VJT SIloltK. -. I'll I, AM U l'': TM Is Btl Mdlum for Adrt rtla t't lh Pacific Coaat. Till' 'jiti i 0.' kli'.-M). ji -f Mahi has alut t mi iiw'.f I n l. tUt-t rtr litift TV ten. tu Kf.'J'i Jc t K r ran it'l !t'f'l to 4 ' 1 ,fl ' 'I'" M"MH"M. and l .!;.!! Jh n.?i ti , if frJ.tj!Jirn state U k J :i, !' j I 41w t it if M.r t.,Ul n.fj,r U I Jutlit- I-) Tlf if ( r-fiii.ti. it n mm., bus lj al- ii. m.i Mj -!. if ,riona, J ti . t m tl.it f hrni J U.alhe HyX- ..', ( tf.p.f.J ,f J,ry U'M l t '. 11. it ,r MJi.r , .tir.jft f,i)tn cur' j..fi;...J .tiM,iUil-nrf .KkIi it, jt, fr!itr, i t.j " ? M l j"mi fvcr iu . .n i ! Mf..f ( raf.. t... f,i t,,. I , ti u.-h. J f K f. tih .U t. 1- full T lie- II . h,,)!,,,,. tli,,,t fc r'rrfu, kui uh f.Wf u j f rf. f ,),,, .jaf ,f tV ,.,), I)i rftj(, Uf. ',r,,?,!"ir'i,-'Mi vuu :;M-';u.:i,ll)(m,tlt,1)!(,4 kll.M , , , , , ... . i i i i ( , . 1 ' S l.' t d f. u, Xt k .w,, ,... . a . u Inowri that in h'2 he will utrain every nerve to give thf nation i jr-filcnt anJ a congreia that will cxta!) iih njtial right for all Aniericann eaccahljr, iromptl aiA f'tn-vrr, trovilnl by that time a fair Ix-ginning in that lirrtior U? not made in every Mate in the uniun. Th-c ari iw! wordu from a noutherner to foulhernern, hut will j-rohahly have no more effect than the blow ii.g f hin breath againet a itone wall. Mr. Cable ban jrivm much thought to the negro problem and written many mayi ujm it, the chief effeet of which haa U-rn to bring him into dinreputo in hia own nection. though one of the jiiohI cultivated and able men of ! tt rw the MUth baa produced. Candid worda of wia l"tn are not what the hot heads of that portion of our n.initry are looking lor. Talk alioiit the "jtower of the prcHal" mV at the raw of the World's Fair. With all great mctro .litan journala uning their columns freely, and with n arly rvery illustrated pajter in Americathe humor ou, the would-tio-humoroui and the can't-le-humorous -l-voting their pagen, week after week, to pictorial rrprwntationa of the "proj)oaed" site in New York and miFreprewntationa of Chicago, the latter baa nalked away with the prize. It shows how superior ia practical and harmonious work to an impractical and inharmonious pros. Gaining the fight umh-r surh rircuniKtanrea is one of the best evidences that Chicago baa the means and ability to make the fair a Krratrr suiTcrs than it would be made in Gotham. If any one thinks the (Jray's harbor cities are not id awake to the advantages of a railroad, he ia n-frrml to the gnat subaidies raised there to induce Hunt to build hia line from the Northern Pacific to lb- harU.r. It ia one of the greatest exhibitions of ItiMligrnt and liWral enterprise ever made in the west. And now it ia averted that the Ix.uisiana lottery o.ii,ny, having ln given the "mitten" in North IaUa, i o.judting with Montana. Like the dove frut Noah's ark, it finds no dry place for the sole of it f -t. and il brc to return to New Orleans with- ut r vrn an olive branch. With a city hall to ctt half a million, a chamber f cvmthcrv building, and a library building coating blf that inn., Portland will have under way this un.mrr thr Kmi public structures that will le of r-at "Mian.rt.l to the cit. narr.-w gaUg system of the Willamette valley H tux U HandarJ gauge this year, as was genr r a ly lllUj,j tjHS raM,wjlfn tJ? yty Ml u s. t). han U ,.f U .Southern Pa. ific.