The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 15, 1890, Image 4

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    tt1iinlNa ;
My ohtktra. bow ouutj! Wbj Ua you, Ibar
Two rolUektnit, fun kwtaf airt,
Who always aire Miw mmh wort to dM
tort vorklnc In aw gf siy juy
(Mil Ruby, who mamma to" to lor
And wiy baby a wMutlam mhI swa.
ftrth wto adontmr my wtMnwdt eruw
In boo whn a! way at.
At Uw tua of tit day, 1 til dow bnM
sly bahy, to hill kar to (tsar-i
hi (wt draawaaf ehlMhood th others ntunaat .
IM ruber, .hjr watch e'er Uiu two)
Ttwt ak am worried wtth troubl ml cant
Ah. so, ft h restful ukI sw,
T be ib bxuS uKHtm at bkamxna to fti
To fuhta la On rl-hl Uwlr yuif to. -
"WouMlwkalOKiMngo!" HotforiltirhMioi
Rr tar nil of four wvatltn Mat rur l"i"
to Imb rour Mr atads auJ four ooutMu ot
r isep hl (i bw. m four trwuun
iUsfe a Aldus In UuwJ UouojkoftitBf.
, And Muurlo Kllr began tftuat
TU Lartljjue divUlon ItaJ bwo fight
U14 without moment's rpit iuc
tlto 000.1 uu'uceittent of III engagement
Tbe bad Muck like nulls ut Bruokutuhl,
I AltaacltuhaiMr-rttof Mid la the formal
of NtmitvwaM. wher w had a hand-to-hand
truggla with tua (tamtam
Put I how terriblo gun of Da Host.
. that had rained a f out hold on th
height of Uunstolt, luado it tot possible
to hold tho position takeo. It wa
almost worth whilo having aitciriflvwl
th piondid Michel brigade oompowod
of tb Eighth aud Ninth Culnusiort and
th. Sixth Lancer, In tha charge at
MoraUrouit, and whowa last turvivora wo
had (oen attorod by th Thirteenth Pro
aian Hussar This charge had out;
WutporarU wllewwd tha right wing of
tha army. Wa bad Just enwrged from
tha of tha NieJorwakl foreat, whon
an ordor arrived from the marshal that
Klsjtsaliuiisoo must ba retaken at an;
cost. . t'
I had met my twin brother, riiillpi.
tltrea ttmr ainoe tha beginning of tha
battle. Wa had hardly had titua to
cltwr each othor with a ttulleof recogni
tion and call out from a distance:
i "la awylhlug all right?
I "Yoa,aofarr
: Th U "ao far' waa ma a mora common
place, 1 can axsura you, for our comrade
wra falling every lnxtant, and tha turn
of one of ua wight coma at any mouwrtt
a casualty that would hava proved
wonw than death for tha turrivor.
Tho raador can form hi own opinion;
Philippe, who had only just graduated
from saint Cyr, wa in command or
company, whilo I lielonged to tho aecond
batuilion, in charge of a lieutenant Tba
ttmtiana. who bad uixvkd MacMa-
boa' d'.wign. bad placed eight batturlD
on tit cat of tba villaga, behind tome
cherry tree, on the road from VVoorth
to liundurxhotlttn.
VV bad fnU'tvd ,FJaa)iauaen and
taken poaaaaaioo of tho housoa. A iliiwu
of ua bad stationed ourwlvea at tho win-
. dowa, and Bred ao rapidly that the bar-
ri'la of our ciuiswpota bad Jjeeotua hot
Bui Id iplloof tho gap wo mad in their
rank, ono looking on from a diatanw
would have said that they sprang from
tba earth, a they came on in cerrii-d
column. ,
Tho nobw waa donfenlng. Soon bbek
uuoke, like thick cloud, rose aud cut oil
our viow, but we itiil kept on firing at
haphazard. Tliou tha thick miua that
rose slowly upward waa pierced by long
tongue of tl.uiio.
"Tha viiiago ia burning," tatd tha old
corporal who contuiattdod us, whllv b
continued to lire.
