THE WEST SIDE. .E. C PEN RAND, Publisher. FRIDAY. OCTOttEK 2. W to ov n'twiuariia. TV pint JciM on thk jxiwr till (A date to which your iroftwrtyfioii it kiI, JYem ttmint ami ft thai it i rur- m. WifAiH a he toffMii srtvfut o 1nimrt tml (MA-t'nj? ir a mmectl of ubrriition. Thr meni viit 6 6wm1 oh M printed htg on your xixf twA JC 0, FKSTLAXD, If piwlnt wwssort r Inooriwi ted in the new a&wesmout litw, those same preeiut assessor should sit as a board of Mnalltation, and not the county judgqpud cotumis sioners. The men who hare taken the awceanteut are the tt able to eiuallie latolligeuUy. In the death of Justice Miller the supreme court has lost its briehest judicial tuiud, and A moi l ca her ablest jurist. His mind was aa pellucid as a mountain stream, and his judgement uuwarrMl by the storms of passion and prejudice. His moral character was above suspicion, and his official life with out reproach. His death is i nations loss, l - !l Last week incorporation papers were filed iu Salem and Dallas of the Polk County Publishing Co. of Independence, Oregon, with 110.000 canital. The stock of . - -1 - this corporation has all bceu sub scribed and at no distant day the plant, and good will of the preseut West Sldb will be sold to the new corporation. While to our readers no change will be seen, yet it is hoped that the change will strength en the hold of this paper iu this community. The Temescal tin mines have suddenly sprung into prominence through the increased duty on tin provided for in the McKiuley tariff bilL Some mouths ago a syndicate began operations toward develop ing tin mines at Temescal, San Her- nardino county, Cal. It is claimed "that the magnitude and multi plidty of the veins iu this district, together with the unusual richness and purity of the ores, warrant the belief that we shall at no distant day be as independent of England's tin as we now are of foreign borax, Iron, quicksilver and coal." Only a small proportion of the farming community can go to bank and overdraw their account without giving security or at least a note. Many times business men of known commercial standing are allowed to over draw largely, and settlement is made at the end of the month, and interest charged during the time of the draft. If deducting the indebtedness gives this class of busines men a better credit, where is the harm to the rest of the state! The city merchant has no mortgages on re cord against his property. The mort gage tax law does not effect him but the indebtedness clause does. Taking the census returns of Polk county we find that we will have only about two-thirds of a senator at the new apportionment and just a trifle over one reprown tative. Poor little Polk I And yet we can derive some comfort from the fact that with 7730 population, and over 300,000 acres of tillable land in the county we have forty acres to support every man, woman and child; and it gives to each house holder an average of 200 acres of land. Counting the towns at over half the population it leaves 300, uuu acres to be dividea among about 600 householders or au aver age of 500 acres to each. The county of Polk can stand a popu lation of 25,000 and not be one bit crowded. ' When money is borrowed of an individual the borrower deducts his debts from his taxable property and the lender is supposed to pay 4he tax. When the state loans any money it does so knowing that it is robbing itself of not only that amount of taxable property,for it is not taxable, bnt that the borrower will deduct the debt and get out of that much more. The present assessment law makes taxes un equal, and hence causes dissatis faction. The Oregonian is right in saying that Oregon is a paradise for money changers or brokers. Our laws are a sort of protective measure, bnt like some other protective measures should protect the proper article, Since Oregon does not now, nor ever has, produced all the money needed for her business, we ; want no laws keeping out foreign capital. The