Oregon City press. (Oregon City, Or.) 1896-1???, April 26, 1899, Image 5

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Runnyside it thriving.
The birthday party at tli residence of
James Reed was a success. Initru
mental music by 8. E. Johnson, vocal
music hy Miss Zclphi Davis, Harry
Reed and Frank Hunter, recitations by
five little girls, In.provised poetry by
lira. J. P. Davit and Mm. L. Hunter,
wan the entertainment of the evening,
after which lunch was served. Before
the guest left Mr. Reed thanked them 1
forgiving huu audi an enjoyable aurpnse.
John E. Davis ban arrived home from
Grass Valley. Welcosoe home.
Ciinn.talilu I. . a kiui l..nbt.n fnP a nam
1.7.1,1 ,i j aiiifi na iircn iwniitK
minister. Mr. Bowerwan lias not left
Sannyside yet for some reason.
Oeorge Johnson fcaafoeen trying to
make a change with bis neiglibor. lie
stilt like the girls. Thii ia war time.
Gel blesa the boy. -
Herman Oelschlaeger baa gone with a
friend to a logging camp.
Elsworth Hubbard has aoM his wheel
ao we hear. Wheel ane now the fashion,
joodbye busies.
" The Snnnyside koys are talking of
building a hall.
The Spiritualists are going to build a
ball for the purtajtie of holding tlielr
There are quite a naunber of different
aooietlea In Bunnyaide.
Hiss Myrtle Davie haa gone to Port
laud. -
Mrs. S. J. Davit has returned from a
visit with her mother.
Prof. Griffith lectured here thnee
flight lai-t week.
Mra. Karr and iawily, of Harmony.,
wene the gutsta of George Johnson Iaet
J. Wolfe la improving the looka of Uie
echool grounds.
Tike larniers are busy putting in their
gardens and crops-
Miss Zelphia Davie, so operated
on last, winter, la etili improving and
looka well.
Alvin Hubbard must go to the hos
pital, lie has been quite poorly of lata
Your correspondent was out hunting
lat-t week and happened to see Elsworth
Hubbatd talkilg very Bweetly toa young
lady. We know that potatoes are a
$1.60 a sack Elsworth.
We liava been notified ot the sudden
death of Mr. Goodiidge, who had
called at Btinnyside and oo bis return
home diopped dead. Mr. Uoodridge
baa lived near Clackauiae about 22
years. He was an honest and upright
citizens and well respected j all. He
was 82 years old. - One of his daughters
married Daniel Talbeit. He also haa
three son to mourn Ids loss.
April 24 Uos.
The Cauby school Is preparing to give
a grand entertainment in the near fu
ture. Canby wheelmen want the name of
the man who originated the bicycle tax
law. They want to spring his frame,
puncture his tire and give liim a header
at the next election. They know that
gome paths will be built somewhere ac
cording to souiobody'a ideas and they
also have good reason to believe that
only about 25 cents of the per capita tax
will go for path and tht the remaining
... ..i i.....
75 cents will go to a warmer pim-o una
that in which it was coined.
If the prtsent controversy between the
editors of the Woodburu Independent
and the Oregonian continues, wa shall
expect to bear of the former calling an
"International Moral Suasion Congress."
He undoubtedly kuows just how to suc
cessfully manage one, but like Czar
Nicholas, he is not consistent. The wily
Czar plans for disarmament on one hand
and strengthens his military power on
the other. The Woodburn editor writes
Irfercely in one column against corioral
VuniBhment in schools and in another
column endorses the course pursued by
our authorities in the Philippines. The
Fillipinos in mind power are nothing
more than children, therefore let Gen.
Otis cease doing anything that may
wound the finer sensibilities of those
"half child, half devil" people. They
may not remember him kindly in af
ter life ; they may trace their downfall
to the corercive measures he has em
ployed ; he haa no meral right to hold
them in check because they have done
and continue to do wrong. Give them
sugar-coated moral auasion and they
will lay down their arms.
Where a large number of children are
daily congregated, there are always
some restless, mischievous spirits that
iuusl be held in check. No one for a
moment holds that they should be pun
ished in an unduly severe manner and
no one that knows anything about teach
ing beyond its theory will say that coer
cive measures should never be employed.
