The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, September 17, 1909, Image 1

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    -( 3
Don't forget That We Do
all kinds of Printing at
the Argus Office.
For the Malheur Project.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County.
s win
Ni'MlH'.i: :
Local News.
Attend the band dance tonight.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. All
kinds of drugs.
And Manager Millikin of the
opera house found it on the
Ladies, Scarfs in all new
lines; let us show vou the styles.
M. M. Co.
Louis Bnrtoni is down from
Wcstfall. lie brought his son
Johnny to Ontario to attend
M. Alexander, president of
the First National Rank, wn
n business visitor to the city on
Tho hrick work on the new
Hover block bus commenced
and the structure will soon be
Sen our new line nlks SI!. inch
wide; every yard guaranted, all
sh i es;(ho best showing silk"
in town. M. ML Co.
A Boise woman is asking for a
divorce from her husband on
tho ground that he "acts like
the devil " Poor man.
Mrs. T. T. Kohout is ovci
from Jordan Valley visiting
rolntives and friends. Tommy
is having the fine of his life
keeping that rug clean.
C. V I'httt, assistant eiislm
of thi l''irtt National Hank, nud
wife, left Monday on a visit to
relatives and friends in Nmv
York stale and expect to be ab
sent a month.
Williams A' Mover, proprietors
of tne Klcctric Maze, desire lb
inform the public ihnt in tin
fuiii'c a change of program
ttlfbl v will lie given .it tlieii
p i 1 1 1 1 llniilte
M. (J. Hope, one of Vale's log
boosters all the time, was in the
city the lirst of the week looking
after his property interests. Mill
I k- . tic like he did 1
years ago only he has discarded
his Ilerr Most whiskers.
Mrs M. lv Martin of I ..yittc
des i - to inform the Indus of
On' nil ami virinity that "The
V ." I'nyt Hi ,s new millinery
at , is now open to the puhlie
a i -..licils tiio patronage of all.
I. I.'aml, one of Kustern Ore
gon's prominent lawyers, leg.
intend at the Carter House the
tirst of the week. We asked
Johnny if he was going to shy
his castor in the ring at the
next campaign and he said "not
on your life".
II. C. Whilworth has relumed
from a two-weeks' visit to the
Seattle fair. He told us there
wer 117,000 people on the
ground one day, but that he had
the Ontario spirit and waded
1 1 -hi through the throng. He
Mya i he exhibits me grand, but
III l'ny .Streak grander.
We have cleaned all our ovi r
k out except hats. Now i
!. time to get a hat; look at
our s eciuls. M. M. Co.
W. A. Tureinan delivered ISO
k e -llle to Rlackwell le
I on Satuiday. Billy
.untcred a water spout on
it . t 'lover Creek and had a
I escape
ill 'OWIHIIg
rdiug be stream, but
hi s nfcr a struggle landed
ihe bank.
vening ih-re will be
U if the ;, oung people
, .Methodist church lor the
. - ol organizing an Fp-
li Leigue. Sunday school
jii:'0 a in. Preaching at
0 i ni. and 8 p. in. by Dr
i - D. iiillliian, district su
n; i"odent. Monday, Septem
ber -0, a' 2:10 p. m. the quar
terly conference will take place,
a. id at 8 p. in. there will be a
general business meeting of the
church, to which all members
are requested to be present.
Local News.
Attend the band dance tonight.
Wilson-Duffv Co. for nil kinds
of drugs.
Circuit court has adjourned
for the term.
Ladies' Hells; this is some
thing you should see. M. M. Co.
Supt. (lilcrest of the P. L. I,
Co. was in Ontario the first of
the week.
Just opened n new line of
Ladies' Neckwear; something
snappy. M. M. Co.
Kx-Circnit Judge M. D. Clif
ford was a blllluftf visitor from
linker City during the week.
Mi B. Cwinn was in the citv
dining the week. Monte wn'
rustling, as usual. You can't
keep him still.
(!us K. Schweizer, was a visi
tor to the best town on the Ore
iron Short Line that's Onta
rio on Sunday.
0. A. Cncheron, a prominent
stockman of Bruno, Idaho, regis
tered at the Carter House the
first of the week.
Any physician that knows the
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co., will not
hesitate to trust In patient's
medicine to us for preparation.
