yft xnr. wr-sr snonr. t f iu rr 1 ' Ur barW ,? b.tr ?kjr Ui Ulrx A a-rx Ul 7 fc!f. Emy k A t,mI lU rL A Uf iU taitr angoff hw greatcoat, tod nth fir. ru rmuUr a alt- A in wftl hand, they wrapped it about Uil c t. a bsU at, I t" tr and hnre her back to camp. They rW.el Ulial dl h" aaUatd her in the Horacahoe, under the fi Udw of a great pine. Tbe huWl !lJf M. w! O to anl crubed by the sadden awful. I..4. l.-je! avd IU Btr. -gH ki reaTeroent He took do tr i 1.4 U lt d bU daughter, graTe, ahy cbfld - f f 0j aJ. ssjul and f ix, tot lnt tbe most of every day aVUbl liJe bis dea.L Tbe little Keith, thus - TV t4w. lja! Vow a, I om. Ureft, in a measure, of both parents, U4 this chap." jva!t ItstLuaborer rlacg timidly to Hepworth, who petted tU shfalWf. tard th rr mule, aad amused her in an awkward, bat .lh hu gl si th f 4 of beartr, fahion. L trWK b t fP- Tb- Tby non l11 inwjmrable orm- Wis iu &!r!y m. I fferl to i&ioc. One morn i op, a month Utrr, 4V4 la. wl V4 tl wooo Ubin.1 br father went, m tuaal, to hu v t, V lifli'c tUr VL A hrl di- trjL Not rttarningat noon, Hepworth Ubfw I o:lwtl o' Utg wct to rail him. He found biro half fibl I ti Uf t ko op Urt. tKat lyin& balf kitting, against the grave, hit 'd I ttr. Aa v rMwbM tbu b.atl noting on bU arm. lie thought ) I ki tr tvb; L Jwla'l Lira l'vping, and gently ahook him. I jut mj Uul Ubicrl b Tb form u rigid and cold. "DiMof b m f HJy XI! Ia L a bn.krn hrC the minora aaid, and ao rwkH tL cm, UJ tho fgru U told to thia day. One bead- to-a-Uuirry hb &w4 ta bkl a cba l rdmarb their rrating plaw, on which fall Vi H ! f frlf. aa' tt wt4 U iLamll, tlrv ti nkt TU ttf 4 tU rr taaU ft . l, kmi AM' MAKY OiNWAY. .Uj:itf .trry Tt trail Ursl Th cl.rk on the mantel itruck the XI tmk. mlwh Ul alt4jy un hour of midnight Hepworth awoka frt tUxt WM chil 0wa - 4kw lL fttf Virutrs" iJ th hearth, and the candle burned low !t1 w4th, to lU Uaif. - ca U ia jU keL He bad been aaleep, lit. c!; hitr itg oter again that terrible night aaJ U wxeL ! 6,4 iL wka that followed, when life'a r Ujk w.UMt Ut uk. k;a k , j.ca.Uhty rat rame to him, a he took , , th orphan to lit hert and to aach a TV. naajay ti eaa-ta divi!. wl tn m U had to cite. Ja ti. rv.ia rUJ IL. U ,;1 bfcJ a, wavtm A wW . U r4J froo hu w Ijw. tw. lVJ .,5 , ltfcl tU lia ia r,ttitg i6to fWcutioa hi, U.