The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 30, 1909, Image 1

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    .""I .fj
" " " ! ii 'I. """V -MJ11L-.' ' - ' "' '" '"'.- ' - . w-i-u , ..-j
fhat We Do
Printing at
Rcpresentati v Newspaper of Malheur County.
J Don't Forget
mit jnmtw
iltflXltfi I BOCST 'I
nr'S TJ-WTa Fnr thR MaihPiir Prniart Iffl
1 all kinds of
I the Argus
xsanBssr''rw "tr'iW slssl.S
lilf III!!
lri'Y :;(l- li,,,i'- NUMBEH :w
fTOr TALK.1'
But When Secretary of the
The meeting at Ontario Fri
day afternoon attended by Sec
retary of il"' Interior Hallinger
wan the largest nscniblngp ever
gathered together in Malheur
county, tliere heing fully 'JU(H)
neonle seated in the city park
wliich was gaily decorated with
Hags, bunting ami large hanners.
Secretarv Hallinecr was iriven
an ovation as he ascended the
platform erected for this meet-
ing. He made a hrief speech,
saying he came to listen, not to
Hon. Dal ton Higgs acted as
chairman of the monster meet-'
ing, and after a selection by the.
Ontario and Vale bands, Mr.
Ihggs stated that in October Of
la, year uui imnnnripv km .-
reclamation of the Malheur pr -
ject was taken up A delegation
was sent to Washington, I ' '
...... ..- . 1. ..
10 urge Hit) government 10 iai e
up the project. In fulfillment Ii
of the promise of Secretary Hal J
linger to come to Ontario, he is d
here today to hear expressions J
of the people as to this project j
On behalf of Malheur county 1 i
now welcome you, Mr. Secretin x 4
of the Interior. 4
Secretary Hallinger then sniil: Z
I have come, hero today pursuant 4
of tlie ordeis of the president, 'J
who is likewiso interested In ttOjf
reclamation of the arid we-t J
The president told me to lied If
out what is being done and xvh.n '
ought to be done for the heller- J
ment of the people. I see ex
emplilied liore a spirit of pro
gress that makes American in
stitutions grow anywhere in Mill
great west. (Cheer?,!
I told your committee 1 wel
coming here to listen and not to
talk. I wish to assure you the
government is interested in
everything that interests tin
people. It is the purpose of the
government to aid you as far 01
possible. The governmeut wants
to extend no favoritism any
where. I want to see if the
government can properly de
velop this valley. If the gov
ernment does not develop this
valley, it is because the govern
ment has not at present got the
necessary finances. It is not
the purpose of ihe government
Jo intsrfere with private enter
prise, on the other hand, the
government will develop where
private enterprise cannot enter
Walter tirirhths of Caldwell
said: You've heard me express
my views, you know what Ihojf
are. 1 have not changed my
views one bit. I believe you
will develop the resources of this
vaUey by your own efforts in
better shape thun any one else
can. hast full you took up the
Malheur project. You signed
petitions, and I'm satislied those
petitions hud their effect in hux -ing
Secretary Iiullinger here !
day. We believe tins project
will be successful under govern
ment supervision. We wunt to
induce the secretary to believe
this is the best und only wuy of
developing this great valley.
The principal address of the
afternoon was made by Col C. F.
S. Wood, who -aid in part: Mr
Secretary, this is your meeting.
I am here as a representative for
the 25,000 acres under this irri
gation project owned by the
Cascade Military Koad (irant.
We feel that the Malheur
project is a child of the recluuiu
tion service, that there is u mo
i -i.mai j ... i, v.,
the reclamation department. '
Section Stands on
This project wm selected by the
reclamation service as the elm M
projtet for dovelowment, and
then dropped it.
Thit reclamation project was
abandoned several years ago.
Some peotde blamed the com-
pany I represent for tho nlan
doument of this project.
olonel W oods submitted evi-
dencc proving that the uhandon-
merit of this project was not, due
to the company he rOprOOunte.
Wo stand lure today onennr-
I aged in the belief if wo stood
solid for the reclamation of this
land, the government would aid
us, said the speaker. We al!
have unbounded confidence in
1 " r'r "- -"" -" '"'
y0O"t-V.'. v
Secretary ol I he leinrliiicnl
ol the Interior.
