.
Pbene Venator lost two bead
of horses, all bis bay and a new
barn ly fire last week at Barren
Mrs. Brent Reeves, who was
well known in Ontario, died nl
Baker City last week. Deceased
was a sister of Mrs. C. C. Carter
Auto for Hale (lood as new ,
will sell cheap for cash or good
note; must sell on account of
ill-health. S. A. Hobson, Ontn
rio, Oregon.
The Argus found II. Ii. Poor
man's equine, and Harry can
now be seen in the evening
driving Miss .lerky on out
paved streets.
Lost Ladies' hand bag, color
dark navy blue, containing onlj
papers of value, to the owner
Return to Argus otlice or Firs)
National Bank.
Tom Turnb till purchased 17
head of thoroughbred merino
bucks, all prizewinners, at the
Boise fair, and will trail the nni
iii. ils to Barren Valley. .
D. H. Kerfoot shipped six
thoroughbred pit game cockerel
to Portland this week. Ihui's
fighting chickens are getting a
repi '' W and wide.
Jim Butler wired im fioin
Cairo lust evening that tl ere
were twin calves at Prof. Conk
lin's ranch again. The mother
this time is it Jersey heifer.
Miss Mue Cuddcti is now er
maneully located at (he R. I)
Gruer lesidence, ami will be
pleused to meet nil (hose inter
ted in organ or pi. mo
lleulth is too precious to he
tampered with by incompetent
vendors of drugs. Try the
Wilson Duffy Diug Co., for
clean drugs, and expeit service.
Row Allan J Hoar, formerly
p.i-tui of the Congregalii nal
church here, was renewing ac
quaintances in Ontario the lirst
of the week. He is now ed.tor
of a weekly paper at (lohlen,
K. S. Rutherford, sexton of
theOulaiio cemetery, requests
all l ho promised to assist him
in setting out trees, plants, etc ,
to im el him at the cemetery at
B a. m. S.turday, Nov. (Hh, one
week from tomorrow.
Clothes cleaned and pressed
on short notice, satisfaction
guaranteed. know how it
is done. A man for a man's
work. Let the wonim rest.
Bring your work to Oeno Om
an!, ill ' Kiser Building, I doors
north of Carter House.
0. 0. LeUbn and family will
depart next Meek for Portland
to reside. Mr. I. u Ins is ,n, ex
perl pharmacist and has ac
cepted a position in one of
Portland's large drug stores.
Wc all wi-li the estimable fam
ily prosperity in their new home.
County Treasurer Hullidav
was in the ciiy the lirst of the
week attending a meeting of the
diieclnrs of the Nevada ditch.
We told Tom a true story that
happened at the White Settle
ment an. I be called us a liur
seconded by "Doc" Brown, who
was rubbering.
J. R. Jenkins, the Harney
county sheepman, accompanied
by his wife and Miss May Jones,
arrived Sunday and registered
at the Curler House. Miss Jones
1-. a sister of Mrs. Jenkins ami
is on her wuy home to Wale:-.
Euglaud, after an extended visit
to relatives in Harney county.
Local News.
A little boosting won't hurl.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. All
kinds of drugs.
Tom Heuweurd is quite ill at
the home of his parents on the
Kiist Side.
Born In this city, Oct. 2'J,
1900, to the wife of fault
Hundley, a son.
J. S. Kdwards, the banker
stockman of Vale, was a business
visitor lo Ontario on Tuesday.
Riley Horn and wife of Wat
son were renew ing acquaintances
in Ontario during the week.
Mrs. II O. Drane and chil
dren left Sunday or an ex
tended visit to Des Moines,
Mrs. James ICshoni and duugh
ter Delhi left Tuesday for Huilcy,
Idaho, to make their future
Luck of cement is retarding
the progress of work on both
the Boyer and Lackey brick
For Sale (-room house, one
block from ostoHiee; very cheap
ami title guaranteed. Impure
I. T. Clement, Ontario, Ore.
Klincr Dory will lenve next
week for Denver, Colo., on a
visit lo his parents, the first visit
lo his old home in '.'" years.
Any physician that knows the
Wilson. Puff v Prnn Co , will not
hositale to tm-l his patient's
medicine to us for prepurution.
Williams it Mover, proprictoi-
-I the Kleetric Mu.e, desire to
inform the public that in the
itituie a cliunge of program
nightly will lie given ut their
popular little theatre.
