Independence monitor. (Independence, Or.) 1912-19??, November 07, 1912, Image 4

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County Fruit Inspector Parke
Notifies Stores
The law Repiiires the
Destruction of Diseased
and Infected Fruit and
Independence Stores
J. S. Parker, county fruit in
BDector of Polk county, made a
personal visit to Independence
a few days aeo and notified all
stores to recsive only well se
lectedfood that would comply
with pure food law.
A great deal of fruit is brought
to market that is wormy and
otherwise infected and bo long
as the law was not enforced no
attention was paid. The result
is that much poor fruit has been
brought to the market and sold.
This action on the part of the
fruit inspector requiring only
good fruit to be sold by the mer
chatas is an irv.i crative law.
Thelcounty court appoints the
fruit inspect or, whose duty it is
to inspect fru i civhards and fruit,
enforce the laws now in force re
garding growing, handling and
selling of fruit, fruit trees and
nursery stock, which authority
is vested in section 5482 of the
Btatutes of the state.
Some of the provisions of the
law are Sec. 5499. It shall be
unlawful for any peason, firm or
corporation to import or sell any
infested or diseased fruit of any
kind in the state of Oregon
Sec. 5496 makes it the duty of
any person, firm or corporation
owning a fruit orchard, if infect
ed with any kind of insects
pests or diseases to spray or de
8troy the same in such a manner
, as the county fruit inspector
may request. Tne law also de
clares an orchard infested by
pests, diseases or fungous growth
is a public nuisance. In order
to make the law effective a pen
altyof $25 as a minumum fine
and $100 as a maximum fine has
been made effective in Sec. 5501
of the state law for refusal to
comply with the law.
Civil Powr of Earth Ars About to
Unit In Common Cauoo Powerful
InRuanoo Prcoarina For th Battl
of Armageddon A Rolgn of Anarchy
Will Ba th Raault of th War-far
Until Tha Maaaiah Takaa Control.
mentv of boidb will be strangled by tbe i iDlf n;jnlnst Cud.'' be'uuse of their luck
,, tar M?
Brooklyn, N. I,
Nor. 1-TIji
Brooklyn Academy
of Moilc was
crowded to the lim
it today to bear
P a a t o r Russell'
discourse on tbe
"Battle of Arnia
jreddon." Ola text
waa: "lie gathered
them together unto
a placa called In
tbe Hebrew tongue
The speaker Bald
m t t
i. Ij. 1 1 tinman moved in
town last week for the wint
Chas, Iinrford of Sivleni
was in town a few days this
Ch'i . Ltahninn from Simp
son .... u was in town Wednesday.
John (J round of tlieLuck-
iamutew'.s in town the fiit
of the wcjk,
Phy Simpson of the Simp
son Ioginn Co. was anions
us during trie week.
J. J. Dave returned from
Co vnllis where lie 1ms an in-lei.'-t
in a crop jf hops.
Fru'ilv Kt lly a ml Adam
ltar-ki-; were visitors to Tur
ner ll. first of the week.
Mi Oenriin Hrnmboiy,
wit h ii'Hcliin thti school in
P.ukr sieiit Saturday will
her father here, returning it
her ?t. liool work Sum
nioi r. i u.
H. .! Taylor was a passe n
jrm to Portland Snturl
nieetii.;' Mrs. Taylor who has
been ;oinlin u few weeks.1
with her daughter. Mis
War. ii in I'atein U'ahii'j;
ton, li
returning Monday
Slart!i;;j teciitatlon of Com
ing Events.
Churches of All Denomination and tha
(Revelntlffi svL 18.)
ArmiigeiMrm In tbe Hebrew signifies
the "Hill of Meglddo," or Mount of De
tructlon. It wag famoua a a battle
Oeld In Old Testament time.
Tbe Lord hits aeen fit to associate the
Dame Armageddon, with the great con
troversy between Truth and Error.
right and wrong, God and Mammon,
with which thin age will close, periah,
and tbe New Age of Messlub's glory
be unbered In. lie has purposely used
bigbly symbolical flgurea of speech In
tbe last book of tbe Bible, evidently
with a view to biding certain impor
tant truth until tbe due time for their
reveal meiit liut even in tbe due time,
the lilble assures ua, "None of the
wicked shall understand" (Daniel xll.