hard work done by bankers in loaning their money is well enough paid already, conse quently let us open the gates of Oregon to cheap foreign money, even though the plethoric purses of our banker friends suffer there by. House bill No. 09 of the last legislature was an attempt; to im prove on'our present law, but out siila of making provision for pre- cincfc assessors, had no merit in it, having the same Indebtedness clause, and dovotiug nearly one- third of the bill to taxing banks, showing plaiuly that the tnUnttou wits to, if possible, make money pay ita full share of taxes, which under the present system it does not, and until our system is iinprO' ved bunks will shirk their share of th taxes. One does not oAen come across a more touching death notice than this of the Islington ihifyrt, a weekly paper recently published in Morrow couuty. H Is printed on a postal card as follows: DI Kl). BUDOCT-At Lexington, Or., Oct. 1ft, im, Mtuto Weekly IMirt, aged 107 weeks. Iu order to escape lue ignominy of becoming a float ing abomination uuou the risiutr tide of debt. It chose with bare bodkin to make its owu eud while yet it could pay for Its own burial. (UK Tha sanda of Ih that will drift o'w IU Bui naatwiett frwa iu mmu wui nai on Ik av. Editor Wkst Sidk: Pear Sir: Accept onr thanks for your cour tesy in exchanging with our little timlWf. and allow us to eximtta tlte hop that you may never know the humiliation or pulling uown your oftlee sign. Kespeet folly, The geutlemen who Lave labored so hard to niaiutaia a paper where no maintenance existed, have our dur heartfelt sympathy. Their taleuts should find a better field. AT LAST WS UAVK TUK CS.Y. SVS FIGURES. The preseut populstion of Ore gon Is 3l2,4l. In 1880 it 174,788, a gaiu iu Un years of 137,678, or 78.8 per ceut. The population by counties is as follows: CounllM. I"l Hvnton M Clai'kaiuaa .. l.lJ Clalaop . I'ulumUUt .ll Ouoa . MM Ui(laa ................... II," jHkam 11. Mi joavphlna... OM lU . . ........ .......... Ill" l.iun l"olk 7.7 Tillamook ......... Waalllllgtou Y .in bill . Mulluoiuaa HH..MMMW.MH..M Martou ................ I'maltUa . I'ukm . , lii. .. 7M7I ei.s n.i .. Mil .IU 4.TSO 4.MI AJMO s.iio .71 ! I. Murmw Wallow (IIIIIKIU Cniuli .. Mulhuor ... ,..., lM HhrTmim Hrnajr ...... The population of the principal citis is as follows: HiirOand . .. 47 .M Kul Purtlnud. Hln 10.4HI I. . - .. - - J There is one point in this assiww ntent question which is not under stood by the general reader, and that is why the towns which are to day paying the least taxes of any locations in the state are the most clamorous for a tax law which shall make their total amount of taxes many times what it Is now The questiou naturally arises, why do towns ask for the repeal of the indebtedness clause! If the towns, as is uie ease, pay a less average tax, and yet whore statistics are used, have the greatest average wealth, why do they clamor for the repeal of the indebtedness clause! The Orrgmfon hits the nail on the head when it says that in the city men borrow ou their commercial credit, and it is an easy muiter to nave aots at the proper time to evade taxation. When some of the banks in Portland will honor the draft of some of the mer chant princes for huudreds of thou sands af dollars, it will be seen how easy it is to evade the law. While Portland's or other city's men of wealth can evade taxes, yet they would prefer to have no indebted ness clause, ana wnyr uecause a tax levy based on all they possess and hold would so strengthen their commercial credit that they could well afford to pay the taxes. In a great city an established credit 1b worth more than actual wealthy. Merchantlle agencies do rate men at their true worth, but when men of Portland could appear on the tax roll as possessors of thousands, the general public becomes informed. It is to be strengthened commer dally that causes the wealthy men of the cities to cry against the in debteducss clause. A careful in vestlgation of