GATEWAY OF THE COLUMMA. ago. The city ia lighted by electricity supplied from the plant of J. 0. Trul linger, at the West Shore mills. The business portion of the city (boo page 515) contains a number of sub etantial brick structures, some of which are large and ornamental in their archi tecture, especially tho Odd Fellows' tern pie, which cot $15,000.00. Owing to the fact that the business portion rests on piling, not many brick buildings have been erected. To lay a foundation for one it is necessary to drive piles into tho mud, saw off tho tops even with the surface, cap them with heavy cross beams, and lay on this a solid founda tion of brick. In tho future, no doubt, tho majority of new business houses will be of brick. Tho mt oflico and custom house is a largo and handsotno stone building, two stories high, stand ing in the center of a block. Much attention has been paid to edu cational matters, and the public schools are of a high order. The building seen in tho engraving on page 5117 was erected four years ago, at a cost of 25,000.00. The city is divided into three districts, each of which maintains excellent grad ed schools. There are about four hun dred children of school ago in tho three districts. Various religious denomina tions hold regular services, and the Cath olic, Episcopal, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist and Congregational have church edifices. The private residences are neat and have tasteful yards. Many new ones are constantly being erected, tho city spreading out along tho hill. There are a number of largo and handwine residences, notably that of Capt Flavel (see pago 5.'J7), and in this respect tho city presents quite a wetroiolitan air. The city is incorporated, and has a mayor, city council, treasurer, recorder, judge, attorney, and chief of tjlico. It is tho county seat of Clatsop county, and has a court houe and j&iL The best voluntocr fire department iu the state is maintained, consisting of two steamers, hoso carts, a hook and ladder truck ami other appliances. This dcjiartment has won prizes in all engine and hoso con tests for a number of years. A largo numler of fire hydrant, connected with tho reservoir on Hear river, givo a high pressure and throw a strong stream through a hoso. Tho drainage is excel lent, tho grado carrying everything into tho water, and the tide purifying the water front twice daily. Astoria is tho outpost of American journalism. Ex cept the pnjH-rs in Alaska, tho two in this city are tho farthest west in tho United States, Tho Asturinn is tho most western daily in America, and is well worthy to occupy its advanced po sition. It is published by J. F. Hallo ran, a journalint of energy and ability, and battles manfully for the interests of tho city. A largo weekly edition is also issued. Tho Tnumrijt is a good week ly, published by Kuyder Uros., ami now in its fifth year. Clatsop county has an area of one thousand four hundred square miles, chieily mountainous. It has resources of fih, Agriculture, timber, con! ami iron, tho first of which is tho only one largely developed Along tho streams aro quite extensive tract of bottom land, ami even on tho hills, almost ev erywhere, tho soil is excellent ami well adapted to cultivation when c! arnL The largest area of arable land is Clatsop plains, a strip of fine land lying along tho sea shore, which has been settled and cultivat'-d for nearly forty years, Tho chief crops aro hay, oats and Urh-y. Much cheese and butter are made, ami tho soil is well adapted to hoj. Other sections aro the valley lands of tho No halem, Iwia A Clarke's, Young's, Wal luski, ami other streams. All of th-o are tributary to this city, as, abto, aro other sections farther away, iu both Ore