The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1909, Image 4

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H 7'
If you Irani lo soo a real city slock of CLOAKS in a country
store eall a! our store and inspeel our line. Wc have tlicm (rom I lie
smallest size for infants to the largest lor ladies, :ml every iniai;ina
ble color and cloth.
School Coats for (J iris, (I to years of aire, at $1.60
School Cofttfl for Misses, ( to 12 years of age, at 2.60
Misses' imported opossum bear skin, at $7.00 In 0.00
Bftbj beer skin coats, all colors, sizes 8 to (, at 1.60 .0 3.60
Ladies' coats, black, brown and tan, at Loo to 6.00
Ladies' pearl salin linen coats, at 7.00 to lo.oo
Beautiful crushed and beaver skin coats at $12.00 to 16.00
Certainly all can treat Clonks, and good ones at the price we offer.
Drop in and let us show you.
It pays to trade with
in i i.i: i'hk oHnomoui
3 JI3 C3 IZ3 VZ Id C3 IOV13 O IZJ 13 i
There Nothing Mysterious About It.
Home people lin vt wondered why I do tin litilk of
tin' Harness business. Not only hero in town hut for
mile around Surely, there is nothing mysterious nlxttit
it, nothing to wonder at. Tin' ijiinlity ami ii.-soiinieiil of
mix- stock is reason enough for tliut. If you arc not a
BOJtOin Of of mine just give Mir a trial next lime yon want
anything in tln 1 1 .i 1 1 n---. ami Saddlery line, no mutter
xvliut. See my stink ami net mix pines , ....'
1. Y. A I lii.. Ontario, Oregon.
mii. .ii i m us njni t
It.-iu A.lmliul V. a. Si. Miry, ro
Hred, bait ratu'elud all engagement
fur entertainments in New York and
Will .1111 k l-l'lillhlllll.
The Lord Major if London has
aniiuuiued his Intention of opening
MaiiMlon limine fund lo ua.1.1 t'ap
talu Hubert K Ht-oll to ruUu tuouey
fur hi. okpedlllou lu plaut tha i ulon
Jai'k at i Mr So hi M I'ol.
Orders for equipment and power
have ju .i I, mn phurd by liarrliuan
.in., whltb will IhIiik ii,.. total h
peudllures Ihla purpose .IuiIiik
Uir l.ui u I,,,,,,!!, . up to fully $17,
UUU.OUU. Ilu. Southern i'uilhi' Railroad
oiii.uiiy pleaded gullly lu thu
tilted Statea IJIalihi Court lu Hau '
rraiiciaco to rebating and we nurd
V i '(intuition n lionnr.-d My t ho
OovanMM of naahlaftaa taf n Kci-
i. i wanted lu Miiil.iu riiiiiil). Or,
for bunking Into u liox iur and
Ntt-ulliig a $Lr. oil In III i
IMr t'hh'itgo, M 1 1 vv ii ii K ' K t'.t
I'iiul rullroad Imih ordered L'.iti ull
Md iiuHHt-iiicir cure, of which IliO
uir for ih- wi'Hirru I'oaal extension
Iteprcsentlitlvo of II K" v.'i ii
inenia ur ulti'udliiK ill'' I nib au-
II II .1 1 llirrltUK of I III' AaSOlilltlllll III
.111111,41 niiraeiilia ill in.' v III I t'll
Si.ii.- i, now lu ai'MHluu lu vA'.mhiur
ton. D 0.
lu xli w of i hi' I'olar coiitioveray,
no' hoard of dlii'i-lura of lhn Nuthin
ul (irni'.i ai'MM S.iili'ly ul u api-rinl
lllt'i'lluK 111 ll.ll.-l III 111!' till' lillltildi' It
tumid -i .tiiiiii loMiiid Ur Cook on
i In- nri'.irilnn .if IiIh v I h 1 1 to Wush
iDgtOI II C , lo drily. 'I u li-rtinr mi
I Ills Arrlli- UtM inn-lite, i. i Id.'d not
to i v. .iKiilln Ur Cook lu an ufthial
win coiiiiuiu tin- r.iiiii.'. or naaj
New York. Oct. t, Wince the
death of r II lliirriiiuiii aeverul
ri.nfi'ri'liriH Iiuvh bi'i'ii held III thla
city with ii view lo determining Hie
future cmirae to he i-m -u.-.l My ilia
I lliu-a whl Ii roiiHtlluU' the ll.u rlinun
I ay.tem.
