THE INDEPDENENCE MONITOR A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER- . Published Weekly at Independence, Polk County, Oregon, on Friday. tillered as itctnd Clas Mtutr AuguM 1, 1U at tb lost Office at Ind yenflence, Polk County, Oregon, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. HURLEY S DODGE, PROP 'E G. A. HURLEY, EDITOR Suwwripuon Rates: Cue Year 51.50 Stricily In Advance ADVERTISING SATES: 15c. per Inch tor one insertion, 12 l-2c for two 01 more Insertions, 10c. on moi.thly contracts. Riders. 1 tent a word. Independence, Oregon, Saturday, July 6, 1918 There lire about 5,000 Germans and passed ordering repair of interned in the United States. "(Jot Koeks" can't take them with liitu when lie passes on niid fh.. m'w inheritance tax makes walk in front of Sperling proper ty and P. Kirkland property. Street committee reported walk in front of Keteliem property had . . i .. i ii, "Thee" almost feel like spend- .epa.reu tl,m one front of Kirkland property had nig them. j . . , . " already heeu repaired. That income tax law is Home , 111,11 lilt mm. ia j j little silieczer aim gem "oi'iy -m . i .... : i .... c.n ,..., . I t i m in ftt minimi n the ri;'h'st and Home of "the iiwir 1 -h, too. Tl. more you have the I p Firemen for drills Polk County Post $80,00 13.8.) 35.00 2.50 1.25 65.00 A. C. Moore F. R. Arrell Weeds on the Stark property cut down. Fred Young nominated and elected city treasurer, J. II. Wilson of Corvftllis em ployed to expert hooks of city treasurer's office. Council adjourned. NOTICE AH persons indebted to Dr. C. V. Cropp for professional, service will kindly pay their bill to Fletcher & Barrick and take their receipt for the amount. 0. F. Cropp, M. D. KA1SH Ml'I.KS. The Mam inouth Kentucky Jack, Sure Paymaster No. 427:1, will make the season at the Gilbert and Pat terson farm at Kola. BAPTIST CHURCH rn more you pay TJtese husky boys who like a soft job jumping counters are bidding tbeir fond jobs adieu. They must go to the tall timber or back to the farm. Some warm the first of the week. Don't blame the girki if they wear low nock dresses pnd short sieves, etc., etc. Necessity knows no conventions. Nope none. The rule in every line is cut down expenses. This is a univer sal practice. The local merchant .lot s not get to speculate but he bears a great ileal of the burden of the speculators. More than 700,000 tons of cer eal foodstuffs were shipped to the allies from North America during Aliay,'. according to the Food Administration. April shipments were more than 800, 000 tons. An order has gone into effect that soldiers in France may give their exact locution. Those hav ing relatives in the army over seas should hegiii to look up their gc ographies and maps for it will be finite a relief. The war nows July 4 was quite n welcome. The Teuton leader, Ludeiido'lY. admitted Germany was defeated and that she could not whip the world. The rest of the world has thought that 'or some time but Germany ias re fund to admit heretofore. A report in the Portland Kee ord itbstnn-t shows that the Ulinix r SUM K Ol uir V."-l.-U . whs ivduced hv lM(,lnl teci I FT? last we-k, being the excess of j tin- shipments over th prctuc j ti,n. In t!:. liwt five weeks this! AH piekers wMtmsr to r. irivtrr aggregates r:?,r"8,327 feet. D is i to pick the early hops on the therefore e idem that the needs j Wk'Heb. rat-eh nr- requested to for Ineibei m e now greiter t !tr.n ! so ;t oree by mn!l on'y find, on our mauufacturies arc produe'ng. I receipt of nvne a registry card . v id be forwarded, as there will Citv Co'.mv'I Has Busy Session be only a liu'ed number renur- Wednesday Evening. d. We expect the pieking ti . j commence a1 out August 2"th. itseil met in regrdarj Pt iei .".() eents per box. e-.-d.iy eveidr.g, the' AKo r.vties f day men lY.r early 1 ic.'e -ps. j Vi;,.ii Cii'!.;irdin S Co I..;., ) t Rev. V. P. Stewart, association- al pastor of the Paptist church, w-hesp pome is in MeMumville, !ms been vViting the loe:"l Paplist congregation this week and look ing after the interests of the church, lie will conduct services in the Paptist church next Sun day morning and evening. A general invitation is given the public to attend these services. The ei'y c se-s'on Wed ru:v - rind v. 11 members of t council bcinc present. (Power 4. .armni The world today is demand ing of every man the maximum , of his earning: power. Are you ! seping your earn ' ing power up o the high stand ard? There'i only one way tc do this- Eal Pure, Full Strength raods We have a reputation for handling nothing ; but the BEST GROCERIES trainable. The best is none to cod for our cusr. mers, and we spare ' neither expense nor troubie . procure it. ; Caibreath S Jones 1 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Elizabeth levy TEACHEt IM VIOLIN 563 Court Street, Salem DR. L. E. BARRICK , . t . , t Giving lessons in Independence to Dentist beginners and sdvanced students. BeBt Cooper Bulldlnjt Independence of methods. Prices reasonable. Ia- quire Monitor office orwtiteMiss Levy. ' V. u Hiwirr r. o. hewett 7G21 Residence Phones 3622 IlK WKAl U HEWITTS HEWETT UU 1 1 11 l,r" W Physicians and Sureonf i THE Cooper Euildlng Independence lnc' D. E. ELETCHER C W. BARRICK M Q fj J) j f f Q FLETCHERS BARRICK Attorneys at Law ' - - ----- Cooper huildtnti Indedendence j BUSINESS ITEM NOTES B..T. SWOPE CECIL SWOPE SVVOPE S SWOPE A good pair of reading Attorneys at Law glasses 'or $1.00 at O. A. I. O. O. F. Building Independence Kreamer'S. Calling cards at the Monitor : Yamoreg Collection Agency z j McMlnnville, Oregon I GETS ilCSULIS. KLS TiiZ SL42E l.MHi WANTED: Sawmill oik; $3.00 and up, sight . -. .. hours. U. K. Spaulding ADVERTISE , '"'fSi"s Co" sm' 0r' IIERCP'S CLEANING COMPANY U A. LochriCge 6 Co., rop's Cleaning, ami rtsing. Ort'.e. taken for wade to nie.ivT' fc,iits. Fit and satif tioa ptmrantecd A. E. Anderson and M. Borne Lines on hand forSa'e. See ns for Prices PHONE 1221 INDEPENDENCE i,