Secretarv li.dlingor. Jie i- .1
man who appreciates what inma!
obligation ie and what fuetiet is.
The situation here is one of
extreme desire in fax or ol g'X '
ernment irrigation. The pri
vate parties trying tO enter this
project, in June could not oiler
me anv specific information as
to the contract, etc These pi i
xate parlies are noxv making a
sliding scale on water lights. I
do not like the f.nt of a sliding
scale. No proper reclamation
project should he under a sliding
scale. Every rancher should
have aler at the same rate every
other ram her has it.
I l"e ,r also that the contract
made by private capital docs not
gixe the ranchers a complete
knowledge of the exact amount
Ol water cii'h acre is to receive
per year.
I made : criticisms to the
contract made by pi ivate capital.
m ,
Ha - f" jW? t-sif&i
km ' Jy7ifjfl
If IhO government project was ' '""si.ler it a graft. Iw.iiil
not here and theie never VOO government now. I re pi.
any hope of govt rniueiit rcclam- se,,t :(M p"ple in the some con
utl'on here, 1 would not touch dWo M myself,
the present contruct made by i 1'erry llayden of Dead Ox
the private portiee, , ,,"t W1,i'1 lie ,0,1l' bnroehoeli
We believe when the s. ,re-, OVl r -" ilej of this d.-.n
tary gets through with his in-'MVn l,eur8 ago when he saw
ve.-tigation, be is going to make
an effort to have the govei ninent
carrv through this project
We- believe ve one oorselvee
oompleta tins project if the eov
ernment fails to do so. This
project is as large as a small
state and every acr- tViitl its
settlement. We believe three
trans-continental ruilrouds will
eventually cross this Malheur
Wulter S. Martin of San Fran-
cisco, president of the Fasteni
(lie-on Land company, with
10 aeree in tbie project, aetdi
W, are willing to enter all our
lands in this project under ihe
gOVemmonl reeUmatioO peti-
Interior Ballanger Departed
Government Irrigation First, Last and All the
tion. We aro afraid of the pri
vate irrigation enterprise in this
project, because of 1 1 1 o sending
scale of prices for water niaile
by tlnni. If the government
i cannoi complete toil project, we
believe the land owners lliciii-
selves can complete it. We pre
fer ami want government irriga-
tun ol the lands we arc con
cerncd in.
J. If . Joseph, who owns (HO
acres in the head Ox Flat, said:
My neighhors and myself are all
in favor ol government irriga-
tion. We are afraid of the pri
vate promoter?. Many ranch-
....... 1. ..:.... ;.. 1. . ...1
1 ii 1 i- 1 1 . 1 1 1 l; ' n ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i '' " ' nun
KM willing to continue thus to
ive until the government irri-
.gates (heir land. They nor
will not sign their land to pri
vate parties. Pi mil ta capi
SraUU too much for water.
Chairman Higgs called for a
repn seiilatixe of the private cap-
Mi... sis to a,..,,. s tnc secretary,
but none responded at the after -
noon meeting.
0. W. Mallett of Ontario, who
00 in 1000 OOree, said: We stand
almost as a unit in favor ol gov
ernment irrigation. This valley
Z lis in.irvelously lich. We can
! produce here sex en tons of al-
falfa per acre per year.
! Ceoi ge McKnighl, of 'ale,
J said: The settlers here ptOpOCC
, to stay with the govoi nineiil un
J til the goveriiiin ill drops us.
! H. 0. Cleveland of Willow
Greek, srlu re lie own- 820 acre,
said: Out of 50,000 aics in
Willow Creek, there are only
-JO aens signed up xvilh the
high line pioji l
Adjoiirniuent wus taken at
6:50 to 8 n. m , xx hen Boeretorj
Bollinger delivered ao addreee,
.is did also A 1'. D.ix i-, chief
engineer of the reclamation
vice, xvho is traveling xvith Sec
retarv Bollinger,
The evening meeting at S
o'clock v;i- opened bj several
pretty lelectionaby the Ontario
Yale band.
Several land owners then
gave brief addresses. II. I.
