The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, April 01, 1886, Image 1

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1 2th Yenr.
Portland, Oregon, April, 1880. ;
No. 4
e&tablished 1878. our illustrations.
TTIT,' 1,' tl T UTtriDT
J. IllMrfmlIJournl of 0.J nft-nJIn l IL. " ' """ iv.j .....
o unai hmi. lAiiumma one or uioso iiiuu roony uiuus wnion render
8ubripUonprioj.p.r.num the line of the 0. 11 & N. Co. oue of the most charming
Bingiteopiai !!.!.'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for tho bounty and grandeur of it scenery, as well as
Subscription u Im forwudtd br nwutorad litter or pUl onto it oar rUk. 0116 of the most eXlxMlMlve tt) build Slid OlWrate. It ill
Po.tmMter. od Sow. AsU M r.1,. -...rtpUun. t .bu,. mtm., fc M ., MiU,1(,C, p0t nurHVillt 0D !)
L. SAMUEL, PubMer, Hoi. 171 and 173 Baoond Bt., Portland, Or. 124), j honor of tho foreman who had oharuo of tho con-
Entered for transmission through tkt Mail at Sectmd Cltm Rate, BtrurtUill of tllti lillfl at tluit llnoe. Ill ft WrtV
ttT Htn trnnk n is mini Hm fiuwi nf ftlm lilntT onviMt ftotitf nf
ViDrl It V1WTP Mftl I " ...x- . . ...........
rr Kln( wdor wore used, mis quantity wiut oniy ox-
AVolfmrnTonnwi-.... Ill M(wl(J om, t.r tmiilL Culled "Hliell HiH'k." whore
All.MlMiHM. ftllll I rllHIIATlM Ill I
m "T! Point". i niuht iiil onn-hutf tens wore ronuirod to cleave a rookv
Ki.liom n! Allium o - -
EsSTti: KliSSSt."?:.':::::::: :::::::: :::: :::: :::: ::: : :: :: ::: : S5 ,H,tl ,or raik A t",,r,HU Brrt w,,irl,Hl rni",l,y
'LMmterM;;"iii;i ! Mnd the point above them rising tho lm rooky
Morn. ;W. Fwlilutimw (In Mj.m..rwin, fw llll Il WIIU RIH Mtlow thom flowing tllO grand Columbia, they
Tiie ijiiuiiui . little think of tho days and weeks required to blast out
WhtKM)roiBuuulaKiiow iw a iNttiwitV lor their flyinu train.
The vigorous stand for law, order and justice to the
TL a Ai.ttf nil fu!1 litiji tint Nuitimal 1'urk nf iliA
Chinese, taken by tho citizmis of Portland, has had iU YHnwHtiiiio. in that of tho Northern Patuflo. whioh tiaa
effect The voioe of the agitator is no longer poUmt to . ..,, ... .:.. un .iia -...von of tho YwllowHUmo
breed trouble, and the fear of riot has passod away. It from tll ()j ivhtou, faot whioh htm conferred
is wonderful into what a fovor of approhouHion a oom- niM)1 ii.. .A tlio title of "Gateway to tho National
munity can bo thrown by a half dozen brawlers and a p,.. jjviniHtou lies at tho very head of tho Yellow-
low score ol lrreBponsiuie iramps. .j,,... Vallev. at tlio uoint wliero tho railroail strike
into the U It Mountaiiw. the diviiluiR riiloo lM)ten tlio
Yellowstone and the headwaters of tho Missouri. It is
a flourishing ootnmoroial point, and is oue of tho live
(iiwns of MoiiUiis, The Northern l'aotlio liss wm-
striuited there quite extensive maohineahoM and Mund
hniiBiXL its position at lunation ol the Nauonal lark
branch ronderinn it of much Importance. Near by are
the fertile acres of Hhields Niver Valley, and to ins norm
Iia AtLximivn coal measures, now Imiliir (IuvhIoimmL Its
nriiininiuiiM KS the iKwsihlo slartinu isiiut for branch
I m . . It I It
line to White Sulphur MirliiKs, unwi l aiis ami i-rr
Btiuton, ive additional Intertist to IilvlnHUn al Uie
nrn,umt time, when tlio air Is lull ol railroad rumor
Tho town contains many sulsitential brifk buildings,
and occupice a site both healthful an )iotursUA
1 '
Ho much interest has been manifested in the Janu
ary number of The Webt SiionE, describing and illus
tmlinff Portland, and so ffreat has been the demand for it
since the edition was exhausted, the publisher has do-
. . ... . a f it ti
cided to issue a special pamphlet entitled roruuud il
lustrated." The ennravinRS will be tinted, and tho covor
will be a handsome design executed in oolors. Tho largo
oolored picture of the High School will be a feature of
this special publication. It will bo ready in a few days,
and will be sent, postage paid, to any address, uxm tho
receipt of twenty-five cental
DcniNO the month of March the West Siioue Litiio
ntiiPHTNn inn F.NoiuviNa Company executed in two and
three oolors the illustrations for the April numlier, ami
a second edition of the January number, designed aim
nrinivl half down tjamuhlut oovors, some of them in
three and four oolors, oolored labels, soveral forms of
wo-titWrjui in milora. besides a large variety ol general
stationery, lithographed work of various kinds, cata
logues and general printing lor some oi me largest urm.
in Po-.rilnnrV Onr husiness men seem to appreciate tho
fact that they can now obtain hore work equal in evory
,w.f t ti.. Kl ,!,.. in the East The illustrations
of Tub West Buouk are an evidonoe of this which will
convince anyone who will compare them witu me en-
gravwgs of any other publication.
i.'.., fnlU fiv humlred miles Mow the Junction of
the Gallatin, Jefferson and Madison rivers, th Missouri
is hemmed in by rs ky walls which are carved and linwi
by nature in most jsiculiar and striking manner. The
Castellated Itorksof the Missouri arsa mnnh of curi
ositv as tho Pielureil lWks of Uke HuHrlor, esMwially
those along the line ol the aorutern i aciuo w..-u
ltemsn and Helena. On page 125, our artist present
a sketen of on of these, known as " lied lUk,"
the fact that it barren Mcky walls have Isien steine.1
with iron rust through tho action of the element These
cliffs rise high above the river, Rreat ma f dtrilu