Clins. Kuiison, cashier of Ihe
Ontario National Bank, and
family, returned Monday from
visit to the 8"itltle fair and
J. S. Millikin is now in charge
of the Ontario opera house, and
parlies desiring to lease the!
same can secure dates and prices
hy consulting him.
A union Sunday school orn.
vention of the schools of Mai
lour and Canvoii counties will
lie held at Nvssa on Friday,
Snlnrilav and Sunday.
lv W. Brown returned Sun
day Iran a -i -i t to his family
at I'ottliind. lie says that Mrs.
Brown is now enjoying the bOOt
of health, which will be eood
news to her many friends.
Blue Prints of any Township
in the Burns Land District,
showing names of entiymen,
kinds of entry, dates, etc., and
topography. Price $1 00, J
C. Turney, Burns, Oregon.
Hon. I W. Hope was in On
tario on Sunday on his way to
visit the Seattle fair. Miss
Mniine Hope and Leslie Hope
accompanied him and will at
tend school ut Forest drove.
"The Vogue" millinery store
of Payette carries in stock the
IntMl creations in millinery of
all kinds. All new goods. The
ladies of Ontario especially invi-
tid hi call) and inspect the ele
gant stock.
Mis. 1. II Holland of Bums
and Mrs. 1 t Wells oi Vale
were in the lily Sunday on their
way to North Yakima, Wash.,
Iieing suiuniiiiied to the bedside
of their tister, Mrs. Murray
Bakker, who is seriously ill.
Otto Km is has purchased the
S.iddlo Koi k restaurant from
(Ins Goldberg and has placed
Mis f, K. Bailey in charge as
manager. This popular reslau-
rant will continue to serve the
boat meals in the city and will
be open until 0 o clock every
evening. Short orders a spe
cialty. ( iity iV Delias of the Pastime
billiard and pool rooms, one of
the finest in the northwest, in
vites your patronage. The linn
also carries cigars, tobacco, tine
coniectionery, etc., The fruit
and confectionery store is separ
ate from the billiard room, and
the ladies of Ontario are es
pecially invited to make their
purchases at the Pastime, just
south of Bover Bros. & Co.
It was announced in a dispatch work. This dec sion is up
of Sept. 11 from Washington, proved by President Taft.
I). C, that the government will I How long it will he before the
not at the present time under- j Malheur project can be under
take the construction of the Mai
heur project. Secretary Bab
linger, though anxious to help
settlers in Malheur county, Ore..
linds after a study of the entire
irrigation situation that the I porlionmcnts for various irrign
condition of the reclamation ' tion projects will be equalised
fund will not now justify the by 1012.
adoption of any new projects, Heretofore, he says, the largest
Many millions of dollars in expenditure has been made in
addition to what is at present territories for the reason that
obtainable, are needed to com- the hinds are free and there are
plete projects now under course no complicating laws.
of construction.
As the adoption of new pro- der Secretary Ballinger it will
jects would seriously interfere he the policy to concentrate the
with finishing what has hereto- work and expenditure on indi
fore been undertaken, it has vidmil projects until completed,
been decided temporarily to lay instead of distributing fundi
aside all applications for new among all projects.
Big Estate in Dispute
Dr. Miles Biley arrived home
from Los Angeles, Calif., on
.Sunday, where he has been for
the past three months on busi
ness relating to an estate valued
at a half million dollars of his
dot eased uncle, Win. Hiley. The
deceased left four brothers, a sis
ter and a number of nephews
and nieces, one ninth each of
his esiute. Chas. Biley, Sr., of
Malheur county, is one of the
brothers mentioned in the will.
The heirs are trying to break
the codicil alleging undue in
il ni nc i- of Miles A. Long and
wife, win. in tho heirs state, so
influenced the old man that
they have benefited in a most
generous manner through notes,
deeds, etc., to the extent of
Help tho Band.
This evening (Sept. 17) at the
opera house, the Ontario Kncorc
Baud will give a delightful so
cial dance, the proceeds to be
devoted to pitying the back
salary due Prof. Kbyuer, and
other outstanding bills. A com
mittee will wait upon our till
.ens this afternoon and ask that
they purchase a ticket mid
help the band tide over its finan
cial straits. Buy a ticket whether
you attend or not, as the band
bojfl have devoted their time
free to the city and your pleas
ure without any individual
recompense, and kindly ask all
to help out on this occasion.
