t r I ( A (Mzavitt i.m -'a&Liz Forget That We Do BOOST For Ontario and Maiheur of Printing at Argus Office. Count Representative Newspaper of Aralheur County. VOLUME XIII ONTARIO, OREGON, FRIDAY. OCTODER Ifi, IWt. Nl'MltKK 41 She I Don't vmx. 1 all kinds 1 the Louniv i H Local News. A little boosting won't hurt. Wilson-Duffy Drug Oft, All kinds of drugs. The Boyer brick block will Soon be completed. Henry Allison loft Inst Friday On a business trip to Mnrvsville. That is s warm adv. of Ruder & Lampkins have this week Reed it. Mr. and Mrs. A. Venator him returned to tbeir home in I far Oiy county. (Jhicken dinner nt the Carter "Tlouse Sunday evening from 0 to 8. 50 cents. ' The many friends of m H bson will be pl as d to leai n that he is recovering from hi illness. To.n Jones was in tbo city Tuesday. He is now located al Caldwell, temporarily, but will soon roturn to Ontario. Tuesday was Ontario ami Eastern Oregon day it the Bolei fair. Quite a nu in !;-nf ' mTIiT rioltes ni;;', Yuleitcs atlended. For Sale Cheap Improve' Economy cream separator; Ma1 as new. Can be seen nt Poor man's, next door to poMollico. Geo. Clark, our popular fern man, returned Tuesday from in extended business trip to ('aid well and oilier Canyon count' points. Dr. Silver wood, the veterinary has opened an ollieo in th Multnomah block. He gUBrnn tees satisfaction in bis lino n business. Clothes clenned, pressed and repaired by Gone UOIianl al tin Fiser building. Work called tot and delivered and snlisfuciim guaranteed. ' R. S. Rutherford has just re ceived a viiciini cleaner and so licits work from the citizens id Ontario in that lino and antis fartion guaranteed. Winn ym went your bolt I leaned jmt lei i-tfacle Dick" know Lees 4 Bluckal'V lliis week s iid to 8. 1 Bradley of Jo dun Valley, tbo Scott place on tin East Side, consisting of dwelling and seven lots for 11000, Mr. Bradley and family will coon move to Ontario and the ebil (rn will uttend school. Any physician that know the Wilson-Duffy Drug Co , will not hesitate to trust bis patient's medicine to us for preparation. Attorney A N. Soliss will leave Sunday for Chicago to take testimony in two cases against the Western Beit Sugar Co of Mountainhome, and ex pects" to be absent 0 days. Mrs. Soliss will accompany him on the .trip. N. C. Kries has received carload of f rui ', consisting ol tipples, penis and prunes. Those desiring fruit cull at the build ing southeast of the operu house Married In Portland, Oft I, 1909, C. D. Brainard to m Gertrude Rowland. Both the contracting parties are well known in Ontario, the groom formerly being engaged in busi ness here, and the bride is u sister of Mrs A. N. Soliss, huv ing visited here on several occa sions. The best wishes of many friends in Ontario is extended. Croy 4 Delias of the Fustime billiard end pool rooms, one of the finest in the northwest, in vites your patrouuge. The linn also carries cigars, tohucco, tine confectionery, etc., The fruit and confectionery store is separ ate from the billiard room, ami he ladies of Ontario are es pecially invited to make their p rchases at the 1'astime, just with of Boyer Bros. .4 Co. Local News. Rend Harry P.. (irauel's new adv. in Ibis issue. Good clothes cheap for men and boys at Ruder lira1 0 Lumpkin's. You address a whole com inunity when you advertise a few wl " vou grumble. For Sale Tent, I f.x.'ir. with 7 foot wall; needs some repairing hut n hnruuin. Inuuireol Rev. (J. W. Mi .