The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, July 23, 1909, Image 3

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To make room for our FALL GOODS we
miiHt ditpOM of 15000 WOfth o( Dry Goods
Furnishing; Goods and shoes by AUGUST 15.
This is the ehance of the year to make great
savings in these lines. You cannot appreciate
these values unless you see the goods. Let us
show you what we are offering:
l.ntlies waists, vahu' 98.26
l.iwlip wateta, valim f.176
I. uilien waists, value $1.88
Ladies waists, value $1.'2.
sale price . $1 65
sale price $1.25
sale price 1 00
sale price 90c
One assortment, value $1.08 to '2.HI, all at
Broken sizes ami just a few of a kind left.
Ladies' Muslin Underwear. Great slash
ing in the whole stock, nothing reserved, prices
from 35 to 50 per cent off. This is something
you will he interested in.
Shoes for Ladies, Children and Men. half
price and less. We have a table full ol these,
and they are bargains, the hcsl shown any
where. Summer Wash Goods at sterling values.
These goods must he seen to he appreciated.
Everything in the house is worth your in
spection. Our remnant counter will repay you for a
visit to our store.
E. A FRASER, Manager
5 The best residence quarter
in xne Desi xown in east
ern Oregon.
Prices now are $75 a lot and
upward on easy terms.
But Values Are Rising Fast.
We liuvi' farm l'rniivrty of verv tlftu'riptioii
fur -;il- "ii terms to suit you. l'roductive mucin's
can be purchased at btdlOOk pfieee, hut laud
will rise a the Irrigation Projects advance to
ward completion.
The beat experts endorse the Malheur Oil
field which is now being thoroughly ptttptOttt.
with big Standard Kigf. We can sell you daiim
now that will be above price when the oil it
struck. tkt in on the ground lloor!
Vale Realty 4
Jnvestment Xc.
Drexel Hotel Building.
U. S. Commissioner. Inml filing ami
final proof ran now be made
befere Gilbert L King, r. 1,1
coinniisnioner. Ottice in Oiita-'
In the Circuit Court of the Si....- of
Oregon, for Malheur Countv.
In the matter of the application of
Monte II. i im inn to register tin title
of till' Southwest lutirtei of
Klve, Towuahip Kighteii Smith,
Mange Forty seven K , W. M , in
Malheur County. Oregon, Applicant,
Notice of Appropriation of Witter.
Notice of appropriation of water !'
the I nited State-., dated Portland Ore
gmi, March is inoii. mii.I 111. '.I In Mm
ofiWnf the State Knginecr. March 10
Hum. at I ini ..clock n in.
"In pur-nance of the nutlmrity con
ferre.l upon me by the BngfwtaWJF if the
Interior under the provision of the
Vet of OoMNM. .lime It. IfOt. anil in
a rilni with the lawaof the State . f
nn Nut lt.ii.L- I.,, ,1.1,.,., n., .iu.i.i.u,n.. r. .:........ . . ... "ccoruui wiui me iawoi me Miate . i
." "" " ...........B, w..-- .Rwiener rand- w .eii, hii.i All , ,IHKn . erel .y notify von t hat it i- the I,
tltrio, rf. ""'"" " ':'. V" .'"' i",,P""? " I liitei.tlon to ne all of the MrplM water
, '"V.." inn -my oijuie n-n., ,,,, ,lll,.,irI,riutH)1 watrH .if Malheur
i an application wiw hie. hy aal.l Monto Rm llti , ,r1l1tariei. in connection
CITATION TO lllllts H.owimi la he ( irenit t onrt of Mai j, ,,. .,.., Htjn f ,H.rtHtn Hrl
h,"'r '"naty- Oregon .for initial rerfin - i U,.H HH irv,.(, ,,..,. ,, A(.t ,,,'
.. ,, iritnon oi tin- line oi me ihii. i m llie (",,ur.. ,.,i , ,.,., ,i,, .,,,,1, ,,.,., .
n tl,.. Conntjr Court of the state of tit,. hereunto uhove d--. ril.e.l ",, , ' '"I""' "''" "'" " Wl,te "
OreKon. for Malheur C.mutr. I 25Z 1j ',, or UT Z ,,,Z clVSSSi
Muii.-r II. ..a-.. , I ,...,. ui.. .,,,.1, ,.,,,.1,.... 1 ,..,, i,..:i .....