9, 10 none who are out of heart har
mony with God but only the wise of
Uis people the "wise virgin1 class of
the Master parable.
I have long avoided presentation of
my -understanding of our text and It
context I take It up now by request
and because I believe It la due time to
be understood. I disclaim any special
Inspiration. In some particular my
views agree with those of other Bible
students, and In other respect they
disagree. Each hearer must use bis
own Judgment, do hi own Bible study,
and reach his owd conclusion.
Kindly remember that 1 am not re
sponsible for tbe figures of speech nsed
by the Lord. My interpretations do In
deed constitute terrible arraignment
of Institutions whlph we have all rever
enced and which embrace good people,
of good words and good works. God'
saintly people In these various instlto
uona, being comparatively few, ere
Ignored when system as whole are
dealt with In prophecy.
The Dragon, Beast, Falsa Prophet.
Our context tell us that three 1m
pure spirit (teachings) will go forth
from the mouths of the Dragon, tbe
Boaatandtbe False Prophet, and these
three will be In accord, and symbolical
ly the doctrines are represented by
"frogs." These three doctrine are to
have a mighty influence throughout the
civilized earth. They are to gather
the kings and their armies to the great
Battle of Armageddon.
The ecclesiastical kings and princes.
and their retluue of clergy and faith
fill adherents, will be gathered In solid
phalanx Protestant and Catholic. The
kings and captains of Industry, and a
many as can be Influenced by them,
will te gathered to the same side. The
political kings and princes, with all
their henchmen and retainers, will fol
low in line ou the same side. The
flnnnclnl kings and merchant prince,
and all whom they can Influence by the
most gigantic power ever yet exercis
ed In the world, will loin the same
side, according to this prophecy.
These "doctrine of demons," repre
sented by the "frog." will lead many
noble people In this great army to as
sume an attitude quite contrary to
their preference. For a time the
wheels of liberty and progress will be
turned backward and medieval re
strnlnts will te considered necessary
for self-preservation for the mainte
nance of the present order of things.
In Riving tills Interpretation, it Is
oeceHHiiry for us to Indicate what is
symbolized by the Dragon, the Rennt.
and the False Prophet Bible students
of nearly all denominations agree with
a that tbe "Dragon" of Hevelnt'
represents the purely Civil Po ., . .
Protestant Interpreters generally ntr ,
that the "Reast like a leopard" (Itevi
Intlon xlll, 2i represents the Pnpnc.v
Hut fewer still, we fear, will be remlv
to support our view that Protantiintlsm
Is tbe "Image of the Beast" (Revelation
till, In) In our context given another
name, "the False Prophet" We urge
no one to accept our Interpretation
nor shall we think bard of any wlm
refuse It We will neither slander ivu
other wine, injure them now, nor threat
en them with eternal torture. Tin-
have tbe same rtght to their views Hi i
1 have, and the same right to mat,
them known to others. And I. fi
no. will he very glnd to consider anv
thlnii which opponents may set fort I
as their Interpretations of our text
"Unolssn eolrits Like Froos."
The aymho w of Scripture, right
ly iiudorat" always forcefv
When th" plrlt used a "froir
U ayml represent carta n
doctrine or tc!. : , we may b?
ure the true apt ... ... ..n will lit weli
A frog has a wiui- (,Hk. a wise In. .k
it swell Itself op in an apparent
deavor to Impress tbe beholder, i
(treat mouth well represents Its ct-i
power, used to crosk.
Applying these symbols, we leiri
that an evil spirit, Influence, tea"i.n:
will come from the Protestant cIim.- p.
federated, from the Church of Kouie
and from the Civil authorities, all lu
full agreement The spirit of ill will
ba boastful; an atr of superior wisdom
nd knowledge will be proudly assumed-all
will cronk in harmony All will
tell of dire results that would follow.
Involving the Interests of both the
present and tntt future life. If their
counsel be not f allowed However con
flicting th cretds, (he differences will
tie Ignored In the general proposition
that nothing r tic-lent must be disturb
ed, or looked into, or repudiated.