Why punish mature offenders? Let the
the executive officers make careful study
of each offender brought before him
j j: i tn the riftths of upright-
ness by using kind words instead of
cruelly sending min on to puou... -
proceedure would meet with the appro
val of the Woodburn press and a few
other theorizing people.
-. '
Joseph Graham is having the interior
of his confectionary store tasieiuuy ucw
rated by a new coat of paint.
Several of the members of Canfey's
bicycle club tried to dispute the right of
way over the Mululla trestle with the
local freight Sun. my, ami as a result,
passers by saw live youth silting astride
ca(ia holding a wheel with one band and
grasping the bridge ' with the other.
The constant rate of travel between
Canby and points' south ami the dangei
of crossing such a long trestle, especially
so to woman and children, should lead
the county commissioners to gratify a
long felt want by extending the county
road, with a suitable bridge Just below
the railroad trestle.
A movement is on fool to build a bicy-
cle path around by the camp ground and
also out the county road as far as F. A.
Sleight's 'residence. This ia a good
movement, una which would not only
benefit the wheelmen, but alao a large
number of pedestrians, who would use
the path at all times of the year.
There will be a echool euiertainmeut
and graduating exercises at Evan's hull
Friday evening. Come one and all I t
us ahow tins teacJwrs and pupils by our
attendance that we appreciate their
effort a
Jamea Evans is dangerously ill.
iiaipu itmgiit w-m vioiwum, b (" w
burn Sunday.
Miss Carrie Bair, who was visiting
Mra. George Knight, left for Woodbura
Saturday evening.
There was a social party at the -resit
deuce of Cliaa. Armstrong Saturday
We have nollosd with luterest the ex
change of opiuiuoe between the Oregon
ian and Woodlxuii Independent relat
ing to the subjects! corporal punishioenl
In schools. With all deference and re
spect lor the opinions of two.such lead
ing editors as Gill and Scott, yet e
connot wholly agree with either. Gill
cites the schools ut the East in compari
son with tlte schools of Woodburn.
There is no comparison owing to the dif
ferent environments, and although iu all
cases it ia beet to govern without re
course to whip, yt sometimes pupils
come from tames where truthfulness,
honor and obedience are held lightly.
The teacher is not aided by the parents
and often is condemned in the presence
of children. Such a course will naUir
aliy cmise ineuhordiuiition and defiance.
Such cases, past power of masion, must
be checked or their Influence will teud
to uiiderteruiiiie the teachers influence
with other pupils. Tlujre are two ways,
expulsion aad punishment. We sre
fer the latter, as expulsion leaves a blot
oa the page of life tlat cannot lie erased.
It may change an entire cuieer; it may
be the pivot on which an after life is
turned, while a whipping, although it
seems to cause uioie trouble at the time,
will eventually prove the better.
April 24 i- X. Y. Z.
Measlea are fashionable everywhere.
Mr. Akeins' family now have them.
The echool attendance is considerably
diminished owing to them.
Elmer Maville, of Canemah, visited
his parents at Liberal Sunday.
Leon Bruner U visiting bis friends at
John Hidings, of Murijnuni, a delegate
to the Gland Lodge of Maccabees held at
Portland, visited friends here Saturday.
A private dance was held in the ball
Snturdnv evening. Dancing was in
dulged in until a lute hour, after which
refreshments were served. Among
those uresvnt were: Mesdames Ilunna-
gan and Justin ; Misses Ella Hosh, Yer-
dio and Angie Maville, Ida Bowie,
Blanche Dyer, Mefiie l'.ogue, Jennie
Akein and Miss Waldronj Messrs. John
Ridings, of Maninnui, Will Hayiiurst,
Pee Htelman, Will Austen, Will Mulvey,
Dan Graves, Mr. Austen, Fred Hay-
Imrst, Mr. Ilannngan, Mr Wiigbt.Jobn
Mulvaney and Georgia Deetli.
April 24. Mn. Jim.