the assessment rolls will show that the cities are paying the least taxes, and if by not de ducting indebtedness the cities would pay the greater portion of taxes, what harm docs it do the rural districts! In the last legislature Mr. Paul son introduced a bill providing for precinct assessors in each county. We here qnote the section relating thereto. Section 6, It is hereby made the duty of the several county courts in this State at the February term thereof, in the year 1888, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to aiviue tneir counties into as many tax districts as said court may deem extiedient and number the same; which districts shall be known by their numbers; and in creating the same said courts will best secure aa many precincts, or in cities as many wards, as in the judgement of said courts shall in clude as many precincts, or in cities as many wards, as in the judgement of said courts will best secure a prompt and correct list ing and assessment of all property therein: and on or before the first day of February, or as toon there after aa practicable of each year thereafter, the several county assessors In the State shall nomi nate and by and with the consent of the several couuty oourU ap point a deputy county assessor tor each of said tx districts, except the one In which the assessor re Bides, which deputies must be ap pointed with Httecial reference to their qualifications and fitness to discharge the duties required by this Act, and must have the same qualifications as the couuty assessor, must qualify in like manner, and each must have resided in the county for two years before hta ap pointment, aud must at the time of bis appointment be a resident of the district for which he la appointed; aud said deputy county assessors shall have the same powers and discharge the same duties required by luw of the couuty assessor. Hiuce the business of cities Is largely based ou a system of credits and to strengthen that credit is why business men are willing to pay taxes ou their whole available wealth, a short dewertation ou credit may not be amiss. Credit, in political economy, is one of many terms used in that science, of which it is said that we yet possess uo scientific definition. This is less to be regretted, as the practical mean ing of the word is well known, so as to euable every one to understand what is meant when economists speak of the extent to which credit is safs and proper, unsafe or lin projier, in this or that clnss of cases. The nature of credit fat, that while it serves the purpose of capita), it can only do so while there is capi tal ready to come and take its place if necessary. Credits Which are not in this position though they may hapen to serve their term, as a ship may sail some distance un wrecked without a steersman do not accomplish the purpose of cap ital. The real iwwer of credit properly resting ou capital, is that It enables that capital to lie devoted to more than one purpose. A bank is a great emporium of credits; that is to say, it consists of a certain amount of capital which can be oMruted on by a whole community, not all at one time, but by individ uals as occasion requires. Thus a comparatively small stock of money can be made to do duty for carry ing on numerous transactions. But it Is indispensable for Insuring a safe system of credit, that money must be lustautly available when wanted; and this principle applys notaloueto banking but to every siiecies of transaction, in which postponed payment is concerned It is because a grwit part of the commercial world does business on Its credit that lue demand cornea from that source for a strengthen ing of credit Turkey, Hpaln and other countries with a poor credit pay a high rate of interest. Our government with a first clans credit gets money at low rates or Interest. A good credit is of great value. Mr. Pruf. McAtlanui I quit tick Til hot wstor plixM fur the leliotil tioune re In place. Hcott IttUKhaj-y returned from