We bad to stick like nail. The Prus
sian did not dare to com to clooo quar
ter with our death dealing guns, or the
niJlrailleuw that swept the road lead
big to ojr iMwition.i, but they kept up a
rain of bomtia on the tillage. There
-were with u the three Cello division
and all that were left of the Wbeem-
bourg, Cou.'i) Ournesnil and Lortiguva.
1 cast a glance down into the principal
street and aaw a troop oliioer fait
A captain and a second lieutenant were
assisting him and stood him up ogainta
wall 1 saw that the second lieutenant
was my brother.
"Good heaves! thecotonel ha fallen,"
I could not help exclaiming.
"This is a day of -casualties; to much
the better for the lieutenant colonel," re-
ulied the corporal. "Uut go on with
your work, my good fellow."
lie had scarcely finished the sentence
when a shell struck tho side of the win
dow, bunt, carried away his head and
made a bole in the wall, whilo another
fell on tho shingle roof, crushed it in and
t it on fire.
We could stay there no longer. VV
bad boon smoked out and made the best
of our way down stairs.
In tliotttrwt the regiments ure niln
glcd In Inextricable couf union. Philippe
is picking up the wounded and notices m
"Follow us, Maurice,"
; . And about thirty of ns started to run
at a quick stop boliind him amid a fright
Xul shower of bombs that naturally still
- further accelerated our pace.
1 We took refuge in a largo brick struc
ture at the entrance of the village and
stationed men at all the embrasures.
There were four of us In a room with
Philippe, who waa firing at my side. At
the end of Ave minute two men of the
Keventy-fourtli were wounded ; one had
hlsaknll crushed and the other hi breast
lialf torn open. Suddenly my brother re
lazed bis hold on hi gun and- be full In
hi turn, i sprang to him.
"Philippe, where are you hurt?'
I "1 am don for, be replied; "it's my
cheat Listen: the colonel, who ha also
received hi death wound, gave Capt.
CcJlin and me the funds of the regiment.1'
lie stopped to spit out a mouthful ol
i "1 have eleven thousand francs in
notes of the iinnk of France in my
wcketbook. y Vou must put on my
doUxa. They can't tell ua apart, and
joa must take charge of the money. , 1
yoo are not killed you will be taken pris
oner. They search privates, but not of
Am If von eacaDe vou must make
your way to regimental headquarter
and return the money to whoever maj
be In command. And now be quicki
When I am undressed you mitBt lay me
on the bed nt the end of the room and
put your clothes by me."
1 was dumfounded and obeyed me
chanically. Outsido we could hear wild
shrieks amid a deafening uproar.
'Here they are," murmured Philippe,
again ejecting a quantity of blood.
And be turned hi face toward mo a
If to kiss ma
J bent over him in a last embrace.
At the sume moment the door, which
we had fastened carefully, flow open
Three or four shots were fired in but did
not touch me, when a stentorian voice
cried out:
; An officer advanced toward me and
said In French: -' ' . . - '
"You are a prisoner, monsieur. Your
sword!". - ' .
1 was dragged down below, where 1
found some privates and ofllccrs sur
rounded by Germans. I was Indeed a
We marched towards Cologne." My
heart did not give my conscience free
pluy.. 1 loved my brother more than I
loved myself, and I also loved toy coun
try 'more than 1 1oyih1 iuyittU, Ttieyliad
snatched me from both in th crlsl of
their groauwt agony. Thoo only who
have tout a twin brother know that our
la no ordinary grief. It I tha other half
of u that I doad.
Philippe ami I had never len sepa
rated until he entered Bniitt Cyr, 1 bad
been rejected and my grief wa torrlbl
to wluira.
My mother, tha holy egotUt, wa
pkard at It , You can gum why.
