INFORM ATION DEPARTMENT “Where Hose Comforts Abound” PO R TLAN D . ORE. MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. The Premier Municipal Bond House Government and Municipal Bond« THE BESTS IN MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark S t Established Over PORTLAND, ORE. Twenty-Five Years Phone Bdwy, 2151. AT HELIG THEATER V A U D E V IL L I Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Night* Sun. Mon. Tue*. W e d . A ftern oon * Show W e d . Night Occasionally. Nicks, 15c I* $1.00; Maine**. 15c I* 75c. m i $1 per day and op. Special monthly rate«. Out-of-town visitor* made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in same building. J. W . BUSHONG. Manager. 286 A lder St., cor. 4th. - P O R T L A N D . ORE H o te l A ld e r The pleasure of your trip to P ort­ land will depend upon the hotel you select. Coxy surroundings, moderate rates, and the welcome you find In your own home towa, await you at the Multnomah. Garage in Connection. AC CORDIAN P L E A T I N G ___ ___„ „ K n ife and box pleating, hemstitching, 10c yard Buttons covered. Eastern N ovelty M fg. Co., 96Vt F ifth . tract. Portland elry and watch rep 356 Washington St. AR TIF IC IA L LIM B * for Catalog. ________ 425 Wash St., P o r t land. I f it's snything in Music we have it. j. ’S irrafTTgflsimr Prices Burn eat & Martin C ity G a ra g e and Y ou Drive It Yourself. FEARING A ROBNETT 86 Tenth i t . near Stark. REASONABLE RATES. Also general garage buainaas. ORIENTAL CAFE Portland’s Famous Grill A M E R IC A N HAYNES-FOSTER B A K IN G CO. Portland. O regon. A s k Y o u r Grocer * * j and CHINESE DISHES. Service at all hour*. Music and Dancing. Meat jo u r friends here and enjoy your stay in Portland. Upstairs, corner Broadway and Washington Sts. DIXIE BREAD SALEM BAKING CO., Salem, Ore. BROOMS Keep the Northwest Prosperous by using Northwestern Made Goods. ZAN BROS., Inc. You Can’t Break ’Em! Get Springs with written guarantee fur year. 15,000 Springs in Stock. Portland, Ore. CONLEY’S USED CAR CENTER 127 Low n sdale Street. W e w ill pay you cash for late m odel cars or sell them for you. Remember the place—Brick Building, at Intersection of W ash., 16th and Burnside. il y C C L • L i taietena GENUINE FORD FARTS BEST PLACE in t o w n t o e a t PORTLAND. ORE. Sixth and A ld a, Street,. T A L B O T ê t C A S E Y . Inc., ArtWnzeJ Ford Dealer* When in town, bring your Ford to us. Exceptional repairing facilities by first-class Ford mechanics. Magnetos re-charged in car while you wait. Try us fo r parts. No. 1 Grand Avenue, Portland. Or. Signor G. Taglieri Maestro o f “ La Voce Postata ” Italian " Bel Canto ” _ Voice Building from Elementary Stages to High A rtistic Finish. Principal tenor Italian and English Grand Opera companies. O f international reputation. Studio— 804-6 Stearns Building. Phone Main 8146. A ONE-MAN TOP for FORDS, $8.50. A Pennypacker Top Converter converts the Ford top Into snappy stream line, 45 dollar value, one man top for only |8.60. Money refunded If not satisfied. O. J. Hull, 534 Washington St., Portland, Ore. State distributor—Pennypacker Top Converters and Covers. STHE See The Portland Modem Oil Burner Making Pure Gaa From Coal OiL Fits any Stove or Range. Has no equal fo r cook­ ing, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt, soot or odor. By far the cheapest fuel. In ­ vestigate. Agents wanted. Ground Gripper Shoes Can be ordered by mail for the whole fam ily. The easi­ est and best shoe made today. A Real Corrective Shoe. PORTLAND MODERN OIL BURNER. 145 Grand A v e . THE ^Portland. Oregon W O R L D ’S BEST S IL O S The Tung Lox GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORE, 381 Va Wash. Street, Portland. Oregon. 