The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, October 01, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For Ontario and Ma.heur
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
' " ' . -
! y-
, jf
Local News.
little boosting won't hurt.
Wilson-Duffy Co. for all kinds
ol drugs.
football tomorrow afternoon
at the park. Ontario ft. 1'ayette.
Diatrict Attorney MeCulloeh
wat in Caldwell and the upper
Owyhee on official business hut
Mrs. H. C. Wilson arrived
home Friday from a visit to her
parent in Hpokano.
Mrs. R. F. Rawlii. of Spokane
it -isiling her parents and
other relatives in OnUrio.
Adolph Scbreiber, manager of
the Arcadia ranch, is seriously
ill with typhoid-pneumonia.
Horn Near Ontario, to Mi.
and Mis. It. W. Oove, a son,
an J you isn't touch B. W. with
a 10-foot pole.
J. II. Kox, who resided in On
tario years ago, is lenewing
quiintunces here, the guest
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. UMfsB.
Auto for Sale flood as new
will toll cheap for ciish or gOOt
note; must sell on account ol
ill-health. S. A. llobson, Ontn
rio, Oregon.
Miss Mildred WW, who hi t
been visiting with her siste.
Mrs. Harry Anderson, left tl.
the first of the week lor hi i
home at Coos Bay.
Health is too precions to 1
tampered with by incompeti li
vendors of drugs. Try tl..
Wilson Duffy Diug Co., lo
cleui drugs, and expert service
Tiie Ouillame tract, two milu
south of OnUrio, consisting I
160 acres, la to be divided Inn
amall trade. F. B. Naylor i
the ageut to consult if you d
ire to purchase.
Blue Prints oi any Townsl.i
in the Burns Und District
ihowing nanies of entiymoi
kinds of entry, dates, etc., an
topography. 1'iito 41.00. J
C. Turney, Hums, Oregon.
E. A. Clark, cashier of th
Commercial of Caldwell
visited his brother, K. L Clark
cashier ol the Vule Nation
Bunk, on Suinhiy, who is quit,
ill at his hine in Vale villi
typhoid fever.
J. R. Buchannn nd Ml
Mary E. KlinefelUr, both o'
Dial Ox Flat, were united ii
marriage at Weiser last ShIih
day. , Mr. tyuchauan is a highly
respected young farmer und tin
bride a charming and accoin
plished young lady, und theii
uiuny friends unite in wishing
them a long and happy muriied
The OnUrio orchestra will
sUrt next Saturday, Oct. 8, ai
4 p. in , at the opera house with
from -" to -'in pupils, under tin
direction of Prof. F. Khyner.
The musical branches to be
taught are instrumentation, vio
1 1 ii , viola, cellos, string buss
iimmlwlin, muudidua, guiUr,
bsuio, cornet, trombone, cluri
net, tlute, piano, bells and trian
gle and drums
Hou. ,0. P. II. -ii, state lubor
littinmissjouer, wus in the cily
during the week from ialem on
business connected with Im
ottice. In the controversy be
tween Editor Hofer of the Salmi
Journul and Mr. Hoff regarding
the inspection fee of the former's
printing odice, Attorney General
Crawford has rendered a deci
sion that the Salem Journal
plant ia subject to the annual
aUte inspection fee, as it is a
workshop where manual lubor js
borformed aud machinery used
for the purpose of gaiu. Col.
Hofer should be good to Mr.
Hofer afUr the above decision.
Wedding; Balls.
Onoot'Oiir Most rojHilnr Young
l.iulir lit II." Marriage Altar.
The liindiiiKVow were taken.
The new jimrney thrnuph life hffBB
May ihey thus ever walk IftlOftg rowa,
Till the KcttlnK nf life' astisa huii.
The society event in Ontar 0
this week was the pretty home
wedding solemnized at the home
of the bride's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. (!. A. I'oguc, on Wcdncs
day evening. The high con
tracting parties being Miss Bes
sie E. Pogtie ami W. II.
Utter, Bf. L. A Hy oro wn tho
officiating clergyman who spoke
the words which united the two
heurlfl for the remainder of life's
The wedding was a qtjltt onf ,
only a few friends of the family
being present.