-rioon. Mrs. V). A. Frascr is visiting her sister in Boise this week and taking in the light! at the Intermour.tain fair. For Sale S-room house, B rooms finished : .'lots; desirable pirl of the city; cheap. Inquire C. K. Keiiyon, or Argus olliec. J .1 OOTtright arrived home from Haines Springs on Tues day uini reporls Mint Mr, t'nrt right is slowly improving in health. (has. Thebun.l, the well known farmer and breeder d blooded, nl.Lrl ,,f. initr Vale, whs in the city Tuesday renewing MilliiiliUlliecs. Several stale papers are still hoosting J. W. McCulloeh for governor. Why naif Me would make the best chief cm ulive Oregon ever hud. Williams g Mover, proprietor f tl.e Electric Ma.e, desire to inform the public that in (In inline ii change of progiam nightly will be given at their popular llttla theatre. I). B. Tullle lias opened u econd hand store, two doors north of the Argus olliec and .vill buy and sell all kinds ol your patronage and guarantees his patrons u square deal. Bui bridge A Doolillle this week sold to J. I''. Burrcll the Nil liolo farm just west of Onln rio, for P2, BOO, and HI aeies of ihe I '. . : . 1 1 1 1 : tract to P M Whitteii. Both purchasers arc from Missouri mid didn't hav to be shown. Blue Prints oi any Township in the Ruins l.aud Dictrlct, showing names i cntiyinen, kinds of entry, date-, etc , and topography. Price l 00. J ('. Turney, Rums, Oregon. Married In this eity, Oct. s, 1909, f. W. MePweli to Mi I- tal Sioit, hoih of skull Springe, Rev. .1. W Miller aflalating. The In ide is a niece of Tom rurnbull, the well known sheep man, and the many fiieiids of ihe happy couple evtciul beet wishes. Auto for Sale- Good aa near; will sell cheap for cash or good note; must sell on n. count of ill-health. S. A. llobson, Onti rio, Oregon. A cublegram was received from the father of Adolph S( hiielier on Friday stating not to ship the body of his son to Germany, ' ,; to cremate the re mains if passible, or bury the same in Boise. The funeral was held in Boiee OO Sunday, inter im nt being in the beautiful Morns Hill cemetery. Health is too pre ions to he tampered with by im ompetent vendors of drugs. Try I he Wilson Duffy Drag Oa., for clean drug", and exiert service. Mrs V. (i. Jenkins and daughter, May Dixon, were in the city Tucsduy f'nm Van eouver, B. (' ., en route to Sail Pike, where the Jenkins string of nice horses are entered in events. The stable consists ol Roalta, holding the world's re cord on u half-mile track, of 1:46; On Purole, Cinnamon, Tube Rose, Prithee, Intonation and Aunt Polly, the old set rare mare in existence, recently pur chased by Mr. Jenkins for breed ing purpose-. Local News. Rend Under Rwe, e. Lamp kin's adv. Ibis week. It il I warm one. Postmaster Sproul desires to inform the public that on ac count of the change of lime of trains, all mail will he mule up at 7 .".o p. m. Instead of B p, at. J. R. B'ackubv mid wife, aid Dr. Taylor and wife of Vale, left yesterday morning for Rime totakm ihe fiifr. They went in Mr. Ifluckahr's dnlo, Sheriff Odetl, and wife, went to Boise on Tiicdac. Bob'l mission sai on official business while Mrs. Odcll will vi.'il friends ami take in the fair. C. R. Kmison, cashier of tin Ontario National Bunk, mid sife, look iii the splits at the Roiso fuir this wick Charlev sas the "Siei'e of Jericho" is grand to behold Ontario's high school f oat ball train went OYer to Payette on Saturday, in oinpanied by u bevy of bentlifiil young ladies, and defeated the Payette nun by : score of B to (I, K. J. Benin, W. II Benin urn! Ike Whitcley of Ironside, were III the city the In I of Ihe week from Ironside. They were n liesses for Rill Renin, W ho proved up on Pit) teres of land. New line of pillow tops, em broidery silks mid stand ravers, received this wccK ut Radci Pros. ,V Pain pk iu's. The mail who spends the dnv gossiping on the sheet cornel. and the man who slsras appose! i very project, however good, de signed to heller the town, mm anything but a help to the phut in w huh they live. Sii vii'i h nl the Mi ihodi'l church next Sunday as fo'.loari Preaching at 1 1 iSO a sit . uml . p. m. Bund ly school nt 1" ;i a. m. Kpwniih leagne, 04f p. m. Kveryhodv cordially in viled. .1. V. M Her, paHiir. I). P. Nee S last week pill I I, ii d ID aer s of Ihe tjuaekcii hush ranch from Mis W. P. Pecs, paying for the same S". 