CI VrT HIOUK. SASH'S"! lIM TV6 1. HAMLT-U lI.Jilr, tomato, otico. aroM mus. was, L t. C. M ! lift. ! C ! "Ma. viciirro Mm . OmTmi, I4M! Tfc'M m . l' n a Mwt- . m 1 Cf . CtirC ! U ft im WtiU Uf4 1M ! kjlatf. )fl ill ft V ium4 im ,,r Th Wilt Imom fftft tho ImI M5lum for Adtrtrtla n f publication on iho Pacific Cot it. 1 I HAT are the staUi of the northwrtt going to jj di tt J -fx fly frj .frrt thMlidrr at the World's Pair in (h!rjf ? Alrrady California, with h-r usual mUrpH ati'l her custom of d 4nf thirds on a grand air, Km Ujjun the work (if pjafatl n T1 stale l.ard of trad Iim taken hold f t!. 11 1W and U lading the f .undation f r a dis I la; of lb stat-' royrr that ill command uni re ml alVtiU n Kim .Vera da has Ufjun t move in ih matW. It tl Portland chamber of commerce, a the Utf ti ldy of rp'rntathe nn in the tate, in- tlteothrf Clti' 11 Kiel llrlr;tri ti ,f, liliiitiafj O'U- Utttuv, at U li the ffirfal(liratrr and of the display t I mad ran l d;rtiied art 1 a systematic r f. 't st In motion Seattle, Tatiia or hp-kane ran In a similar nay tV the Initiative in Wahingtn, P-utteor tUut In Montana, whil in Idaho it natur ally falls U U lA IiIm Cit; l , it, n$ nmxtu.nA Thli Might l. I J.,n, at.l il ) n,(. T1'!V U o I thU-h if It U .lr;f!,Jr toil) .tjiJhi 1 that a!tfart fttUtitif t In j. h a f attar--f ihr rl !' .:Kla a will I u in t'hi. a., T c t lU W. tl l Kair with n.h a han-lf-J .f nU!r aiOftf n Ki.t t NtvOrJrai.aauuM U l,.f m..tjing rtsp if atr it.ti Niagara'; J.... Ui f r 4K If r ran rut p r,ff f t41 j r ti it,iVl . f foUovini al.jf Uhin ! it in th-tutt, Tl lUit t f (la-'U Trandi Alar: U ht IVnflo rtt U a m t Itj.j Har t 4w ( tai J f artf Jljoiff tVfirll O'Ufl rwitil tl.f Ctiion iVif, anl ia Ihaur t! mfurr tVt i!l alj tr.atrU!ltr in llo j ,t lh r.orthrt. IVf. U U tu In j fUU fraturt U tta kf.n.U .U ;,;(. nanif of the Portland A Pugct Sound nilrosd. R;gvt of way and extenfiive water front and terminal fojj. itin have ta--n ?cured in both Tacorna and Jvatt!, and the latUr city will, for a time at Hut, be tl farth'-st jir.t north on Paget Bound reached j Cnion Pacific. Machine ihops for that end of the lb will I built at Seattle. The bridge across the CoIuq. bia at Vancouver, including the trestle on the inland, ill be more than a mile long. Work on the road will ! commenced in a few daya, and will be pufhttl tlj the ewrjry always displayed by that powerful corprn tion. That Portland will gain immensely by a ncf line to the uound is very evident. It adds one tnon oke to the railroad whetd of which she is the hub. That Tacorna, Seattle and other uound points that will I reached will reap great lenefit from having a net trancontinental road enter their limits over its own track is equally patent. The Union Pacific has deter Iiiin-1 to cover Oregon and Washington with its gigan tic system, and wealth, population and industry will taring up in its path. A serial counsel employed to collect forfeited bail bonds in San Francisco Chinese habeas corpus caset, has retried that in most cases the landsmen are purely fictitious, and in others are "execution jiroot" He advises that cash bail only 1 received in Chine a-. The fault is not with the Chinamen, as ao examination of the bail hmda of other criminals will amply show. It lies with the dishonest practices of members of the bar and the perfunctory way in which judjff discharge their duties in this particular. And this brings us down to the root of the difliculty-the dishonnt and criminal practices of attorneys, nhicb eotild I-, and ought to be, stopjed by the bench and mot rr-j--ctable jwrtion of the bar. Every railroad wrct kd. every trust legally betrayed, every jury riA, every straw bondsman put up, every rjured witness pltw'r.1 u..n the stand, is directly chargeable to tie bar as a sin of commission and often to the bench as a s:n of om-Mion. The legal profession luppliei the brain that conn ives then? crimes against society and the kr..llj. that renders them effective and "Lgil ly" f. So far has this gone that ,,Iaw" has rra,J I- a synonym of "justice," and the blind g ! h , ntrad of Ufog reprrscnt-d with sword anl salcs, h.'uld U d. pi tol Uiund to the rocks with the band I lh- law and in the jwer of the dragon as etnbd ird in the jrff,,, ((f lawjrcni WDo work "strictly f r coin." One of Cvrj.r Krancis Train's criticisms up-o !' that Mhe is Uw res-ctable.H Of wars, to U urr, but, then, just giTe her a little more t is and the -puill.t,' paradiw" will retn! that pr'4t dffrt