756 St. Helens Are., Tacoma, Washington Easy to erect—low in price—w ill last a lifetim e. This is the Silo that practical farmers say is the Best Silo in the world. Write Send for full information ALBANY COLLEGE COLUMBIA DAIRY SUPPLY CO., 92-94 Front St.. Portland. Oregon You W ill Fool Rieht at Horae. Beautiful!? FnraJabed R o o m . Albany, Oregon, about a Free Scholarship DR. I. E. L BARRE, Portland'* M odern $1.00 r a m ia* $1.50 WRk Bath Weekly Rales Motfkiy Rales NORTONIA HOTEL U th and Stark. PO R TLAN D . ORE. Eiceflert Cake aad Rasi Cartea E V E R Y T H I N G F O R THE O F F I C E O ffice F urniture a A ppliances P R IN TIN G u E N G R A VING i B O O K B IN D IN G 4 ARSMAU. 6000 DENTIST H O TEL ____ ___ W all Board, 32 and 48 in. wide, up to 12 ft. length. P. L. Cherry Co., 271 H aw ­ HIDES, WOOL, T A L L O W thorne Ave., Portland, Ore. C A R P E T W E A V I N G A N D C L E A N IN G " T iT s s îN G Ê R x m r p r ^ r iiS ir ^ 164 13th St. N., Cor. Irving, Portland. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets to Main Office, San Francisco. Branche*: Rag Ruga, all slxea. Mall order* prompt. Seattle, Spokane, Boise, Salt Lake, Reno, Billing», Missoula, Vancouver, B. C. Send for Booklet. 9x11 Rugs, Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.69. HIDES AND JUNK W E S TE R N F L U F F RUO CO., 14-6« Union Ave. N.____ East «61«, B-1476 £TT§lwiur^rT?a?rTiT2~F‘ront~SL Pay frill market values for hides, pelts, old rubber, C L E A N IN G A N D DYEING ______ metals, etc. '^fror'TeBaEIe'CIaaning' and TSyeing sarY Ice send parcels to us. W e pay raturn LADIES postage. Information aad prices given Takara Antiseptic Powder is a cleans­ upon request. ing, healing, germicidal and invigorating E N K E ’ S C IT Y D TB W O R K * douche. A great aid in leucorrhoea and Established 189« Portland female disorders. Price 60c and $1 per box. Send 10c In stamps or coin for lib­ eral trial package. For sale by Portland H otel Pharmacy, Portland, Or.___________ ______ _ _ D E N T A L SU PP L IE S— _________________ M AC H IN E R Y sêrKrTnr’ÿourTim uîrtësTôF'âr^îidng' In John Welch Dental Depot. Dental sup- pllee of all kinds. Morgan Bldg., Portland. Iron or Woodworking Machinery, Logging, SawmiU, Contractors' Equlpi pment. LOCO- DOCTORS motives, Boilers, Engines, Crushers, Rail, Mrs. Dr. Wheatley Howe, Indian Herbal Cable, Belting, etc. Burke Machinery Co., Baths. Curative barks and roots used in 528 Railway Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. treating all diseases. Paralysis and blood poisoning cured. Specialty chronic dis- O PTO M E TR IS T A N D O P T IC IA N eases. 252 Monroe St. Wdln, 276; C-1187. '''CuuCT L e t me cure your rheumatism with my Patronage aollclted on new discovery. No. 72. Nature’s own pable remedy. No Cure, No Pay. $2.00 per bottle. able c :hargei ;ea. Thousand! of aat- Prof. John, the Poorman’s Doctor, 71 N. iafled patrona. A trial will convince. Chaa. 6th St., Portland. W . Goodman, optometrist, 209 Morriaoa, Portland. Oregon FOOT SPEC IA LISTS f^ ^ a iT X o v e n T ^ r^ d ^ a ^ ^T^Yr^Öollej Chiropody-Orthopedics. Broadway Bid P O «T l a * 0 o * t«o a DO YOU WANT A GOOD JOB? Camas, Washington, is located on the beautiful Columbia River, 20 miles above Portland, Oregon. Tw o boat lines, a rail­ road and auto bus lines bring it within easy access of the metropolis. Has fine water, paved streets and theatres. About 4000 population. The Crown Willamette Paper Co., located here, employs about 850 men and women. Runs the year around. Wage schedule is from 45e per hour up, depending upon class of work and opportunity for advancement to the right man is splendid. A beautiful new hotel has just been com­ pleted which is one of the finest equipped mill hotels on the coast. The charge for meals Is 35c; rooms, 20c, 25c, 35c. There are now openings for several able- bodied young men, single preferred. Bring this clipping within a reasonable length of time and you w ill be assured a place. DOORS A N D W IN D O W S W e can sell you Doors, Windows, Roof­ ing, Paint, Glass and Builder*’ Hardware, direct at wholesale prices. Writs for Pr rices before buying. Heacock Bash & D oor Co., 212 First St-, Portland. DRUGS BY M A IL _____ S ^ n T T o ^ S T o r ^ a r T y ff iin ^ in D ru g a r R u b ­ b e r G ood s, T r u s s e s , etc . P o s t a g e p repaid. P lu m m e r D r u g C o., 2(0 9d B L, P o r t land. T h ls Jewelry is of carved honnki wood and bead* of scarlet give the wearer a distinct personality. plumbing supplies at wholesale ly estimate estl We will gladly coat of W rits for prices. STAR K -D AV18 CO., 212 Third BL. Portland PHYS ICIA NS Bldg. Drugless methods, stomach, kid­ neys, rheumatism, constipation, liver trouble. Dr. F. Kreutz, metaphystcan & me- chano-therapy.Magnetic treatments. Clair­ voyant. Psychometry reading. 