mm I Published bv ths Associated JS 22 IStudent, of the AMandS NUMBER 4 ASHLAND HIGH SCHOOL. ASHLAND. OREGON FRL. JAN. 28. 1955 . Greg Fury and Al Lorenz late for third period one The reason given they Jim Hn't get out of Alvln's car, h Just goes to show what set door handles can be. denmayer. Mr. Lewis appeared efter tition in some real passion- clothes he had received Christmas. There was a yells ft which was pink, and son. Sching bow tie and socks pink and black. They were deled gracefully in gener Assembly with a blue slut, any of you missed the sen Eon ask Tom Swift to show b his clever sketch. here's a man in Donna Dun jn's life. All anyone can out is that his name is Wil . Tell us more Donna. Jne of our younger teachers Back Row, left to right: Donna Howell. Susan Weller, Toby Fox. Lillian Stults, Pat Keene. Donna Dunkenson. and Jeanne Eberhart. Front row. left to right: Marlene Gardener. Beverly Hakes. Linda Madison. Connie Kimsey, Pal Brewer. Elaine Falwell. Sandy Anlhous, Barbara Allen, and Barbara Johnson. Flag Team Game Attraction Ashland High's flag girls, sixteen in all, have made three appearances during half-time at basketball games. Their first appearance was al Crescent City. They did a waltz routine to "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." as they twirl ed their red and white flags in various movements. The girls then appeared a t the Klamath Falls game and did a marching routine. They ... . . ' ...,;! and the rest was formations done by the Girls. Their latest appearance Ashland Boasls New Students The freshmen and sophomore classes are the only classes in which new students have been enrolled since November, 1954. Among the freshmen stu dents are: Dorothy Main, who has moved to Ashland from Sil rtz, Oregon; Ronnie Brower, from Happy Camp; Paul Brien er and Vernon Grow, who havt just enrolled in school for the first time this year; Walter and Judy Schneider, from Mission Bay High school in San Diego; and Peggy Attaway from Tal ent. New sophomores in school are: Carol Johnson from Yreka, California; Kathie Guinn from Yuma. Arizona; Joe Roberts, from Riddle, Oregon; and Alice Colley, from Medford. With these new students, there are now 541 students in school; 107 Seniors, 124 Jun iors; 152 Sophomores, and 158 Freshmen. e Happy Birthday Best wishes and many happy returns of the day to the follow ing students who have birth days in January: FRESHMEN Tina Blankenship, 1; Barbara Stoddard, 7; Edith Edmonds 13; Jeanette Therres, 19; Mar garet Hull, 20; Judith Mills, 21; Steve Morrill, 22; Dorothy Main, 22; Judy Bounds, 23. SOPHOMORES Maralyn Michael, 8, Tom Delsman, 13: Jeannie Hargis 17 : Sichsrd Watson. 19; Tm Gentlemen Prefer Blonaes" Hall. es; Hoy to Marry a Millionaire Doreen Phillips. Place in the Sun Jerry Ro- Athena Lillian Stmts. Battleground Competition in Gym. Battle Cry Donna Dunke- Prince of Peace Richard Trites. Neptunes Daughter Linda Madison. Little Boy Lost Dan Hakes. Song in My Heart Evelyn Deets. King Richard and the Cru saders Mr. Parks and teach ers. Ace in the Hole Grizzly at the Medford game where they did a flag routine with Pat Speech Cup Won By Richard Lamb Ashland High debaters were represented by a foursome at tending the debate tournament at Gonzaga University in Spo- ikane, Washington, January 20 through 22. The four debaters taking the trip were Richard Lamb and Larry Kerr, seniors, on one team and Bruce Graham and Jerry Miller juniors on the oth er team. The group was accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Drew Lamb, Richard's parents. Larry and Richard won five debates and lost one. Jerry and Bruce won four debates and lost two. Richard Lamb took second place in extemporan cous speaking, bringing a gold cup back to Ashland High. The tournament at Ganzaga had debaters from the states of Montana. Idaho. Washington and Oregon. It was the largest tournament AHS debaters had ever participated in. Practice Meet Held The other debaters had a pre liminary tournament Saturday January 8 with Medford here at AHS. The main purpose of this meet was to give the de baters more experience. AHS debters participating were: Jeanne Keenan, sophomore, and Lynn Erwin, senior; Tim Keat ing and Gregg Monroe, sopho mores; Beverly Hakes and Bar bara Johnson, sophomores and Nancee Bissell and Betty Sor- enson, sophomores. Tournament at SOC January 28 and 29 there will be a non-competitive tourna ment held at SOC. The follow ing students will be attending the tournament: Richard Lamb and Larry Kerr, seniors; Bruce Graham and Carol Beare, jun iors; Nancee Bissell and Betty Serenson, sophomores; Jeanne Keenan and Lynn Erwin sophomore and senior; Tim Keating and Gregg Monroe, sophomores; Beverly Hakes and Barbara Johnson, sophomores Janet Saltus, senior, will be en tered in the poetry division Debaters have a big tourna ment at McMinnville in three : weeks to work cward ar.a pre LOIS MAY A blessed event occurred January 12. 