The Ontario Argus. (Ontario, Or.) 1???-1947, June 18, 1909, Image 1

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Don't Forget That We Do
ail kinds of Printing at
the 4rgus Office.
For the Malheur Project.
Representative Newspaper of Malheur County
i m)
N' I'M H Kit 27
fc4 fni
At fittft .
J yi
Patronise Tonr Home Mer-$
chants Ontario Goods for ;
Ontario and the People of I
Halhenr County.
Local News.
Road Harry B. 0 rand's mw
H(lv. in tli is issue.
Harrv Anderson and wife arc
registered at tlio Carter House
from Skull Spiinga.
Cuttle are mill arriving from
the inteiior and shipments both
Ml tttd west are being made
K. H. Tremain was a bojlnttt
visitor to Boise during MM week.
Kd nyi Idaho's snotaopolbi ie
beautiful city.
.1. 1). RUIIngttaf and family
left this week for Seattle to visit
tin- fair, and will spend lb
lieated term in Portland.
W. II. BrOOk mid Newt. Min
ton have purchaMil the D. T.
Uigsby farm on the Owyhee, one
of the bent ranches in that vi
cinity. Kenneth Millikin is now
"devil" of the Argue, and will
maku a good printer, btluj
painstaking at the ease and eon
stunting the tybe without error.
Howard Buyer and bride
arrivod home from their wed
ding trip and are at home It
fieir friends t the residenci
formerly occupied by BertWale
I -en Morton told his farm, con
sisting of 27 acres, adjoining the
towusite on the southeast, to U
Alexander of Caldwell. Considi r
ution, MOM). The sale wus made
by Ik II. W, ('lenient real estate
Ovmi Test is home from Cor
vallis, Mm m !n- attended the
Agricultural College I lie term
just closed. Dr. Sharp I us Owen
late I as shortstop for the i t.t
rio busebull nine, better known
as the Ontario "Tigers-"
M. K. Uuin, an old lime printer,
but no.v it prosper us fat mer at
the Big Bend, was in thcciiyou
land business Mouduy. Twenty
long years ugo the gentleman
and the Argus man worked side
by side on the Sun Francisco
1- vu miner.
J. A. Keeil rotumetl from Salt
Luke on Mouduy, at which place.
be met his son, Calvin, of No -ton,
Ksnsus, who will muke an
extended visit here with his dad.
The boys are betting live to one
that Johnny will give the young
ster u good time.
John Wood und wife arrived
from Hiverside on Tuttdty.
Johnny is in the be-t of health
and Mill remain hero 10 du -
attending to business mallei I
oefore returning to bis com
home among the hills of Mai -heur
Clias. Becker, the well known
cattleman, wus in the city from
hi.- home near Westfull during
the week. Charley tells us that
he is tired losing money year
after year on his cuttle and a ill
dispose Ol ins uuniics himi in
the beef trust do Ihe worrying
in the future.
At a meeting of the Press
, V I.... 1 ...I I I
--'"-- of Iduho. held at
Puvette, lust Saturday, the same
....--. -- .
wus reorganized us the Western j Fourth of July celcbrution.
Idaho lress Association, und ill- Croy & DeBus of the I'ustime! (iovernor Benson of Oregon
pudes Qapyon, Washington, 'billiard and popl rooms, one ofUI1j Governor Brady ol Idaho
oiie, Ada, Owyhee and Klinore! the finest in the northwest, in-have been ollicially invited and
counties in Idaho and Malheur vites your patronage. The firm j wjj uttend, prov. led they have
county, Oregon.
A I ExmmIUuu Itutes
via Oregon Short Line Railroad.
$25 25 from Ontario to Seattle
and return. On sale daily, com
mencing June 1st. Ask agents
for further particulars.
Local News.
Wilson-Duffy Drug Co. All
kinds of drugs.
Did von suv it was hot? Try
Candland'H let ere am. wireless system will bt
in Operation next week, maybe.
For Sale 5 horse power gaso
line engine; tfOOi Iuiuire at
Argus olliee.
K. II. Test and K M. Orieg
will open a real estate olliee in
N'yssa next week.
Dr. .1. Prinzing performed two
surgical operations at Payette
this week for appendicitis.
(. P. Cresap, a pioneer of
Bottom Oregon, of Canyon City,
is visiting Ins ilaughlcr, Airs.
Hickman Staples.
.1. t . .Nelson ami wile are tin
ii wne are me
;i::,::,:t -
guests of Mr. an
Lcuhr, being old I
uncos of the latter
Krncst Staples, who has been I
critically ill Ihe past week, we
are phased to state, ia mi tbt I
improve at (his writing.