....'.'. K',,rr,l Mhr ""' Ann Shea. 1 Krante.l the aauie ..hall lie talo 11 u
Mllliain Maher 1 harl. - Maher. Am , enf. Ke.l, an.l a decree will U. eiiter.-.l
MM Manor. Md Maher Frank Ma aoonrdinK ti thi prayir of the applioa
If - Uwla and Mm William tton, and yon will la. forever Iwrred
Maher. th- known belra, and all other fr,,i diputiiiK thi - .i...
heira unknown. If an. of Jdaaph A. 1 To Mattle Miller, Franoii. O'Neill and
Maher. deoeaaed, ami to all permiim ,ll Whom It May Concern, the
unknown or concerned. OlMMM naiue1 .1. f lai.t.
nr order or the entitle.) .s.nrt. l the n.,i tl..- -1..1 ..,. .,,
ou are hereby re.piir.-l to appear a:,, I
aiiHWer the apphca Ion tiled herein on
the 1 I t h .1.. v 1 ,f .1 .,.,.- I'Mi'l I M I , ..
iha :i-i ,i..i ,,f I..U- iihmi ..! ir ...... try No HIII7 Serial No ir.NHS, for
the J-.M dar of July, IIHiti. at l( oVhak I tall m, u. mi.w.r f..r u,..,t . ili..r....r tl- 1O11 w im.l 11 ' ...ii' . , - .'s To IHaonlh.
a in . lo ahuw .anae, if anr yon haw application w ill la r""Ke in eat Wtllaiu.-tte M..ti.liun, ha
why Sidney Knluht, aduimiKtralor ' o,.t a ,i...,r... u- 1 1 1- 1 u .1..... hied notice of inieiitiou to uiuke
with I he Will annexed, of the itlxive .,, , 1... ,,,, ,,r ,1... .. .,,.1 , ,.,.1,,. .
-tnte of .I.Mieph A Maher. .lec.a -. I a. ,,, decliiriiiir the title or Interest of tahliah claim to the land ilhove .le
each and all uf yon are beraby . n. .1
and 1.. 111 1 re. I to appear I ..-lot.- the i,l,e
I. 1 it I. -I court lit tbe 1 ,,ni . r - -. .
at Vale. Mulhenr iininty, OfMOS. on
Very rei t full v.
I 11 1 1.-1--ON
Snp.-r i-uiiK Kituiueer
Noti. r lor '' .iti. .11
pepHi tii.ent of the Interior,
S Laii.ll lint- at llurtl" - reir..i.
Jnlv 1:1 nam
Notice 1- herel.v Kiven that WiuH-l-l
S Mu.iliem of Ontario Orewon. who
011 June '.'.' : 1 h, made homeNtead en
& Mrvvvflfvwvvvvvvwv
Conservative Banker
Hi milking lotDI must know fo a cer
to in ty lluil his KppliCADll or sureties iff
rtapontiblt nml vortby of credit.
I.ikcw i-c, the iiii(lciit depositor
ihOttld know tlie 1 Imii lit ler nml m sIhikI-
lag of die bank vrilfa irbteh lie deals.
The business reputation of our di
rectors mnl (lie expei ienee uiid ability of
our o.liecrs wilb 11 iiinnl ol JTMft1 of sue-
- ---ful business, i -utli. int guarantee
(but tbe interest of every depositor will be
- an -fully protected.
nch aduiiui-traUir. shall not be an-1 the alt., v.. n,,,,,, ,1 ,,. it... at-Hla..! Iwfore II W
I'inal Comiuiiliitioii Proof.
...--.....-..,.. u, an or, 1 1 01 nlx.v.. ileai-nla".! land antt d.-creeina t he "" " 'mriir ctttiiiiv m n n
thee nntv ctnrt U) aell the real tute ,,. Hll, orderliiK the Keui-trar of 'rt'e. Oregon, on tin- :ilt dav of An-
SLrttaTWr1, i,"''.r",at, "'V1'"- Tlllea to rel.ter the eaine and further ",' 1I1H,H-
The Kh 4 of Section I. lowuahip -: lludli.K and .le.reeliiK that aal.l defen- ' lalmant niime- an w Hii,--e
V.'-. '' ."",,K- .1 S- W'M ' ","1 lh anU have 110 eatate. ru-lit title. In-1 ,'". ." Ir""' t',"", HVii-hm. K. II
S l. of Section I,, loWUahip .'S Stllltb. tereat ..lain. ..r 1,... I..,!.,., .,..!... tollklill.l W. Mullett , III) of ttlllltrio.
