The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, May 01, 1886, Image 1

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12th Year.
Portland, Oregon, May, 1880.
No. B
An llltutmtnl Journal of (Inenil anrmnffcm, oVtwrrd to Iht nVwfopnnil
0 tlit Orr.K H imt.
SuhMiriptian prim, per annum 'n
To fiireiim ootuitriM, including poatu !!!"!!"
Htniiln oiiiM
HulMrriiiliiin M b fnrwnnlort by Twtmhiiit'mninUmT rink.
l'ilinter ud N,.w AttniU will rucoirti nilawriptloiu m aliot,, num.
L. SAMUEL, Publisher, Not. 171 md 173 Second St., Portland, Or.
n(rlor(raiaM(fim(Aroii IKt tlnilt at Sffowl CT.ui R.ifr..
A Niw Hnoflhurftm RurwtanM ' ""ill
AliUnil. (Inwm (Hln-tniM, iw mm ',' i
Collin Mountain (lllumniinj. ihuik Ill) ", ""m
('mnmHrca u( Orogon and Wwlniuiton ill!.!!!!.!.!! Iiw
Ktlitorinl , IM,
KTwnnir (llliwlnilnl. ihwk 11.1) !!'.!!!!!!!! 11.1
Fur TnulHof tlm I'amiui Comi, No. 4 .... ", i:i
IniliiMtrinl Kilufatinn , IIn
John liny Vnlk-y (llliutralnl, m Ml). , !..!.."!""!'!" I
My l'ncl'NHinrr , 1,4
N'W ItnilroiMlii in Urn NorUiwiwU !.!!!'!!! ' Ilo
Nclmi.f dm Norlliwiwt
Orvicon School for IW Mnko (Illualralnl, Mire IM) .!! j:
IVtroiHum nun WihmI I'mwrvcr I 111
Hmi'hitr forl'irur il'Alitni
HI. Mnry'n Anulomy (llliutralnl, pmn Ml) H)
Tim Air of tli Mm. IM
Tim Knn Tuly , IM
Tim Krw, Kimlnrmrlmi llllintimlNl, pa 111, 111) U
TlmOiaiit Knoaliptiu tu Krancav Ill
Tim Utrat Whim Illl
Tim l.oat lliw Country., ll,l
Tim Hunk Hirar 1'uuwni , , ,un
Uwful luformnllon irw
Wliiin Kitkt Kalla (Illiutralixl, pair IM) t Iiw
Wooiliui Up (Wulratl, miik l.aj IM
Attention is called to the chnracter of the illiiHtra-
tiona in The Weht Shokb for the current year. It will
be observed that more attention in being paid to our
public institutions, to miscellaneous subjects mitl to tlu)
illuntrntion of ourrout event. Thoso features admit of
a higher standard of artistic excellence and nro of more
general interest to tho public thnn thoHO which are con
fined to buildingH, Htreot scene, etc. There is no inten
tion to diHOontinue the latter, however, and our industries
will le as freely illustrated and described as formerly.
The January numWof The Weht Kiioiik develos-d
such a demand for Portland literature, that the publish
er has issuod a volume of the same size, entitled " Port
land Illustrated," containing twenty-four pages of illus
trations and description of the city and vicinity; also, a
large colored plate of the High Behool. The cover is
an elegaut ono, printed in three colors, aud is the tnost
handsome in design and perfect in execution of anything
ever seen in this city. This will lie sent to any address
npon the receipt of twenty-five cents. Tho publisher
lias in press an elegant volume entitled "Columbia
River Illustrated," in which tho grand scenery of that
noblo stream is presented in a aeries of views, all print
ed in three colors. The cover will bo a handsome de
sign in colors, and the whole will lo a beautiful souve
nir such as evi-ry jierson who has traveled on the Col-
unihia river will desire to posses. It will lie issued in
about two week, and will be sent to any addrn ujxm
trooeipt of fifty cent.
Tiikiie has just been opened in South Kensington,
London, England, one of the largest and most interesting
exhibitions ever held, known as the " Colonial and In
diim Exhibition," oompriHing extensive display of the
arts, commerce, agriculture, industries, resources, llora
and fauna of India and the numerous colonics of (I rent
Hritain, such as Canada, New Mouth Wales, Victoria,
Mouth Australia, Queensland, New Zealand, Fiji, etc.
The lieni'llts flowing to the countries thus exhibiting
their products, especially those which, like Canada, have
millions of acres of fine agricultural land, which are of
fered as a free gift to settlers, will lie immeaNiireable.
The December number of Tub Went Wiiouk, in which
the Dominion of Canada and the Canadian Paciile rail
way were fully described and superbly illustrated, so
pleased the Dominion govern nt that orders have Immmi
received from Ottawa for a large special edition to lie
sent to liondon for distribution at the exNisiliou. This
gives Portland a footing in the cxxmition, an advantage
not enjoyed by any other city in the I'nited Mtatcs, aud
miiHt result in much benefit to this city, ami the entire
Northwest as well.
Kaiii.Y in March a call was issued by I. Allen Ma
crum, Mam. 11 Irwin nnd (loo. W. Pittis-k for a meeting
in Portland of Pcnnsylvaniaus. On the seventeenth of
the mouth a Pennsylvania association was organized with
the following ollicers: I. Allen Macrum, governor; P. 0.
Kaalwick, first lieutenant governor; (loo. II. I limes, see
ond lieutenant governor; Hon. Klwood F.vans, attorney
general; Geo. W. Piltock, secretary of state; 1). Molis
Cohen, state treasurer; Jiweph Mloan, seigeant at arms;
(1. T. llrown, disrrkeeMr. Ilegiuning with thirly-one
members, the society has growu to ninety-five and is
still increasing. The membership extends over Oregon,
Washington, Idaho and liritish Columbia. A trilling
fee is charged mcmler to raise mnans to sustain the
organization. The object of the association is briefly
stated: "To strengthen friendship among former resi
dent of tho Keystone state, and to furnish information
to Pennsylvania)! intending to visit or settle in the
Northwest; to entertain aud furnish information to those
visiting tho country." A visitors' register has Imsui
placed in the Istard of immigration rooms, nnd the mem
lsirship register i in charge of tho secretary of stntn, to
whom nil communication may be addressed, nt Port
land, Oregon. The native sous of Oregon and Ohlonn
have since formed societies, mid probably tho New York
er, Iudianinn and other will fall iu line. Afu-r sev
eral organization hnva formed, a "stiit hall " will bo
establisheil a a free rending, soi'lal aud iueling room
for tliose entitled to entrance. Tho former resiih'tiU of
every sUite should form a similar organizntiou and aid
in rendering this mova more Ixinnncial to tho Northwest.