Miss Nellie Malt acted as
bridesmaid and Art King an
The bride was charmingly
gowned in French batiste and
carried white enrnalions and
looked the vi ry queen her life
characterizes her to bp. The
groom wore the conventional
I be color scheme throughout
the house was red mid while,
roses being the Mower ummI.
Bessie is one of our accom
plished and lovable young ladies
Krom a little girl she hOS ffOWtl
up in our midst, honored I. vol
a nl young alike, and bus evei
Ii 'i'ii a bright star in the heme
I Ii.' groom is well known in
hiturio, having formerly bun
l.l'i.l'l-il III llUNl lll'Htt ll.l I. Ill
O-B" -.. -
is a young man of sterling woilb
it present being employed h
be goveruuient in the forest
service, located at Wisdom, Mon
It is a pleasure to ehrnnicb
ihe marring? of such worth)
young people and the Argm
joins with their inuiiy friends in
visiting them the warmest con
g ululations.
After the ceremony a reccp
ion was given to ihe uumeroui
riends of Mr. und Mrs. Dtley
.n. I the presents received won
httndsome us well as valuable.
Mr. I'tlcy und bride will soon
cave for Wisdom, Mont, n
make their future home.
Oregon's Call for People
With the ussiaUnce of tin
liffereut railroads in the north
west, Oregon has aguin issued
lier call for home builders.
This slate is reaching it stage o
Icvelopmeiit when (hose win
come and stay, iminedialch
at 1. 1. I others, ull of which
mollis that nil endless ehuiu ol
I'l.lnnuutluii is going on
Some men say, "but soon
there will be no room for fur
ther settlement", und there is
where the mistake comes in.
If a thousand people eai h day
would cluini Oregon fur then
homes, it would be many year:
before this stute would be
settled us it should be.
Over ip Harney Mgjgty .!""
there can be sulely housed hull
u million people without crowd
ing u single family on less than
I quarter section of lund. And
there are other communities
tlnil are equally as spursely
settled at the present time.
Let the cull from Oregon re.
sound in every other state in
the Union; let them come in
truiiilottds. Oregon will cure
for all and still have plenty of
room to spare, says anexchrnge
II. is mill I". iiiH . lor Mule
On Pine Creek, Harney coun
ty; timothy buy and tine grsou
pasture; good shelter und Open
WUter; elevation, a(ipu feet.
Kkvks A Vank.. i .
Vun, Oregon.
For Sale 7-octave organ; u
bargain Inquire Mrs. Greer.
Col Wood Thinks to Close the
Mallbieiuir Csmyon to Rail
roads WooM be a Sariomis
Blow to This Coumfary.
In On inlei view w ith Cnl (1
E. H. Wood lust evening, he
slnled to the Argus editor thai
(here is no mvsterv about what
Win. llanlev und himself are
doing, and that be publicly
stated at the Oregon-Idiibo De
velopment meeting at Burns last
July that he was in fuvor of oi-1 plan to drnin Mallnur Lake if small corporations all it can le neeomplislnd. The
along the line to muke surveys rmid company is interested in
and procure right of way fori about l.'.OoO acres under tbis
either district-biiill roads or foi prnjoci I have been niitlior
some one who Mould open ii i ied In ml preliinini ry suimvs
Kastern Oregon. Such a eon -on which to inuko a report. 1
pany bus been formed in Cm.- b ive been scouring ihe earlh
Buy culled the Coos Buy V I'.ast nud milking a great outcry to
ern, und ill surveyors are s ., t engineers lo push this
work. We have organized u
limilar rorpontlion here, the
Itoise ,V Western, said Mr.Wood,
and we bop to get surveyor" at
I in liliily slalid here in
in to i in that I was in fuvor of an
in igatiou district if we could not
get a sutisfuclory contract from
H private corporation. I he roud
company is interested to the ex
tentof ttn.DOO acres. The mon
wo looked into it the more il
seemed to Mr. Ilanlcy ami my
self u blow lo the future of Ibis
country to close the Mulbeur
canyon against railways with
an improbable Irrigation dam.
Mr. Wood savs he and Mr.