I'oomuin, xvho owns 890 aires
on Dead Ol Flat, suid there are
10,000 acres en Dead K Flat and
16,000 acres on the lower
The UppOl land in the Dead Ox
i- -iid to he the linest in the
eOUUtry. The soil is 10 feet
deep. We on Deed On Plot are
all ill favor of government rrl
II. F Carter of near Yale, w ho
owns inn ecree, saiel : l doo'i
want a high line ditch in mine.
ol"y wo cayueee onu three jack
rabbits. Now there are many
Oilier! In this urea and 05 per
eenl of them ure for government
Attorney Ceo. W. Huyes of
Vale, and u luml-owner, suid:
Wc usk the secrttary to help us
o far as in his power lit-s.
: fc F. Meredith, u I end owner,
"id I am glad that I am one of
like very few who have given
consent to the high line ditch
company. I frankly admit that
nio8t of ? "figl'l'Ois ure in
favor of tlie Kovernment, und I
"' too now.
Edward Da varan ol Dead(
Hat said his neighbors without
ejtception were in favor f gov
ernment irrigation for three
reasons' First, the government
will put in n first class project;! mine the leeeibility ol every ii-
eorond, government payments
arc easier; tlnril, the govern
men) will not graft and will fur
nish it nt cost. We consider the
high line ditch company as
grafters. He stated to the see.
rctiirx that he thought the gov
ernment was in dutv hound to
build the project, and if the sec-
retary would give hil consent
the name of Richard A. Hallin-
ger would be revered bv our
children and our chiidien's;
, . ,1.1 . . .. , , ... 1.. ,.,. 'l-i...
viiiiviivu iui in viniir. 111 r.
(old war-horse of the Flat was
given an ovation at the com In.
I. Hon of his speech.
Chief Fngineer A. I'. Davis of
the reclamation service said in
I troi In re l years ago, eight
years aflcrxvard the reclamation
, mt . ia,S(.(, M(mv .
li0I1 u, in ,,,,.
-nice then.
I wish to emphasise that the
reclamation service pleoee the
power ill one olliccr, ami that
Officer is the secretarv of the in-t-rior.
When you say sonic
thing has been promised in rec
tarnation matters, you must
I r ve the promise xvas made by
the secretary ol Tic interior, lie
is (he only one xx ho inn make
a promise in recluiuation mat-
The reclamation service lias
made some mistakes, it i- true.
The state of Oregon has not
many feooible in igation projects
because of the physical dilheul-
tles of the projects. A
reclamation officer can do is to
get facts and ligurcs pertaining
to irrigation projects
i.m-.i u.e pi.smeni cannot
I.-... .i -i
enonge any decision we eecret.onth.iies his there in the
tiny of the Interior makes. late summer he will he -ml to
The secretary cannot build
projects win. mil money. 1 1 is
far moie expensive tobuiid irri-
gallon works now ti., iii hve
xc.irsago. The e cist of imga.
tion projects is more noxv he
cauee everything entering Into
the building ol projeotc iv bighei
than live years ago.
Money expended by the "
ernment for irrigation must he I
returned to the government, ii
a project e ci-ts more than the
eetimotaa Bret made, then ii,,-
-i tilers mil-t iax Ihe- difference
1 xxant you to n member thi-.
Dieti b ition of fnnde, large
ow nerebip of land-, .-me- weter
rights, proper iirrangeineiit- i i
right-of-way, all these iniist be
considered In the matter ol dis
tribution of funds.
There ure a doen projects in
Control Oregon. All mud be
considered by the department
ni the intei ior a- well ai I hii
There is no ,1. sue on the p. it
. . 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 . 1 . 1 1 . , 1 . 1 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 . , ,
'"" J.................
terfero with private irrigation
rejects. No person can pmm
i-t anything in irrigation mat
ter.- but tin
sec retary 01 the in.
tarior, end hie signature should
be secured to make any promisi -
Beorotary Bellinger wea the
last speaker of the evening und
suid in his closing rtinurk-
"As I suid before, I came here
to lintel, and not to talk. I .11, ;
prostata bow mneb yon ere in.
tareotad to here the government
build this project I have prom.
ised to consider this project
ieliberately and (airly, and that
i, all 1 cun promise you tonight
He Smelly Knew How
This project ill coel completed
nl.oiit 15.000.000. The law Mjn
the secretary muel first deter.