My father, chief of battalion, had been
killed at Bolferlno. My iter, Ave year
our senior, had been married at Itt to a
young phyiotan who had junt settled In
the west
My mother wa thus left alone, a from
pecuniary reiuum she had Ikou obliged
to consent to our being vdncMtvd at Pry
tanee do I Fleche.
lVrluw, but for tho o-itbnnk of the
-ar with tkrmany 1 might hava raalincd
her dream, which wa to have ono ol u
study law and becorue a mag lt rate, to
that we could live urar her. Hut the
blood of a soldier coursed Utrough our
veut, and a aeon as War wa declared I
Tohmtered In Philippe' reglnumt
Never were twin more entirely alike
than wa, liter tu almnlutely nothing
to dintinguinh u that I nothing but a
difference In Intellect 1 learned far les
easily than he, but of courn that eould
not bo known by any outward sign, tu
all other respect we were exact ly alike,
Aa children our paretita only told u
apart by the color of our cravat. At
LaPteche the matriculation number on
our clothe answered the same rmrw.
It wasonly when I wa alona In th
small room I hired from the little tailor
at Cologne, that t had time to reflect on
all the coue4uence of my amumliig tny
brother's identity."
I really became a forger by approb
ating a rank to which I had uo right,
and allowing a certUleate of death to be
filtered in the book of the Ktat t'lvlle
that wa incorrect
I had received a letter from my lu-art
broken mother asking for detail of my
own death, of which she had been In
formed. The pennant had found the lit
tle book containing my otlleuil description
lu the room altera we had beciT fighting,
a well a a letter I had received from my
sister, aud both had been sent to my
brother-in-law, the physician, who th
next day learned the sad itory of the re
covered articles. They said that 1 had
been carefully buried In the tittle grave
yard of lKiMhauen, and that when the.1
war wa over toy relative eouiu come to
pray at my grave, or have my remain
reinterred near them.
The crime that 1 had committed at the
retiuost of my pour dead brother weighed
on m heavily. 1 wa eager to return to
France that 1 might give up that Hrtiun
of tha regimental fund that had Skvii
eontlded tome, and tocstablih uty iden
tity. ' ' o:' , . -
At but the day arrived, and one morn
ing In tha month of April, 1871. i rang
at tho door of the pretty house at LUieux
occupied by my aunt, a manufacturer'
widow, and my charming cousin Odette,
with whom my mother had found
home during the war.
April wa exceptionally fine that year
and the garden wa rich in lloral trvaa
All at once two voice cried out In uni
son. "Philippe, my Philippe."
I wa ju-t in time to catch uty poor
mamma and Odetie in my arm a they
came near twoonlng away. They ckotped
me feverishly, almost wildly, in their
embrace, n if aoma one wa trying t-t
snatch me from them.
Then Odette started back, leaving me
to my mother, who (trained me to tier
arm, gaaed at nte, again embraced uie.
and then suddenly cxehiiuiedi
"See, Odette, how they have uswd him!
lie's only a shadow, What a terrible
living is war, and in what a condition It
tend bark those whom it doe uol kill
They alaughtorud my Maurice, and set
what they hava done with Philippe, Oh!
my fine stalwart boy a A hi tha asa
imi! You are not going back again
you understand, 1 wou't have you in an
other butchery in Pari yonder I"
"He calm, dear mother, my regimen1
I being reorganized at Havre and wc
shall not have to march ngulnst tho Com
She turned to my coiwin.
"Come, Odette, 1 am not jealous; lie Is
yours too. A hi Philippe, love bur well
If you only knew how she ha wept and
prayed for you.
At that moment 1 remembered some
thing; PhilipiHS and Odette adored each
other and had sworn that they would re
main faithful. Must 1 also steal thin
child's love?
What should 1 do? Must I cry out, "I
am deceiving you both, I am robbing
you, dear mother, of your sacred grief,
and you of your affection, dear young
So far as my mother was concerned It
would only be a transfer of sorrow from
one beloved object to another, but In the
ease of Odette It would be a death blow
I therefore continued to play tho part
jf Philippe, Hi dear personality In
which which I had rolied myself, burnt
me like the shirt of Nvssua It seemed
to me that 1 could see him starting from
his grave at Eisnsshausen and crying:
"Enough! Give me bock my uniform,
my fiancee, my mother's sorrow. Give
me back myself, robber!"