Ilanlcy visiti d the Agency ami
Warm Spring alleys und are
satisfied (hut the waters of the
Norlh and Middle Corks of the
Malheur river can be stored in
heupcr reservoirs than the liar-
1 -
A meeting of Ihe si tilers c
tiding 00 the north side of the
Malheur pi ..ji Owns beb! Satur
dav oflomOOn at the opera
J. W. IfcOulioch was elected 1
chairuiun of the meeting ami
W. II. Poolittla seieary.
Dr. Campbell pj I'ayi tie urged
but the si'lllcr wink logelhcl
as a unit ami that no piopnab
ion, private or otherwi.-e, be
aonaidered that did not embrace
the inliic pii.jfi t, as (he cut
ting up Into di lints by differ
ent irrigation enterprises would
make the cost i, Irrigalimi
much higher for the high lands
and p.e-il.U retard their n;( .i
malion, and in that way (e
counliy Wtuihl bt bt Id ba.k.
Ceo. Uovltt of Ihad l) Flat
favored the same plan, as did
others. He said be anted Mater
ami was willing lo negotiate
vyilh the Roise Ow lire high
iue r any other tomponj
that would iumisli wabr im Ihe
entire project,
Other Speakers slated that Ihe
water foi the north side would !h committee inci and elected
bae tO come from th. Malheur J. W. McCulloch chaii man an.'
riVfr, M litOl had heen the in- W. II I .'. 1 1 '. .-..ntaiv.
Wui k araj ftotimod Bsturdaj will ho routiuucl until depth
,.n llie nullum oil Wll. A of I.M It) feet i- all. lined uitlaau
Kisher iiii experienced drill I
from California ill have charge
of the work. The well is now
uown .Hilling
per, mid p'CK'ive llie main vol
ume of the liver and yet leave
llie canyon open for all time to
I ImsI two rnihvax s, one each
side of the canyon.
Tben, Mr. Ilanlcy und I ore
interested in an iriignlion pro-
jci i in iiarncy valley, nun in a
through Li (mi bod weather. I
have lold eveiy one freely whal
we were doing and I nnly wish
I could promise the people a
"Jin IMI" riiilioa.l. I would
do ull ill my power to aid il. I
cannot lend the people lo hopi
tor such u line from anything I
mi doing. I only wish I could
I can only lepeut I will no all I
can to hi nig it about, bceausi
ihe way the llatiiiiiau Ijatol
tins bottled up Oiegon is n di-
graoa I fast I Itteltni d i say i
Ii gnu e lo tin in and a disgra.-.
Ill the people mIio submit lo il
Il ha hi .-ii rOggtOtod tbnl Ihi
-In. it Line H ill choki' the Hoist
I Western lo ilialh. I am not
certain, hut I WOtlM be glad U
s '. such u ib spuiie mi. .-. It
wmild do more than a thousand
lirgUineilll to convince the pen
pie that they, Ibemselves, must
.ii in. ill-, own the railro.uls.
d nlioii of the giivernmeiit plan,
and the Ow pin e could only In i
ni-h water Miicieiil for II i
i.'Ulb snle.
On niotinu an Inveetisotins
1 oninullee ronaletiug of nin.
mi inbeis, i.m ( i.m m iltei u.iin foi
each district under the pmjccl
and one ci'inniiltei man at-lurgi
v is ii i 1 1 1 1 .1 to eonfi r will
nii capitalists disposed lo hike
up the propositi n of reclaiming
the lailda iin. I. I the Mulhi ill
project, the committor o
hi ii d i- as follows; J. W. M
Oullocb, rommiltooinan at large
I' bV i. ill l.lnl.l, for l'a die.
II. A l wood, bo V pci ;
ll. li. .(.Utile, ftu Uutarln
I'm. in. i- . Mi K lllght) f"l al.
.iin Hill, for Ihe Snake rivei
ill igatiou distiu I, which inin
. i c ihe lainl ol the loWCI
li id I ' Hat ; John I', Johnson,
I til
Ihe M.i : iii iii alley i.l.o.i
ah A Turn, fgr the slab
hi nr v.i.b y in tin i. iitit y f
inl.ii m, II I,. Pom man, foi tin
'i. ei )i ad X Hal.
Al tin eluSS d Ihe ineclin
oil i obtained at a loser depth.
If the c..uipaii fails totlrikooil
i Well No I, a Well will
t,e sunk.
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. ,
kinds of drugs.
A. N. Snliss midwife visited
in BoiM yctenlay.