First National Bank
ItaiIKe III I,, W M
I 1.1- ciUtiou la by order of
the Comity Court .late. I .lime la IIMHJ
Wl.n. - the Hon II I l;.,har,l-.i,
jmU-.-of the .-.. nut i court ..I Malheur
county. iri'ifou with at-al of aui.l ivmuty
. on it artii. .1 tin- 1.1th day of June, IIMaj.
(wall II W Mi i.skv. County Clerk
Hi Th,,- i: McKnltrht I'ei.nti
W. II Brtaike AUuruevfor Aduiiula
trattir. jels
JolllillK the defeu.luutN from displlt illK ''l''"""
in.- -an..- ai.u n. .in all ru.'lll.llte. Ill ."-
I. r. -t and claim ih. i.-m or th.-.-to
OatC'1 tliia I lib day of June, IInhi
.1 ii Mi i km, County Clark
Br ihiM i: m. KniK'hi Dapaty
W, II lirooke Attorney for
Wu I Mint . He(ial. r.
Keep Boosting for
Notice ol Nil.-, uf- sal,- ,,i
Nolle, tor ful. h. at ion
l. paitnieut or the Interior
I ' H I. an. I ( ill .-, Mt lliiriia. I Irea-on
.lull -. USUI
Notice la hereby tflven that Caleb T
if,,... Coulter, of W.,-,uiie II i-kiiii. who on
In the Circuit Court ..I the Stale of Ore
lean for Malheur Countv.
Kuimii l'..-, Plaintiff,
W I l'..--. Ihfeii.lant
In tbe name of tin- Stai. ,,t t n.-eoi ,
You art- h. lei., i. '.pin.-.l to a. I- .1 and
aimMer tbe complaint lil.-l aiiainat ..u
III the ulaiM enlltl.Nl cailae ailhin aik
wtH-ka from the dale of tbe i.i-i
cation of Ibie eumuioiis. tbe aamr la-in-.
i.ulilUlieil lb,, hi-i time on July ' i
nam, nun u voil Mil - i-ji.-mi o N Slillup, nml Hie plai
Mlie-I M. Manila ami
the Court for the relief praytsl for, la. Man Mi-Manila, his alfa, Ii) wlu.h ex.
ii'K as follow h to tt it : For a decree of culioll I am i-.tiiliiun.-. I.. e-ll tin-
the alaite entitled court forever .liaaolv I proaily in said cie. iiliou un.lh.nii,
i . U the lamds of uiatrimont exiatiiiK I deacrilasl to pas th. -am- dm- Iha .1.-
U-l.-eii lite plaintiff an.l the defendant, f.-ndaut. Koplua N Slump, of f7.t8.4U,
June Is, IIHil, m.ide h aiead eiilr
No JI4S. Serial No ol ;7H. f..i I.l '
Notice ia liircb itlMUitluil by virtue wiuiiwl4. Section 111,1' Hi S . R Is I
of an cicculiou ami ..inIci of ..I, .lult '"' '",4n',4. 'H'l M, lowuahip Ml
bMWl .nil of tin- tir.-uil i. .int. if Ida "ih. raiiKe 4" eat. Wllamette Me
Slute of tiretfoii (,.i Mill.. in , i ridlan haa tiled notice of mention to
un.l to .In.cti-I ,,ii lh I'M It ,la ,-( make Knial lite .-ar 1'r.a.f, to ea
hme. imm, upon a judgment aivl ikrVee tabliah claim t., the land al-,w .1.-
iIbI i.-inlel-l, ei,t.r.-l ..I I... .1.1 ami "crllad. la-fore II V Mulkev tsmnty
il.a-lett.l in ami l. -in. I ...nil on the tderk of Malheur il . al l.i- ,,11,,-e at
,1th ol Nov. Hilar Itsei, in a ..a Vale, Oretcii. -m the day ol An
lain null lh. ii m -ai.l court an.lniu, KUI. IHOV.