160 11th. PERSONA L T d A R lfF lin C G fiffiT fr f^ ^ me; best and most successful "H O M E M A K E R :” hundreds rich wish marriage soon; strictly confidential; most reliable; years of experience; description free. "The Successful Club,” Mrs. Ball, Box 566 Oakland, California. P L A T IN G — N IC K E L A N D SIL V E R ~Wrîté^to3àÿ^?m:~îricè*^wéTâjrTïtûrm NEW BOOKS (N o t a dye.) $2.10 post paid. The Ekdee Co.. 800 Union ave. Nor.. Portland. Or. Ask your druggist Keros*« Burner — WITHOUT PRESSURE Wanted. Harry Mauler. 88H Nar. 6th it., Portland, Ore. Disappointed House Hunter— I've Set before you, as the chief object brought back the keys o f your mai­ to be obtained, and end that is super­ sonette— why, there isn’t room in it ior to any on earth— a desirable end, for the children to have the mumps! — a perfect end. Labor to accomplish a London Opinion. work that shall survive unchanged and beautiful, when thrones of power and Diamond* of Many Color*. Although when free of color they monuments o f art shall have crumbled ire said to be o f first water, diamonds to ashes; aim to achieve something, »re found in nearly every color o f the which, when these mutable voices are rainbow— red, yellow, orange, green hushed forever, shall live amid the songs and triumphs o f Immortality. im blue. “ And a string o f beads” Is sure the last word In the description o f every modish summer costume. It is the last touch but by no means the least in Importance. Once upon a time a girl thought she was very lucky to possess a neat little string of coral, or a short rope o f fine pearls, or pos­ sibly a pendant on a gold chain. Now she must have almost as many us she has handkerchiefs. It is often the chain o f beads that makes the costume. This is especially true o f the collnrless frocks that look so unfinished without something about the neck. The shops are showing such a wonderful variety o f bead necklaces at nn equal variety o f prices that one should hnve no trouble In Indulging in two or three at any rate. Those lovely long chains— most o f the newer chains reach below the waist— of Jap­ anese gluss, china and wooden beads strung on knotted cords and ending In beautiful carved wooden lockets, larger many o f them than a sliver dol­ lar, look especially good over linen frocks o f the chemise variety, or with severe blouses and skirts. For the organdie and voile frocks pretty little chains can be made at home from tinsel cords with Jap or Italian beads and finished off with silken or tinsel tassels. The advan- M O N U M E N T S postage on small parcels. California Plat-, lng Works, 214 2nd 8 t , Portland._________ FARM LOANS P O R T A B L E DRAG SA W ^T ^or^n yT im e^d esired and lowest cur­ Most highly Improved Drag Saw on ie rent rates. Wm. MacMaster, 231 U. S. m arket Has the only real and pracf radical National Bank Building, Portland, Oregon clutch. W rite for particulars ana special prices. B E A V E R M OTOR PRO D UCTS CO. FURS TO ORDER— REMODE LING 246 Hawthorne Ave., Portlaad. Save 20 to 30% at the only upstairs Furrier. Raw furs hot. The Fur Shop, SA N IT A R IU M jeclallze on rheumatism 606 Swetland Bldg., 5th aad Wash., Port- land, Ore.__________________________________ kind and age. W. and E. Sanitarium. 734 Hawthorne Ave., Portland, Or. H A IR P R E S S IN G — S IL O * A N D Q R AIN B I N * Mme. Grenell relieves Itching scalp, dan- Only exclusive SIlonfactoryT’HftcTjioops, druff; moles removed. 