Allhoimh Itulirrl H LwWtl Htnnda
In llurrlliiiiu'a hhnr., It la I'Vld.iit
t lu two uri al fnirH on III.'
llli.'H, no tin ;n ilulni; tliluK air roil-
Hill Itiui.l Ha. Mmlf No Alt.mpt to
I h'.iii Iti'Kuliitioti mill ' n.i "ii
l.lnr la I p. . . .1 to Hull. nit.
Portlnnd -The Stitto Itnllroad
Ciiiniii Inn of Ort'Kon Ii.i-i hiindi'il
down Hi flndliiRH In Hi" mutter of
the (. It. A N Co. and Its vurlous
hranrhi'H In OnOMi known n the
urnln rate rase, which linn been be
fore the conilulHNlon for NMNl
in. rli The coiiiiiiliiHlon dei linen
the rates now In force to b.' unjimt
anil iiniciiHoiiiiblii titid OfOlfl n re
d WOt lofl e.uiviileut to a cut of Ilium!
one elKhlh In the prenent rateH,
xvhb Ii will ninke a iilff'i nice In the
revi'iiiie of the rnllroiiili of Hpiroi
liimtrly "r,iiiio per year on the vol
ume of Innln.-iH beliiK done at thla
The order, In effect, la prnellrally
the HUM M that ninde by the Waah
liu:imi Kiillway CiiiiiuiIkhIoii, cotn
iiiiiiiiIi ur. n Hut reduction of 12 1-2
per cent on i.'iiiln rule, from point
on the Northern I'aclllc to I'liKd
Id i -tit mil. hi by the Northern
I'hi'IIIi linn Klven the WaahlliKtoli
comnilxalon the iiml.-i -i iinllnx that
the tallroad will obey the order
without rcciuiiHc tu the coiirta,
Crawford I 'in or. CotnmL.loa.
Hill' III Nut X4 l IihIh lultliK the fact
that i luirneH of extiaviiKallce Mux'..
been made aniliint the Uri'Kon i'oiii
IuIrhIhiuth to the A.-Y.-H. Kxpual
tlon, iui'1 lirmul IntlniutloiiM voiced
that the -Miriii ..Inn hna eceided Ita
aiitlu'ilty. im opinion rendered by
Attuni. x i. iieral Ci.iutoid favor
the coninibinlon on prurtlcully every
point rnU.i1 The oiilnlon waa ren
dered nt the i. in. ' of l'i -.idi'iit
Willi -11111:. of the coiumUalon, to
whom It la nddreaaed.
The opinion la about 20,000
worda In length, nnd goe Into every
phuae of the ijueatlon at laaue,
1 lie iiiuxiinuiu pvualty la
f 10,00.
A dlopati h froin PJ auya liitulrlea
nnx iii.u Kl Koghl, the prutviider
to I Mr throne of Murium, hDo urn
OJMMol "I IV lu i he middle of her, .. . put to death by Sul
tail Mulul Hal Mluibrll under clr-
CUIIIBtulur.-, of lewiltln cruelty.
TMc (rhil of I'utrlck Calhoun un
a iMuiKr ,,t M axing uffeied a bribe to
M Sun l'i aiulni ii Mipervlbor Ilu. baeu
coiitluiieil until Niiirniber li, at the
reijueht ol the ilrfrnse
tlubiuUhloii ol a law provldlug for
tate-wldi. piohlblilon will proMu
bl be an Isaiir lu tin, ut.jit b.-NHluu
jf tin- ITIrgtBll leglhlaluie.
OangNtHMI H' lluniiitoud, the
oui) lieinu, rail,- coiigrriittuiuu fnun
illiiiied.ita, ma be,, .uir a caiiilldute I
lo Bin, r.-d the lute liuvei uor Joliu A.
ll.H.rnor (ilassrock of NVc.t 'lr- '
ginla Mas aiiiiiiunied that he la In
taxur of ail lucuiiie lav amendment
to the federal cuiiMllutiini. and will
Ue bin lllllurlnv ( bave the u, (
legUlulure rattf) am M an amend- j
Uielit All extra Kcuxlou of the lel..
lature xx ill l- called thla fall.
Kipcnnicnta xxllh bog peat by ex- I
peria of Ur. liiltiU SluteK gcologl '
val aurve are expected to nr.ulii. . ':
m , J
r&i xR
agMr L .iaJ'
Hule of Hcgl.lratlon Kited.