100 and P. Pees, n brother of V. p. Pees, bought -o ncres of the trait and will bars the saint planted to inter appl-'S. I .in locale a nniti on lit1 acres of gov rumen! land will two living springs; good Weei voir site, land can all be plowed three miles from railroad Sta lion liliest fruit land III Mali' . for S.'iO Address 1. M llrown, i intario, t)rcg . U'e note in several Hate a peis that Representative W. H Brooke is favorably mentioned for congrcjeiO'iel honors nt ll e next election W BCCOnd IsM motion, as we know Rill would make goad in the balls of cm grass, clothes leaned, pressed am repaired by (Julie Conael al tl i Pieer building belter bwililie belli r work. Clothes i ailed fu ami delivered. J K. Jones his returned don a delightful v is Mnjhis old lion i at Henderson, K v It was Im lust visit in '2S yaafff, end be tells the Argus thut the ( liMiiges uro many, bill many of bis old friends are siill among the liv ing, whom he was very much pleased to meet again. - a v i atapaaNata laaaaii via Oregon Short Li US Railioud $25.86 from Ontario to Beatib ami return. On sale daily, coin mem ing June 1st. Ask agenl- or further particulars. Read the Argus and e I the creaiii of the news. Only $1.00 per year. w OO A HANLEY Bunt Do Not the People . IHopesDeseirt to lb a IRecIaiiuTjie Judge Win. Miller, formerly I j1 tl under ?. bieb the rnnd enm of Ontario, hut now of Rums I puny has twenty-live or thirty who accompanied C. P. s. Wood thousand scree. Now, Mr Wood and Win. Ilanlcy In Agency vnl- and Mr. Hanley hnve n plan to ley, where the above parties try and create reservoirs in were examining the woi k Civil Agency, Wuiin Spline; and Kngineer Puulkner was em I Draeoey valleys so us tc lesre ployed to MSjOniplisIl, ill an ill- the main Malheur Canyon open lerview in (In t. . ,.' Rniii'- linns. I. .-.,!. Mini in pail II f. II II I I l . I U . 1 1 I .1 -M.I' l'M. N 11,11 s. WIIIIM III 11 iinriv left Mr. Ilunlev and Mr to Ihe gotltl rork, nsinu the , . " Im win Wood ut Benlah looking over wnlers of tin I'.liVen I iver stored Hasleaaedall laadaaatssseaa the prospective dam uini reser- there. Mr. Wood i also am voir site in Agency Valley. lboiied to make some pielimi When shown the Oregoniiin with nury surveys uml iiiuke a ic the excited Bums dispatch they port. both laughed and Mr. W I said Then Mi Ilunlev bus his pet he was glad to see they were in such ivod company us J. J. Hill and John P. Stephens. Mr. Ilunlev uml Mr. Wood agreed i hat it would he wrong to xcite the people with lalse , the hopes, and the facts arc that Ihe . ocretery ol the interior bus re. c led the Harney Valley I in- provement Oo's, Oarejf Act -cheine uml Mr. Ilunlev ami Mr. Wood intend to reclaim the de- "l1 ...... i ii... . .1 I...1.IU 1.1 II l.ll. ...Illl..' Illl,, ll. ihe si tilers uml in the tract con. tcmplnled to be sillied are more ihiin ten llmusiiiid acres belong- i nt; to the mad company. The garat nmenl has pnuiiculiy de - rided iil'iiiiisI the Miilheur pin- Dunn Is Going Through General Manager I hum of the Puyetle Pumpkin Vine is gelling high loncd I beat days with Ins linky road. Agent Drain kiudlv SSked Iii HI (he other day if he ras going la stop at Oulerlo with his special on his way to lloise on ! i idny, uml received i he folio.', 0 icply : II O )i:k No; soi rv we can't slop, a- 1 hnve ONLY 18 l.l'lll' I won t have room or nnv nmie. Wad h us gn in nugb. If propel arrangements rail e made Ihe m bonis, business 'muses and banks w ill be ellM 1 Krblai nioi mug, and ihcpmme Hand, comiiting of :iti piece.