Died at North Yakima
Mi- Murray-Bakker expired
early 1 uesday morning at North
Yakima, Wash., the result of mi
operation for appendicitis. The
deceased was reared in Malheur
county, neur Vale, being a
di lighter of Mr. und Mrs W. S.
(ilenn, and will be remembered
iii this section us the wife of H. j
G Murruy, now deceused, who
was a prominent figure in the
early history of Malheur county
and sheriff for two terms. She
was universally rc.-pcctid and
tO the relatives in this section
the sympathy of all is extended.
Vote Yes.
Don't forget the school elec
tion tomorrow at 2 p. in. to
vote on the proposition of the
establishment of a high school
in Ontario. And don't forget
to vote yes. Let us have a
high school in Ontario by ull
- taken hy the government is
now purely a matter of conjec
ture. F. II. Newell, director of Ihe
reclamation service, says the ap-
Director Newell says that tin-
Lot There Be Light
(lenenil Manager Markus of
the Idaho-Oregon Light A Powtf
Co , hits submitted a proposition
to the city council to the effect
that his company will furnish
twenty 50-candle lights and one
additional an light lor $.r0 ad
ditional over the sum the city,.
1 1
in liuu. mil niir (liifurwi iu nnw
.,",,,, , ..
paving 11140 per vear and if
.i . . .. .
me same 4 accepted um con
would hctllOO pur year. The
mayor ami council the first of the
week visited (he residence ills
trict of Ontario and selected the1
sites for the lights, and the
matter will he decided at the
next meeting of the council.
The city dads should ae cap!
the liberal proposition of Mr.
Markus, lor if there is one thing
Ontario needs it is light in the
ieside::ee district, and the cost
per year is so small that tin h
should not be a dissenting vote
The Bible suys "let there be
light, and (here was light," and
the council should follow the
mandate of that good book.
Notice is hereby given to the
owners, occupants and agents of
all lots in the City of Ontario,
Oregon, to clean up and remove
all weeds, brush and rubbi-h
on the same, und to the middle
of the streets and alleys arOUttd
and said lots, in accordance a t li
I Mdiiiaii. i o. 80, and that the
City Council ha ordered the
proaaeutiou of all who do not
comply whIi this notice.
Q, A. I'm. i i , Mayor.
Tom Brosnan Wins
Tom Brosnan on Monday re
reived notice from San l'ran
cisco that the circuit court ol
appeals had decided in his favor
in the land case of the Kasteru
OfffOO Land Co. vs.
Mr Bros-!
nan, involving tne title to lbo
tarea oi land on lower Willow
(ii ek. The case has been in
the courts for 1" yai.
Brooke a Suxton were uttor
neys for Mr. Brosnun .
Resigned as Deputy
Tims. K McKnight has re
signed as I'eputy county clerk
and will engage in the real estate
and insurance business at Vale.
During the time he held the
above position Mac was always
obliging and accommodating ami
the Argi - wishes him success in
his ne.v venture.
Local News.
Ailend the band dance knioirf.
A little boistitig woil hurt.
For Sale 7- octav organ ; I
bargain. Inquire Mrs. Orccr.
Born In this city, Sept. 10,
1000, to the wife of (ieo. Thomp
son, a son.
For Sale Cheap Improved
Fcononiy cream separotor. good
as new. Can he seen at Poor
man's, next door to postolficc.
J. II. Seiiwciud has returned
from llailey, Ida. While absent
he purchased :t number of
thoroughbreil bucks.
Tom Scum curd is a visitor
front Cord. Tom is not aware
of the fact that a certain Onta
rio young lady is all smiles.
Win. Jones and wi.'e were
visitors from Juntura on Satur
day. Billy tells us that section
is prospering and stock looking
Topic at I'niti d Presbyterian
services: Mornittf, "Pail! a
Man Who (line." I, veiling,
"Lessons from the Crowing
Married In Ontario. Sept.
IS, ItobI ILrrisof Drewsey, to
Miss Doiolhy Sterrett of West
Liberty, li.wn, Bev. W. S. Young,
The Mulio-Orcgon Light A
Power Co. will soon move their
Offloa to the 0, F. building, and
I Manager Bob Kockwell is all
"puffed up."
('has. Dalton. of Tabor, Iowa,
is visiting it. the city. I he gen-
tlcnion is a ncpht w of "I'ncle
. .. ..