Delf Crisswell is Btill quite ill at his
Win Boeberg and L. UasBlebrink have
inflanmtory rheumatism.
Mrs. Boston, of rleataut Hill, is quite
III of lung fever.
Mrs. John Buttsou is still quite
dangerously ill.
Miss Jennie Nobis spent Saturday and
Sunday with her uncle, Mr. CrisBoll and
Mrs. M. C. Young and Mrs. Manco
spent several days last week visiting
with friends and relatives of Mrs. 1 oung s
at Butteville and French Prairie.
There will be a surprise party at the
home of Mrs, Henry Baker Wednesday
evening and a general good time is ex
pected .
Archie Seelv is home from Portland to
remain. Mr. Seely has attended the
Holmes' Business College all winter,
where be Dassed the last examinations
with very high honors being next to the
highest on roll.
Frank Brabst was out with his new
wheel Sunday. Carl Short has bis wheel
again laid up for repair.
Mr. Harms is erecting a new barn.
C. Hanson of this place commenced
a spring term of school today at Cornell
Creek school.
MissS. M. Graham is teaching the
White Gate school near Butteville tbia
Rev. and Mrs. A. Brady, of Hood
Via, m-a home ttiain. They were
pulled to Western Oregon to attend the
funeral of Mn. Brady'e father. While
there, their little one was taken seri
ously HI with whooping cough, but the
child is consideiahly improved.
Mr. Chas. Seely and Miss Maud
Seely are working at Mr. Criswell's for a
time. ,-
Miss Ett i Seely, of Dayton, is expec
ted here this week.
Mra. L. Cully and family, of Idaho,
wilt spend a week or so here visiting
friends and relatives soon.
Miss Jessie Kiggs la iiguiu with her
sister, Mrs. Chas. Baker.
Mra. Joseph sicheur, of Butteville,
was the delegate sent from the Macaca
beea there to Portland last week.
ltev. J. M. Barber, who was s.) seri
ously crippled, is able to be about oil
crutches once more.
April 24. Anna.
Lone Pine Lodge, No. S3, A. F. and A.
M. held its regular meeting t-u t unlay
and bad Hoik iu Hie second. A number
were present from Oregon City. ' Tne
meetings are held on the second Saturday
at 10 a in. from November to-March H d
2 p. m. from April to October the lodg.
has been org mixed ' 24 ' ears and 21
years of that time J. H. Brown has
been tyler and during all those years
haa only niied one meeting. He was
out of the county and could not gil
home. The lodg is In a flourishing
condition and is doing good work.
Mia. J. G. Bounett haa been report d
aeriously ill. ' -
Mrs. Juinesand Sadie James visited,
Poitlaud Thursday.
Several real estate transfers iu Mil
waukie this week.
Mrs. T. M. Rogers ia veiy eku, but
slowly convalescent. ::
Mr. Young, a prominent young at
torney of the elate, is spending a few
days with his parents. '
The fishermen hay they average, o..e
fish to the net that is almost An many as
MrYl. caught while trout fishing a few
weeks ago.
A lady asked yuur humble correspon
dent how he knew when anyone want, d
their name iu the paper. ' He remarked
"They will come iu and say 'now I have
a new umbrella and don't want you to
put it in the aper. " .Well, I will n it
mention your name Ibis time;
Miss Harting spent Thursday visiting
Oak Grove friends.
Mr. Johnsou, of Minthoin, is fencing
in some Iota near his house for a car
den spot.
The confirmation services at iheEpise
pal church were largely attended. Tlrey
were conducted in a very impressive
manner by the Most hev.. Bishop Mor
ris, bishop of Oregon, assisted by Rev.
Davis, of Portland. Next Sunday there
will be services of an extraordinaiy na
ture to which all are invited to be pres
Mrs. Workman entertained a few
friends from Portland Sunday.
Julius Biontz, our up to dale florbt,
reports business rushing so much so that
he has to keep a luted .nan. It is re
ported that the hired man is a lover of
A. Lehman was down from Can by
Sunday and reports school work flour
ishing in that suction. .