230 Flledner Bldg. No Nalls, No Trouble. Stay Rouad Silo H E M ST IT C H IN G Co., 301 Dekum Bldg., P o r tla n d ._______ K. Stephan, hemstitching, scalloping, T A IL O R E D SUITS— L A T E S T S T Y L E braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons Suits to order, $10.00 down, $5.00 per covered; mall orders. 219 Plttock block. month. Suits pressed 10 minutes. Unique Accordion Pleating, Hemstitching, Buttons Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., Portland. covered. Custom made shirts. A rt Embroidery T E A CH E R *' AGENCY & Button Co.. Morgan Building, Portland. Rocky Mountain Teachers’ Agency. Frank k . Welles, ex-asst State Supt, mgr, Portland, Or. Teachers placed promptly. VOCATIONAL^ T R A IN IN G ome study training In Accountancy sn< business letter writing prepared by D. M A IL ORDERS SOLICITED Walter Morton, Dean or the school of Com­ merce at the University o f Oregon. Courses in Commercial Designing and applied car­ N O W READY tooning, tanght by. a scientific method by the Federal Schools of Designing. Call, Flrat Printing 40 Car-Loads The largest edition ever published of any write or phone W ill 8. Cooper, 508 Panama, novel. The greatest story ever written Main 7854. by the most popular author County Managers T h e Chief Object. Decoration* Hang Below the W aist and M ilady Must H ave an Am ple Supply. P O R TL A N D M A R B LE W O RKS 264-266 Fourth Bt.— Neu Broa. 1 P A I N T S AND W A L L P A P E R __________ W rite us for prices. Pioneer Paint Co., 189 First St., Portland. PORT L A N D with the crow* to the Ablngton Bldg., Portland to buy, aell or aw ' Baal Batata. Frank L. McGuire._________ S A N I T A R Y B E A U T Y P AR L O R help the appearance of womem Tw enty-tw o Inch switch or transforma­ tion, value $7.00, price $2.46. 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. HILL MILITARY ACADEMY O S 17, 1919 KEWANEE WATER SYSTEMS Wood, Japanese Glass and China Worn About Neck. SiCAéáiÉFjñfVA^fiXViííSr~v C L IF F O R D COMPLETE U N E O P STEEL PILING DEVICES ANO SYSTEMS Close Quarters. W e w ill gladly make estimates. Appointment made by mall. No serious results from teeth extraction. Work of every character positively guar­ WALL PAPER— PAINT anteed. Dr. I. I. E. La Barre, D. D. 8., Harold Bell Wright Suite 205 Gerlinger Building. Cor. 2nd This new Ozark story of life and lov# Is A t wholesale and retail, Mall orders and Alder Streets. promptly filled. Smith’s W all Paper sweet and appealing with pathos, and House, 198- 119 Second SL, Portland. vibrant with the local color of the mystic A Mederately-Priced Hotel of Merit enchanted Ozarks— The Shepherd of the W H Y ENDURE FOOT MISERY? Hills country. Tired, sore feet take the Joy out of life. THE RECREATION OF BRIAN KENT W hy suffer with swollen, perspiring, ten­ East Morrison St. and East Sixth der, calloused, bad odor feet when the R. Illustrations In Colors by St. John •1.25 per Day. Two In a Room, 11.75. M. R., 10-day, permanent and guaranteed Cloth, Red and Gold, 12mo, 8150 cure can be purchased for Three 60-100 Sent prepaid for above price. Catalogue Free. Send caeh with order. Dollars f$3.S0). The R. M. R. 10-day Guaranteed Com Cure, 60 cents. A. W. SC H M ALE PO R TLA N D . OREGON This wonderful remedy contains no 290 Morrleon St. Portlsnd, Oregon acids or poisons. Sent prepaid, plain di­ pens eptember rections for use In each package. Robbins DO YOU W A N T HAIR? You can have it by using The Ek4e* Hair Crests. Marr Remedy Co., 291H Morrison St., Thin hair made thick. 18% o f baldness curable. Room 7. Portland. Ore.________________ and Electric Lighting Plants, make Ufe worth living on the farm. Easy to install and operate. ML D. Spencer. Distributor. 