The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1881, Page 183, Image 9

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    July, 1881.
Across th rivr there live a woman who baa
boon twioe married but is now a widow,
pha ha on hild of hw firnt hnthsnd end
two o( her teoond busband to snnport.
When the Utter died ba wa in debt by
an endorsement (or 91,000, and among bia as
acta waa a aeoond mortgage 00 a amall farm
which it would not pay to take owing to the
site of the tint mortgage. How the wile man
aged to work thingi when thrown on her own
resource! makes quit a story of feminine New
Koulsnd enterprise. Take, for example, the
case of the worthies aeoond mortgage. The
owner of the farm bad abandoned tb prop
erty, and th holder of tha first mortgsga, real
iiiog that some day ha would get it, thought it
it, doe not belong to her, but hi children, and
for all ber labor she has no ownership. Ill
law is rather queer in its working some times,
Uartfard Ltttrr to StringftM iVmMim",
A Vit f u Mi I'nunim limn Wrvtlta I Im
boiled oil and corn ataroh stirred into a very
.Li I. 1 J I . 1 - ..A mJ.m
iniCK )S1W. ADU I"!1"" i-umv
with turpentine. Add no color for light ash.
for dark ash and ohestnut, us a littl raw
slenns; for walnut, burnt smber snd a slight
amount of Venetian rd for bay wood, burnt
sienna. In no oaa us mora oolor than ia re.
quired to overcome tha whit appearenoe of tha
starch unless you wish to stain tha wood. This
Hilar ia worked with brush and rags in th usual
manner. Let it dry 48 hoars, or until it ia in
condition to rub down with No, 0 aandpaper,
Ws praatnt to our reader apoa thla page, aa
illustration of tha superb ClydsedaU stalllor,
1'eriseuooi Taia magimioeat smwihm at ana
famous Clydeedal boras u Imported fro
Scotland by Messrs. Smith k VowxW. of Lake
aida stock farm, Syraouse, N. V., in September,
18.H0, II ia a bora of Urg proportion, pow
erfully built, deep-ohested, with broad quarter,
good back, short legs, powerful, flat, bard bona,
with plenty of hair, good feet, and splendid
style and aotion. Ha 1 dark bay la solar,
marked with a narrow atrip of white In faoa,
white bind auklea, and a little rim of white
V ;,y4-n
1 '.'jir-A ;--u'sv -Kjy
I , " -"if - C!-f:DH,ii. -
Yi Mr
ia .
wis to begin early, and aa planted a crop on
tha land in tha spring. Tb placky widow,
however, finding it would tak bim several
mm be to foraclnsa, got from th owner deed
of tha land. Tlieo aha want and ploaghsd un
der the first mortgsga man' cms and et the
fields herself totobeaoo. Th other party was
powerless ontil th machinery of th law bad
Ueolnead bia bond, and, before that time, tha
widow bad eat and removed br tobaeoo, and
was Jaet as ntadi in. liy pluck and aotirity,
wot king hard barwtf, aha got along, aapported
ksrMlf and family, and. litU by IttUa, reduaed
tha faoa of tn fl.OW debt, whieo waa in in
farm of mortg M bey farm, and waa bald
by a trnatea, and a ennld no morally be earn
promised by him. finally by ber own Ishors
ikaaWarod tha whole farm of dab and wiped
tb BMrtgag ail off. Tbi perhapa all aoswera
ilia oaeauoai wnatlMr larma can bs meM ta pay
te Caasjaotioal Ta finish tb ator it may be
added tbat th kasband bft n wtlL and o
aqMtly tb fans bow that aba baa paid lor
wilbont maob gamming sp, snd if en eitr fin
U AminI All ssain with tha same materi
als, astng las 01L bat mora of saa) and tar
peuUna. 1 ba aeoond anal ww ana ennna, n
being supported by tb first eoat. Was tha
asaond eoat ia hard, tha wood ia randy for finish
ing op in sir daeired sir la of to nay degra of
nloaty by following np in eai BMnooua. 1 aw
loon a la is not UtMnle1 lay roeewooo, mwi win
nit be eatiseTtnry if nsad thafwfof. T, f.
I'ao; m l CW PaMtr.
Ma. Joan, yoar alock la A Hsbl, Is ItT
"Well, ym aea, sir," said Mr. J", 'WKyly
don I andersUad ma en aim! was eioca m
v k. 1 k kmla nl alnck stands at
twelve, then it sUikaa two, and then I kaowe
it twenty mlcate toaerea.
A maT at Oiford Untvoraity, on being
askad "WHo was Keenf" reptiadi "KeM We a
ma wba wrote fabUs, and aold bU aapyrigbt
for meat of potash."
bia riant forward baa. II I 4 I
bight, and will weigh I.M0 lbs. Ha la awry
superior Clydeedal la every way. rarfwrctea waa
tha winner of tb first prise In tha tlydeadela
elaa al tha Kew York Htete fair, bU to Ai
baay. N. Y., la I MO, ead stUesaaMUma -sand
iba eoeeSal brsmiam of IIUO. gifaa lav
the boat draft bree af any Saw a bread, eoea.
peting with a nornbar af lw purled Harmna) rr
eaaroa4.C1ydea.tateaadhrdrrftaUllten I (a
also teak first prise at lb Utwadeg awewty faar,
bebl a Hvraswa. N. Y-, ia IMU, aa tb boat
draft atelltea. Messrs. nmlthe rvwau kav
Urg Kek of tlydaadala and Uawbteteatea
bar and Itoteteia eeUla, ad laastaasaesrasaiy,
t ea(l4 af each, wbtek will b few ad af ia.
tarMt 10 tevesa waa lis Baa aasmaia.
Thay aombiaa la B ramwkaUa dagrea aetiv
Ky with pbystoal atraagtk. Tbaa are assad 4
airabla qaalittea ia a draft karaa. and asswra B
market fur than. They ara already aa thla
eoewt anas OMalUal npfeasatetivaa af tb
bread, and tbara hi raaas lur maay 1