The west shore. (Portland, Or.) 1875-1891, July 01, 1881, Page 185, Image 11

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    July, 1881.
The early Catholio father who eetablithed
the fink oiviliaed aottlemonta la California,
having plenty of time baton them, with do
railroads, telegraph, exprotae or mailt, to
hurry them op, took their time in selecting the
lite upon whioh to build their miationt. That
they exeroited care and Judgtn 11 1 in the eoloo
tiou ii maoifeat from the fact that to-day the
remaining miaaioni are oentered in localities
where olimat ia good, soil ia exoellont, and the
surroundings are plexsaot.
The early miiaiona formed oenters around
which gathered the people of the oouutry,
Near by they cultivated until patabre of ground
or tended their Uookt and bards. The mis
The rlaee hai much the appearenoe of
tlie old Mexican town, the old oathedra),
and many other adobe houtet etill itanding.
It ia the center of a wool and wheat country and
It now one of oar thnvlc; tawss, belr-i" tho oa!y
one of any aixe between Monterey and Santa
Barbara, A great many native Californiana
till live in the vioinlty of 8n l.uia Obiipn, and
perhaps there ia no better town in the Mate to
atudy the type of the race.
Man and him Food, Of court, variout oon
ditiooi of life, climate and looality, have to do
with the quantity of food. Thue, an idle per
son oan get along very well with two and three
quarter ounoee of nitrrgeunut food and 20
ounoet of oarbonaoeont food (Heah aod oeretl or
vegetable food), when, if the aame individual
were walking or in active out-door life, double
I i. rr-- . :..i ' ill
O Jr .
aiona were more numerous ia the southern part
of the Htate, and wbererer the iitee were, there
would be formed inviting turrooadinge, and
advantageous topographical fealuree fur each
The pe!re were well aware of the advantages
of the aaa porta, and eetabliahed missions at Mas
Diego, lns Angela, Men la llerbera, ilea Lais
Obttpo, Montorwy aad Vaa) Kraactteo, I a torn
, aa at mm Angela aad Baa Uu Ubtepo,
the loceliao Bear the oneea not being agreaable.
they wieely pot their baildmg back I root the
aea, bat etill aear etuwgh to reap the advantage
from proximity to a aa poti.
Tbe ttyla of all their baildiog wa the aaafi
plain adobe trmotaraa, with red baked i e
roofa, and a earraanding veranda, the eharc k
real being higher thaa tbe etier ooevelor)
baildinge, aad baring a walled eactoeare aV
taobed to it. The eaarraving ehawa oerewith,
rvpreeeaUng the Haa Laie Optepo Muhvoo, will
pre food id of the etyle i beildiaj, Raa
Low Obimo ( nia aula from the har
bor, aad b ooaaected by railroad.
thie quantity anight bo vaed. IVbi the K.
quioiaai rireeent the baevieet feeder la tbe
world, for Terry tell of yonng aattv whe
devoured ia 24 boa re tljtt.e of eeevbor half
raw, half oooked ltli of hlp bread, I) tiiaU
of water, not eoanttng gmg aad (pirila, Hutb
Hir Joha lloee and If. Hayee, from peraooal
obeervationa, declare that the daily rata A aa
Kqimaai may rang from rsi to '" of
flmh food. On the other hand, it te quite re
markable bow email a qaeattty of food man
say eat aod still retaia kl health, thoagh; a
to tbe point of nteaUl vigor eageadered by
toaaty fare, that ie aaothe qaeetioa. C'araaro,
bo wrote a treaUa oa long life, tabaietad f
M year oa 12 eaaota of vegetable; autur, aad
14 eaaxa of wiue per diem, while auotber eae
ia it4 e4 a nun eiiebog fur out quit 20 yean
ea 16 oaaew of floor per diem, auid tato
kiad of padding.
Won Uiag roae4 ea a Urge another of
the Dig Cotloawood Ktaea wbiea kae beta
lying idle atnee last winter.