Colorado on Tuuroday. Mm. L. V. ltoU-rtwm took Iu the Kxponitluu WedutwUy. Mm. F. A. Douty U visiting friend tnd rviauvt in Aiottuy. C'Urencw Irvine, who Iim been quite 111 for ieverl day, 1 now convales cent. Tli Loyal Ttuieranec lAgluu meet at me M. tl cburcli Kntuniay si O'cloek. . Mm. U. M. Ktva 1 back from Port land, Ler huatiand being down with me nieaaiw. John Waltnar of lXtve'i bland Im the psMMDorof u eight pound girl, born mm naturtiay J. TV Trvlnt. Iiuit nuivid inln IiIm nam houae, and U. Hkluner occupim hi for mer riMiueiiee. Judge Daly, of 11 In, and J. 8 Cooper of till elty took Tliumday'a iraiu lor newpori. Mm. Peter Cook returned from Port land Tueaday, where alie hud been to ee me t.xpoauion W. II. Wheeler 1 building a mimll addition to hi houne In lb way of s aiicnen, pauiry, no A party of aeven, from Mlmwuri. re- oeutly arrived here, frieudaof Mr. Ford and Airs. ( ox. Air. J, Dugger 1 from mountain (trove. Dr. If. F. Hmlth nf Huuilla .! ulv. are vuiuug ai me remuenoeor W.W. Pnmlvul. Mm, h .a r,...n. Minn DvLanlimut, of Dallfw, tUter of mm. reroivai The Macbeth brother! from urur Hu ver. left on Tuesday' train for lluab- neu. in. iney expect to be anient month or more vIhIUuit their old lmm Of oourw they will talk Oregon to the people of the Hucker Uile for all It In worth Ouee more the uw iiilltn Im.u limn i heard. Work wim nwnituvl m Tn.. dav, but the supply of log will soon be, ami men auenoe will again noiunway in the mill. Did anyone any ruuroau w ran vuvr A trflVfllltiir niKn won liuurrl ij "Independence la the bcHt town ou the went aide. All the traveling man tell more good and the merchant are bet- mr mv u in ma nmar iiiwim " or ooume he wa glvlne our people "talry," oui Mien it ih very pieaaant to near. There will be preaching nervlowi In the Evangelical churnh fin Mllndnv evening, Oct. 20th. Tbo aermon will oe preceded by a aong service, The Sunday school will meet at 8 o'olook p. m., school conducted by Mm. I,ce. Choir practice ou Friday evening. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening of each week. The public sre cordially Invited to these servloe. 1). V. 1'ollng, pastor. Mr. M. Ttattmnl it TiwlMtu.ii1.inrtn ha purchased the harness sbop of B.' V. Wllnv. iimli- It. f W.H.1U. - .J I ... ... ... . . au, w v.. i., store on Commercial street and will continue tne business at the same place. Mr. Wiley has been a prosperous and popular tradesman during bis time In business here and it la expected Mr. ueemer win nave iiae experience, as he is well snoken of aa a meelmnln ami citizen. Sitkm Journal, The committee from Eiiirle Enirlnn Co. has decided on Klvlnir a two-nhrht entertainment Nov. 21 and 22nd. to consist of a musical program tbe Hint Ssrt of the first evening, followed by a raum, and to eud with some novel features. The second nleht will oon. slst of s musical and literary program, refreshments, snd a sale of Georgian slaves. The songs by the New Vork voiumeer nremeu win oe great, i ACORN STOVES AND The Lotott Improvod The ACORN Heating Stoves ore the best and Finest Finish of any. Everyone Fully Warranted and Flrst-olass. Come and see our Car load Assortment of the ACORN IUii;e mid GOODMAN tt DOUTY, . . . (Wamncrf kula Unh 4, MM.) REPORT OK THE CONDITION. i of Tilt nisi uiu iul Ak lnd.BnSMiL Ib IB. IUU nf Oraan. l U WtlM Ul (WMH, UVh , A. W. Mt asuvav. LUSBI aud SlMOUBU tllliU.1 Ov.rrmn. Mnira aa uwmiim. V. a. Ikwa. la weura irvuialio umM Ou. rriM pH4 nn x. Sonklni-buuM. ruraliui and HilrM Wt.M iMmai and um Bld.. rMiluBM on U. a H.4d taw t kw. ad oUmt m llm. , Slll.oroiarbwk. rnwtlaUBl WMr wimqi, akk.l and n.i-..... . lUd.niBilua tuud with II. . Tm. arar per nt at elrmill )...... Tvt.m mJA TuUl lB4.7tT.7H MASIUTI. Cttplul .fork paid IB Murulu. hiad 1'uuivio.a pnioM. ............ NbiIobbI Haak bum. ouuisudlni . Individual tinalli auliJrl U obock )iuBdMrllBcmlnal, Hi luutuw NBlkmal lin . ...... u. uHUtatikaaa Muiim.... Toll...... 1 l4.T.7l nu.1. or or. cvMintr of rik, . 