A. P. Ilulhcrfnrd ami wife
Ifave left for Westfull. Dude will
till the position of foreman at
tho Charley Decker ranch.
We don't have to lell anybody
how we sluml on the Mulhcur
government irrigation propel
What we print tells the tale.
Any physician that knows the
Wibon-Duffy Drug Co., will no!
hesitate to trust his patient's
medicine to us for preparation
Frank Keeder, agent of the
Willuinette Yullcy A Cascade
lioad Co., and wife, arrived from
Portland mi Tootdoj und art
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daltou
"Lend Me Your Wife" will be
presented here the last of this
month by homo talent under
the direction of Miss Kthel
I'm ker (Mrs. liruiidoii), the
proceeds to be donated to Ihe
Ontario Fm ore Hand. Wutch
for the dale.
The ferry boat of John
Biriitt' broke from ihe toblt
lot Sunday on account of
water in the Snake and llnaled
down stream. The bout went
under tho railroad budge and
was secured on an islund just
below the structure.
The Argus under no considera
tion will accept an advertisement
from outside of town merchant.
if the goods to be udverlised un
earned in slock by Ontario
ni.i.hiints. Patronixeyour home
UltrcbunU uml help build up
Outai io.
I. vie Ilowanl's billianl ami
pool room in just the laee to
pond an hour or two caroming
the ivry sphere, and laeu when
you are thirty you eun be served
with any soft drink imaginable,
from a swell lemonade to todt
nop. And then when it is all
over Lyte will tell you a story. is going some.
The Idaho Pharmaceutical
Assnciation met at Boise the
lira! ol llir week III.. I Oil Til.
. , .
I'urk, where the uddresses were
made.- Outurio was ropfftOOOtad
by Harry A. Duffy, who spoke
on "The l'ower of Drugs and
Criticism of Their Dispensei.-,
, ""' """" I1"" "i " ""
. . . - ,
ami t lie uoise papers say ii was
also carries cigurs, tobacco, hue
confectionery, etc., The 'ruit
und confectionery store is separ-
ae from the billiard room, and
the Indies of Onturio are es-
,...i:itli invited to uiiike their
inrehases at the l'astnue. iust
I south of Buyer Bros. & Co.
It Will Be Likewise in Malheur
County When Secretary Ballin
ger Renders His Decision.
The government has declined to permit
private capital to huilil the (irantl Junction,
Colorado, liih line ditch, according to a de
cision of Secretary of the Interior Btllinger,
and Undo Sain will proceed with the work at
a reasonable rate of speed with funds available
under the reclamation act The preliminary
work on the Grand Junction nroject, which had
been suspended, 'ill bo resinned at once by
the government.
The above decision by Secretary Hallin
ger dispels all doubts regarding the Malheur
project, and shows that Uncle Sam will keep
faith with the people after making a promise
and that the Colorado decision conclusively
shows that the government will also construct
the Malheur Irrigation 1'rojeet.
Home of the best orators and
ablest law crs in thestale are go
ing to Hums, Harney county,
( )u umi, on July I, '-'.
All Central OrtgOO will be at
the Burns ( 'ii giuilil.tlio Do
vclopmciit roiiml-up.
iointol the biggest cnpiiali-t.-
at I'oillaiiil are interested and
will bo ol tbt long rM,
Study the inleresting program
of the Oicgon-Idaho Declop-
meiit Congress to be held at
This trill bo Ibo ninth ttttiOfl
of this development organisation
held since its oi gani.alioii at
j Mawhfiehl in August, 1006,
The entertainment, musical
and local features of the pro- Jas. J. Hill h i-ju.-t anuounced
gram will bo provided by the at Cortland that he has no in
Burns Commercial club. tention of building railroads in
The sessions of the congress Oregon.
will be held Thursday and Fri- Ilarrimau has gone to Kurope
day, and on Saturday (July ') to spend the summer.
i there will be an old-fashioned
no conflicting dates of un official
Prominent speakers who will
be present and deliver oddrttttt
are us follows:
J udKe Stephen A. Lowell of
Pendleton on "Land Monopoly.''
Ool. 0, A S Wood of Port
lam!, on the MNtd Ol Self Help
in Railroad Construction."
Col, Edgar M. Htigho ol Wrol
. i dollO, i'ii the "Idaho-Dis-tliet law."
K.x-Se. -relarv of State Will II
Oibton Ol Idaho, on "Irrigation
I by Pumping."
Addison Btuottt f Irrlgon
on the ''Importance of OOOI Bay
Harbor to Central Oregon."
I'lesnleiit llnnaii of the Wil-
laiutttt li.neiMiy will dis. u--
"Eductiioool Development in
Col. I K. I'age of Salem on
"Investment in Central Oiegon
This puts it up to the people
of Oregon whether they want to
do unythlng to hel thvmselv es.