w ben-lit l-'iral Hank of Vah , a ...i.,ia . Claimant liamea aa wltm-aaea
Hon. waa plaititifT. and Alfi.-I M. Mann- IMwsr.l I. Hannah Samuel Hill,
and Marv McMuuiia. ami Suloa S CUi.m-.. T lUrk.-i. I rank II Cram
Miimp wen .Itft-mlunla lit (a vol ..f Ml ol Moatpiite. i traflpM
of the ulaive num.. I il.-fcii.lanl-, -..plna i) '" Wl I'tiuo
Dollar a Pound
For Bull Beef Is Offered
A ml no taker-. This price i- offend for MJ old
bull, till nr lean, tluit can blink through III Ameri
can l-Viici- properly oonrtrtiotwl. N'c don't nted
tin- lulls, but will take thriu nt the DOW price and
Uflder the OOtlditioill named. WV have a hi stuck
of Aiiici'icnn fence, hunt make a mistake ami
take the km. I thai "lookl jut like il." hut buy the
old Reliable Bull Strong and Hog Tight American
I ciicc. We are .-oh- agenti in ( Intario.
N Slump, un.l the pl.iinlilt. ami iigullisl '
-i.i juiu...i.....u tii..a i tt "
tor ii. care an.l ol tin- minor
.1,11 lu I plaintiff mnl defendant, uud
lor ueh fui l her relief a the t mirt may
III meet ami proa.'
vvilli iiil.-rc-i ill the late of n per cent
per annum from November tl, IWOM, to
cllnir a lib the hiiii " $.'i isi coals, and
In- further aliiu of . . ' atlomev a fet.a.
I In- iiiioii .ii-i. onlill.hi-l in tin- I hi and .nun dut. the i.lalnllff of ' ."SSI IN)
tarlo Artfu-i. a weekly neaapaia.r of ; Hiib uai-reat al the rale of III a-r cent
tceueral circulation, prinle.1 and pub- per annum from February Itf, i907. to
titer with the -hi. i ; f.'i Hi ami
. ...-. . - ma "
llaliisi at (tularin, lu Malheur count v,
Oretfnii. by nrder of tbe Hon B C.
Kiibardaoii, County Judue of Malheur
B Malheur Mercantile Co.
r -r '. : '.
haburacmeuta. iiud the furtlu-i -urn -.1
aVHI (Ml. ultoriiev -' I..- and tbe in, -la ami
i-ountv. Oreiiun dated at Vale, Oregon. e.a-uaes of raid exet utloii ; I will, on
jinv so. na.t, aiiitn attiu onier r.-por.-i ( alur.lav , Uih .Itli .lav ol Julv lissi, at
aid summon tola, publiahe.1 (or the the hour of llo'rloeka in on' said -lav. of tu conaeciitive weak Date 'at the d.air of the curt Itouat m 'al'e.
of first pultlicaflou, July .H, IWai. Date of Malheur .-..uiitv irei(..ii. sell at
last publication Septemla-r !l, llsr.i
A. Holiss. Attorney ror I'laintiff
auction In ibi- Inyh. -I la. I. hi f..i i ash iu
For Sale
( M u( Willi S )
A ISO A ic S.nitli Alt it an
Veteran lb, nntv Land 0ertifl
cute. IsmiciI by tbe )eiiiirtineiit
i-f tbe Intel mi , (loverninent of i
., ..... .. i. i ''"ii ('alios of ii,. in i, on, pretender
( ii.ui.b., Otluw,,, under tbe ol- , m. a , ni. ,,. SiiIi(My
unteer lloi.nty Act, l!Mls. (i,,,l A b i U)
for MiU Hires ol any Dominion PrtaM d- t .iu.ii..-.l mitm i
Inn, I o for enlic in Albcilii d-' aal.-llaiic. who wh Mi
Su-kiiti bewnn or Manitoba. Any
pel -on over tbe igfl of IH ytura,
tn a (ioul.l, of N'.w '. in I,.
The siiiiidui .1 ml Ooapaay
tit i . ii it. . . t a lion in t ill ii -tt nil
nan. I mi mr iav ,.i -ale, all u..- nyiii. niail or woinaii, call acijllire tills tf 16 tenth a Innnli. .1 Kalloiih
line, niieresi ami e-ian- vv men -am oe- . . ... ., . ... ...
femlants. Alfred M. -Mniius and Marv blllil With tills eertllieiile vv llboill
Not it cut Atprotrlulloil(tl Vutir. McManus, and all a r-..ns .laimi - uu fu ,M.,. ,-laI-o,.. or inune.llutc
........... ....I..... . ....... ... !.. . .,. ., .1... t-
N-.i ice of appropriatiou of water by
the Culled States', dated Boise, Idaho,
March ;n. I hum. ami tiled iu the ottioe
of the stala Kuluc. I M..r- Ii 3, IWUU,
at '.'isi ...-lock p in.
