THE WEST SHORE ! NTTnnnxr r!TT A RT.OTTB ISLANDS. t he tnerraoiiiwwsi i Xnl VJ UiJ w - , 1 Tn .Iniinnrv. irmi. imliwiti-.! 7 iHTi Hlw z'ro,and tho native loss i Queen Chariotte Islands, the extreme northwest- it una nevm - - . I I .... .a f a Pmv nm of British Columhm ra eni iiiuua . 1 i. CJ urn. -i , ... 1 L !t,.tiil I, tho islands along tho coast and tuo .uljnco.. n HH.iu,., Ht,l(,int,rior,,y.,n,lthownllof,nount1unH lujt op,, l ,.f urnrm ocean winds, Old lioreas rT. SnowsoUomfallsatSitkatoa dpll, of six inches, and Immorally disappears quickly Wore the ii.1Ui.B rains. Tho atmosphere throughout tho y,ar is extremely tho rainfall much exceeding thai which h-won fr Oregon tho title of "Webfoot To thin iH duo tho luxuriant growth of native grasses and tho dense forests that fringe tho coast and cover the Hum orless islands. To tho tourist Alaska, and OHocially tho voyage i thither, present unusual attractions. Tho memen toes brought away from tho "1mA of tho Midnight Sun" though few go so far north oh to witness that apparent pho luiiiio non are both curious and unique. Carvings, suchasaro uwule on totem sticks, claws of Warn and other wild animals, odd shells, and gar nets imbedded in masses in largo pieces of rock, are tho trophies of the curiosity tr. Tho trio to that roirinn does tf:"vJljL'S ....i :.. ' l it v t'uiiFi iii i n m-n 'JiiK", ill lilt) com- won Higuiticance ofltlmt term, and tho reason for this will hi ouicklv ammrent to totkm sticks, northwest of Victoria. They are tnree in number- Provost, Moresby and Graham altogether about 156 miles in length, Graham Island, tne largest, being nfty two miles in widtk Although in common with the whole Northwest Pacific Coast region dense forests and rugged mountains cover the greater portion of their surface, they are reported to contain considerable tracts of open arable I.,,,,! wfill adanted to stock raising and agriculture, also deposits of coal and other minerals, and waters teeming i vre; .... mm i a lit .... ...... ..... .... mj ij'MILVlli W -" " - one who will tko the trouble to glance at a map of with cod, halibut and other excellent fish. North America. From Puget Sound to Sitka the coast is inhabitants down to the present time, with tl Kirdored by b continuous succession of islands. By fol- of the agents of the Hudson's Bay Company i l..u!l.,t tl,.. ..1. ...... ..1 I ...t ......... II 1 II l 1,1 ... ..... -- . . . SEYMOUR NARROWS. Their sole the exception recently lowing the clmnn.d betwtMMi them and the mainland the 'of the Skidez.tta Oil Minufacturinsr Company, are the now numbering about ow f the Pacific Coast they are an physique, intelligence, meehanij . m i i ...v n.uvo niuj nu Mim, euwrprise aim innn. vowing vu - , ;rTi ,, W T 1',,,,,',1,:,, nri tho Queen imition-though mariners, traders, prospectors and mw i harlotu. Islands, hxours.ons to Alaska are now be- sionaries have skirted the shores of these islands-they coming nuim-rous and each summer more and more of are at the nresent time nractillv unexplored and mv our HM,pl and visitor from abnm,l avail themselves of In,,, nt , .a L 't m;ration is no - vnu mi, aiiuiii" Ll ID ui 1 " ' o , , iiiirci..i. !....... .1....:.. - ii ... . . . ... ; ,! thB uuu w ... " 1 ' the iulvnut4igvs mvwon. oral huc suniiner Arraug,,,,,.,, s have already Wen made for sev- home of the Hydahs, The rou A 11 trips at stated riinls the eoniing through a wonderland of unique from Victoria tf ft. U U XVUW VUJlivw - - ! nnd nfrikinff topography. touchinc at nniimrnna Tnrlinn rillnrtfta trftdins and fisiung U o