Madden. He savs Ontario
looks good to him.
Hon. Will B King, justice of
the supreme court, has returned
to Salem iiiler transacting busi
ncss and renewing ae(Uiiintaiices
here for a few d.i I,
Charley Anderson, the sheep,
man, was here on Monday from
Skull Springs. He was a juror
at the term ol circuit court and
ays he don't like the Job,
Mrs. A. K Tonuingsen bus
arrived home from Lekevlew.
Sne lias again acecplcd the posi
tion as leather of the second
grade in our public school
J. F. LaWicnee Was duWIl
frmn Vale on Sunday looking
like a winner, as nsua
Jim '
li I some scl. e ne in his head
jii-t now, and wh n it material
izes the Aigis is going to (ell
all about it.
I iidei i, k II. Newell, direi t r
oi the reclamation lervico, staled
in Portland last Tuesday that
the allotment to Oregon i- short,
but it will be made up in 1018.
I.i I us all sing "In the BwOOf
Bve and lis
Born At Vale, to the w fa Ol
B. W. Mulkey, a daughter. The
Aigus congratulate! the proud
pareuteend trnsti the promising
little one may grow into noble
woinaiiliood and till (he sunset
of her parents' lite with comfoit
and neppincee.
W. o. Tboroaa m Tuesday
purcbaeed Ue H D. Oreor prop.
r,.v' ('"iisistiiig of live lots and
dwelling, III the northern part
of the eily. Mr. Thomas will
make extensive impl o eno nl
and epi i I- to he located in his
new home by Oct. I"i.
Water Notice.
We have had a m-i iolls break
down in our pumping plant
and will be unable to use the
pump for B few days. We are
asking all our customers to be
Hist us economical und use none
for sprinkling purposes until
we euit get the pump filed, so
we (ull make the water hold out
until we cun make rejutirs.
Iduho-Oregon bight e. 1'owerOo.
Kobt. L. Kockwell, Manager.
Ontario Public School
'inarms pumic scnooi ciiini-
ren, :;ti( strong, Rocked to Ho
school house Monday morning
for the opening of the Fall term.
It was a happy army, and much
pleasure was manifest among
the boys and girls to get back
io meir nooks ami lliev were
the picture of health.
I'iisl grade 17 pupils, Mrs.
Coulee, teacher.
Second grade 30, Mrs. Tonn-
Third grade SO, Mrs. Payne,
fourth gradi 31, Miss Ilolli
diiv. fifth grade 37, Mi-s Piatt.
Sixth grade :; Mjs Pogue.
Seven lb rad 00, Miss
Lighth gradi 80, Miss M-
High school 7", Prof. Conk
1 i ii. assisted by Mr. Beaty and
Miss Sheldon.
S. L Russell Dead
S. L. Knssell, lornicilv a con
ductor on the Short Line, db d
on Monday at Big Bend, this
county, where he was engaged
in terming. Ha was well known
in Ontario, for a long time Ic
ing conductor of the "Cannon.
Death was caused by brain
hemorrhage caused by fear and
i iteincnt in escaping a rattle
snake Mr. Kusscll was out in
his corn field when the snake
struck at him. He jumped Midi
to escape tho fangs and fell to
tin ground, lie was assisted to
i be house and the doctor stiiu
uioiicd from Parma, but hi' died
before the physicion arrived.
Dick Tensen Is Home
.. i . . . .
i 'nk iciiMii an i veil Home
last Satiirdav from a four-
months' visit to Holland ami
he arrived alone. Dick told us
(hat he atked numerous niaideii
to become his wife, and while
they all told hllu they loved
him, they feint d the journey
across the briny deep By the
time of Dii k's next visit to his
old home airships will be mak
ing the voyage ami tueii all of
the gnb will dance around Dick
singing "Oob de Lieber Angus
tun,'' ami Dick will take In
pick. Kxlinrt or I In- (Sillillll.ill of tlie I ;i -I
Niktininil Bans 1 1 Ontario, In Mm Hints
nf Urnnuu ut tbs kIom of bnatni
l1'. ' " No is
Kl.'.ol III I M
l...ille.iOiil ill -... 1 1 1 1 e in, . ,.; '.Ill
Uvenlriilln niireil u,.