"Iu pin. -nance of authority conferred
ii.n me by tbe secretary of the Inte
rior under the provisions of tbe Vet of
Contfreas approved June 17, Us.;, ami
iu ac.oidaiice tvilh the laws of he
State of Oregon I hereby notify uu
that it U the Tnteutiou to use all of the
surplus Ja.,, I unappropriated waters ol
Owyhee River aud ita tributaries iu
i-oiiiit'-l)nl with the reclamation of
certain lauds, aa provided under aaid
Act of Cnuyresa, aud request tht such
waters ba withdraw u from further ap
propriatiou, as provided by section 4 of
of chapter 21 eeeaiou laws of Its. .
Vary respectfully,
F E. Wicrxoi tu.
fuperviaiuK Kuadueer '
Side, MHMMI. Write oi Wire,
l.-r tbelll -lll.-e.iuellt to III.' date ol tin
mortgage of the defendant Sophia N,
slump, lore. i,,.-.-.i in.-i.-iii, lowu .itiiv t ... ., . , ., , ... , j. ,
in nasi, ..f, in ....I t.. K Mford, 181 sbtitei tftreet,
preuili-es In i i ii U-foie iiieiilloucl and 'J'oi'Ollto CullU-lu.
vvbii'li are tluscriU"! in -aid i-m-i uli-ai a-
Lola IU and ih HLa-L .'... m
Mrs Mary llakt-i Ii Kddv, found
r ami I. .i.i.-i oi tin- Uariailaa
Notice il ben by given tbut I
Depai-tmanf uf Hit; Interior,
United Hlaies Uud Offlc.
July IU, 1U0U
Notice is hereby given that tbe ful
lowing townships have been aurveyad
aud the official plate of survey will be
tiled iu this office August Hi. limn
Towuebip Mt South. Kauge U Kast
Towuahip H-'i Rauge i "
Township :i . " Rauge :J "
Township m " k..ugc -."a "
Township 87 " Raoge :i0 "
Towuahip 37 Range Ml "
Towuahip HH Rauge HO "
Township 3d " Range HI '
This office will be prepared to receive
! plications fur the entry of hinds iu
the above townships on and after the
said Jttd day of August 11100
WM KAItKK. Itegialar
I'UAXh Dalai Receivel
Uu- City of Onlario M tt I Ii. hi county,
Oregon logetbt-i vv ill. all ami tiuguhtl
tlie tcueiiii'iits, licicliliiiuenlc an-l an
I.UI'U-liaili't'n then III, I., la-lole II J ol III
aaywiaa appartalning. The sahl iuort liavt- fiiinls on liaml to pay nil
gage of tbe Kn-I Hank of Vale, plaintiff i . t
iu sai-l suit, lot ih.- Mimnf e-vaioo ui.-l warrant- illdoraet not .ni-l l-u
.IsIinI Kel.iuaiv IN. IIW7 I-in-a -..ond wat Q fuM, .,,,, ,,, ()V (
un.rlguge and foi.-t lo.-cl m said -ml ami '
salddescrila-tl leal properly lain-.' led llllil'i. Interest - CIIM'S floln 1 1 I
old to sttliaiy Ilia -an, i' as lu-n-iii! . lura
Said sale la-iiii made sulij.-ct to re
demption iu the manual provided by
la a
Datetl t'bis '.'Isl dav of June, M I I.
sheriff of Malln ui Countv , ( )n gofl,
(i A. It - o.SVK.VTIiiN,
Suit hake City, August !-l
KxcursiuiiM via (Jregon Slmrt
Line, August Tib to l.'ilb, im lu
aive. Kotiiin limit, August gg,
Ask ugentH fur i.ttes uml f n i titer
i.iit in -..
Look at our Alfalfa Kenova
tor. This will re-ailjut tbe al
falfu liel.l-. titl ..i.-Ui on what
b. v are. M M Cu.
n, iqoo.
at N'ab , Oregon i Mnj
T. W IImiii.w,
Countv TraMurer.