The teachers of the German Methodist
Sunday school had a meeting Sunday
afternoon and reported all the teachers
present and much encouraged iu the
good work. This is an extraordinary
task on the part of the teachers and is
worthy of consideration.
Mr. llively has purchased the place
owned by Mr. Polly.
April 25. Wh'kn.
Real Estate Transfers.
fTbe Clackamas Abstract & Trust Co.
which furnishes this report, is the owner
of the copyright to the Thome system of
uhsract indexes for Clackamas county,
and bus the onlvcompletesetof abstracts
in the county; can furnish information
as to title to land at once on application.
Loans, investinenst. real estate, abstracts
etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City.
A Ayers. et al, to J V Smith, tract
14. Atkinson . 250
0 A Elliott to A B Elliott, 1 rod
wide on north side ot seJi oi swa
sec 9, 2 s, 3 e 1
J It Heater ty A German, 12a. 18
acres in I M Foster elm 1000
S 0 driestly to C Kerr, 5 acres in H
Campbell elm. 1 s, 2e 1000
G R E Association to J Rauch.lots
15 and 10, bin 7o, uiaustone ouu
J Bohmo to A Bobertson, lot 10,
blk 9, Park Add 750
F Hesse to J Boelirae, lot 10, blk 9,
Park Add . 200
H E Cross to F Hesse, lot 10, blk
9, Park Add 200
Clackamra County to J T Apperson
It's easy to
haul a big 1
load op
big hill if 1
vou crease
tne -wagon
wheels with
MICA Axle 6raasa
OM a box and lni wby It's the
hpat rreafle Ter due on ma mxie.
Bold everywhere. Made by
$40 CASH $40
For the Best Wheel Ever Made '
Fitted with the Special Heavy Tread
G. & J. Tires
Next to the Rambler in Quality and Trice is the
Fitted with
G & J Tires
(20 Year Pioneer)
105-107-109-11 Sixth St., PORTLAND, ORE.
Burmeister & Andresen
.. , AGENTS, Oregon City, Ore.
BRANCHES Spokane, Tacoma, Seattle
lot 17, blk "D," Park Place, lease
of gravel pit
N P G C M Assoc! ition to A
Kleprel. lots 1 and 2, blk 2. lot
11, blk 3, Oak Grove 100
SAD Puter t United Btite. se'f,
sec 16, 5 s, 0 e ' ; Act of Congress
Stats of Oregon to 8 A D Puier,s),
sec 10, 6se., 400
C Feigtison to Clackamas County,
road along Fergmon elm estab-
lishiiient of road
II Hotmail t C Hotmail, n. of
en4 and a!' of Chan Cutting
cl in 1
IS Baxter to C A Baxter, lota 7 and
8, Green Po nt 1
H Bchroeder to F Scnroeder, 5 acres
near Crow elm 600
O & G R R to J Crumbly dm,
" lots 3 and 4, sec 23, t s, 3 ' 0
ROOS On the 23d imt.,'to Mr.
Airs. Philip Roos, a son
STRONG On the 23d Inst., infant child
of ir. and Mrs. Geo. E. Strong. '
Oregon City Market Report.
! - ' Corrected April 26.
Wheal No. 1 merchantable, wagon
wheat, 6oi: per bush.
Flout Portland, in qr. sacks, $3 50.
" Dayton, " " 3 65.
" Howard, $3 30.
" Fisher, $3 30.
Oats in sucks White, 45c per bushel ,
gray, 4ou per bush.
Bran $15; aborts, 16.
Butter Ranch, 3540c per roll.
Eggs 15c per dozen.
Potatoes fl 50 per tack.
Bacon Hams ,10$lle; sides, 78cj
shoulders, 7'ac, lard, 8)a;9e.
Livestock and Dressed Meats Beef,
live, 31i4.'i,c; hogs, live, 44,c; bog
dressed, 5?4(S0c; sheep, 4(g4 50 per
head; veal, dressed, 77)io.