1, W, It IIty, uhlr al Xhm mof- iuad kauk dtt aul.ttillly wwr Ihat III. abor. (Ulanint I Iru. lo In bailor my ksowlMlf. and UlUtt W. H.llAWI.KY,C.hli. S.tarrlbad d Itutt VoUtif. bm IkU IStb SwroeL, law. . JAMES UIBnOn, Nolarr Pvlilla. (WrM-AllMti j.n. r.uri. t, w. a.i...wix, 0U. W. WIT4S. UlrattUira. Or I't'MNKNT INTKMHST. Ie 111 morning, at noun ami t olgbl politic. Oinsrt. II m s mm oominM bo eo eooul np aa bis lelS)0 bfiog oarUin. Huw glad lb eungrmo bo dulo'l gt rDoaintnl m to g-i onl .f aublw lit. Tbs speakw ot tb lioaa iitrpran talim bas boom s slump rpakf. Hi poBolrit H sut InerMsinf among lb damoorala, Tb fallow wbuni (U offlo u) arakiog k asuall; oro Usm fall, bat lb follow wbo m Meting lb offio I on bsod, ami b Is miking hinwAlf board tbroogbool btland. This oounlrj will b doing bains l Ui old sUoJio lb nnal maonsr tb morning after laottoa day, nolwitb standing tb stomp speakers prediction tbal dlsaalar will follow tbe dnfeal ot bi Party. Uemtwr ot congress wbo filrd lo utoh tb speaker eye during lb smsiod art now iullioling upon their cioilittieul tb soeecbe Ibal Mr, Raede negleot or vigilsnc, just aa yon hik al it, ke I onl of lb Cimgrruilvnnl Kwrd, Last week tb ne humlrtillb uul versary of lb introduction ot cotton tpmning Into the United 8UUs wa oelebrated at Pawlucket, Rbod Island, ly tb uureihng of s tatnt lo Samuel Slater, Ih mao wbo lutroduoed this most important industry. How younu wo are a(Wr all. Could auytbiog be more palbetio aud ipressiv lo tbos wbo bv been initiated into tbe mysteries of tryiug to ran a .newspaper without money than tb following paragraph obppd from one ot onr .change: "No, w didn't issue any paper last week. We might give a number of reasons but eofflc it Iu y, wby didn't Jauk st bi snpperf Be fore kicking ak yourself Ibis little qn lion. "Is my subscription paid!" Mr. Wanmakef is still bsmering on bit pet bobby a postal telegraph system- forgetting that on oeut letter pottage what the people want, We advise thsi plndge be obtained from tbe con gressional esndidates of both parties to work and vote for a bill giving ns onr ont letter .pottage. If this be don all over tbe oountry tbe end will beaocom pluhed, no matter which party control. tb ntit bouse of representatives. - II is atting that tbe count ot Paris should be given s cordial welcome by tbe people of Ih United fcttates during bi preseut visit, and be is a olaimont for the French throne, in tbe event of tber ever being one again, should be forgotten fui tbe time being. At a descendent of tbe Frenoh king wbo aided us in tbe trying days of '76 b I entitled to all the oourtesy w can snow bim, to say noth ing ot his meritorious personal sarvioe on the staff of Gen. MoOlellan during tht late wai, snd bas far more valuable ser- vioes as a historian of that war. Welcome. oonntl to tbe land where every man is king. Isn't it about time tbe tariff was taken ont of pobtiot! Oood or bad as it m profe to be there is not the slightest pro babibty that any material ohiinge in the new tariff law will or ean be made for years to come. Wby! BeoHiisj tt is t repulilioAn measure, and no obnnge wil be possible as long as tbe republicans re- miiin in control of the United Stales senate, which they are certain to do fur tb next tlx years, if no longer. Suob being tbe status ot tbe matter it it not waste nf time to discuss it farther si this time! Let as drop tbe matter, but at tb same time keep s careful wstoh upon tbs working ot tbe new law thai we may intelligently commend or condemn it when the proper time comet, 4 n.a o . s,aai.uu . !, . . ,T.fI . W.lllit . u.M.n . S.MM In COOK AND HEATING STOVES. -AV JUL. amuNwstsi Independence Roller Mills, - GEO. SKINNER, Proprietor. TIiiwh MilU imiw l.iiiMiiiir will November, 18W, aud will then lm use of farmers through tbe season. Until the Elevator is comoU-ted .... wareiiotiso ncre, unu nour in sume Independence. - Special HOME TREATMENT A Specific 01 HIKER'S HY0RA4TINE RE8T0RATIVF. tumult suiriiiun. IMrilW. lb