I. A t: - UN V KM'lllV.
Halt hake City, August 8 I L
Buurticoi via Oregon Bliorl
Line, Aiiii-t Till to loth, inelu-
sive. Iteturn limit, August -:;
Ask agents lor rules ami furtber
Blue Prittti Oi any Towiibbij.
in the IJuriiH huml District, center of th.-
allowing numeu of cutis im n
kin. Is of entry, dates, etc., uml
topography. I'riee $1.00. J.
Q, Turmv, Bur 0i Oregon
si i. -in I ill nominal loii, passed hnr
NMIi l,n I tola-, in llnslnu. I'll.a
Mia Margin ci Unwell .l.ff. i -on
llav-s, ibe only surviving child of
III.' late left Mill I lav Ik. picMllclll of
the dinted, i an- stall", dhd at In r
'ionic iu Colo) ,oo Muring! Suinliu
al I In- age of , l
Tn htop an Infant limn snaking III
lips, H, A 1. 1 - lis. In i , of Sonoma
Cal.. picii.'d 'lie ihild'H lunglta with
a in . II.' and lawasj a lor on on
i IHi. i hid.'
.'. i. lat.'d Cailiollc sii..:ie of
Jim i have a im ..,,!.
agal.'mi niiiio.ei allows An effort
will Im mad.- to nial.,' Hie i i u 14
I. ullui llnil.ank, "the vvlzanl of
the plant a.ulil,'' has h.-.n ml. .lined
that his Ifttaal illation, He won
derbeny' oi "suuheiry," Is a failure.
The urginl dt fl-'ltnry hill
passed Mondav Ir. the lu.u H
sum can led by II II HM.SM.
Includes Hi" $-'.. '"-' IrgvallM
penses for Uu- I'i' id' Dl
nil tin- pavement hclua, but escaped
:. I Kill:. I II 1 11 I V
Pun p.-rsiniK Hi-re kill, more than
jii num.,! and ot h.-ra slightly In-
JUle. I Is III-' lenllll uf ell 1-IplosloU
of a inoiiii i vile during a cycle rata
lu II. i Im, n i mam
Applicants i'ioiu various Kssteru
lataf - Ita thai pickpockets ara
working ' - '.iiiall. came lu I'ouur
g'Alana UU) ItM In-avlly . ou-
I .ic i I, vv heic applicants for
land in.- icnlslcrlhg
Tie a in , in hill pasaed hy the
hull: e ...ill. . ill gppi opt lalloll Of
g 7 ., on lo, ill" widow of Hie Isle Itttp
resentailve Ciishiiian, being the
i iilivah til of on" year's sa ary aa
Alleging tag! under ihe goveru
incui graSl -if IMI th railroad
owns g I. '"I on eat h side of Ita
Hack, th. Inlon I'a. Iltc lallioad
took for. il.le p.ihsi-sslon Friday uf
tract .f lund covered with stores .
valued al gaVgfl In llrlgliiou. t'ol
Kinatiii .lon-s, In a telegram to
Oov. 1 1 a y . of Washington advised
that ipaatgl el.'.llon h held lui l. till tin' vacaui v caused
hv iloi death of H.'pr.'semailve Cush
Klla Qlnglaa, Hie Irish laceiiiaker,
was cb, mil Mondav lioin the i h.trge
of hieilin la. , but the story she
told on lb" witgasJ stand of being
white -lave' vlilt Ml was denounced
as inn in. - hv the jury
I in in i I vpeilN Hurceas.
Walnnnion. July 20 Kutlrsly
., i factury prograaa is in-ing made
In iniiiisi I Im ihe I lilted States for
Hie greal laggl l.alile in-xi Mm he
I lh.- Hggaf iiibuiial lo delar-
BggtesM fio.n a bug" cage In tin. nUM UW status of Vuierlcaii fisher-
hull ling an African "" " "' ' w loiinuiauti waivri i ae
,.i.i.,u In l.iii,,-leu m several ute cx-s."iiuior iteorge I uruc-r of
vii, ivm....-h
lion hound, -i I up am. an; Hi" bleach
an h a In tavai al
Joseph Donovan, while walking lu
his sleep, plunged from a fifth story
, window of a Chicago hold, alighting
leading ' 'uiin.'I fni Hie lulted States
naior lieorge Turner of
Spokane, and Samuel Elder uf Uos-
iiHI. Ma -
' Tbe Argus, all the m.v.