Ml. I, .1. Cortright returned
rl iilav from a visit In Boiao,
rootboll tomorrow atttrnoon
I the park. Ontario vs. Povctte.
I. II. I'siley is in Portland ut
lendinir a inn tine of the Under.
lakers' Association of OfOgon,
!'. W. Mogon is in Portland
Inking the examination before
the Stat" Barbara1 commission.
Dittrid Attorney MiCullocb
and Attorneys Brooke and Biegs
hdt for Bums yesterday to a'
tend circuit court.
For Sale Cheap Improvid
Kconomy creiini sc)arntor good
as new. Can be seen at Poor-
man's, next door to postolliee.
Any physician that knows Ihe
Wilstin-Duffy Drug Co., will not
h Minie to trut hi . patient's
niodleino io us lor proporotton.
I. s. Millikin is now in charge
of the Ontario operu house, und
pmties desiiing to louse the
same can secure dales and prlota
by OOnaolll f him.
The Burn. Tillies. Herald sus
Ihal A. VfltatOr has been calhd
huniedly Ifl Mot Luke where
Mrs. Vonalor is reported dun
gOTOOalj ill with little hoe of
Williams & Boyer, propm im
of the Klcelrie Mane, desire to
inform the public that in the
futii'e a ehnnge of program
nightly will be given at then
popular lilile theulre.
The baby girl of Conductor
Miller, und wife, died at Mont.
potior, Ma , last .Momluy. Mr.
Miller is ill with typhoid fevei
at Ihe above place und Mr. Mil
ler is ut her bedside.
D. B. Tnttle has opened a
second-band store, two doors
north of the Argus (dike and
will buy und sell all kinds of
your patronage uml guarantees
bis putrnna u square deal.
Mr uml Mis. J. J. pogue, of
S illivun, III., ure visiting in tl.,-
city. Ihe gentleuiHn is a
brothei ol Mayor PogOO, and hu
Hid h)a wife i'ii me ull the wuy
from old Illinois to attend the
Clley.l'oyue wedding.
B. I'. Brubiiugh and wife of
Danville, Km. sa-, visited in Ihe
ily lust wiek, the guests of .1
II Seim i in, us , wife. Mr. und
Mrs. Brubaugb and Mi. und
Mis. BeOWfOrd left Sumlav for
Seattle to attend the fair.
At a meeting ol the itv conn
cil held last Fii.lay eening, the
$SS,000 iniinieipul bonds, u
c nllv a.lveilie.l, of tJM. ('jly uf
oniuipi, extending period ol
JU year , were taken over by Ihe
I'irst Nalioiud Bank of Onlaiio,
ihe rots of Interest Icing r cr
II II jCaton of pAiiiai..',
Ore , a gradnule of (he I'nivcr.
sity ol Miehigiiii, and the Cali
loriiia College ol Optics, has ai
ccpted u pusilion at the Cand
hind drugstore. Me is an ex
pert phiirinaeisl, having many
years' cxpeiienee in that line of
business. His family will sunn
arrive aud make Ontario tlnii
Cioy J) li.Bas of thy 1'usdimc
billiard ami pool fOOMS, tin. al
the LVftOsI Hi IhO noilhwc.-l, in-
iii- your patronogo, The firm
also carries cigars, tobacco, lini
coiiieclioncry, etc., The ln.ii
and . oufectionery store is separ
atc lioin the billiard room, and
me uuiics oi wiiiiiiui ure es
peciullv invited to muke their
purchases at the I'aotiojO, just
oul, f !(,v.r lJriSj. j
How ALout Your Ta
kcs jy
October 4th will be the
day for the payment of the
ond installment of tuxes, und all
t;,N(s unpaid by tl.ut date will
become delinquent. Those who
paid only ball their tuxes lust
spring will do well to keep Oc-
lObcr I in mind und pay ill tiny
lima on or l fore thul day.
Alti l ' lit. bl i I ccrtilii ales Oi
delinijiu ncy will he hsued to
unyoiie will payi taxes on prop
erty that hai heen neglected or
"Mi looktd I v the owner. This
Certificate In nrs mien "I at 16
pei . mt until n dtomad hv the
ownrr, ami nnlota radeamed
W thin three yi ais the holder oi
the . ettilieate hi . -nmes PlltitlOll
to a deed.
Tr.rcc Guy Old Boys.