Illue Prints oi any Township
in tiie Burns Land Pntiict,
showing names of entiymeii,
kinds of entry, dates, etc., and
topography. 1'iice 1.00. .1
0. Turney, Iturns, Oregon.
It. S. Rutherford has just re
ceived u vacuin cleaner ami so
licits work from the citizens of
Ontario in that line and satis
taction guaranteed. When jot
want your home i leaned just let
"Uncle Pick" know.
C. It. Kinison, eaebiof of the
Ontario National Hank, was u
business visitor lo Weiser dur
ing the week, ('hurley curried
a huge valise uml when asked
u bat is contained replied ami
he blushed like a Hi year-old.
The Ontario volunteer lire de
purtmeiit bus been reorganized
ami the following ollicers elected
for the ensuing year 1'io-ident,
II I,. I'oorinan; vice proi. lent,
J. W. Thompson; secretary
treasurer, J. it. Oiegg; ebitf, J.
A. Iteed.
For Sale 16 tons of liay and
I". tons of straw an. I pusture of
lot) acres, will lease puolure up
to March 1; dwelling to live in
for renter; four miles west of
Ontario. Address Felix tturk
ley, Onturio, Or.
Croy a PeUus of the Pastime
billiard und pool rooms, one of
the finest in the norlhwest, in.
v tic- your putronuge. The tirm
ulso curi ies cigars, tobacco, line
confectionery, etc., The fruit
uml confectionery store is separ
ate from the billiard room, uml
the ladies of Ontario are es
peciully invited to make their
purchases at the Pustime, just
mill of Boyer Bros. A Co.
Let tlie Men ltu iUt) Work.
(lo to tiene f onant for clothes
cleaning. Export pressing ami
repairing. The Kronen dry uu.l
magnesium methods of eleauiug
also scouring. All work guai
ucleed. Three doors north ot
i '.uter House barber shop.
Mr. Speer Will Place Water
Trowbridge v Niter, I be irri-
rigalion and bonding company
of Chicago, have oinplclc.l
surveys on all Inc In ml
MNlth Of the Malheur river and
i,i ii ,i
l.axenroxed Ihmr camp to the
north s.deof the river, ihey
are now Jurying on (her eur.
vcys in the I icn.l (K Mat tern -
lory. Kvery l' acres on the
,11,i i i .. u ,, .
south sole of the Malheur hnx
i i..i.i i . -
...... ..,,-.. .-mi aiio uve-iooi an iieierreu pavnienls exceptini'
,. ii.,.,u i i ......... ' ; ' ...
"" "ten ion,
i . , ..I
.oi map- oi I,,, , .i. i. .i
.. -
pleled south of the Owyhee lo
the Idaho line and in the Sucker
creek country m Idaho.
The plans and sj ideation-
are I. ow in shape roi inspecl
and the road laud ompanii s
have reported that their u.ei-
noer, Mr. Whistler, will be heie
in a few .lays to examine Hum.
Il is then iii lo the mi.,, I I;, ml
people and the High Line l. get
together, nml they, wiih Hie
people of M ai I In il i COUOlj , slllli.l
ready to accept any proposition
l.iwuler their dry land that is
uiirami reus.mul.le. Dm ing the
past two months, or since the
,,v,': "l bas lulled out of
l'"' '"'ilh side, negotiations
have been going on between
Mr. Speer and Iho committer!
that wero recently upointd to
rsprOSSIII US muiIIi side html
owners. This .oiiiiuill.-e repoit
gOOd progress, t Ir.e cry satis. '
factory f.-ulnie i. that Mr. Speer
has cut out the sliding scale and
showing the topography of all their land and placing it in a
,i i i i i it. ...:... ..
tbe dryland between Mitchell high Mate of cultivation. This
btitte and Vale bulle. ami la-, will leave the individual tracts
i ....., 1 1 .. 1 1.. . i . i ii ii . i i .
iwcen llic tiw.vl ami Mnlheui . of land free from innrliwe.
'I'l... a.......... .ill li i .. WVt
i in same w oik lias ec m,- which would not be the use
win eiiuiinaie n postpone tlie the commissioners must bo pa conolu ; aa wa all want water
,'"sl' l"'.v nt- Tbbi eaah pay- titioood !- M) land owner, or I right now and not in tboswoel will bo entirely eliminated by a majority nl the land own. I bye and bye. Water will make
providing the people will form era vithiii the district. Thie pe. thiaoneol Ihe grtatosl garden
an Irrigation district, and nil litiou musl ih.n I... published I sMtM in iho W.-i, tin i best place
the dry lands within tin-district for four roiitCf IllivO WCOll with forth. I e builder and the iii
will be nt Hie si pi i. e. Hie dale ol which the land nit n- VCSlor.