1937, in Ellens burg, Washington, at the May house, for that was when Lois May made her first appearance in the world. This senior girl has blond hair and hazel eyes, is secretary Brewer and Lillian Stults doing specials. The girls costumes are made of white cordoroy and red cot ton. They have short sleeves and a split skirt. There are nine senior girls, three junior girls, two sopho more girls and two freshmen girls. Home Ec. Test Taken by Girls On Wednesday, January 12, the senior girls met in the li brary to take a homemaking test, sponsored by Betty Crock er in search of the American Homemaker of Tomorrow. This test was given to the girls for the purpose of select ing the girl with the most cor rect answers from each school in Oregon that participated in this test. This girl will compete with the other girls in Oregon and the winner will then go on to tne national test. To the winner of the contest will go $3,500 as a national scholarship to the accredited couege, university, or junior college of her choice; and a specially designed solid-gold diamond set, Betty Crocker Alt- American of Tomorrow award pin. AHS's winner of this test has not yet been announced. DOM'T MISS mm lOASTor THtlOWM 6 GUEST S PIUS MANY OTHERS Honor Roll Students Headed by Seniors Seniors topped the honor roll at the end of the third six weeks with 22 of their 108 members being listed. Juniors, sophomores and freshmen tied, each contributing 15 to the honor listing. FACULTY SHOW COMING EVENT Faculty assembly coming soon! Tentative date is during the first week of February. Actors and actresses for this annual affair include: Miss Sparling, Mr. Pierc., Mr. Price, Mr. Windt, and Mr. Parks as the Dixieland Five: Misses Lasher, Sparling, Jones and Germeroth as the Coeddettes, Mr. Simpson as Jackie Simp son putting Jackie Gleason tj shame and Mr. Geen as Mr. Bas so Prof undo. Several other act- o ana actresses wiu also ap- pear, This year the faculty assem bly will also be put on for the P.T.A. on Thursday, January 27 at 8:00 p.m. in the library. a Adull Classes To Be Offered New adult education classes will start at the high school, Tuesday evening, February 1. Classes to be offered will de pend on the interest and regis tration. According to present plans the following courses will be offered: beginners prac tical typing, taught by Mrs. Mary Christleib; metal shop, Mr. Clifton James; wood shop, Mr. John Schreiber; clothing, Mrs. Maxine Stephens; driver training, Mr. Gilbert Ellis; and shorthand. Miss Donna Spar ling. Any adult interested should call the high school, 8801, where information will be giv en and registration will be ac cepted. All classes except shops are $4 for eight weeks and shops at $5 for the eight weeks. Twenty week classes are $8. TARS Seniors: Nancy Bundo c k. Dave Carter, Sherrill Clark, Marlys Elhart, Elaine Falwell, Greg Fury, Grace Hamilton, Barbara James, Dick Lamb, Heather MacDougall, Lois May, Jerry Mickle. Elaine Morrill Ted Noon- chester, Yvonne Ochs, Nancy Pierce, Janet Saltus, Sandra Sander, Alaine Straus, To.n Swift, Noel Turner and Thyllis Walker. Juniors: Bob Alley, Barbara Baker, Sally Bullard, Sue Eud ey, Bruce Everett, Sharoi. Huck, June Hopkins, Denis Lohman, Don McMurchie, Jer ry Miller, Marjorie Osgood, Ju dy Schopf, Morton Scripter. Gary Watts and Alberta Wiltse. Sophomores: Marianna Flet cher, Sandra Gibble, Mary Gay- le Hodgins, Kathy Ingle, Julij Joy, Diane Lohman, Phyllis Mapes, Gregg Monroe. Jane Palmer, Jim Sinko, Bet ty Sorenson, Harvey Sorer son. Vivian Stevenson Lynn Snsee. and Clarice Williams. Freshmen: Judith Alley, Ca' ol Burrow, Florence Eyrd, Franklin Conley, Tommy Con ner, Jean Fitch, Margaret Hull, Carol Lininger, Kip Lombard, Jack Marion, Steve Morrill, Don Simpson, Pat Simpson, Jack Tobiasson and Linda Wright. F.T.A. GROUP IS ORGANIZED Future Teachers of America club of Ashland. high met for the first time, Wednesday, Jan uary 19. Mr. Robert Todd Is the faculty advisor. Officers were elected and are: Marjie Reed, senior, presi dent; Lois May, senior, vice president; and Phyllis Walker senior, secretary-treasurer. The purpose of the cl';b is to encourage more young people to enter the field of teaching and to find out more about the qualifications of teaching and of teaching itself. Coming Evenis Calendar. January 21, to Feb ruary 19. Jan. 21, Friday, Basketball. Grants Pass at Ashland. Jan. 22. Saturday, Basketball. Ashland mi Grants Pass. Jan. 25. Tuesday. Basketball. Crater High at Ashland. Jan. 29, Saturday, Basket ball. Ashland at Myrtle Creek. Feb. 1. Tuesday. Basketball. Ashland at Roseburq. Feb. 8. Tuesday. Basketball. Ashland at Crater High. Feb. 11. 12. Fril and Sat.. Bas ketball. Ashland at Klam ath Falls. Feb. 18. Friday, Basketball. Medford at Ashland. Feb. 19, Saturday. Basket ball, Ashland at Medford. Continued oa Page 2 pare tor.