I rigation project. Then the law
says the secretary may proced
to let contracts for the project,
provided there are funds in the
reclamation department of the
I'. S. for this purpose. While I
might ever so much want to
favor any project, ye! xvlien the
law (daces a harrier before me,
I mUSl stop.
"My sympathies are with you.
I The government will consider
Him project without iny regard
... ...:..... :. .1 tr t t.Jl
lis iiinif CMpiuil. 11 1 iiiiu
it impossible to carry 00 this
project I xxant you to be fair
and palient with me, as I am
'ir with you
Secretary Hal'inger was taken
on an Mtomoblle ti ip Satunhiy
morning oxer a considerable
portion of the project, ami OVOT
the Dead w . Flat to We i I
It is ii i -1 rstood that in case
the government finds it Imp00
silde to bnlld the Malheur pro
ject boOOU f a lack of funds,
that the landowners in the pro- !
ject will propose to -,.sist the
government in building the pro
ieet The government under
this latest plan will be asked to
I. nil I ti..
necessary reiervoirs
(inilliiiieil mi r'onrlli Poaja
Invcstigato Oil Lands
lienresentalixe Flh- has asked
ine eiirecior or tlie geological
survey to make an inx -ligation
of the oil lie Ids of FastcNl i i
gem tO determine the extent of I
the oil deposits and the cummer- I
eial value of the oil. lie found
the -iirviy had nexer studied the
Oil deposits el Malheur OOUOty. I
The director sold hi- oil expert
is now in Colorado, but when be
Oregon to make a preliminai x
invottigOtlon, tO be followed by
detailed studv later
Neurly Falul Accident
While returning home from
tin (trainee raneh, ami deecond.
ing King hill. Judge Clement,
laaro. Boyd and .-on Jimmy, had
narrow Md'aite from death.
rite horse the judge wee driving
took liight at an auto and
deeded intao berbvd.wirc leuce
tnrowing Mr. Clement beevil)
against a po-l, s.veiclx injuring
bis cheat, Mrs. Boyd's light
hand was lacerated and little
Jimmy woe bruieod about the
Farmers' Institute
The Funnel-' Institute, poo
poned from July gs will be he id !
in the opera bouaj tamorrow.
I'lii "iikliu w ill rrcMilc. and I
.,,,. .,,... , ,... .. IlllUl..(.
r ' J 1
in tue Argus will be rendered
W 0f lbs prominent lustmc
ton ol the' Oregon Agricultural
College xvill eddreoj the meet-
: vi.... xt-..i. 1... i.-. . ..
IIJJ iicr.l n. 11 nil 1 111 in, lei I
iull(i 1,wi,( A; u,irttcllva
meeting is promised.
Seven Keotucky.bred lucks,
standing Ifi ta Id hands high ,
among the hugcst und best ex 11
'W"4 to tl,is ,ou"l,'- BUY
NoW' H" ll,at y,nir l",r,l"'s;
w" T. ',"V"ua "'" u,:-;
1 . , , , I
climated for next apring aervioe.
It. 0. Kkdmxn,
1 Ulterio, Oregon,
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy DfOg Co,
kinds of drugs.
Mrs. J. If. Farlev left Snn.uiv
for Seattle to visit the iair.
v'. W. Hlllhonee, an old friend
of 1 he Argus man, is visiting in
the city.
W, II. Brooke is home from
an extended legal dip to Harney
Morn In this city, to the
wife of Frank llrittlnsTham. it
I dnual,!,,,.
Attorney Leooel A Webeter,
county judge of Multnomah
county, xvas in the- city during
tin week.
(. W. hong returned Wcdncs-
ooy 'loin an extended bnelneea
viMt to Portland and an outing
at the Seattle fair.
. R. Blair, proprietor of the
Olty Moot Market, was taken to
Boiee on Tueedey. He is suffer.
ing from heart failure,
A. N. BoIIm left for Portland
on Sunday ta join his i ife, and
they will isit the Seattle full
before returning home.