333 Best Morrison. Portland. Ooegon. F i f t h * o a k *▼ »«*▼ * SHOPE B RIC K CO., iace and mantel brick a specialty. Phone East 1826; Real, dence, East 1797. S61 Vk E- Morrison St. Portland, Ore. CROWN W IL L A M E T T E P A P E R CO., Camas, Wash Izard Generator making r pure pu: Gas from Coal Oil. Fits any stove range. Has no equal for cooking, heating, furnaces, etc. Easy to operate. No dirt, soot or odor. A G E N T S W A N T E D IZ A R D G A S H E A T IN G CO.. 193 Fourth St.. Portland. Oregon Bodies $85 aad up. 16th A Alder ata.. Portland BUI LD I N G M A T E RIAL Buy where you w ill, but get our prices first | 125 to 127 Fourth St., Portlsnd, Ore. We Will Rent You an Auto C lassy B ug Commercial Information furnished free of charge. Catalogue supplied and com merclal Inquiries cheerfully answered. Write any firm below! ACCORDEON P L E A T ING________ Eastern Novelty Co., 85ty 5th St. BAKERY Haynes-Foster Baking Co., Portland, Or. BUILDING M A T E R IA L Shops Brick Co., 361 East Morrison St. DOORS AND WINDOW S Heacock Sash & Door Co., 212 1st St. DRUGS Plummer Drug Co., 260 3rd St. FARM LOAN8 Wm. McMaaters, 331 U. S. Natl. Bank Bid. HIDES AND WOOL Bissinger & Co., 148-154 13th St. M A C H INERY Burke Machinery Co., 528 Railway Ëx- change Bldg. PLUM BING A PLUM BING SUPPLIES Stark-Davls Co., 212 3rd St. BARBER SU PPLY Oregon Barber Supply Co., 250 2nd St. VULCANI Z ED ROOF COATS Burton & Young Mfgrs., 352*,s 1st St. HEMSTITCHING Ella M Stevens, 2nd Kir, 35 ' Morrison. W A T E R PRE88URE SYSTEM__________ Duro Pumps, 93 1st St. SHE E T M E TA L G R E T I N NI NQ W K8. Union Ave. Métal Wks., 411 Union Ave. FARM LIGHTING P L A N T Lalley Light, 93 1st St. AD V E R T IS IN G & COMMERCIAL SIGNS Union Sign Co., W est Park and Oak Sts. CHAINS OR BEADS NEW FASHIONS IN GOWNSAND COATS Pity He D idn’t Mias Th e m . O ptim istic Thou g ht. Those who have few affairs to attend to are great speakers; the less men think the more they talk. One T h in g in Hi* Favor. Entomology does not record the first appearance of the cootie, but w e sup­ pose that they w ere not slighted In the trip Noah made to save two of every livin g thing. ” De man dat laughs at his jokes,” said Uncle Eben, "makes feel kind o ’ friendly toward 'cause he seems so good-natured easy to please.” A ll He W anted. There was a plate o f cake on the table and Guy’s grandmother asked him which piece he would have. ‘T il take any piece so long as It’s a good big one,” was his unselfish reply. Bird T ria ls . It is said to be an established fact that several kinds o f birds, crows In particular, hold trials to judge one of their number which has in »om e way offended. . own you ’im, and tage In making these chains is that they can be planned as an intimate part of the costume. It would not be surprising to hear o f some one buy­ ing a frock to match her bends, so Im­ portant has the necklace become. And here is a way to Imitate with little trouble and surprising effect those lovely woven chains done on the small wooden looms. Use about eight strands o f various colored silks, and lay them pnrnllel, being sure they are exactly the snrne length. About half way on these at ench side weave some small bends for the depth o f un Inch or so to hold the threads - together, and nt the bottom where the strands meet In 10 threads weave beads ngnln for n depth o f two Inches and let the threads ravel Into fringe with a bend tied Into the end of each. LACE IS E N J O Y IN G A Styles as Th ey Are Reflected in the Latest Phases of Fashion. MANY PARIS MOSES ADOPTED Evening Coats V I* W ith Evening Gowns In T h e ir Brilliancy— T a f ­ feta Favorite Fa bric— Tunics In Evidence. Fashionable cities o f the United States keep their fingers on the pulse o f Purls. The mood o f the moment expressed on the banks o f the Seine la Immediately felt by the style diag­ nosticians on this side o f the Atlan­ tic. Every symptom is known, every fashion idea ie ganged by the clothes specialists over here. Many o f these Parts modes are adopted outright because they spring from a field long fertile with all that is lovely. Many others hnve to be adapted to the American woman and still others created especially fo r her. The wise designer, observes a prom­ inent fashion correspondent, like the true artist, knows what is beautiful and selects It from the myriads o f Ideas and fabrics which are as con­ glomerate as a hundred daubs o f pnlnt on an artist’s palette. Out o f this class o f fashion creators with “ the know" has arisen the Amer­ ican