The people ol Idaho through
the legislutun have enacted u
district railroad law.
Hill and llaniinan, having
settled all their diffeunces, have
both withdraw n from the stale
! On gun.
The railroad question will be
the greatest living development
is.-ue ut the Burns congress.
Land Owners
Dead Ox Flat
Here is how the Wei-cr Sig
nal talks about two of the High
Line solicitors.
"Certain private interests that
MrOttld steal an irrigating ilitch
from a dood steer are trying a
new scheme Oil Dtod Ox Flat.
Two plans. bit solicitors nre
going about trying by every
means to eet the home-makers
to sign iiwav their right to gov
ernment In igation.
No matter what these men
say, do not sign.
This paper is fighting policies,
not individuals, but to remove
nil chance of mistake, the Signal
wishes to sav that A. V lioud,
recently manager of this paper,
is no longer connected with it,
and that the paper it opposed to
what Mr. Bond at this time rep
resents. A. W. Bond is one ol the so
licitors. ttoboH van (Jilse i
another. The Signal is in favor of tbt
Coiled Suites government and
of I'nitcd Smtcs government ir
rigation. There is patriotism
in business us well as in war
Have faith in your government
and support it on the wheat
Hold M you would on the I utile-
Sign no papers presented by
Bond 01 Von Qiltt or your
government water lights are
gone forever."
Circus Time Again.
The Sellsl'loto aggregation
of renowned features will be in
I'uvetle on Tiu-.lav, June gO,
Acrobats from the old trorld
ami the new, giants, pigmios,
beasts of the wildest forests of
the world, strange birds and
daring bareback rider are the
features of the circus.
Circus day comes around
b00( right. A fellow gets old
dining the Winter. Notes fall
due, things must be attended to,
life looks serious any way you
look at it, a IbotWOOd things
pfOM down upon the mind until
the head ache-, u I mkh s giu
ileep during the winter and the
hair hoi rows u tinge from the
frost. It is dillcicnt circus day.
You are a boy again Of OUglll
to he.
Tbt 186,000 Arnii'iir pi ii
horses aie also with the Soil
Kioto this season. UttUlitl ItJ!
the clitics even where.
l'ayette, on Tuttdty, June B.
Back From Nebraska
K D (ireer an ised home fOt
a two-weeks' visit lo his parent
al Lincoln, Neb. He lUlOt that
his mother, who is well known
ill Ontario, is in feeble henlth
but VOJ convalescing when In
left the old home. Mr. OrtOI
says that the people of Nebratkl
trointartatadiotbU taction and
that lit was kept busy answering
numerous inquiries regarding
Ontario and near-by vicinity,
and Malheur count) can expect
a delegation lloin Nebia-ka tins
KUillllier, people ol means look
ing for invtatuttnt.
Ontario Oil Well
The Ontario Co-Operuli v. Oil
iV titt Co. Oft making airauge
ments lo resume work on the oil
well, which is now down 3U00
feet. The citizens ot Ontaiio
will subscribe s) 10,000 toward
continuing to the depth uf fi00
feet, and if oil not encounteied
at that depth, woik on Well No.
will commence as soon us pro
per arrangements can be made
It is surely government i,rn-gution.
Election Notice.
Notice is hereby given tbaton
Monday, the 86lO day of June,
1009, at the city council cham
bers, in the City of Ontario,
Malheur county, slate of Oregon,
a special clcciion will be lield
for the purpose of submitting 10
the qutlifll d electors of the said
City of OlltOfiO, Oregon, the
qUtstiotl ol the issuance and alc
)' Municipal Coupon Bonds of
the said City of Ontario, Ore
gun, in denomination! 61 Fivt
ii i .... i I.,, i
iioniiicu i lonars eacii, pavahle
In Twenty (' i yi in- from dotal
'l' issuance, rtdttuioblt at the
t-'ensure of the said City of On
lario, Oregon, at any time after
llit exiiralion of Ten ( 10) years
fioin the date of issuance, bear
'"' interest at not to exceed
live (.) per cent per annum,
payable semi-annually and shall
not be sold for less than pat
value, nor otherwise than for
cash, sunt ooncll not to exceed
IM.000.00; said I Is to bt is
sued and sold to constitute a
fund to be expended for the fob
lowing purposes, ln-wit I o the
extent of 18000.00 for the pur
ROM of taking Up the outstand
ing warrants of the City of On
lai in, Oregon : to the extent of
f 1(1(1(1. lid in provide rtVttiUt un
til taxpaying time in 1010; and
to the extent of $10,000.00 for
the purpose of aiding in the
construction of a hi idge tcrOM
Snake Kivtr near the City of
Ontario, Oregon, which election
Will be held at U o'clock ill the
morning, and will continue ill
til ." o'clock in the afternoon
said day.