Hal. in Replying to a request
from Itrpii'Kiiututlvu Huwley,
aey-lii n Tal Cruxvford baa rendered
un opinion to the effect that under
the new law reglatratlon will com
nience about June I, I'.nn, and close
about October IK It la also held
that c mi. hi. cannot be circulated
and mi. .1 until after a candidate has
registered, which cannot take place
until on or after June 1.
The completed petition must be
filed ut leant 20 Mi m. before the pri
mary election, to be held IT. days
before the general election The At-tiirnry-0.
ii.ukI fluda nothing lu the
corrupt practlcca net ahowlng when
a campaign officially coiu
uieiicua, nnd la of the oplnloii that
In many caxea a conlluuous.
Train Orilereil Itepliireil,
HiiIhiii The State liullrnad Cum.
mlaHlmi haa written Mali-let Attor
ney I'helpa of I'liiuMllii county, re-
iu. ting him to commence msnda
nun. piiM'eeillngH to compel the Ore
gon Itnllroad t Navlgullou Coiupuny
tu comply with the order of the
coiumlaalon of Heptcmber ii, lto7.
Ilu order referred to required the
l II It N. to operate a pu.aenger
Into dally between I'elidletou and
Alia Charles T.
ail. .in-.. I till It -. lllrlll.-lil
cirned. u.- n.. .lulnm Kruti-, Mnltt,
ilJl.i -lui ut in. in i. ii. ii,... an. I ii. .... i
tloe, iin.l J c SiiiMii.. director of
ttultli' Tin-he I wo men an- ut gre; it
er authority ili.ui pri lldentl ut ratl
reada, uud together with Mi I. .mil
will fui in a Ii iiiinx ii hi, inn 44 1 1 1 be
I n in, l III.-. m again,! ilu- ihr.-t--
t urate.-, of the rneiputil.-i which will
Yerk 'a hue flnatlx
of the
light ux.-r her hUHbaud'a eatute. It
la auld Khe will gel virtually a third
Intel rut lu the value uf the eaiate.
Sr, i.i.ik in. I, I iu.1 1 ii iiiui-. nothing
lo ri III. Mir In the action of General
liiaiit In laklug part lu a temper-
anie and law-enforcing parade In b" Kuided bx them
CMIi'iigo lu hla uiilfurm aa a Major
General of lhc Culled Htatea army
Tninuiaiiy Hull haa accepted the
. un lid. ne of the fusion reform or
ganisation for Mayor of New York
and haa nominated Judge VVIIIIum
J iiayuor fOf Mux or.
I.i. ti'uii to lie I. Urn Trial.
W a.illlllgtiill, Oct ;"
have been ii'i-elxnl In W'usMliiutnn
i to the effect thai the giant I l-lm h
I breech luadlng gun being built at
the works of the Mlilvalr Strel Cum
pauy, of rhlladelphlu. I or Ilu- nuvx
ibapui tiueiit, and xxhich when i.ini
plrlrd 44 llj be the lulgest mid must
i luiwerflll naval eeunnu t,e
' Is nearing completiou c the ,l,
llverx is prompt Ita otticial tret. u,i
be condiiiTed at the uuxul proving
groiiiiiia ui iiliuau Head, Md , In
October ur November
i . 1. 1.111.11- it. -.i.i. -nt M4 lu,,, in.)
I.a tlrande Thai It can boast uf a
i. idem said lo be 1 It years old has
lual been dlacovered by I.a (irand.i,
xx Inch lu future will class John
rr.'dmore us ono of Ita cb'ef fea
tures I'redruore'a nge haa Just been
established by correspondence rar-ii.-.i
in with l.uiiiliiu and Purls ottl
clgU, who have the ancient bliib
ni urds
I'oiMit Hen, luite, Valb y
I'm 1 1. mil As evldeure of the lu
trirsi which .i.iiii.--. J. Hill haa taken
lu ilu- Ii. s, liuiis valley, he has of
li i rd prlea for the various agricul
tural products of that valley trlbu
i.ik io the Oregon Trunk Hue, which
ilu' Ureal Northern Is I. milling lu
i 'im i el Oregon
Wheat- New crop, track prices:
Club, t blucHteiii, DOc; red Uus
slun. HliJ,-
llarley ' ' '" per ton
tints $.'T M f 127 50 per ton.
nay iiuioiny. wiiiuuicue vuiiey. MaJ. u) 0ll, UulUil ,,.,, ,
! 0 $11 .er ion; Kasturn Oregun, Vaninuxer. U C , On Oct. .,.
is.ue i.uu, uiiuiia. it; cio- ,8 riiinurrd he.,' thai liar,,., Is I.