couturier, who, while keeping a watchful eye on Paris, knows how to create her own Ynodels, which rival In loveliness and perfection any importa­ tion that France may send over. W ith the coming o f peace the Pnrislenne burst Into bloom. Like some rare bulb that had lain In dark hibernation awaiting the call o f the spring sun, she dazzled the world. H er evening gowns could not be suf­ ficiently brilliant In color to express her mood o f Joyousness. Naturally, the American woman, atune with the same Joy o f victory, followed suit. Brilliancy marked every gathering. Jewels were brought from their velvet boxes, and once more the American woman bloomed. The marvel was how quickly feminin­ ity was able to clothe Itself In the new nnd brilliant raiment o f Joyous peace. Taffeta Favored for Coats. Evening coats vie with evening gowns In their brilliancy. Taffeta Is the favorite fabric fo r these summer mantles, though baronette satin with its glimmering folds makes exquisite evening wraps. Glace silk, with two tones running in Its depth, Is found In many o f these cnpellke garments. Tw o contrasting layers o f chiffon or georgette crepe make delightfully pretty wrnps and give sufficient warmth fo r balmy summer evenings. These wrnps are frequently yoked In the drop shoulder line and the sil­ houette suggests the old-fashioned dolman, which lends Itself perfectly to these modern capes. Crystal tas- VOGUE Decoration Popular T h is Summer on Hata aa Well aa on tho Parasol. Now that the stern war uniforms are a thing o f the past and woman­ kind Is turning to the most feminine clothes she can find In the general re­ action against plainness and severity In dress, lHee, the eternal feminine among fabrics, has a large part to play In moues o f the moment. Lace parasols, for Instanee, are enjoying a vogue they hnve not had since V ic­ torian days, and to match these nre lace-veiled hnts of picturesque lines. A t a recent country club opening n woman, who last year never appeared out of her trig motor corps costume, floated across the lawn under one of those new sunshades o f black la c e ; and her hat matched the parasol. The hat was a poke-shaped affair o f leghorn, with a brim binding and rib­ bon band In bright Italian green. Over the green-trimmed leghorn was thrown black lace and a pink rose nestled In the flounce o f lace that overhung the brim. The parasol was o f Italian green silk and was rather small. The much larger lace cover fell over Its edge and rippled softly In every breeze. As for the rest o f her cos­ tume, this lacy young lady wore a frock o f black taffeta mnde with ut» most simplicity, a cunning skirt drap­ ery falling over n very narrow skirt that clung about the ankles. Gown of W hite Taffeta W ith Design of Pink Roaes. eels, or those o f sliver, gold and Jet, trim these garments or act as orna­ ments on heavy strands o f beads that tie the fronts o f the cap together. Pearl and Jet are effectively combined In this head trimming. The collars o f these wraps are sometimes made o f the material. They are cut straight, made double, and are gathered and wired at the ctnter back to give the high line reach­ ing nearly to the crown o f the head. Fur, especially white fox and skunk. Is nsed with lovely softness on these capes when a fu r collar Is needed. Look at tho Back. I f you want to make the new frock The contrast o f peltry with silk Is al­ decidedly French, look to the back of ways lovely, however Inconsistent It It. The French woman always pays may look In summer. Ostrich feathers are profusely used ranch attention to the detail o f the The hack o f her frocks. She realizes that to trim these evening capes. she Is not a paper doll with a negligi­ graceful fronds o f ostrich make the ble hack. A simple chemise frock Ideal trimming for th j summer wraps. with a very plain front might show Fringe Is seen on these garments, but considerable braiding In the back, and not so much as formerly. A lovely evening wrap la made o f the effect would he smart. geranium pink taffeta. A long cape