We have bofor Hit noted tbe feet that a
number of ootnpanle bad been organised, la
London to work certain gold mlue In India.
Although nearly a yew bat peated atnea the
formation of those oompaniea, It la only now
that some of the reeultt hav been made p
parent. One of the oompaniea ha brought
tome gold to lomlon, taken from quart they
found lying at the surface of the mine, Thl
reeult was due to the eirvunutano that the
oompeiiy, In takiug the property, also secured
some antiquated machinery manufactured on
the spot, whioh, however, ha proved aseleaa
for modern requirement. It was luflliiieutlv
good, however, to mtke a preparatory trial,
aod accordingly 44 ton war paaawl throogh
the stamps, the result being a yield nf II ounoee
to the ton 1 23 , more would have been saved,
but for the defective appliance used for It
treatment, but enough remained not merely to
produo the specimens exhibited, bnt toeoooor.
ag the oompany to proceed with vigor with
the erection of their machinery and Ik devel.
opmeot of their mine.
The two bar which arrived at Southampton,
weigh 40 ounoee, and would realta betweea
I' J I ft, and i'4 per ounne. It apiiear to be
gold of a very good character, and fro from
imparities, aomowhal darker ia oolor thaa thai
ia the Australian anvereigna, A larger quae
tity bf quarta would hav beea tree let C bat lb
machinery, a might hav beea expected, bruke
down. The new machinery include 20 ttamtie,
which wilt treat torn 90 ton a day. Thi
new will be of Interest to all th shareholder
ia Indian gld mine, and will 00m at a relief
to them. If l ounoet per toa eaa be realised
with machinery of primlliv deasrttitloa. aad
from th urfao refute of the former worker,
It It only reaaonaule to tappoe that an
of th latest deeotlption, and nuarta takea from
tne deeper working, WIU prodno a reeult far
more aautfactury.
Thmtmrnt or Hineraiiaa. Tke peculiar
etmotpber of California admit of aioeb mora
ttpoeur to th ray of lb summer ta thaa
eaa be eodurwl ia th KeateraUtea. Bat It I
still well to kaow what to do in aaa of ajih
stroke, a prompt aotioa ia generally nssstttry
to avoid atrioo reeult. An eiohaag sayti la
eaae of tunetroka, loneea tbe peUaat eUiibee aad
bathe the head aod entire body with eool water,
aad with muteteoed bead rub th eiUemlUee,
the neck, aod th whole Uagtli of the !,
roblring in a downward direouua to draw Ike
blood from tbe head. A aona a botliag water
eaa be obtained, pot a dry bleak rt roood the
body, the ring Kenoele from ta not water aad
apply them quickly to the regtoa of the (torn
aeh, liver, bowel aod spine, aver tha blanket)
alao, Immere th feet ia hot Water, or wrap
them la hot rtaaael a far a ta body, lie.
wring th Raa ae I one every fire or eight
atiauta fu half aa hoar ar ator. tbea remove
them aod apply nl4 water la th earn wty.
either by eool towel or tpoogiag with o4
wateri dry well and rub the eorfeo lightly aal
briskly with the bead antil a glow I prodeeed.
A sooa at th patteat eaa ewalWw, give him
hot water to drink, aad plenty of it, with e
eaaioaal bit of lo or tip of M Ur, Uftea,
of eouree, the attack I to (light that to
thoruogk treatment M Out aeoeaaary,
llu anu I'm so-roar Kara. A good black
ink I a effects al a any stela to biaekea Ike
sharps of a piea. If ta, per b pa, aot geaarafly
kaow that, tboogb ataile of boy, thee key
eiwayt rvlre etataiag, a bra sbnay la ratlwr
brow a tkea black, aad full of a yeUowieb graif.
Old key ar pohahly sata rated with greaa
tkykoJ4 therefor a weatod wHh aotatk)