Dr. J. Prinslni and wife ami
' "an aim xx lie liaxe al I ixe el
I II II. 11 1,1 . .
home fiom the Seattle fair and
report hux ing an enjoyable time .
rhoe, Turnbnll, the promi
nenl sheepman, has purobeeed
ii. D. Ureer ranch on tin
, ,
1 i x he e
Consideration, $IJ,-
(V '': '"n, cashier of the
,a''l'"". '"". National Mank,
s " u,'Hl "f ' ' ' ; h'"hrs. The
g'"lhinaii is looking over this
Ml11' " mw of inxeM
i. w. Iforrieon xviii
lit the Malic It school
house next Sabbath aftorOOOU,
all. . Sabbath school
I oph
"The Probability of i Revi latum
from Cod."
Dalton Bigg.' Ii ceixeel a eli-.
pah h from ( IcIesHii, Mo Silt tl t -day,
that hi- f.ilhc.- sfM criti
cally ill and deported for the
old borne the seme evening
Later Mr. Bigge expired cerlj
edneedey morning, aged 1.7
v' "
The many fiiend- of llillx
O'Brh n will regret to loom thai
be has been se I ,.n-y ill al hl-
bome, mar Weieer, SVeell hope
the old pioneer xmII regain bis
health and soon be- aide to
mingle Willi II- 01 of vole.
I opie for morning son ice at
United J'resbytc nan church
How Much Iweel Tbon Uuto
My Lord?" A full attendant 1
0 (H. members ol the rhui h ii
desired, as matters ol special
i., i,, el,...,, ,. ,11 I... .1..
,..., v
.i. .-" xt null; nci n r,
The arlie lis of me 01 puiallon
of the Ontario J ml. penile nt Tel-
ephone ( 'o. were received from
the seen tarj of state the Dial ol
the week. A 11. citing of ll.i
company xvas held night
and arreugemeuts mode lor the
iai l com pleti tion ei ihe- Hue.
Max or Pogue 11 i eivod the sad
tidings the hist of ihe week from
Findlay, 111 , ol the death of F.
K. Sc hwail, Mis. PogUO'l
brother-iii-laxv. The deceased
xvill be remembered in Outat io,
be ami h.s wife baring visited two xt.u- aeo lie w .c
d " X'.'i.-, and a fire! lnu
tenant 111 the 1 i 1 1 xx ar.
Thi. KtlHitllON
Ik h M. .. , -1 u 1V -. IK
I'm mcr Price. Noxv.
Hlovci 41 1 j.. $ 7r,
Qlovea i no o
Qlovei 1 ..mi imi
1 llovee, . . $i in
Belle. 1 21) 7.".
Ihllls. .(l( ((I
Hal's ;;;, .jo
Malls 26 Id
Masks 1.25 1.00
Maeki BO mo
Caps 2d fi
Belts , :.o :in
Belli . . "j.. 5
Hii- I. :,n i nil
Mats 1.00 00
Beta 71 in
Geo. Candland.
i. i;ihnj Mil (i;iHT
Intarlo, Oregon
fl ' oar One lino f clocks
1 t-1 in iiiul going nt very
Moderate Prices.
The x. IX latest in t I'il S
ami new I . sign- ui Jewelry.
A oompleta Fine ol strings,
h( ' 1 Music' ami InsiiumcuK
Guaranteed Wateh
Harry r (jraijrl
ri.e Jewelry end Music,, I ITooee
of Vntario, Oregon.
la mil- main inteiesf , ami
wo '! not go into outaldt
liiu-. 1 1 1100 wo ero able Io
ie- you 1 Rao stock d
LeaVing Piwripiionists
Ol the County.
Drug Co.
tiov .v Do Bos ol the I'astime
lillli..! l and pool I nolo-, one ill
Mo fittest in tin itorthweot, in-
ill - your iatronuge. Tho lirm
lll-o 001 I H - tiigUI I, tobacco, lino
1 ciiifci iionci , el.., 'fhe fruit
and 1 oiil'ei iioiii iv store Is -epur-
al' 1 1 "iii the billiard hi, and
the 1. i'ii' "i Ontario ore en-
pevlallx iltvitad to li.ake their
P ircbuses at tlie I'astime, just
mill, ol t . . ii- Broa. A Co,
1 XI II iKM X I , I 1 -1 1 1 -
1. 1 t IrOgOU Sinn t bine.
I 'ailv for tu kit- one way via
Portland. Frequent dates for
othe 1 routes, Bee Oregon short
I.11. 1 sgeilts for initio 1 details.
. .. .
The' Aigu- xx ill ti II you all
about u.