Gdastone Cars
East Side Railway
liavi i leavi
0ud9toni oreooncitv
0:110 a m 7:00 a m
7 :50 8 :20
8:40 9:10
10:05 10:35
10:65 11:20
11:40 12:05 pm
12:45pm 1:00
1 :50 2 :20
2:40 3:05
3:25 4:00
4 :L'0 4 :55
5:40 0:10
7:10 9:00
Southern Pacific RR
9 :27 A M 8 :40 A M
6 :52 v M 3 :36 P M
7 :05 a m 7 :00am
7:50 7:45
8:35 8:30
9 :20 9 :00
10:05 10:00
10:50 10:45
11:35 11:30
12:20 pm12:15p.m
1 .U5 1 :00
1 :50 1 :45
2:35 2:30
3:20 3:15
4 :05 4 :00
4 :50 4 :45
5 :35 5 :30
6:20 6:15
7 :05 7 :00
7:50 7:45
8:20 8:30
9:15 9:15
10:30 10:30
12:50 11:40
9:0(1 a.m. 17:00 a.m,
1 :30 p.m. 1 1 a.m,
5:30 p. in. ,3 :30 p. in
to Mil-
Beautiful Skin.
If you desire a
and Iresti complexion use
Dr. Bourdon's French Arsenic Complexion Wafers
The only reliable beautfier of the complexion, skin and form known. In the direc
tion for which they are intended their effects are simply magical, the most as
tonishing transformation in personal appearance being brought about by their
steady use, producing, the WIZARD'S TOUCH in producing, preservingj and en
hancing beauty of form by surely developing a transparency and pellucid clear
ness of complexion, shapely contour of form, brilliant eyes, soft and smooth skin
where by nature the reverse exist. Even the COARSEST AND MOST REPUL
SIVE SKIN AND COMPLEXION marred by freckles, moth, blackheads, pimples
and vulgar redness, yellow and muddy skin and other facial disllgurements are per
manently removed and a delicately clear and refined complexion assured, en
hancing a lady's loveliness beyond her most extravagant expectations.
Ladies You Can be Beautiful
no matter who you are or what your disfigurement may b, yon can be as hand
some as any lady using DR. BOURDON'S FRENCH ARSENIC WAFERS. Price,
.Small Box, 50c. Large Box $1.00, or special order of six large boxes, $5.00,
Sent to your address under plain cover on the receipt of theabove amount. Send
I or free circular.
IDEAL $20 $25 $30
Executor's Notice, .
Notice Is hereby given that the under
signed has been dulv appointed hy the
r..n.. - - of PI ... L ..... n P. ... .1 1 W
Oregon, executor of the last will of
Charles fcv. Murray, deceased, lata nf
aaid county. All persons having claims
against said estate are required to pre
sent the same with proper vouchers to
me or mv attorney, C. H. Dve, Esq ,
at his office, cor. 6th and Main Bta ,
Oregon CUy, Oregon,, within six mouths
from l he date of tins notice.
Dated at Oregon City, O egon. March
22ml A. V. 1899.
Charles h. Mnrrav,
Executor as aforesaid
Administratrix's llot'ce.
Notice is herehv given that the under
signed has been duly appointed adminis
tratrix ol the estate ol Jamea Crook
shank, deceased. All clitima against
aaiil estate must he filed with me at mv
resilience near Minnyside postofhVe,
Clackamas County, uregon, or wit li mv
attorney, C. II, Dve, corner of Sixth and
Main streets, Oregon City, Oregon
within six months from the date of
this notice.
Administratrix of the alove named
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, April
5, 1899.
Contact Notice.
Department of the tn erior.Unltrd Siatra
Land OtRoe, Or. gon City, Oregon, April 13
18U9. A surDclenl contest sffl Invit tisving
been filed iu this t til by flume H. Grsy,
contestant, atralnst homestead entry No
11M7, made August 14, 1893, for te4 section
24, tp 7 s, r 2 e, by James Neely, tn which it
is 1 1 eged th.it the sniil James Neely. iu
Ceaseit, during his lifetime, i.evrr i.-lll il
upon or euliivr. ed any lrtii n f raid tr ci
at ai y ihti.i.I or. at all and never e.-t;.b-lished
r. aiilence mi sulil traet after making
said entry; that 'he I eirs and legnl rep e
sentstlvesof ssld James N.ely, derea ed,
have whohy ab'ind ned said tract fur nwie
than lw lvi month- last pa-t and n- xt r'or
to the dale i'f asld contest ullldavlt, r i,
March 31. 1MI9, anil ever since I lie death oi
ssid eiiiri niati, have wholl fal'ed to fulfil
any of 'he reqtiireine'ils of ths ,iw 1 lie
heirs and Icirnl r pre eniaiivej of si.id
Jnmes Nei Iv, deceased, are he-eby not lied
l app'iir, rexpond ai.d H-r eyhhne
touching said a legxtion at 10 nVI ck, a iu.