Dated at Ontario, rrtgOII, this
1Mb .lav of June, 1009,
II. W Out Ml m.
City Itaoordor ol the City
( rntal in, Oregon.
Credit to Ontario.
0.0. I' now has the lim -t
and most up. to date jewelry store
Credit to Ontario
.u.i. in. ii county or i...
o.egon. Mr. Invne carries bv
far the largol stuck of jtWtlry,
cut glass ami hand painted china
in Ontario He has ovor ont
hundred wai. Ins in hid show
, Com l i in g all the In -t
A mi i ic in make-, -mil as the
Hamilton, Illinois, South B.-nd,
l.'oi, Walthaiii ami lilein.
Mr. Ptyut has had liftieii ,
ex ciiclice at the helich and Is
all expert watchmaker and en
graver, boving trorkod at his
profession III sonic of (he I', I
known stoic- ol in. ago, Omaha,
San I' . -i ii and Lot Augtloi
He gi es a I lltcn guarai
Ulll. all Ills walcii u.uK
tritb ovtry iiou wtU'b nurobttod
. -,, i ,f i
o hlii. lie callli- a Ih'iiu I il ,
line of cut glass, hand painted
china ami starling lilvor depotll
arc A i iiiiiplcte line ol din
liiolid riugt and In. io. hes. Mr
l',.ne pi ides hlln-elt in the fact
that hi- pile.-, aie light and
that he tnats all hi- cu-touier-,
ftirly and ami gives
them the vel v be-t .dues lm
their nionev. Ills repair .-Imi,
is the hi, est III this section und
hellig the skilled Wul kin, Hi that
he I-, all wmk eiitiu-t.-d
to bin k"' s out of hi- -imp in
Hrtt-clttt condition, Mr, Ptynt
enjoys a lorgt mail order patron
age whii b he attends lo M itli tilt
I, a-l UOttiblt delay.
New Land Regulations
July I, lew ordtr tffei ting
the tesliinoiiv to be taken whin I
I QnA ,,,oois i offtrtd trill g"
into i Meet at all I'liiled Slates
luiid olliccs. Claimants and wi'-
0iiit will both bt Nquirtd 10
, ,)U, tU:Ulu j.e. eoncei nn.g the ab-
I M.K.0 of t10 ,!;,, lt ,, H,
lum! from time to lii,ie, giviug
much more detail th.m hint"
fine. Lath legal subdivision,
together miIi iuinrovtnitntt
thereon, will have lo be dtt
cubed fully and sepaiately, tu
gclhir Hfitb tvidoUCt showing
how lUUOh of Ihe u a under the
entry wws pultivatad, with refer
ence lo t ucli, anu tin- amouui ol i
, i.i
u cron harvested. The blank for
transci ibing it.-tiuionv will con
stitute tbrtt pages instead of one
as heretofore.
That ice cream at Col (light's
is the linest of the line. liv
our delicious con. s in S cent
Mid 10 cent sites.
Beginning ...
I will give one fourth
off' on nil BASE BALL
gnoils in tnck.
Geo. Candland.
LMADIMO iicr;;iHT.
Ontario, ( ticgon
P. L. Helfrich.
"iShoe Repairing.
Shop In 1". W, Allen's Hnr
ncss Store.
I f T Cf' O
V J i -J J L V iJ
.-. .mi line lino .,1 ( l.t X ' KS
lit-l in iiiul going nt very
Moderate Prices.
The very latest ill Hat Cilia
and UOW DttigM in Jiwclry.
A eoinplete line of Strings,
Sheel Mu ic and liislrillucnts.
Guaranteed Watch
Harry B. Grauel
ei i i u in
1 he Jew ll v and .Mii-lcal lloii'c
of Ontai i". Ortgon.
our main inti ic-t, :unl
o not ico ini.i mit-iilc
W .
illOH, I Ii nil- vi- ai i a I ill) In
give you t flno wtook ol
A N 1 1
IWhi Presc riptionists
Ol the County.
Drug Co.
v i ii ni;xi i xi l i;-inx
ia Urtgou Short Line.
Daily for tii kits one way in
I'm llan.l. I''i,iiniil ilattl for
other routes, s. Oregon shrt
' l.llie iL-rm li'l itlliiu l MCl'ii,-..
i i : ,., !-.... .....i i ...... i
r. xi i ii-io.x- i. .-r
ia in gou shm t Line.
To Denver, Olnah.i, Kan.-, i
City, Cbirago, Si Louii ami
other point.-, June 1,5, II, l"'r
li and glith. Si c sgeilll ii
later dute.-, rate- and (urtbtl