liieu'i-iireil ", III ;,
i' s bonds io Minors ciraa
Intluii '.'.' .MSI mi
l'riiiiiioiin mi U S InhuIh UMI 0U
Hoods, tnen i IkttMi, ntn a . -. M
IliiiiklnK lUMMB I urinl an-
.in. i utorss .ii hi
l 'ne front national lunks
li. .1 ii'M'ii. i n!i V.i . , -
Dm trmii ttnts ml pi II it.
luniks iohI liuiikerH. trust
i uuipantwi in. I -.u in
lllle III. Ill I'll II I'l i'
CImhiIcm suit nilii i wwb in in-. i ' ii
s.iii' ut uiiiei National
li.n.k . .' Bf,i mi
I rantloual unmr onrreoejr,
lilekil-i ami .
i. ii i. Moni hi i io i
in Ham, n i.
SlLi'll' 1 ''
l.i''ill lilnlrl
nun-. I III io ':; HI Hi
: iiiniti..n iii it. t u o ii i s
1 reHsiirer I.i r w nl i I
ell'i'llliltloll) I I .' . ii i
Tin m ::, ... i,i
ii i.n 1 1 ii.
I' Htoek iunl iii t '" '"" UU
Hnrulns fund i I mm uu
l llllu iei (ilulltH Ii M i
nsossn and tasns paid .' i". Ml
National imuk notrs nut
standlug sou 03
line tu i.tliir national
beaks i so M
line i . Mints and urtvatn
iiioik.- nnd baobnrs II sil W
la. lu Idual ilnuonil i snb
li'.l t.i eli.ek ' - 'iT in
Ileiimiiil e.'i tilir in i.i id-
posil 1 1' 0 I
Tim.- I'frtill.'.itir of dsposit ' ""' HI
1 i It li.-il I'le-eks 11 s'.i
T..I m. I ;". ' : li
st. ii .'I i )rtiicii. i
( niiiity nl Mall. ear I
I, C I Knujron, us bUrol tbs nbovs
llllllllll llilllk tin Mili'lllllly MWI'ttl Unit
the ulsivi Htiiteint'iit In true to tbs bSSl
nf my knowlndgs nnrt bslii f
(' I'. KlMii.s, 1 'ilniliel Alien!
M?n .Ii.m.- Direotom
.1 I II l . .
Suimi-i iiieii nud sworu Io uw bsfom
me this iiih enrol dnpl . ItMN
seiill .1 .1 Burbritlae,
N.l.iv I'lil.he
m AyApIMf1
We make thcpc by the
gallon and sell them by the
Vanilla Extractl 16c thr
Lemon Kxtracts 10. the
These extracts ai lUpei -
lOI to those usually lolt
and we guarantee them In
conform to the Pure I'o. .1
and Drug Act.
Geo. Candland.
LObUHM i)ioa;iMT.
Ontario, ( rcgon
U mir iiuiiii intereat, und
wo do no! go into outside
linos. Henot wo niv able to
give yiu n lino stuck oi
Leading Prescrlptionists
Of tho County.
Drug Co.
We now have a very ehotco
stock of Cut (ihiss.
W e ale eleO show illg a s. lei t
line of eolonial and cm lutltian
bra - and assyiiaii broii.e.
U'e guarantee jrou latial u tion
in all dealings.
A complete Una ol Htringe,
Bb t Muaie and luairuuieute.
Ottamtitoed Watch
Harry B.Gi
I he .but Ii v und Mueical 1 1
of Ontario, Oregon,
St. Frdncis' Academy.
baker City, Oregon
bocirdiih ad l)tiy School
for Girls.
Bo) iimlei , ,,
of UUe a. hull '. I
eourse m stud,,-, in.
braeea tbe eighth gradea ol com
mon itudit ; braced on tin itate
coiir.-e ol itudiee, the Academic
COUrtC ol lour year-, and tho
Commercial oourae.
'l he Btuaic und painting -K.
partmanti offer splendid advan
Stiidie.-, will be resumed iepi,
7, 1000. For furtbei narticu.
tan call at tbe Academy or ad
dress the Sivri.i; Si mtlOtt,
All tbe nOW ull th,. ii,K.
the motlo ol the Argus, and tho
price is only if I the year.
aaaanoaaiBasanBiM 'JBOkKnoaanfennoaoeaaBBW..n..H