The Divine KiUnorlty of the Church. I
ind the Divine ilrbt of kings, aside
from tbe Church, wtu not be allowed
to conflict Any persona or teachings
In conflict with these boastful and un
scrtptural claims will be branded aa
everything rile, at the mouths of these
frogs" speaking from pulpits and
platforms and through the reltsloua
and secular pre The nobler lenU
philosophy of the same evil spirit
whlcb spoke through Calapuaa. the
high priest, respecting Jesus. As Caia
pha declared it expedient to commit
a crime in violation of justice, human
and Divine, to be rid of Jesus and UU
teaching, so tlila "frog" spirit will ap
prove of every violation of principle
necessary to their self-protection.
The croaking of these "frog" spirits or
doctrine will gather the king and
princes, financial, political, religious
and Industrial into one great army
The snlrlt of fear, inspired by tbe
croaklngs of these "frogs," will scourge
tbe passions of otherwise good and
reasonable men to fury, desperation
In their blind following of these evil
spirits, evil doctrines, they- will be
ready to sacrifice lift and everything
od tbe altar or wnat tney mistuKeniy
suppose Is Justice, truth and righteous-
oess, under a Divine arrangement
For a brief time, aa we understand
the Scrlpturos. these combined forces
of Armugeddon will triumph. Free
speech, free malls, and other liberties
which hnve come to be the very breath
of tbe masses In our day, will be ruth
lessly shut off under the flea of neces
sity, the glory of God, the commands
of tbe Church, etc. All will seem to be
serene, until the great social explosion
In our context described as the "great
Earthquake." An "earthquake," in
symbolic language, signifies social
revolution, and the declaration of the
context I that none like onto It ever
before occurred. (Revelation xvl. 18,
10.) Jesus described it a a time of
trouble such as never was Blnce there
Was nation. Matthew ixlv, 21.
Th Lord Will Gather Thsm.
Tbe false, frog-like teaching will
gather together Into one host the great
tbe rich, tbe wise, tbe learned and the
king of tbe earth, to bnttle. At this
Juncture Divine Power will step for
ward, and our text tells ua that UK
hall gather the marshaled boats to
Armageddon to tbe Mountain of De
tructlon. The very thing which they
ought to avert by their union, federa
tion, etc., will be tbe very thing they
HI hasten. Other Scriptures toll us
that God will be represented by the
Great Messiah, and that lie will be on
the side of tbe masses. Thus we rend
In Daniel xll, 1: "At that time shall
Michael (tbe Godlike One-MesslabJ
stand up" assume authority. Ue will
take possession of ills Kingdom in a
manner little looked for by many of
those who erroneously have been
clulinlng that they were Ills Kingdom,
and authorized by Him to reign in Uis
name and In His stead.
Jeans declared, "Ilia servants ye are
onto whom ye render service." Some
may be rendering service to Satan and
to error, who claim to be rendering
service to God and to righteousness;
and some of these may be serving lg
norantly, as did Baul of Tarsus, who
"verily thought that he did God a serv
Ice" in persecuting the Church. The
same principle holds true reversely.
As an earthly king does not hold him
self responsible for the moral character
of each soldier who fights in his bat
tles, so tbe Lord does not vouch for tbe
moral character of all who will enlist
and Oglit on Uis side of any question
Uis servants tbey are to whom they
render ervlce," whatever the motive
or object prompting them.
The same principles will apply In the
coming Rattle of Armageddon. God'
aide of that battle will be the people's
side, and the very nondescript host
the people, will he pitted at the begin
ning of the battle. Anarchists, Social
ists, and bot-hended radical of every
school of reason and unreason, will be
In tbe forefront of that battle. The
majority of the poor and the middle
class prefer pence at almost any price.
A comparatively small number, God's
consecrated people, will at heart be
longing for Messiah's Kingdom. These
will bide the Lord's time and wait pa
tlently for It; they will be of good
courage, knowing the outcome outlined
In the "more sure word of prophecy,"
to which tbey have done well to take
heed, "as nnto a light shining In a
dnrk place until tbe Day dawn." II
. 19
The masses will be restless of their
restraints, but will be conscious of
their own weakness as compared to tbe
kings and princes, financial, religious
and polltlcii. which will then bold
way. Reside, the masses have no
sympathy with anarchy. They realize
truly that the worst form of govern
ment Is better than none. The masses
will sect relief through the ballot and
peaceful re-adjustment of earth's sf
fairs for the elimination of evil, for
the placing of monoottes and utilities
and the supplies of unture In the hands
of the people for the public good. The
crisis will be reached when the hither
to upholders of law shall become vio
lators of the law and reslsters of the
will of the majority as expressed by
the ballot Fear for the future will
lead the well-meaning masses to desper
ation; and anarchy will result when
Socialism fulls.