Mr. BpatS was in Ontario last eis will all have an OpportOllil) TtMHtSaudj ol peopl.-aie wateh-
M,""'"' ' ,l"' i oa. i to ask tlie commissioners t ing Ibis project and nailing to
people, a., omj.ani.. I l.y Ins Chlel
engineer, to go over Ihe pili s
with the engineer employed by
Hie road laud companies, but hc,
representatives ol the rood land
wci.i unable lobe heientlhal
Ho Is a Mrnti Kcarior
Raj I Itupl Uapl "Come in."
said Judge Kjllg, while he u ,i
bilsy pi. -paring a legal docii-
nt. "Be you lb. parson.'1
said a voice al ll e door - be
not the iiar on," said tbe Judge,
"bill come III ami 1 w ill lie the
knot, l know what you aaut, for
1 am a reader." A timid
.......... i... i i .. i... i.f..i
,......ii ...... .....I .. i.i in i nil ii.
J ,
man . iii.-r.u nun a marriage li
cense and Judge K ing, with all
the solemnity lor u In. h 1 1 la
note I, fa d lb.- word that made
Joeoph Btrong nnd Blhel (J rave,
boih of Uoise, man and vviie.
After colleeii ug Hi- usual liver
fOr biS trouble, closing his eves
while be kiss.-l I lit- bride, the
Judge Said to the groom! "Jo
seph, 1 hope yon will be Si long
.-nou li (ii support lb.- bride, ami
you, Miss Blhel, 'i rave enough
mil o be jealous of ,'o-eph."
The judge Hun Went out and
bought a tWO bit cigHl .
Tor Sab- s-iooiu house, B
looms finished: filols; dc.-ii.ible
purl of the city ; el-cap. llupiiie
C. E. Kenyon, or Argus otfii c
3Q Per Acre ami Take Pay for
Same in 20-Year Bonds.
While here 'lr Speer pt-
'- l tlmt the .i opte form tin
irrigation district! nml lie will
nluce wati'i nil lie I nml nl SJn
,1111 ncie, and lake pay for the
same in -tl.yenr bonds. By this
plan no payments w,ll be due
during the lirst 10 years. This
seems to meet the approval of
all the land owners, as it relieves
them of a cash payment and of
,,.. .
in. i i ror me nrsi in
years while tliev are ImnrovillB
- -
with an individual water con
tract. This is particularly de
sirable us it w ill enable the land
owner to obtain loans and will
also quit materially facilitate
the mle ami tian-l'ei of their
real estate, l'i. lo this lime
the Arms has heni.l af .. oi,.
jeetions lo the formalu fan
in ii-MiiMi, .li.i,:. i
a petition is now being i ir.
culat.d am. me the
m the south side uskilis the
county couiniaybMiors to form
IW Irflptlsil llilllftt The prt
limiiiary houn.hiiy, of iieeessiiy,
includes much Inn. I thai is now
waleml. The r. nson of thin is
that there is considerable div
land Interspersed among the
natered rauebes Those who
have water lights only need to
ask Ibecomiiiiesioneis when the
lime com.- to omit that p.u lion
of their land that is nou uai.i.-. I
out of the district
Accordillfl to the OreaOU law
clu.le or OKI lu.le then land liom
tbo district,
The praspeels are now vory
bnght a- every one m-cihs in.
.lined to favor any roaaonaldo
pTOpoeitiOII that will bung the
high 1 1 ii. mi. b, A very forlu
Assessed Valuation
Malheur County, I9S9
A i.- cuiivaicd land, 20,270 -''-I
Acres urn u'tivated hind, B8.04N
Acr.s mm lilUble land. IH.IliT
i ,. ..... . , , ... .