tan i?Hf 'a. CMMiuuu im (Mtal DR. HtLLER S AMTI BILIOUS 8TPMCH AND LIVEB CURE. cmittUm Uw rraultkn, Uui awl t'm, Muiul, Mi all T."iuul sonlltloaa. DR. MILIEU; CATARRH CURE. (Sum Aeut. CUirh. dinmlc C.tarrh. ami COarrhal btalnam UuaianwaJ to m Uw aufrt mm mhm MnMaut tn h Uuwl, t m.ucy nlund.. DR. HILI ER'S Cf UOK CURE. Cura. tU., Iluam, rili. Brwhltl M.ortir and -iMuaiautt,aul mi... tMMuai4wo, OlauM buOM.Im. Cttn. Cfwio Ui 19 mlnataa Trj It. DR. HlltER'8 DIPHTKERIA AND SORE THROAT CURE. rm.u and mM btykUmta, "7uuHUa7gunn) am ktfjJuUmTki it, vim. Quloa; la 1 4a) DR. HlttER'9 FEVER CURE. MlqMMaU. Ib all anil, iltnm HUmM wllh linr. I'ntwi. awl tun MoarlM lam, hafUUu, an MwIn. Hoilxni ibuuij brar Utto In mhA. DR. MILLER'S NERVOUS DEBILITY CURE. Cm n. w.knM.. rvww. K Uila bmhI h I'tKO. (.inula, lu llinar bruf C. i rranrtase, CL DR. MILLER'S RHEUMATIC AND NEURALGIC CURE, dm iu.wim.ita.. l?HUw!a!!wi!rT!uuI b!b oauM Unm. DR. MILLER'8 TEETHIN8 CURE, ak. tb itwih ud a.v.iopmi at chiktmi arias Um hMtainf p.rlu.1, .murr. 4n)ai iMlhlaff anil tmin4 Uwth. ami 'iwnu and ean. , awltau. nrain ttuudim aaa DR. MILLER S WH00PIN8 COUGH CURE. rt. nd Can. Whoopini an&. Hmt.-Willi Ih. .imnllmi al I. IHILrt llrdnwtln. Srabinlln. IT IlllWr1. RhimU. iiwi Nwialtl. Cur., awl I Uill.r'.Couyti t:ur.. Iba abo. )ut up niTatil4 Mm, ana, U at aeuuiaM. Iran jruur tnuiftat, wUI b. ami tnm by wall, tm nmif ot fin. $1.00 per Package. Six Packages lor $5.00. TkMrnUM an In. rawll of Uwrty flv. ymr M nnwiral .rrlwKial mwriw., and tr. to rum when . .um m a.ibla. tir. Illlwr ar iavt mk nl illm4..Hi t buaw IrnlBiial. enatalalnn talualiw uwmwUua. a. lo aj;gHMW and diet, wait raaa vu a, uauua KILLER DRUG COMPANY, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. U. S. A. For Sale ' by BUSTER & LOCKE. DR. ABORN IS NOW AT POSTUkNO, OSCftON. lOI TBOtS WHO riKXOT POKSIBLI (111 tX SOS1LLT, HOSI TSKATMKST PI HUB WITS 11 THB Sail H Or ALL THAT WILL SITS IRSTASTANaOl'S RKLIKf AMD A NUmANKXT I'UIUi. Ths mott ipmty, oonitive and perms Bent cure for Catarrh of the f U-til, Atthuia, tnd all Throat, llroiuhiul, I.uue, Heart, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affection, Nervout Deljillty, etc. Counnniptiun, In ita vartout ttaget, permanently cured. Ok. Abokn'S or iI tin mode of treatment and hit medicated inltnlntioni elvet in. ttautaneout relief, builds irp anilrevital izea the whole conHtitntion and tystem, thereby prolouffinK life. Weak, nervout, debilitated and broken-down constitu tion., old and young, invariably gain from ten to thirty pound, iu from thirty to ninety dayt. Dh. Aborn's phenomenal skill and mar velout curet have created the greatest astonishment on the I'acific Coast and throughout the American continent, dur ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron chial and Lung trouble 'natantly relieved, and Deafness often cured permanently at first consultation. Dr. Aborn's essay on the "Curability of Consumption," and a treatise on ''Catarrh of .the Head," with evidences of tome extraordinary cures, mailed free. Call or address DR. ABORN, FtarUi sat lorrlto. NU., Portla.d, Onfsa. Note. Horn. IrMlmtnt, iKurely packed, unt by trau la all parti ot ih. Pacific Coait, for thai, who poMioiy caii in pmon. AU INVITED TO CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION. MELV10RY Mlndw.ndiirtnffOTirHd. BnnkilMrnw .r. f Urn itfiilH.. l'r.iaiitui( pi IlKK, .".it ru I'nptlonlltin ta l'mf, A. UilMtw, til KillU N. Yurt, 3 lfd ) - If fj&m i RANGES ! The Improved ACORN Ventilated Oven is the Latest and Best on the Market. Have no Equal for Finish a and Durability. 'ok Hlove, also- Hwling and Itox lNDKI KNDlvXCK, OKKOOX. Ix-i-ln oiM'nitinllS aUmt the first of ireiarcd to Imy whi-ut or store for wheat will lie received ut some ..... . i' . i ... .1... r:ii .l....M win m ueuvemi uw Oregon. DR. HILLER'S Proscriptions. SELF CUBE Remedy (or Each Disease. UIm1iI) . A prfH Knlc ana annflh bulklrt. cobiuuibuv, a bJawtiif at uma uuuwf aua oaua ID hi no rm w M M "J So said Bu wer, that irreateat of Novelists, and he neve' spoke more truly, and he miitht have added with equal force, that mtrit la tne essence ol success. Wisdom's Robertiue is the synonym of merit, and its history It tuccesa. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladiea of society ana ine stac. it is uie only arti cle ever discovered which givea a Natur t ana arautyul tint to the complexion, at the same time removing- all roucUnesa of the face and arms and leaving the sain son, sntootn ana velvety, it nat long been the study of chemists to tiro- duce an article that while it would beau tify the complexion would also have the merit ol Delng harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought logetner until commnea in WISDOM'S SOBErvriNH. HfflB Osrasti, and Tml.-Msrk obtained, and all Pat au! iMMlOMB) OOlKlUCtwt tV MOOtRSTS Ttl. Oun Ornes nOmiiii U.t. P.TtNTOrriej sua caii ..'( lire iiauuii u lot Uiuo iliiui U1J.0 remote from W.nlilmtton. Head modal, ilmwhig or photo., with dciwrip tlnn, W. sdvlM, If or tint, frmi ol Cliarge. Our foe not duo till naloat I. atwiirad. A MMttT, "How to Ohi.ln PatauU," with nams. of actual cll''nu la your btaio, ouunty, or town, scut froa, AJdrwi, C.A.SNOVV&CO. O... p ATI nt orriet, W.shinoton, D. c. O. A.KRAMER, Watch Maker i Jeweler, Wants Your Kopiilrlng. Wutch ropulr a spK-lalty, Will Klvo you bargnliis In Wntoliss, t'lwks and Jt'wclry, WITH Buster & Locke. SEASONABLE STYLES AND a . Is a reasonable proposition rH-iiHiuio t-wipw. i ' yn for us to do this. We promise it in good taltli. It Menus fr you Tlie Iswt at Ijw-st PHc-s In -BOOTS and SHOES- For Ladies, Gents aud Children's wear, our Stock alwunds in Kilties and IjiUt Novell!. Quality the best In everything we offer this Benson. The loweat pric 'oik county. H. D. Waller,- Main St., Independence. PHEEB -OF- SHELLY I Is well Stocked with Seasonable Goods and will be replenished to suit the times. VllMliAajiMtU'4 . Their facilities for doing business are equal to any Mouse in the Valley and their prices are always right. Their reputation for, keeping good Goods together with the courtesy extend ed to their customers insures them the Liberal Patronage they are receiving, and for which they are thankful. Shelly & Vanduyn, INDEPENDENCE, School Books and -FOR BUSTER The Public is Most Cordially Invited to Call and Price Our Latest St'liHjted Stock of Writing Paiu-rs, Tabids, Pens, Ink, Rulers, etc., also All the School Books iu Use in the Public Schools. P ISO'S REMEDY FOR certain. For Cold in tbe It it an Ointment, of which a mall nartiole is applied to the nostrils. Priue, Bdc. Sold by dniircisU or sent by mail Addreea, E. T. IIaucltimk, Warren, Pa. THEY ALT, SAY (and It Is true) tbat you can get at CU. i. CUheelep's Stove, -THE BEST -STATIONERY AND . BOOKS, Candies, Cigars, Notions, Jrctio ornuKvr i, uuery, mra uages and Bird Seed, ' Fishinst Tackle, Boss Ball Goods, Toys, Wagons, Pianos and Organs, Sewing Machines and Extras, etc MAIN STREET, . . INDEPENDENCE, ORE. -THE CHURCHILL- Sash, Door and Manufdcturinc Co. o()o .. lUvlllir hi nill owmllon a Rturinviu. Tirv VMn . . . machine,,, w. a w U, fll. anai aH 7. mZZ TZTZ W1HII U) K IllKt We Will hrtve OollslAlltlv nn hai.rt ,.!! 1........ , .... ailimllmi well be given and prices a low as rOfllee, comer Trade and High streeu, BEAMER & CRAVEN, -Iieulers In- HARHESS and SADDLES, -and- AU kinds of Harness aud Saddlery uooiiH. i:arringo Tnming and repairiug, SPECIAL BARGAINS. Curry Combs, three bars, 8 cents. Brushes, 10 cents. Complete set of Team Harness, $14.00. FAIR FIGURES! 1 1.. '.. Irt.OtM 14 it t-kMUiltlfi and the best liargalns offered In VAHDUVH OREGON. Stationery SALE 1JY- & LOCKE. CATARRH. Beat. Easiest Head it has no equal. I SELECTED STOCK Of- SCHOOL SUPPLIES- BOOKS. Soda, Fruits, in season) 3 consistent with good work. Salem; P, o. box No. sua Lewis Kelso, HEALER IN IT L. u Ladies and Gents Fur nishing Most Complete Stock of Boots and Shoes Iu the City