All at once It Is only women who are.
subject to this sudden change of idea,
but those who were living at that period
will understand It all at once my moth
er exclaimed:
"You are hungry, are you not? You
have been hungry tho last nine months.
My bands must have the pleasure of pre
paring the first repast which you are to
enjoy. Remain with Odette. You must
have many thing to say to each other.
"The young girl face became illum
ined as with a spring aurora. Hlie took
my arm and pressed It
"Oh, my beloved! What a day is this!
It seems to uie as if you Had arisen from
the dcadl"
1 turned pale and gazed at her wildly,
letting the arm that she was holding fall
"What Is the matter? Do you no longer
love mo?" she stammered, also losing her
"Yes, yes; but let us say no more about
the dead; thoy cwinot come to lifenguln,"
"Truel Stay, 1 am sclilsh. 1 forgot
the other ono your other self, he, of
whom I was almost jealous, I loved you
so. Do you remember what you sata to
me there, under the arbor, when we bade
each other good-by?"
It seemed as if the earth was opening
at my feet.
"Ah, yesl ah, yes!" I stammered like
- In this love duet I wa playing out of
time and tune, and she no doubt folt it.
"Tell me what it was," the went on
"Excuse mo; i ve thought of so many
things since. My poor head! My broth
er " '
She pushed me away, gazing at me
with a frightened expression.
"Are you not Philippe? Btayl what a
horriblo thought! You are not Philippe,
If you had been you would have already
taken me In your arms and covered me
with kisses so I could not have spoken,
: And white aa a ghost she shrank back,
holding up her finger like an accusing
angel, and said In a voice trembling with
"You are Maurice, and It's Phlllpi
who l dead."
I fell on my knee before her and cov
ered my face with my hands, ;
"Pardon," I murmured.
filie uttered a piercing shriek and felt
to th ground a on dead.
My aunt, my mother, th servant,
everybody, cant running lu, tth lay
on tha floor apparently lifelcas, while 1
tt on my knees tobhiug. What could
1 tayr 1 coiifetwed all
: The colonel of tha regiment had
ced the casualties of war and wa
rviding on hi entat near Nantra ) set
out tha same evening, leaving Odette, In
a tort of aialeptle til, In charge of the
physician and went to return to him
tha sacred deposit Intrusted to me by
my brother and to tell hint my terrible
tory,:: . -
He embraced me a If I were hi ton,
undertook to make everything right and
mil ut back to my ailllcted relative
with the expectation of obtaining a three
utontli' lve of Wnc. ..
It came a fortnight later with a medal
"for bravery at the battle of Klsasa
hatuan,atid for having saved the
fund of the regiment"
Aht youth! At the end of a mouth,
thank to our tender care, Odette was
herself again and 1 told her all. We en
tered Into an engagement that wa to
last until the clone of the war provided I
could obtain uty mother' consent
When my leave of absence expired J
said to the poor childt
"Odette, 1 am going away again t com
fort my dear mother,
"You will not go away," she replied,
"PhtllpiM apteared to in last night and
commanded me to love you, 'Wear
but one Mug.' he said; 'if you love me.
jou also love him.'"
"You are only making a tacrlllce for
my mother' sake."
"No, I wear I am not," aha replied
Then raUlug her beautiful eye Oiled
with tears, she continued!
"In loving yeu 1 am still loving uty
I remained. There Ik now another
Philippe, tny tm, aud b fat the living
iuuurvof my brother and ma, -Translated
from tha French of Edouard Blelweker
for Th Horn Journal by J. Usury
Hager. ., '
Knocked Owl Their Pup,
John K. JolTnry had ait experience
with hi two bright little boy that t
ono more il Institution of how juvenile
eiiteue will often disarm anger. Ona
evening when tho bedtime for the lit
tle folk had arrived they seemed to ba
in aUUof great hilarity. Mr, jfetr
ery intimated to tliem tiiat It wa time
for them to go, but In their high g!c
the boy did not obey with their uttl
alacrity. