The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 08, 1909, Image 1

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    J I
( i
Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
9y W WSL For Ontario and Mailteur I
Local News.
Not a vacant house in the
Harry Anderson, the sheep
man, waa mingling with friends
here thiaweek.
Tom Turnbull, the Skull
Springs sheepman, was in the
city during the week.
A street railway on all the
streets of Ontario. Everything
good coming to Ontario.
E. E. Ooudy, dry goods clerk
at the M. M. Co., has left foi
Twin Falls and will soon return
with his family.
Any physician that knows the
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co , will not
hesitate to trust his patient's
, medicine to us for preparation.
Geo. M. Stevens is a guest of
O. W. Lyells and family. The
gentleman is from Ncr. Perce,
Ida., and is a cousin of Itrt.
Mrs. E. M. Dufiy and Mis
Jessio Duffy, f California
mother and sister of II. A. Duffy.
are guests of Harry and his
Don Carlos Boyd will soon
launch a weekly newspaper al
Jordan Valley. Hope Don will
make a million out of his new
Next Sunday the new fu't
mail service between Cortland
and Chicago will go into effect,
making the run in (SO hours, !ui
Will not carry passengers.
Mrs. C. A. Stiles, worthy grand
matron of the Order Eastern
Star, paid Ontario a fraternal
visit last Thursday evening ami
was royally entertained by the
VY. Q. Jenkins is home from
Victoria, B. C where he spent
the past summer with his siting
of race horses. "Jenk" says
that when he wont out for the
money he landed. Of oouisr,
he did.
At a meeting of the directors
pf tfie Owyhee ditch held last
Saturday, an assessment of 8 per
cept wan levied on the stock for
the -purpose of inoreafing the
mainteuace fund and the same
will be puyuble Nov. 15.
a 8. Martin und Mrs. Small
Khyuell, the former accompa
nied by his wife, have been
VUiting with their sistor, Mrs.
A. F. Boyer, the past week.
Jlhuy took their depurture yee
t rday for Longford, Kan.
i tyev, W- 8. Young iufprm.1
" tin- Argus that the erection ej a
parsonage for the Congrega
tional church will commence on
the Iota of the church. The
dwelling will contain tive rooms.
J. A. Draper bus the contract.
Dr. H. T. Hoople arrived from
-Calgary, Canada, yesterday to
renew acquaintances. He owns
J p acres of rich land in that
section, and says there is no
life like that of a farmer, but
he still practices medicine as
It. S. Kulherford has just re
ceived a vacum cleaner and so
licit work from the citizens of
Ontario iu that line and satis
faction guaranteed. When you
want your home eleaued just let
"Uncle Dick" kuow. Demon
stration at Odd Fellows hall to
morrow (Saturday) at 1:30 p. m.
Croy A Delias of the Pastime
billiard and pool rooms, one of
t it- finest iu the northwest, in
vites your patronage. The firm
also carries cigars, tobacco, fine
confectionery, etc., The fruit
and confectionery store is separ
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladiea of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
purchases at the Pastime, just
outh of Boyer Bros, A Co.
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
of drugs.
John S. Fdwards, the well
known Htonkmau, was in the
city Monday from his home on
Willow ('reek.
D. B. Tuttle bus returned
from an extended business trip
to Kmmett and Con Nyiin has
lost his job at the second -hand
Charley Becker, the Westfall
cattleman, was in the city dur
ing the we' He purchased
1400 tons of hay near Ontario
to feed his hovines during the
Mrs. Irene Kurd and duugh
ters arrived from Mountain Cit f,
Kansas, hist week to make On
tario their home. Miss l.ulu
Hurd is an experienced com
positor. Auto for Sale- (lood as new;
will sell cheap for cash or good
note; must sell on account of
ill-health. S. A. Hobson, Onta
rio, Oregon.
Rev. J. W. Miller went to
Long Valley, Ida., last week
and returned Saturday with
bin wife and children They
will occupy the Art King dwell
ing in the southern part of the
II' .'I Mi is too precious to be
tampered with by incompetent
vendors of drugs. Try the
Wilson Duffy Ding Co., for
clean drugs, and expert service.
Services at the Methodist
church next Sunday as follows:
Preaching at 11:30 a. in. and
7:110 p. in.; Kpworth League al
0:4f; prayer meeting every
Wednesday night. All are wel
come. J. W. Miller, pastor.
D. H. Tuttle has opened a
second-hand store, two doors
north of the Argus ollice und
will buy and sol! all kinds ol
your patronage and guarantees
his patrons a square deal.
ili-iii' Conant is again located
at his old stand in the Fiser
building and will resume lh
work of cleaning, pressing and
repairing clothes, while Mrs.
Conant will reside on the land
claim on Willow Creek.
For Sale (-heap Improved
Keonomy cream separator; good
us new. Can be seen at Poor
man's, next door to postorlico
Prof, lthyner desires all pu
pils who intend to join his hiu
sieul class to be promptly on
hum) ul the opera house to
morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock
to sign the roll, us In- wants the
members of the class to start
at the same time so they will
progress together.
HI ue Prints oi any Township
in the Burns Land District,
showing names of entiymen,
kiuds of entry, dates, etc., and
topography. Price $100. J.
C. Turney, Burns, Oregon.
A tirm advertised typewriter
for sale thut could be held in
the lap, ami uccording to a well
authenticated report a well
known Ontario huehelor sent in
a ru9h order as follows: "Semi
me immediately a blonde with
blue eves, with an affectionate
disposition, who is under 50
yeurs of age.
Clothes cleaned, pressed and
repaired by Oene Conaet at the
Fiser building; better facilities,
better work. Clothes called for
and delivered.
When you want an article of
merchandise, buy it of a reputa
ble home dealer, that ihe profit
may remain to enrich the com
munity, and semi your money
abroad only for what you can
not purchase at home. Home
talent, home labor, home indus
try, bouie capital and home
pleasures are things to be
fostered, encouraged und patronized.
Gives ILand Owners Choice
Two Propositions Under
which He Will Sup
f ply Water.
The committee appointed by
the land owners of what is
known as the south side, or
Owyhee river project, met Mr.
Speer, the representative of
Trowbridge A Nivers, the irri-
gatum promoters of Chicugo, at
Boise last Salurdty evening by
appointment. The object of the
meeting was to discus the irri-
gating of I .'.n, oho acres of land
from the wuters of the Owyhee
Mr. Speer stated to the com -
inttlee thai lie would give 1 1 .
people under the proposed pin-
jeet the choice of two proposi-i
lions, under either of which he
would supply them with water
for f0 per acre. They could
organize into a district ami lo
would supply them with water
under that plan, or he would
supply them with water under
the contrail pfOpOOOd lust spring
with some of the ohji ctionublc
features of the contract removed.
Mr. Speer stated that if the
Mingling With Angola
Mi - Mary llclcne Venaloi,
daughter of Mr. und Mrs. A.
Venator, of Harney county,
died ill limit mi Monday, wlifli
she was attending school, uged
II yea is.
1 he body was shipped to On
tario for interment and In
funeral took place Tncsdav
afternoon from Masonic hah
und was largely attended, Id -v
It. L. Milligun, officiating
Many of the friends of tlo
sorrowing family were present,
and as they looked upon lh
sweet, placid body ill its whiti
casket and surrounded by
tn-iiii 1 1 nl nod fragrant flow
ers yet not more beautiful Ol
pure ih. in the face within tlieii
heuris swelled iu sympathy fm
the be rem td family. Hut let
us n it think of Helene us dead,
but as living; not us a llowei
ihul has withered, but us one
Iran -planted, and touched bi
a Divine hand, is blooming in
richer color and sweeter fia
gran c than those on eiirlh.
I ml ul I I. .inks
To the kind fiieudswho so
willingly insihted ns dining ihe
sickpess and death of our he
lovo I daughter, Helene, we wish
to e.pios our heartfelt tl auk-,
for 00 sweeter memory cau live
in any heart than the memory
of then untiring devotion to the
one who has ju.-i left us, und we
can only add I'Qod blei-s the
uohle, bit;-hearted citizens oi
Mil. ami Mas A. Vknatoi:.
Nerve, and TUon Some
Talk about nerve, how duc
tile following coiiiiiiuuiciiiinn
strike you: "Please a ml men
about six copies of the Argus
about the wedding last week
Also publish the inclosed clip
ping about my niece's marriage,
if it don't cost anything, also
iliat have a couple of bill
calves (or sale. Send meu couple
of extra copies of the paper this
week. As my subscription ex
pired last week, pleuse slop it,
us I mn taking tbfl Vuic I luin
deuler now."
Head the Argus and get the
cream of the news. Ouly fl.Op
per year.
people concluded to accept
either of the propositions, he two men ready who would
have 1000 nienand largo iium-
her of teams at work on the
ditch within 80 days, and would
guarantee that if he was allowed
to gal to work within 00 days, to
have a large portion of the land
under water iu 11' I I
Begarding the south side pro
jeet, known as the Malheur pro
iject, which comprises 07,000
' acres of land under the Malheui
nver, Mr. DptOff siotcu thai he
has now two gangs of engineers
running preliminary HnM over
I that section to ascertain the
possible cost of installing the
system, and would he glad to
enter into negotiations wiih the
land owners in that section at
any time, and if arrangements
'were made, work would he
begun ill the in in future.
Another meeting will be held
by the committee with Mr.Sj ecr
iu about two wo ks.
Fined 1400 and Costs.
John (iilcresl, manager of the
Pio'itie Livestock Co., was lined
HKI and costs by Judge Wo-
verton at I'ortlnntl on Monday,
foi fencing the public domain
He pleaded guilty to one of the
four indictments found against
linn ami United States District
Attorney M Court then moved
that three others be dismissed,
lodge Wolverton believed the
case one not culling for eitlo i
the minimum or the maximum
lino, and assessed the govern-1
nieiii's rciuirciuchU iu the cue
it H mi and costs.
On the stand Mr. (lib rest
tilted thai be still had B0 inies
fenced at Coyote Meadow, be
cause it is a poeki t into which
took go and perish, and said
! his enclosiiic was justified b
law. Judge Wolveitoii said be
would not rule in the mutter, M
it was a queatinn lor the Mere
tary of the interior. In an elo-
1 1 it-ii 1 plea for extenuation and
leniency, tilt) dcii'iiili ill lii i.i
-elf told the judge of the
(hanged order, and his diligent
effort to observe the law in
every detail since announce
iiient of the interior depart
ment thut enclosure of public
domain would not be lob-ruled.
Left for (.'all Ion i i;t
Mr. und Mrs. K D. Oner and
daughter, Miss Mvitle. bit Ibis
week for Lincoln, Nob , lo isit
relatival and friend-, after
which they will depart foi Hur
bank, Calif, to make their fu
ture homo. Mr. Oreer and hi
e limuble family have resided
in this section many years, and
are highly cuteenieil b) a huge
circle of iiciiiuinlances, who ex
tend them health, happiness ami
prosperity at their new home.
In the departure of Mr. (iicci
this community loses an up
right and honest, one
lio always hud the best in
tcicht of Ontario ami Malheur
county at heart, and we hope in
the near future to chronicle his
arrival back to Ontario to make
his home.
Hmv anil I'.i.oimi- tin Halo
On Pino Creek, Harney coun
ty; timothy hay and fine greeu
pasture; good shelter and open
water: elevation, MOi feet.
Kr vks N'anDkhvkkk,
Van, Oregon.
Local News.
A little boosting won't hurt.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. All
kinds of drugs.
The Ontario -Payette football
game hist Saturday resulted in a
tie score 0 to (l.
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Ctley
dc a i' ted Monday afternoon for
their future home at Wisdmr,
J. M. Hilt of I '."i i has tie-
pled I position at the M. M.lris,,n- Htalb Lackey. I
Co., and is clerking in the gro
cery department.
For Sale N-rnntn house, B
rOOini finished: ."lots; desirable
pin I of the city ; cheap. Ihrnire
C. B. Kcnyon, or Argus ottite.
Miles Riley has purchased a
lOacrc tract two miles from
Boise and will soon leae with
his family for their new home.
N. O. Kries has received a
cm load of fruit, consisting of
apples, pears and prunes. Those
Iciiing fruit call at the Solid
ing southeast of the (pern house.
Mrs. W.T. Liiiipkin returned
Sunday from Portland, where
she has been for some lime past
receiving medical treatment for
rheuniati u . She is much im
proved in loallbaml Bill is cor
respondingly happy.
Clothes e'euned, pressed ami
repaired I y (iene Conant at the
Fiser building. Work called for
and delivered and satisfaction
l! J. Ivors and wife were iu
the city from Watson the first
of the week. Mrs. I vers was
summoned to Cove on account
of the Notions illness of her
Williams V Hover, proprieties
of the Fleetric Maze, desire to
inform the public ihut in the
future a change of prog am
nightly will be given at linn
popular little theatre.
A little Ontario hoy was taken
ill the first of the week and put
to bod and his mother told him
if he as not ull right iu list
morning they would send for
Dr Priming, "I donl want Dr.
Printing to come hero," said
the boy, "for the first thing you
know ho will bo bringing us
another baby."
F. F. Mooie the first of the
week pun based the lo acre tract
ami modem dwelling of the Do.
luiuicaii Sthlers, adjoining I he
lOW Utile on the west. Coiisideia
lion, r,MM. Mr. Moore has
been investing heavily of late in
Ontario real ie4atetBud being a
keen observer, has Unbounded
faith iu the future of our beauti
ful city.
The Missis Fva Vandal hoof,
F.diia petoison, Blanche Do Ar-
nioiid ami Ethel Brown, lehoob
unites of the hite Helene Vena
tor at Si. Teresa's academy, ar
rived from Boise on Tuesday lo
attend the funeral of their class
mate. They were at llelene's
bedside when she expired. Geo,
Vaiiderhooi brought the young
la H - 1 1 (tin noise.
I can locale a man on 100
acres of government land with
two living springs; good rear r
voir site . laud ('an all be plowed ,
three miles from railroad sta
tion: finest fruit land iu Idaho,
for . AddrCM I. M. Hrown,
Ontai io, Oregon.
A fellow down t Outurio,
Oregon, the other day bought it
1 1.0 in ro tract of hind and
is going to divide it up at nine
into JO-aerc tiucls ami sell it.
That entire neck of woods is
exi tiled over such an unusual
proceeding. They have been so
accustomed to ruuching by oc
tious and townships down there
that a 'JO-acre ranch looks like
an inch of cord wood on an
ounce of coal Johnny Kobertw
iu P.iii-i I'liionist
a ... i ar ,, , ., . , i ..i
I To RflpHns Above
iola Han is Minion, the
year-old daughter ot Mr.
d Mrs. W. W. Ilinton. died
in this city Tuesday morning
after an illness of :',:! days
The funeral took place
Wednesday from the Methodist
church, Lev. Morrison official
ing. The seventh grade of the
public school, of which Viola
was a pupil, attended in a body,
and the following young ladles
acted as pallbearers : Betty Hal-
But bridge, Angle Lyells. M. y
Mi on
'I ho Hotel tributes were iniuy,
the interior of lite church being
I reritable Mower garden, while
the casket was bunked with
while carnations and astors.
'0 ill, i .
io ine iiroKcti-iieartcii par
ents who sit in sorrow where
her footsteps shall never again
find echo, this community ex
tends the deepest yinpathy,
ii .i . i . '
iion nope inai lie, who has
borne our griefs and carried our
sorrows will comfort and sustain.
Sour Grapes.
The Payette Independent pub
lishes thf following, hut fail- to
give the name of the Friiillaiid
merchant it is credited to. It is
awful nice reading. Kind, re
lied, ami if necessary cull amass
woeting and stop the ooejetrae
lion of the Snake river bridge
before the Oregon folio v men
tioned buys that "winter supply
of goods'"
"A Fruilluml men bant was
discussing the Snake river bridge
Lwith the writer this week, and
said he WOUld be glad when the
structure was completed, us he
had just sold a nice hill of goods
to a iiiuii living hi twoon Ontu
i io ami Vale, and that the same
buyer agreed to return us soon
us the budge was completed lo
buy his winter's supply. Me
also -.ii.l a number of other.
would come to I'liiltlalid fiom
the same district."
A dol h Sehrieber.
Adolph Scbrieber died at his
home al the K S. A D. ranch
at Aroudia Wednesday owning
of typhoid pin oiuni.ia.
Six years ago the doesJUOed
cuine to thii soetiou front Ger
many and piircha-cd an interest
in the abuse laiich Two yeais
ago be hi nt buck to his old
homo and nniriieil an accom
plislnd yiltlllg lady, and none
tail tlio-c u In. have sat in the
shadow oi a
call jnslly weigh the sorrow of
Mrs. Schiicl'i-i fur, fat awa
from honii in the nej "I In t
Adolph was a descendant n a
noble family ol the (lertnan eni
I 1 1 ( having uite an imoiiie,
which be Ipetti lavishly.
Fi.iiciuI arrangements
not a- l et been made, but
lia i
ll s
I m
Ihouohl II. e t.(.(l w i
ipM 'I t( ' let tnaiiN fill ml i
men I.
Nuiice is hereby givi ii that
the Hoard of laplaliatton will
no i I at the i mill house in Vale
mi the third Monday, being the
1Mb day of October, I'.HJ'.l, lot the
iiUriaoee Ol examining the Tax
Loll and equalizing the same.
All (dijection- lo the asseskmeltt
of any property mu.-t be made
in willing and tiled with the
(let k during the iiit week of
(he board's meeting.
A.-c-.-or of Malliciu 'utility,' he
A V I l.oiiii(iii IChIoh.
viu Oregon Short Lino Railroad,
H'l't.t't from Ontario to Seattle!
und return. On sale daily, con.-
tneiicing June 1st. Ask agents
for further partleularr
Jr usT v
I an
make these by the
I lid -i II tin in h the
mini i .
Vanilln Kxlracts Ifte the
Lcnion Rxtrei i- lOr the
These cnIiiii la arc super
lor lo those Usually sold
ami we guarantee them to
rou form to the Pure rood
and Drug Ad.
Geo. Candland.
I. i:OINd ItlttCI.IHT
Ontario, Oregon
Is mil main lutoreet, anl
are do not g into uutaida
lines, lionet' we itro able to
give you it Hno stock if
Of the County
Drug lYo.
a j .
We now have a e s
l ho.
tork of Cut ila.--.
w e are elea ehowing i seleel
line of colonial and corlnthlaa
brass and USUI i ian biot,,..
Wt giiaraiitit you sal i-fiiotion
in nil dealiuge,
A mmiplete line ul Strings,
Sin el Miimi and 1 1111 umeiit-
Guamiitecd Watch
I In- .li -w. i Mui al Iloiie
of Onial in I
Si. h'dncis AtuJoniy.
Btkktir Uity, Oregon
tioditliiK) dud I'.iv School
lor (fills
-1' I ' M-ar
ue ml mil led
I In i oin -c o -Indies em-
i.iiko tin eighth gredi - i t om
i u on studies; 1 1 raced on the state
eOUrse "i -tildles, the A. ad uiic
course ul foui yours and the
'nuiini H lal i out -e
The inii-i, ai.d painting do
paitiueiits offer splendid ad van-lag.-
siudn - w ill In resumed depti
7, IttOti, I'oi I'urihi I particu.
birs call at the Academy or ad-
drees the Si-n i; Si ii uun;
All llie news all the lime is
the motto of the Argus, and the
prue is only i 1 the ear.