-, i ml the cut lie populace of Onla io Will be al ihe depot to "wati'h Dunn and bis Ifi eats go through." - Electric Clock. llai iv I! ii ti' nl Im- p'nc ii on a pedestal in front of his up io dale jewelry store, nn ilieine clo'-k of his own invention, and i the mil v Olie of (In- kind in i be aoi ''. I ne nice oi uiu i 101 n is uini mh with M little ehciiic bulbs. The 'ei... i . r .1 . I I, :, .I....1 . inner 1- bulbx m.k the h nil land, titS outer f the In e niniile pciinds 'I'o read the clock correctly ycu should note at many ininules past the hour. 1' or instance: Inn it t i- io minutes to u vou should read H:.',0 o'ebuk, and so on through the dial, for the ru-on that the hour light dON UOt travel like ihe hour band on a clock, but is stationery at the liguic it designates. llitv uml l'.i-.niie lor Sale On Pine deck, Harney i -01111- tv ; tiuiothv bay and tine graaa pasture; good shelter Slid open water eb .lion. .'itiOO feel. KffTas 4 V vnDkuv kkk, Van, Oregon. f UCn V rJ 11 Desire to Incite With Fake e . ii' ,u lailmud niupon's ami also cut a liaum I f"ni Mnlheiir Inl S hobby, the district constructed ami owned railroad and he with Mr. MrCi,,Uh and Mr Mallett have formed u corporation called the Boise V Western, with lift v thousand dollars iniu- tal slock, similar to Ihe COI poratiou formed at Coos Ray to try and make suiveys uml colled righl ol wuv , uml be and Mr. Wood me going to try to hnve the miiiic surveyms u, ,11 11. .1.1 .'.If.. I1 lllllll , Ll,tll. . ..-....-. Mr. YA noil sunt' " I Ins sejhig nt mm SChOOlhoUOS Si creey of railroad operations nl " p ni. ways struck RM as a good SUhl , I'oornian has puai liused jret for comic opera it nev cr ,K, lM,, M ( iiee.m dwellings in fools any one uini nev.r doositlie eoothorn nert of the city. nnv eood in the lui.e inn." Take Iho Medal We alwavs held olllsclf ill high retCCm as a liar, but the following from u Dakota editor, makes lis go iiway luck and -il down: "A few vents ago a farnici near (i.ilind I. mil a small bam, Utfiug gri en wdlow DOStS il the conn t and . bmg the i ! I llel i car h id INI Sled In - nv thai, w Iii lea-, he had put lln I'1"'" mi Ihe gioiind It was Mini leet iil'ove Hie soil, I he w iIIikv nets, III lead nr being dead, were mill h all', e. Ill till ii up Sard ImiV e lln had i III I led I In b:ii ii along. I. i-t J car I he barn via- Oil Mills nine lei I high, and the Im mil pi.l ii new floor in and siirimiinh d Pie nels ST i til siding, therebj making a tv.o -im v ail. in- There is now .. pace nt eight Inches between the lliiol- and Hie gimind and I In- owner evp. I- to have a three sloi ) bam In 1010," The liridgo Three spans ol the Ontai io. Snake river bit IgS are coin pb leii ami but urn piers Slid i. in- span remain- to be b lilt In complete the sti in line A laige loieeol men me now aradina on the Idaho t w i i k ide for the spproacbi Ths hill In In ing wii-bed ,iu .a b hydraulic nn s sine Ivt'l ItHltl pounds of l o-' - ,,.r bah been used in hluslii K tl(. hardpan in the high bluff Minn; to t.wivw tats N'olice is hereby given that ihe hoard 'f Kqualisatiou will meet at the con. t hou-e in Vale il... si.!-. I M.....I .. I ...... 1 ... till lli' l IIU llli'llUiil , iii;- iik ,' . .... . ,,.,.,,,-. ,1 ,' I Will .In v l.l I lei 1. lie I III till til' purpose ol sxamiuiug tbs Ta Koli and equalising tilS -one All objections to lbs as se-sir ei it of any piopntv u.u-t be uuide in writing and 1,1.-1 will, the cleik during the lir-l wick Ol .,, 1 1, lie 111. 111. .- it 11 s. L. Paymi , Assessor ol Ualbeui County,' Ire Indicatinns Gralif yinq. Oil Found at the Bottom of the Ontario Well While Ottl the Drilrei eiigngeii in cleaning oil well llns wick.; ishcr encountered oil hi considerable quantity in Ihe sediment nt (he bottom n the well, an indication thai a Mow 61 oil is near al hand, It bus always been the opinion .. experts, from lbs showing in.ide, that oil m paying tiuau ll y will Ik encountered at u I' I lli of 1000 or 1000 feet, and thai depth w ill soon he attained ai.d we all hope for u gUslier Till-: tlltAmt HABIT. A narasn stasia ifows so a r . StOfS, Ami she - t !- unit In i.