I ii con vci mg ' f old times
Willi Waller IlintOU the olber
day, he infnnned us II ut years
ago LylS Howard was the (Me
Bull of Crook eountv, us no one
III thai neighborhood could
liddle as Ood a" r.vle. We asked
I, vie abniit it and be suid it was
I ha triith, ami that be and t'nele
loe Madden gave dunces, Uncle
lot doing the calling and l.yte
handling the bow and taking
in the spondoolix al the door.
At one time I 'm le Joe mis the
champion log dancer ol Irooh
county, l.yte was the buss poli
tician ami Walt 1 1 in ton the
handsomest man In Kastst n Ore
i;nn u bard OOmhiliatioil lo
diaw to but that a many
long years ago.
Local News.
S. Iv Uicutt of Oklahoma bus
purchased "JO ucres of the Qoata
cnbiish ranch from Mrs. W. I'..
I . i s,
A. I. (juackanbuah has pur-
ehoaod i faun in Long Valley,
and will soon move to Ins new
Everybody who eon spare the
time should assist in removing
the weeds from the Ontario
cemetery tomorrow,
County Treasurer Hollidoj
ami Mrs. Il.dliday were in the
city Wednes.luy from 'ale to
attend thel'llev I'ogllC nuptials.
c. II. Trouadala toffsrod se
vere loos TutsdJay nigbt by the
destiiiituin by lire of his burn,
several tons of bay uml harness
Mr. Trout dale n ildi on Um
larm ne purcnasco .t tin
0 Brian.
It is understood that Mr.
Spear, representative ol Ki van
A Trow bridgi ol ( hicago, known
M I he "llie;h l.iln'," u ill inaki a
proposition to the lund .owners
upon bis it turn irnni (he . i
regarding water
Taking: Lift Easy
An Ontario farmer who c-
cenlly sold his ranch was in the
eity yestorday with Iii wlfo,
and were . on Versing a i b a
number ol Iriaildl on Mail
street, ' ne of the huh fi ieilllt
"I rxnCi'l .ndiii is takuiL' lib
aasy now f"
Ves," inswarod Ihe wile,
"John bus now ouly two regn Is
in lile One is that In has to
wake up to eat, and the other n
that hv hM t llUil BMliug I"
Send Your Laundry to
Troy Steam Laundry
huimtir Kiuisli Only ami 1
Sati,f.icti. ill ( A'; ,,,, , ,.w . ,1 the lime ii
t AtVtm not: taarooe sm.,..1" wottool Ihs Argus, and th
AKesxl' 'price is only the .ar
We moke 'I., hy the
gallon and sell tin m by the
Vanilla Kxlrocts l the
Lemon Rxtracti l"c tin
These i xltai ! an super
ior to th. .si usually sold
and we guarantee thfM to
i oulorm to the Pun Pood
nnd Drug Act,
Geo. Candland.
o:immi inci ;;isr.
Ontario, i egon
l- our iiiiiin interest, and
f .lu Dot go into ulllsiilc
lines. Ili'iiri arc arc able to
gii' Villi I lillr -t n-k nf
ku'ing PnM Zionists
Ol the County.
Drug Co.
m Trn
L'U 1
We now have a very choice
tool oi ( ut i ....
We nr. ..I-., shoa iii; n select
line ni colonial and cm milium
brass and SSayi i. n hnme.
We guaranh . i, iaotioaj
in all doalings,
A coinpl. te Una of Strings,
Sheet Music and Inttramonli
GtmraiiK ctl Watch
Hai EGrauel
The Jewelry ami Mil leal House
oi I hits rio, Oregon.
St Francis AcaA my.
bni-'" ciiy, Oregon.
fJ )-jy JjJqsJ
' '
tor Oirls
I . ,u-
.1 ' ll Ml ll I. !
Tin .illl'-i ol '-Indies em-
bracos the eighth grudes ol com
in. Ml Studies In .in d mi the -tale
com se o studios, ihe Academic i fuui r rs and Ihi
Hill I t 1.1 1 Hill
I I., music ami painting de-
pallliient- Offer splendid inlvuil-
Kjj- Tr
. I1MH. Im luithel particu-
i i Ik Ai am uiv i i ud-
. - ii. Sin itinu.
hisur JJ1
' - .