on May 27, MM. before the itglsti r and
Receiver at the United 8 a:es Lund Olllce
in Oregon Ci ty . Oregon.
The said conteitant having, tn a proper
affidavit, tile t April 3.1S!I0, set forth fa-Ms
which show that alter due diliKenfe person
al service of tills notice can not be mode, II
is hereby ordered and directed lliat sui b
notice be given by due and proper publica
tion. Ciia8. B Mookes, Usglster.
W. Galloway, Receiver. '
liy Treaaiirer's Kullee.
Notice is hereby given that there are
sufficient funds on hand in the general
fund of Oregon City to pay all outstand
ing warrants endorsed prior to Decem
ber 1, 1890. Interest cease with the
date of tliis notice.
II. E. Straight,
City Treasurer.
Oregon City, Oregon, November 22,
transparent, clear
Assignee's Sale.
Nolica is hereby given that the under
signed, as assignee of the estate of Hamil
ton Bros and Geo. A. Il.iiiiiltoii and K C,
Hamilton, insolvent debtors, will sell at
public unci ion to the hiuhte-t bidder
or cash in hand, at the front door of tlio
court bouse, In Oregon City, Oregon, lit
10 o'cloi a m., on Katnrdav. the 2lttli
day of Apiil A. !., 1899, the equities in
the following deacrnieil real esiiiie ami
personal uropeity belonging to tlm ce
ntal n( said insolvent debtors:
That certain tract ol land, known ae
the "China Gardens, " consisting of
about 10 acres in the H. Straight l. !.
0., more particularly described aa fol
lows, towit :
Commencing at a point in the center
nf the county road leading troin Oreaon
City to Portland, on the division line
between laud (formerlv) owned by Shaw
on the north, and Emily Mmitli on tho
south, said beginning point also D ing;
38 73 chains south an I 14 40 chains
weat. from the ntniter sec-lion corner lie
tween sections 20 and 20, t 2 , r 2 , of
the Willamette meridian, ami running
thence with the county Mad aouth 31
deyreea, west 6 21 chains to the inter
section with the division line between
land (formerlv) nwiieilbv Eiuilv Smith
and II. I.. I.. C'l.irk, thence with-anl
division line north 85 der-es west, 27.'.'8
chain to land deeded m II. K Cio4
and owned by cannery company ; thence
Willi east line ol said eannerv company
north 5 degrees, east 3 03 chuins. thence
with north line nf said cannery company
north 5 degiees, west 5.75 chains to low
water mark of Willamette river; thence
along aaid river at low water line down
atresia noitli 13 deer es, west 2 55
chains to intersection of division line be
tween aaid tShaw trad and Smith tract;
thence with aaid division line south 8(1
degrees, 45 minutes, east 36.70 chains to
place of beginning, containing 17.67
acres, excepting right of wav of 8. P.
Co's. Railroad and E 0. Ruilwav, and
also excepting Iherelro n a tract 10 xl00
feet, sold to M. K. Minkler, for de
scription see page 40.1, hook 3tt of r.eor-l
of deeds of Clackam is Conntv, Oregon,
so excepting a tract 75x1011 feet, lying
west of said lnOxlOO f--et tract, and being
75 feel on the, nnrt-i side, the tract con
veyed being a bon I 10 acres. Hun volumo
00, psire 209, deed records of said County
and State.