Improvements on dct.lcil laud
Town lots
Improvements on town lots
linprovciiii nt.- on land, not deeded
Mil.s railroad, telegraph, Ulepbooe linos, 80100
Uollliig .-lock
Slatioliai engines, etc
Mel- !ia:i.l e stock In trade
I'ai liiing liiiplcmeiit-
Mom , notes and accounts
Household I'm nitiire, ate
N j in I i !' horsei and mules, sl'
Xii-ob.-i of cattle, 24.8AI
NuiiiI i ' I l . . - -1 . , 100,700
Number ,-w me, SS I
i:.. hives, 1000
: i
on the Land f or
note chanii teristic of the people
in this part of the county is that
thev do not hcconie casilv .lis
nrmiilcml ..m- ata Ih.v inclined
s. - - ----.. -
10 w hillle about from MIOM heme
to another. A steading pnrpOM
I. absolutely essential in carry.
ing through any gu.,t Under-
taking, and especially is this
true where so man v are con-
ccrned. While the government
was in tie held im niinilicr of
promoters, nor any amount or
nroselvliiiL' nor asitatiliB could
i w " .-.-
the lielil wc aic cerluiir that the
people of Ontario and vicinity
will be us loyal mid us iinuiii
nious in their rapport of thi
pi ivale in igation company that
is now in the lichl us they WON
of tbe eovernincnt. and thev will
an Mtaful consiileration to all
proposition- that they have to
All should stand shoulder to I
shoulder in the effoit to yet1
water without ouibhlini' over
Immtlorial .l.tuils, And eouflne
ull negotiations to the compaiy
that is now in the Held, Trow-
bridge A Kivi i w ill lind Onlaiio
and vicinity as h al lo them as
they were to the government as
long as there is a prospect
getting togoiber,
With the proaiects Uml w
now have of gelling water in the
near dilute all petty differences
sl.oobl I..- Lei. I ilmtii. nml all
pull logether to bring negotia.
tioitl to a speedy and successful
be asslll . .1 Of aler, to i oiue ami
make this then home Wat. i
will bring a realisation
of our tomb -I hopes, and VO
in ii -1 all keep together and pull
together to get woik stint.. I on
this project at once.
.;'. ititi.
18 inn
$1,0711,00.1 '
1,408,100 0
;.i;,Jii.". tin
02,05A )
848,008 ()
ina.aoA no
::.::;, I.iii 00
j0,800 im
.".i,'7."i tin
IfJl.lOfi 00
."r.,:;ti."i nil
stunipede the peoph- from the', .,
' lo llic exposition.
governmental long as there- yjaet oforehardj Balds
clainatiot .lepurtment stood by , ..'.. ' ', "' .. '
. wrt' also sent with the exhibits
the Mu hi-nr project ; luit us the a n it iw. i i
I As the I ml.. I Males Land .V
uoverniuci.t has now deserted , , .
r.'.i,''s;. tin
r.;()r,iu 00
-'7::, I in Oq
1 1 -s.lMlll I. II
407J8fi OQ
1,120 00
l.otiti 00
$0,801,77S 00
m "o I.,-..
Exhibits of This Section
I he Uffiu to Commercial Clul
Inn rcdloi tcil rj verv it 1 1 1 it t live
'xhihii whnh will be tent to
the United Btates I. and A Irri
gation exposition, which opens
in Chicago and continue from
Nov. 'Jd to J7.
Trowbridge A Nivor will have
on exhibition In miniature all
of the country in tin vicinity.
T lis feature of the exhibit will
lllOW the topography of the
ei II li try as taken from their mr
vrys; the r ivere, din bee, etc.
I Ins exhibit will he called the j
Mtdel Irrigation System. j the exhibits Hint will
inuaci aiienunn arc samples oi
,., ,,v (. w .,
.,,.,, n1i Rp M f
., . ((, JJ ;
mvn , ,. yy J , ,,
a '; , . . '.'i i
neaweard and others ie included
;. ,, , ,
. Ill III Ikl I- It j. U.lllll. Iu of
attract attention arc samples of
ii" oe mm. i ie nmiics or
Ull, ,, , , ,.
iiillaltu thut brought a reyenii.
, t
m 100 to $1A0 per acre
will open the eyes of the visitors
ll ligation exposition is entirely
a western exposition, it is ex
pected that it will do much in
attracting bomeeeekere to this
-ci lion.
8 to 11
The OotUgo of Idaho football
ln,m defeated the Ontario high
eleven in one of the wunnc-l
i.,.i... i i...., i ..i i
., Ml ,,..,,-.. pmn
itncsM-.l .m the gridiron
iii Hi s city Saturday afternoon
l-v a score of I I to tf, The
r.anio went to Caldwell through
an accident by Ki.' kicking
ihe hall against the Ontario goal
on the third down, when il was
secured by a Caldwell player I'm
a touch. lovvi., Caldwell made
it- I I scores in the lirst half
( tularin made live m the lirst
hall, when I'ls. i made a touch
down by breaking through
Caldwell's line in a 'O-yanl run.