- late shea '- nl ' - i ' : t i" i niinin' nr inurr .... ... .... . i, ,... ..I . .... ..... i urn mie mull uihi iimk Mm H m ui . i .i . see sse. And ski i'rlni ! ..I a- plum dm eun OS I'lilil sin- ln.ik Into ii BjtaSS, A until in Mm moratmbss apwttks ynwii, Tiifn he rsaskas oat for bjIbsj . lie pni h .in to- Btoehes uml eess oat sa I lie lawn, tint sel beknas lates sjleei tie steaaaiets sad sflsrwaeis barrtss llnW'll lnVVl, lie i.ii ni a jiiiii ii Hi.. nri seraer liivvn lis small i" est rM ai that dark tests "f In- nvn. ini in- laohs Into il id,,.. ireKi.ii .tiniriiiil Local News. .111.1 . . I .ii. ihiiii M'liooi ami pi i mil A l i . I I it.. .1 I . . Cil lull l Ii I II i Illl public si hool teticln it. ill t In 'ipi-lll hotlSe I Jt -1 I idav even ing. II. T Hunted ind ebildreu v Isited Boise durit ; the sraalt ami took in ihe doings si tin fair, Topic for SCI V Ii cs al the Pni- Icd Presbyterian ball nexl Bun dav Mm -i.ine, "A t 'ini-i nin i Void oi i )in use." Kveniug, "ItigllU oll-,i --,Ti llipt lulu e uml ludgmeul lot mi Shclll'l lull Odill of Mall,, U county Im- l ii for h sflei being in in i.niv of I,.. i, h i. alipnn, inn sill I ill, Im a H llill He was i, nl In Id il i a niisde- ineauor, but I. mi aas sfraid be might dll n -thing 'I S 1 1 of ibem wen im! wc'ie bought oft. Bui ii- l --IP laid The question is: 'Who shot lien. Wright' pi I dm k"'' Pi. b Im- Maddi ii d i npiM d utti 1 1 A igu nfliee llii morning sii told II- In I, id - mil In- ; 'VI di m c thiil lyt I los ii i iii i tin- duck, mists I.- t ' fo.it inl bird for ' bulbil. r a- ! i .line IIIIHCkillg In,! . ! , I.. Iii I liiii i- .ill I ic !e .Im- u nuld say I. v'l i ii Kyle uml Jim ImhIi f s e I iiii ib.ii very lains dm k. W 'here. iill. wh ll I - I'imii ii,, .ii .-. mine ' St in i d A sorrel mare pin n . i;i im ii nr in fur in Harry I' .,,, M t w reahouts and 1 eive 11 w. ml 1 1.11 1 v w SUtS this euulue and w.,1. 1- her bad. 8be j gl'I'S iv llie name 01 .VI ISh Jel K y- lelk and ha- a record Oil the j LouUville, Kv , trees: ol Hvsj j l( ., , 1(((i, su. j . . hlgh-spilltld, holding hei head ' praeihle, sud her gait will jeik any buggy 10 pieces if I she is dliven to the vehicle live j cons,utlvS times Put, -till, , J w j. - ' ' 1 will IMIV live -liver plunks to any one iituiiiing the uniinal to ( Intario. , FL A VORI NG EXTRACTS We ii, .ike tin i by the gallon ct.il m II Ill's m by the ounce, Vjiiniin Kxtracti 16s the ounce. Peiiion Extracts 1 ihe ounce, Theee extracts si i super i"i to tboee usually sold and we guarantee them to i onfoini to the Pine pood and Drug Art, ' i Geo. Candland. I. i:IHMi It (ililHT. Intario, I Megi n PHARMACY I "nr mill interest, gad wi' ih not gn Into outside 11 nee, Hanoe ne arc able to give you ii Una stuck of DRUGS AMi SKILLED SERVICE. luck'iiKj ProMrlptmnists Of tlto County. Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. -n Gviarantccd Watch Hepnirin TT Hi will I,,, 1 .igroc to lllilke ;l VVlli'illi.'iil'ow ki'l'li nun . inn up. doing ili. next thing i" it by requiring our Sign I" murk lln- linn .,r vou. W c do agree Ul make any kind of a time piece sci vc von aeoept idtly ui a very moder ate cost W" guarautee jrou latisfactiae. in sll di slings, A eompb ie inn 01 eHringa, -In i 1 Music and I ii-i i u mei K. Harry B, Grauel I be lavi Ii and Mu di nl limine nt bilai in On baker City, Oregon fowling diid Dtiy School liirljirls. "s ...ii i : . jrsers ilniii i.-ii lh ' nurse u -tudle- eli- biai 1- lb, aighth grades of eolu IUOII lludifl . brared on f,e .statu oui 1 : iiidn 1, Ihe Ai ailemie com -e ..I fnui years ami the ( 'mill. 11 11 nil 1 0111 1 'I In mnsie and painting da pertinents offei splendid advasV i.ij'. a Html i en will bs n rauied Sept. 7, lUOtl I ''oi furtbel purtitu. lars 1 dl at the Ai iidiuiv or ud dress the Sihti 11 Si irkiuu. AH the news .iii the time is llie 11 ott ' el the Al ills, and the price is mily 1 the J ur. M