The aiores.ild in'ereit being "nhjoct to
a in r 1 gage lien of a thousand dollars
and Interest at 10 HT'-enl since I lie 10 li
day of Hep'emher, 1814. el mi j M-t to mi
trust deed to secure t ie sum of $2500 on
with h there U a balance d f 1 1,2-1(1 10
and intcre;t at 10 p- r cunt tr on January
1. 1899, al o
The equitv of -ai l Insolvent nst.ite In
lot 6, tihs-k 20, (ilals'one, Clackamas
Countv Oregon. Hilje 1 1 a b.ihiuc..' Jue
thereon of about $t0 . 11U0
The equity of s dd e t it.i in thet-er-tain
notes anil aceoin ti of Itamijton
Bros, smnnnting to about t'.'O'lO nssimied
t i J, A. Tslhert, et al , sutiject 1 1 a lien
of $317.80. also
Notes and accounts of tlm value nf
about $535 3(1 pledged ti A. flu .1 lor a
debt of $300 ami interest, nU
Notes and accounts of a'ont $.'000
assigned t- W. II. Smith and by him
held as a collateral secnritt- t t'n debt
Secured by the trust deed to the 'China
Gardens" hereinbefore relened to, also
The equity in ce. t lin n-.t.'-i an t 110-count-i
ftinoiliit'ng 1 1 $113 27, us-igued
to .1. A. Talhert iib cullateriil secoritv for
a debt of $185.
That this sale is made hv direction of 1
Hon. Thomas Mcltrnlu, Jn Igo of t'm
Circuit Court of Clackannis C mute Ore
gon, by order dutdd February ! ". l t.l.
I!. It. 1. Vt II.I.IAMM, ASHIgllLiU.
Dated March 211. lSHII.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice la herehv given that tlm un
dersigned has been duly apioinil by
the Uoiinty Court, of (.lackamns Go'inly,
Oiegon, administrator i f the imIu'o ol'
Michael Livelle, deiva -ed. Any a i l .ill
per-ons having claims agninsi. hiii-I i s
tutu are require I to pi'cs.mt tho snnnt to
me, duly verill-d according to hi v, at mv
res den. e in Highland piui iuct, or to my
attorney, C. II. live, al his oilicn 111 (ho
gon City, Oregon, within six. 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 h
(rain the dale of this Hot int.
Hautiioi.omkw Ski.i.ivan,
AminiHtrafor of the ICslatu of Michnol
Lavclh', deceased.
Dated at Oregon Oil v. Oregon.,
March 28, l.S'JO.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby given thai tho under
signed ndministiatrix of the estate of
John I.tiis. d'-ccaufd, lias filed in tho
County Court of Clackamas County,
State of Oregon, her Una! report, as sin h
administratrix of said estate, and that
Monday, tho 1st day of May A. 1).,
18!)!, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. 111., has
been set by the said County Court as
the time for hearing of objections to said
report and the sottlcmnnt of mild estate,
(NosANNAii Lain,
Administratrix of the estate, of John
Lais, deceased.
Dated at Oregon City, March 15, 18!)9.
Notice to Creditors.
In the County Court of the Statu of
Oregon, for the County of Cliickiimns.
In the matter of the estate, of Charles
1', Thore, deceased.
Notice is hereby given by tho under
signed, executor of the estalo of
Charles P. Thorn, deceased, to tho crndi
tors of, and all persons having claims
against the said deceased, to present
them, with tho necossary vouchers,
within six months from tho publication
of this notice, to the said executor, at
Ida ollice in Oregon City, Clackamas
County, Oregon,
Fhankun T. GniFFTir, Executor.
Hkdqkm ic Gkikkitii, Attorneys for Ex
ecutor. Dalod March 10, 1800.
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned has been duly appointed by
the County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, administrator of
the estate of Noise P. Hanson, deceased.
All persons having claims against the
aaid estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present the same to me proper
ly verified, as by law required, at my
residence at Mortenson & Hansen's saw
raill.in Clackamas County, Oregon, with
in six months from date hereof,
Wm. Mokthnsom,
Administrator of the estate of Noise P.
Hansen, deceased,
F. G. Euv,
Attorney for the said cstata and ad ml
istrator, Woodburn, Oregon.
Dated this 8th day of March 1899.