Kieer made a place ki. I. in tin
second half ami Ontario cam.
dangerously neat scoring tune
after that
Advertisement for BUIk
Notice hcl. by given that the
undersigned, the Ontario llridgi
Commission, will receive bids
for the widening, grading aud
colisliiu lion of a load In. in tin
city limits ol the ( 'ii v u lutai in
sastward to the epproai h ul
the Oregoii'ldahn bridge xcross
Snake l iv.i I'lan- ami -pi. i
lieutlons can be had at Hie mill
of Kngitucr A M Kox, ' hitai In,
Oregon, on and after October -.
I0U0, All hills Ual be ll, Ihe
bauds of said Com in is.-ion by III
befoie '.'. o'i loi k i in , Month- .
Novelilla I I, 1 0011, im I mill bi Im i I lllgeil . he. I
ol live (.".) p. . i nl ..I il,. al i 1 1 .
ol Ihe bid,
I he I ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 !--no. 1 1 -ei - ii..
right to i. jei t a 1 1 m all bids
Dale. I ll.loh. i 'll, I'.IU'.l
t lx i mm Uoiimik ' uiaai
Notice I- h.lebv given thai
the assessment for the y si I01MI
ol the Snake Kiver III gallon
Distl let, Mnlheui (oiinly, 1 1
gon, is now due uml payable,
and Will become dell n , lent at
o'chM-k . in on Ihe '!l-t day of
llcceinbei, r.i'ill. .'ie per i cut
penally will be added on nil
t ie of said nl remaining
unpaid at said dale of delin
(iil.-ney. I'SVUieilt of said tai
,inn M. uiad. ut th. uftive ol the
-hellll ol Malheur eouiltv , al
'ale, Oregon.
l!n:.l OliK .1., '..Hector.
Snake Kivei Irrigation District
. VI II HUM V KM I l;-I...Ss
v I.. liegoii Bhoi t I. in.-.
llailv for tickets one hiu via
I'm tlaiul. I'leijlieiit date- for
other routes, biee Oregon bhort
Line agents for further details.
M .MI'.KR 14
Me read) I r tin i ool, fall
ItiglltS vv III) .1 hot will' I bottle to
l'iit .it j I', et. ' he . run fort
One w ill iinpiiit il Worth ninny
timFS S lint you'll 111 . I lo j iiy
for ii
Our fall sti i k i- in-1 in it
com os din ctly from the factory
and cm i bottle g freeh and
Ure to wenr long .in I give per-
i. i latiifactinn. Wi liave sev-
rrHl Breii M'""' '" all lilSS,
:. ... .m-
three quart si,- All gm.iai,.
i ,.,!. PrloOS ...-. low, .. buving
.lir.-s-l from maker give. , .11
the iliseotints.
M"m ""' mm' ""''' '"Mt W the
Geo. Candland.
i.i:iiNi DMtycMiwr
I 'iilai lo, ( In gou
Is our main Inter st, ami
we do g.i Into outsida
lines. Ilciici- we nre able to
give v.ui u lino -tuck ,,f
AN 1 1
letting ProscrMMS
Of the ability
Drug Co.
Guaranteed Wateh
lit' W'1 Will lint i,, to
iitakn ,i wli.-.lluii mu k.'.'p
tiiiie. but am tin in u
tiling to it by requiring our
iu'U t" III. II k tin- llho t,, you,
W do agree i make
any kind of u time
pieoe Kerveyou accept
ably :ii a very moder
ate cost
W'e guurantoe you atisfaetion
in all dealings,
A i ompli le I i ii. ,. i .
ln . t M II il and In-U in, ,i -,.
1 ht le rt mid Mu ii : House
"i I hi tin in, 0rs
vSf. Francis' Acddemy.
Baker City, Oregon
boardiiicj ind Diy Sihool
for (iirls.
mdi i i ,..i,
allulll .1
'I'lic . our-. .. KtudisS em-
bra. ss the i ighth gradi ol com
limn .-Im In - . brill c. ,., i j,,- -talu
.i.'li-i ..I Studies, the A. ademic
1 nurse o I ... 1 1- . in ,nd the
I 'nlnincicul i uui ie
The music and p. in, ling dM.
nartmcnti offer ih udid advan
Studic- u ill he ii -in. , Sept.
7, 1000 l-o, in. lb, I parlieu.
( lai- call i't the A. a.icmy 01 ud- inc .-.i-ikh m hkuIOM.