Ver, lt. .1,,,. ,1, I nii'lil atorea
fancy, a 3 ,
Jury I i im 1. 1, f.. tgi.-i.-reiulleinll
After being oif all
ulgbt iitul more thiiu il hull day, ilia
Jury In ilu- Morse husseateuling ease
vxua discharged Hurry Morse, the
youugest of ibu defeudanta, Is criti
cally 111 and II Is doubtful If he sur
vives lor a second trial
3 lie;
candled, ;l.'c ii
Hun. i Kxtru
:ilii-, atore, 0,
l-.'gga Ituni'h,
Hups ls0 contract. L''Jo; 190S
from the murshea of the iu...i I crop, 17-;. I07 crop. 1 L'c.
Htalea a new fuel to Hike (he nine NVoo Eastern Oregon, lb' i He.
ll.' c, insider.
lag IM luir.Muse ui tbe wliuleMil,.
uud i. lull luerciiiitil.- Iiusiiirss ef the
tludsnii Mux C,iiii..iii and ull ita
J biuilihea, cxtendiiH; n.-aily ucross
the contlueat.
I-,, -ul. ni I .,i- Corner HtoiM.
Portland lu the preaence of an
Immense throng, President Taft, on
Sunday, isaued un address and placed
the i.iiu, rsliuie of the Church of
Hood Tldine,., '!l I'nlversallst.
ot the rapidly dlaappeuiiug coal aup-t.
per pound,
W 21c.
luiul tin' ArgUfl i"i llie cnain
of tin- hows.
No l'rrp.'llllil KikIiH
Ooldfleld, Nev , Oct J The
American Mining Congress closed Its
12th sesaion after adopting a reso
lution calling upou the national guv
eminent to legislate against perpet
ual franchises for water power or
water rights lu Western states, and
urging that similar slate legislation
be passed without wulllug for cou
gresslou.'kl action.
Albany The Albany Apple Fnlr
and Chrj'saiitheiuum ahow will hi)
held In this city on October 27, 28
anil It.
Pendleton The Hood Heads As
sociation has drawn up rules govern
ing the driving of automobiles on
the streets. The police will enforce
the rules.
Mr Ml im xiii.. The grand Jury re
turned an Indictment agalnat Jesae
Townaend, who recently shot and
killed James Lawrence at a charivari
Pendleton Dabe Caldwell, a 15-year-old
boy, won the first prise In
the broncho-busting contest held
here In connection with the district
AatorlA -The expected fall run of
Hllvri-ilil.-a la beginning to come In.
The llah are of excellent quality, av
eraging about 1 1 pounds each. The
price paid the flahei men at present
Is 2 1-2 cents per pntfnd.
I iiluii It Is i-.tks.iit.-il that 200
rarloada of potatoea will be shipped
from I'nlon county from the crop of
IHO'J. Increaaed Rcroegn will bring
the crop fully 20 per cent above that
of any previous year.
Marthflcld Mayor Htraw of thla
city, and some of the business men
are carrying out u plan to bring a
dredge to Cona Hay to fill In some
of the low places lu the rlty.
Portland -Mrs. R. J. Hutherlln, of
this clly, haa received notice from
Kngland announcing Hint she la one
of four hulra to 126,000 pounds, or
about 1025,000. The Hutherlln
were at one time owner of a large
portion of whut la now Oakland, Or.
linker City Leaving her three
buhl, i and her husband oundly
leeping In their home while aim
went lo secure food for breakfast,
Mrs Mi. Itude relumed to And the
Louse In ashes and tha little ones
cremated The hinihsnd escaped.
v u -bill it The building of an
automobile i. .ml from Coo May to
It burg Is the chief subject under
discussion The plan I lo have the
realdent along the line agree to a
pedal tax and the county appro
priate an aqua! amount.
Halem Posses are searching for
Oeorge Meyer, who shot and killed
Patrolman Tim Kckart. as tha latter
was taking him to Jail. A small To
ward haa hem offered by officer for
Information leading to tbe arrest of
Meyer, though neither the atate nor
the county ha poatud any reward.
it. -..i. ui i- Hlxty Iron posta fur
It. lui.iii k i new afreet lighting ya
tem In the paved dl.i rlct have ar
rived and will be i-!.. I at once. It
I planned to Inatall lb.' near system
In time for the street paving cele
bration on October 15.