The Cloud's Silver Lining.
Horrible would be this outlook for
the future did we not have the Infalli
ble Word of God assuring us of a
glorious outcome: Divine Wisdom tins
withheld until our day the great knowl
edge and skill which la at the same
time breeding millionaires and discon
tents. Had God lifted the veil a thou
sand years sooner, the world would
have lined up for It Armageddon a
thousand yours sooner. I'vt thnt
would have lieen too soon for the Di
vine purpose, liecsnse Messiah's King
dom Is to he the great Thousand-Year-Sabbath
of the worlds history
0hI In kindness veiled our eyes until
the time when the Blithering to Ar
niagtMlden would Immediately precede
MesNlsb's taking to Himself Ills g'-i-at
power, and heglnulng ills tvlgn.-lieve
1st ton xl, IT. IS.
"Send Thsm 8trong Dilutions."
Pt Paul wrote prophetically of our
time, that It would be one of serious
trial and testing to ninny professing to
De t lirtstiitn. The reason for this he
stutee they received not the Truth In
the lovi of It. (II Thessalonlans II, 10,
11.1 Tbey preferred their own errone
ous theories, the Apostle explains, and
therefore God will give them over to a
"strong delusion," aud let them believe
the Ue which tbey preferred, and let
them Buffer for missing the Truth j
which they did not love. Thns they l
will be In tbe condemned host.,"flght-
of love for the Truth.
It Is ssd to say that we sll a Chris
tlana have been laboring under a tbor
ough delusion respecting God's Plan.
We hnve claimed that Christ set up
His Church In Kingdom power, and
that the Church baa been reigning on
tbe earth aa HI representative. On
tbe strength of this delusion, Jews and
heretics have been persecuted to death
as opponents to Christ's Kingdom. All
the while we thoughtlessly repeatej
the Lord' prayer: "Thy Kingdom
come; Tby will be done on earth, as In
Heaven." We knew that the Redeemer
said that Ue would come again to
make us His Bride and Joint-heirs; but
we ignored the Scriptures. We were
drunk, as the Scriptures symbolically
say, "nil nations were drunk" with the
fnlse doctrine It Is this false doctrine
that will constitute the "frog" spirit
whlcb soon will begin to croak and to
prepare for Armageddon
Tbe Bible presentation Is that the
world Is a section of the universe In
rebellion against Divine authority, un
der the captaincy of Satan and his as
sociated fallen nngels. By Divine grace
Jesus hus already "tasted death for
every oiun. n rid the merit of that sac
rifice must, eventually, (.-runt Adam nnd
his posterity a full, fair opportunity
fo the attainment of everlnstlnu life.
Ail w ho thus see t lie Divine - program
and ure wnlUinglii the light may know
something at least respecting the "times
and seasons." These brethren "are
not In darkness, that that day (nnd
that bnttle of Armageddon should
overtake" them "as a thief un
ana res
Armageddon Not Yst but Soon.
For forty years the Armugeddon
forces hnve been mustering for both
sides of tile couillct Strikes, lockouts
and lints, great and suiull. have been
merely incidental skirmishes as the
belligerent purtles crossed ench other's
paths Court and Army scandals lu
IJurope. Insurance. Trust and Court
scundnls in America, have shaken pub
lie confidence. Dyniimlte plots, cliarg
ed by turns on employees and on em
ployers, hnve further shaken conn
deuce and tended to moke each dis
trustful of the other. Hitter and angry
feelings on both sides ure more and
more manifest. The lines of battle are
dally becoming more distinctly marked.
Nevertheless Armageddon cannot yet
be fought. Other mutters Intervene,
according to prophecy.
Gentile times have still two years to
run The "Image of the Beast" of our
context must yet receive life power
Tbe Image must be transformed from
a mere mechanism to a living force.
