THE WEST SHORE 1 2th Year. Portland, Oregon, October, 1880. No. 10 ESTABLISHED 1878. Tiif attention of immigrants should be drawn to lmul THE WEST SHORE I "'8 oukido ' 1 principal valloya. AH along tlio foothills and up the lower slopes of tho mountains lying An lllmtraltd Journal of General Information, dtvolfd to l development , . . , , ,, ,, . 1 I ....I 1 . 1 I.... I urmi w-t. oitlior buIo of tho valleys, win 1)6 found deHirahle land , . , Min that will make Iioium for thousands. No soil on tho Pa- BuhMriptionprio. par annum J ... ... ... T. , . . . To forown oountriaa, including pontile Clfio alopo surpasses it ill productiveness. It IS Hot I0- mmiUoopiM etwnry that tho land ahoitld Ims at onoo cleared of all, or BubaoripUon tu be forwarded br rwitoml lotlor or iwtal unto at our rink. 6V0I1 of Bliy llirO portion, of tllO forest TlierO in ail itl-l'oatmi--ra and Newi AiU will wool n .uoaorlpliuM t alma ratm. Jigonoil growth of fillO graHS, and all that is needed is L. SAMUEL, Publiaher, Kos. 171 and 173 Beoond Bt., Portland, Or. to scatter rod and white clover seed to iniiure a splendid Knlmi tar lr inrZTu at coarf "".gO for BUX. TllO e(irly rail,. Will 1 .tart the U.I e'or ono la awaro, tho clover in half knoo high. Alter- tablb or contents, wardn, tho clearing of bruBh and Btuull trees may be oar- A chin- iw. iiintad. p."IZ ried forward. Far better occupy the low bill land, and ANewBoaiAoroMihrMoadB.iiiuiraii(i.iiwi B(WUre a good homo war the older settlements, than AK! . Mid money in search of a place at a greater Hard work. M distance. Oregon, Ixith sides of the Willamette, ami ""kwortttito.; M Washington, from the Columbia, all along Skamania and Minor MofitoHorinwiai"!'.!!!!!!'.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' u Clarke counties, and to the north, bare room In their "- rge lettlemnntH. They will be occupied Th.carand oiaoionof lit. Adami iiiu.trati. and the families who are now securing permanent liomea ThaOronn BUta Fair lll-.tratJ, pat JW),...,......... M ylore m wjMi glw,p Bml onttlo bIiouIi! have shelter The buccobb of he artesian well at Miles C, t, -La. M bu, u h, stimulated the boring of other, in exorionoe of many, that .took winter over ami take good One recently bored on a ranch north of the Yellow no f M WMi)U, The hmWl. flowa eighty gallon, per minute. Tin. indicate that f , f thfl oVmnU) m um mmMn . loo much of that vaBt upland region lying back from, and kuown to nMiiro mention. Bbove the lovel of, the streams, which baa been consul- w 1 ered valuoloss for agriculture because beyond tho roBch of irrigation by ordinary mothods, mny bo rodwined qn ()tjinr ml0 Bre jirtwnUMl a nuinlHir from sterility and rendered productive. The transform- () B,g titkou in the Chinese (iiartr of rortlaml, ation croatod by irrigating canals in tho arid regions of jj,,!,,!, ,y A drtwriptivo article which deals only California, Novada, Utah, Colorado and other Westoru wit) Bmj uity wm. are matters of common states and territories has boon bo great that land lying fc,,,,!,,,,, Bmng those at all familiar with that jxrtion within reach of irrigating canals is considered very val- o tl(0 city Tlfl NIMitioii taken ou the Chinese question uable, while equally good land lying at a higher altitude tJft KWftt ninjriiy of resiilenU of the l'lMiino const, is above the running streams is considered worthless. If t)l0 j)ri-))U0 f tmt race here is umlnslrablo artesian wells can supply these highlands with suflicient mi 01 0,IHilj(rHl only in tho light of au industrial water thore is no reason why the pnxluctive agricultural jnvU)j,mi y,, m'm ,nro legally, they are entitled to area of MouUna should not be largely increased in tho )rtttH.titn iu their liv.s, prosrty and right to lalior, and next few years. tlait all efforts to deprive them of any of these should bo suppressed by the strong arm of the law. These sketch. Phkhidrst Hill, of the Manitoba rornl, has definite- ,0WOTBr, have no political iniMrt, but are presentel ly stnt4id that his line will be cxtmidwl from Devil's lake t,1(J j,liri))m4, 0f iutrcHlueing the readers of TiU to Fort Buford, on the Missouri, in November. If this WwT B0t urlt ,,,,-h as one would not Mpect to prove to be true, Northern Montana will have a new and fii(j wilyn tjl0 g,,,,, 0f l0 United HlnUts. shorter route to the Etwt st once, as it will cut off four . . hundred miles of the river navigation now necessary to Z InThe Northern Pacific at Bismarck, The further Til bind rai w.y running from Esquims t ne. rxtens oJofthe road next season to Fort Benton, and Victoria) to Nsn.imo, D. C, bs. Wn eomple t,d, snd t TZ MonUnaXtral to Great Fall, and Helena, begin, oration the present month. Two tra ns w, 1 wiU g veTransrtation facility to a region of magnifi- I run each way daily Under the influence o II, . en cent resources whose development ha. been retarded by t-rprise the eastern su e of V.ncouver Uland should sd- fSrfwU, tie market, of the world. vance r.pidl, in we.lth, p.q,lst, nd production.