Coqullle At a big moating of del
egatea from every clly In Coos coun
ty, tha Coos County Hiaid Itoads As
sociation waa perfected. Tha meet
Ing recommended to the county
Court the etp.-udll 111 e of I..1I.DHJ im
prox itnen t of the road from Myrtle
Point to the Douglas county Hoe.
Portland Het hi and baateu by
two thugs and robbed of his gold
wuli b, valued at 176, II It Turner,
a Ilu. nil Vhila, Or , merchant, waa
suved from being robbed of a wal
let containing 200 by a plucky
woman, who ru to the scene ami
piiiu M. J t the thugs with her um
brella Sab ni Through the Influence ot
the n.illniud Cummlsalon with the
dlffetent railroads termlusllug at
Portland, hereafter livestock des
tined to the Hound, except wheu nec
eraaiy to unload at Portland for feed
and rest and compliance with the
Federal ;'x Imui law, will be for
warded without unloading or chang
ing of equipment
Kugeue ii.-. .i.i -,- a gang of soph
omores forced some 20 freshmen to
go through strange amies near the
graveyard, trouble Is brewing at the
university for 30 sophomores The
faculty bave lu-i-u making vigorous
efforts to loot out haxlng eutlrely,
and although the whole affair aua a
farce a number of auapenslons a.-nn.
l.u tlrande In a decision handed
down by the officials of the In. al
i.i i.. i ..Mi-.- Judge -I ileuu, of
Peiidluiini, was exonerated of the
thurges of fraud brought against
him last winter by the government
In conni'illou with a desert land en
try of 3 20 acres In Umatilla county.
Salem-The lake of Chinook aal
iiiou eggs ut the McKeuxle riv.r
hatchery up to September 27, ac
centing to reports received from the
superintendent of the hatchery by
Mui(ci pish Warden McAllister,
asBouuted to b,M,U0Q, .lib good
prospects of rea, Ming s.niiu un,j be
fore the end of tbe season.
Albany- A certified copy or the
i... ui decree of Judge H.-un lu (he
federal court at Portland, revoklug
tbe patents tu some of the lauds ac
quired lu the famous "11-7" land
frauds, has been filed lu the county
re. ui dei 'a other This la the land lu
which S. A. Ii Puter and Horace
McKluley were involved.
Baisball Fstslitiss.
A i.'i'j i'-iii enthusiast lood hi wife
to tbe ball untne i'linl tik-lil the "full''
waa mxiilieneil from hia alinnlier by
his belter hall' sli. inline In her ilrenins:
"Kill the umpire! KIM the umpire!"
Half n-.le.-p. he prang mil of bed nnd
in doing ho knocked oeet the wMh
stniid. The i-r.-iab nxvoke Mrs. "I''iiii."
"Did you kill Ihv umpire. John?" she
"No," replied John nngrlly, "but I
mashed the pitcher." Success.
Another Varlsty.
"I wish Lucy hndn't gone rowing
with Hint young lilffera." anya Lucy's
mamma "He I alleh n fool In ii
"Hock the bont Idiot?" smiles the
"No, not Hint kind. He Is one of lhc
ort Hint proposes. "-- New York Life.
Th 8sms Old Fslr.
The old county fnlr wltb Ita fun and Ita
The old fnlr that', tha aamn
every year
Tim prl atiirk mid funis and the mow
era nnd rakera
Ami Handy thai kIki bad iteutiens
Hint slate.
The pink liiiiuni.t.- and the .hell kiiiii--t
lint work ua,
'tin. old vllliuu- blind Hint aipienka In
the aqunre
HurraM! Rah, rnh, rnhl It' mora fun
tbnn a cirrus'
Hurt ul, fur a ilny at tbe old rnunly fair!
-Chicago N.wa.
R.lh.r Fa.cinsting.
Crnxvf.inl II. iw did Hint .voting
writer lluiiie (hut literature sffords
sin h i tine lli-br.'
Ornlediixi He any. Hint there are
'21 mm p.-l M.illcills pill.llsMcd III tills
coiiulr.v in. I If be makes uiily n dolhir
yenr from encli be will statu Im n
inlllliiiiiilii- - I'llck.
1 1 S m 1 is . pBV JBa
Th Tightwad.
Thai I am clone sunn- people any,
Hut t Ii- me wrottir.
Hi- liiptlncl lo Blie lulu away
Are very atrong.
in kindliness (teeNed by none
I altnplv punt
To go M laxlsli ai-allh upon
Th iii'-n. Hi nut.