Protestnnt Federation realizes that Its
orguiiinllon will still be futile unless
It receive vitnlizutioii -unless its clergy
directly or indirectly shall be recog
ulzed ns possessed of apostolic ordlna
lion and authority to tench Tills the
prophecy Indicates will come from the
two horned lienst. which, we believe,
symbolically represents the Church of
England High handed activities of
Protestantism and Catholicism, operat
ing In conjunction for the suppression
of human liberties, iiwalt this vivifying
of the Iningc This inuy come soon,
but Armageddon cannot precede it, but
must follow perhaps a year after it
according lo our view of the Prophecy
Still another thing Intervenes; Al
though the Jews are gradually flowing
Into Palestine, gradually obtaining con
trol of the liinil of Canaan, and ul
though reports say that already nine
teen millionaires are there, .neverthe
less prophecy requires an evidently
larger nnnriier of wealthy Hebrews to
be there before the Armageddon crisis
be reached Indeed we understand
that "Jacob's trouble" In the Holy
Land will nunc at the very close ot
Armiigedilou Then Messiah' Klnc
dom will begin to he manifested
Thenceforth Israel In the land of prom
Ise will gradually rise froui the ashes
of the pas! to the grandeur of pmph
ecy Through Its Divinely appointed
princes Messiah's Kingdom, all power
fill but invisible, will begin t,i rob
whv the curse and to lift up mankind
Southern Pacific System
Passenger Number 1 leaves Inde
pendence for Corvallis at 10:45 a. m.
Passenger Number 2 leaves Inde
pendence for Portland 2:20 p. m.
Independence and Monmouth Line.
No. 66 leaves Independence daily at
2: 30 p. m. and Monmouth at 2:40 p. m.
and arrives at Dallas at 3:05 p. m.
No. 64 leaves Independence daily at
6:15 a. m. and Monmouth at 6:35 a. m.
and arrives at Dallas at 7:00 a. m.
No. 68 leaves Independence at 10:5
a. m., Monmouth at 11:05 a. m., and ar
rives at Dallas 11;30 a. m.
No. 70 leaves Independence at 6:15
p. m. and Monmouth at 6:30 p. m. and
arrives at Dallas at 6:55 p. m.
No. 61 leaves Independence at 6.30 a.
m. and Monmouth at 6;40 a. m., and
arrives at Airlie at 7:25 a. m.
No. 73 leaves Independence at 3:35 p.
m. and Monmouth at 4:10 p. m. and ar
rives at Airlie at 4:45 p. m.
No. 73 leaves Dallas daily at 3;rf0 p,
m. and Monmonth at 3:55.
No. 65 leaves Dallas daily at 8:30 a
m. and Monmouth at 8:55 a, m
m. and arrives at Independence at 9:15
a. m.
No. 69 leaves Dallas daily at 1:00 p
m. and Monmouth at 1:25 p. m. and ar-
rjvus at Independence at 1:40 p. m.
No. 71 leaves Dallas daily at 7:20 p,
m. and Monmouth at 7-45 p. m., and ar
rives at Independence at 8:05 p. m.
No. 62 leaves Airlie daily at 7:30
m, and Monmouth at 8:05 . m. and ar
rives at Independence at 8:15 a. m.
No. 72 leaves Airlie daily at 5:00 p,
m. and Monmouth at 5:35 p. m., and ar
rives at Independence at 5:45 p. m.
No. 121 leaves Independence daily at
8:20 a. m. nnd arrives at West Salem
at 9:00 a. t.i.
No 126 leaves Independence at 4:05
m and arrives at West Salem at
4:45 p. m.
No. 123 leaves West Salem daily at
9:50 a. m. and arrives at Independence
at 10:25 a. m.
No. 125 leaves West Salem daily at
5:0") p. m. and airivesat Independence
at 5:40 p. m.
Boat leaves Independence and con
nectsat East Independence as follows
No. 1 7:50 a. m. for Albany.
No. 5 10:30 a. m. " "
No. 9 4:15 p. m. " "
No. 13 5:25 p. m. " "
No. 8 7:50 a. m. for Portland and
Independence Chapter No.
