The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, June 01, 1887, Page 487, Image 75

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friends have alabaster Iwxes laid away, full of latter placl in a furnace, when they are sub
perfumes of sympathy and affection, which jected to the most intense heat. The rapa it)
they intend to break over me when I am silent of an ordinary furmu-e 1 forty-live thousand
in death, I would rather they would bring them rarlxtim. Through the ue of a movable, furnace
out in my weary hour, and open them, that I roof, the jmtent on which forma the subject of
may lx refreshed and cheered by Uiera while I contention, two furnaces are constructed side by
need them. I would rather have a barccollin, wide, and while the arlsn in one an Uing
without a flower, and a funeral without a eulo- bunted, the other is loaded with Uxe and
gy, than a life without the sweetness of love and mould. 1'ndcr thin system, two men load a
sympathy." furna'Y in one day, the carbon are thoroughly
burned in five days, and the cool inn pnee
Hints to KMnxtVEH. There is only one spir- continues only twenty-four hour,
it that achieves a great success. The man w ho -seeks,
only how to make himself most useful, ISeiurK. This explosive In inexpensive, eas
whose aim is to render himself indisjs'nsable to ily made, and hot liable to smtaneon cxpl
hiH employer, whom whole Wdng in animated sion, but it develops, when intentionally tired
with the purjioso to fill the Urgent jsjssible place by a spark, a force thirty-five time as great m
in the wall aligned to him, ha, in the cxhibi- gunpowder, and fifteen per cent, greater than
tion of that spirit, the guaranty of success, lie that of guncotton. To make Isllite, Unine 1
commands the situation, and shall walk in the treated with a mixture of sulphuric and nitric
light of prosperity all his days. On the other acids. The sulphuric acid should U of the fum
hand, the man who accepts the unwholesome Ing kind, which I nearly free from water; ai.d
advice of the demagogue, and necks only how the proportion of nitric acid should U some
little he may do, and how easy he may render what larger than that of rite other. Hy keeping
his place and not lose his employment altogeth- the mixed acids in contact with the Uiuine fr
er, is unlit for service. As soon as there is ' some time, at a temjrature rather aUvo that
supernumerary on the list, he Incomes discn- of boiling water, the be mine Is converted into
gaged as least valuable to his employer. The trinitrolsnrine, which is washed, so as to clear
man who is afraid of doing too much is near of away all traces of free nitric acid, and then it I
kin to him who seeks to do nothing, and was mixed with nitrate of ammonia, which U (he
U'got in the same family. They are neither of common sulmtance used (or producing nitrous
them, in the remotest degree, a relation of the oxide gas. The mixture, if the free a id i
man whoso willingness to do everything ossi- thoroughly washed away, is very stable. IV
bio to his touch places him at the head of the like dynamite, which explodes readily frmit
active lint. concussion that In heavy charge only every
tenth cartridge is llred directly, the other !
Klkctric Carhons. The manufacture of car- ing all exploded with certainty by iyulhy, a
lions for electric lights has become an impor- charge of N llite can not U Ignited by a blow
tant business. At a trial in Cleveland, for al- or by friction. A shell t barged with it strike
leged infringement of patent, a witness testified its object without exploding, unUs a fulmliul
that out of one hundred and fifty thousand car- ing fuse i attached to it, and a magaiinu filled
bon burned daily in the United Mates, one with it may le strut k by pn,j.- tilea without
hundred thousand are manufactured in Cleve- danger. When applied to u, however, it
land, where then are twenty furnace. The force is enormous. A charge ti than half
carbon are made chiefly of the residuum of oil an ounce, placed in a mortar behind shell
after it ha liw-n refined, but the ilesjit gU.ut weighing ninety pounds, proj-tted the shell i
natural gas wells is also coming into ue. The distance of m arly Mr hundred fc 1 and it
material i ground to powder, a little pitch U ellicacy In detaching rk in a tpiarry, proe
added, and the euUtance is then placed in greater than that of any r.Itruglyirriiw
moulds. Them- are jacked in boxes and the pound.