I'd lit.- ii 44 ii my nil..- bll,
lii-pli-le my roll
Tl It ibltiii .nil., me Is
My self r.uiti'il
XV i.IiiiikIoii ll.-llld
Mistake Oomowhor.
"Talk la cbeup." ii..ei Hie nmr.-il.
"Hub!" rcjniiicil the ilemornllxer.
"You In i wuli III! your wife la-glus to
explain xx by she needs the money."
Plltaburi: post.
A Change of Nam,
lie iiavd lu rail lur darling
In of long ago.
ftliu i us mo plain nnd tnodeat,
And be lubiii-d hr so,
TMst in. before ab.'d traveled
And luiughi iwilin Mitt. ar yesr.
Ha u.vd to call tier dm Una.
Ilul now be call, her
there wouM r no ndrftoUff t
von in lniiMi' litre, lint wi-m,.
1 1 Kill ART CLOTHINO, wbioh
inrans SUPERIOR clpthiug.
HK.II AOT CLdflllNO pot
xenpeit tlic attributes of merchaut
toiloringj I'eiiif dcsignwtl aluii
dranced linen, tnntle by killeil
xvork-H'0ili', every one of whom
ii nn expert in his line, and 9$
styled n h to rivet the iiltriinoii
of the artistic eye and tl ff
fined tunic.
If Villi fiiri1 tO Dty pl-ni" )f IV
for a Miit, mil tin. in i
the UK. II AUT UtMl, U Will b
the heftt tltillurt' worth you ur
$16 to $36 Biooc v.ty
cit ; .
Jhe Siege oi Jti
. fJKK.MKs'l' FIATUBI OF Ull- ( J
iBoise, Oct. 11 tc tl
r .iiiii pi'iiiiii. ni ui red in i .
contti many tlii.iisiin.l f dolltfl ti i
Hriitlv : The Siege of Jerieho
is a hi-toriiiil, dininiilie, ipec
taiular proilintion, in which
over .'(K) people are engaged.
The prodiiiiioii has been con.
Htrncte J iroin the Bible instruc
lions and inptrbl grand.
rour higli-grinli' Bpoeioljf acts
.in- mod, ""I MOO perlormance
is concliided wilh u regular
1000 diaplay ol 'Iregorv's cele-
iiiaitd Irotrorko. The ptrforn
nine lavts one hour and Ihntv
' ixii'ixu.
Bring fOttl fiiinds and spend
the xxi'ck on our iiliasunt eamn.
ing grounds. Oowpgroond free.
A ti.nif'ii table tent, SxKJ feel
during entire week for $4, or
less a tune for lees inoiicv.
Lnrgti siei. at n uonabli prices.
Aliltli I I'll l!A. inMiltKSS.
01 speeiul Intoroft to agricul.
tiinilisls anil hiirtii'iilturalists
will be the congress of eminent
speakers on subjects allied n.
these lines.
Friday anil SutuiVa" .
aioni of tlif Mi'gon-lii
it. u .
perin i
'PlHMll. .
I'ruf. tt
sily, "Pnjii
Pref. SI .
"Orelnir.l I
Irriguii il t .
Ale:; Mi
f, f.
Dr Nol I,
Boise, "Sin-
II.... v
lily, '
I'... . .
Off) .
Secretary Inter-Mountain Fair. I
The Argus gives the news.
For.v.r Wr.
i here la a youugster lu college wtao
cotnbluea tbe poetic instinct wltb a
.en sense of humor. lie Is not a close
sliiileul. In fact, be regards books aa
Instruments of torture. One of tbe pro
fessor picked up a test book belonging
lo Mini Ibe olber day and fouud ou tbe
flyleaf tbla bit of verae, wblcb no doubt
expressed too student' oplulon of It:
HMould lhr be snother flood
For reuae blth.r fly,
And .Mould the whole world bw sub
merged Tale book would still be dry.
. -PtUladelplUa BeconL j
via Oregon Short Line.
Daily H" tickets one wuy via
Portland. Kjcijuent dates for
other routes. See Oregon Short
Line agents for further details.
Octolier 1 'on If re ne Hutea.
via Oregon Shoit Line.
Tickets on sale from Idaho,
Wyoming and OrOgOB points on
October 1st to .rth, inclusive.
Limit October lf. See agents
for rates and further particulars.
Wain. 4..
A friend oi i, i
about Sept 1--uniniprtix
i ,
proved faun.
confer with the Of pel
such who wish to sell.
I). G.,
P. O. Box 35 Oulario, Oragon.