R. A. M.
Meets every first Friday following
full moon of each monlh. '
Adah Chapter No. 34
O. E. S.
Meets Second and Fourth Tuesday
of each month in the Masonia Hall.
Margaret Pomeroy, Secretary.
Helen Kirk land. W. M.
Valley Lodge No. 42
i. o. o. r.
Meets every Thursday at 8 P. M. in
their own hall on corner Main and C
A. Moore, Sec. O. B. Travis, N. G.
Model Encampment No. 35
I. O. O. F.
Meets 5cond and Fourth Tuesdays
each month in I. O. O. F. Hall.
F. L. Hooper, S. C. W,
Electric Supplies
I am prepared to wire your building
for electric lights, furnish all materials
and prepare you to connect with the
Electric Light Company. Write me or
phone 4021 and I will call on you.
East Side of
Main Street
No. 12
No. 16
No. 20
No. 22
10:30 a. m. for Portland and
2:50 p. m for Portland and
5:25 p. m. for Portland and
8:20 p. m. for Portland and
I am planning on retiring from
dusiness and I must have my ac
counts settled. All persons in
bebted to me will please call and
ettle the ir accounts inside of the
next 30 days. I need t money
and am not prepared to extend
credit beyond that date.
Jas. lliliard.
Mails made up
8:00 a. m. for Salem.
10:15 for Dallas. Monmouth
south points.
2:00 p. m. for Monmouth and north
4:10 p. m. for Salem and east side
6:00 p. m. for Dallas and Mon
mouth. 8:00 p. m. for 6:10 a. m. train for
Dallas, Portland, etc.
Malls arrive
10:25 from Salem and east side
10:45 from Portland and north
.-points Monmouth and Dallas.
2:30 p. m. from Corvallis and south
5 p. m. from Portland and north
Lyon lodge No. 20
A. F. 8 A. M.
Meets every Saturday on or before
'he full rr"fn, nd two weeks there
after. Olaire Irvine, Sec. H. Mattison, W. M
Clover Leaf Rebakah Lodge No.
I. O. O. F.
Meets 1st & 3rii, Tuesdays of each
month in I. O. O. F. Hall.
Ruth Conkey, Sec. Edith West, N. G
Henkle, C. P , .
, Indepsncence
Homer Lodge No. 45
Meets every Monday in their Castle
Hall on Main and C streets.
J. W. Richardson, K. of R. & S.
H. f Mclnturff, C. C.
Independence Camp No. 201
Meets First and Third Fridays of
the month in their hall in the Camp
bell building on Main street.
Clair Thorp, Clerk O. D. Byers, C. C
Independence Circle No. 69
Meets Second and Fourth Fridays
W. O. W. Hall.
Independence Lodge No. 2 12
Meets Second and Fourth Wednes
days of each month in K. of P. Hall.
Ella Hart, Sec. Ida Collins, W. P.
Willamette Camp No. 7489
Meets Second and Fourth Wednes
days of each month in their own hail in
the Whiteaker building on Main street.
O. T. Solie, Clerk, 0. B. Travis, C.
Patronize home Institutions and Help
Buildup POLK COUNTY, Oregon
2 Al work Guaranteed.
Independence, Oregon
Fresh meats and everything clean and up-to-date.
Refrigerator accomodation. Meat bought in ar
lots, not from peddlers but direct from Port' d
Stock Yards. Why not get the best when it ts
no more? I am now located in my new building on
C street and would be pleased to have you call and
inspect our stock.
Independence, Oregon.
is Over
(saving is ooming;
tSz. iSSz- 2s-
Youwill WantOnet)f Those Up-to-Date Lisk Roasters
for your bi Thaksgivino; Turkey. They make Cooking
a pleasure and insure the right bake on that fine Turkey.
Something else is needed bsskhs the
Cooker snd the Cook '"Hs the Stivp
stove that makss the home hsppy, cooks the meal
jast right and is what you want this Thanksgiving.
After the turkey Is cooked comes tha Carving. ..Our sals are
the b2st...Next is the real pleasure the eating It with a SET cf
If it's wild game you purpose having you may
Chester" a "Remington" or a "Marlin" rifle or shot
want a Win
gun see ours
& CO.
Dealers in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Agricultural implements, Studebakerand Winona Wagons
! M !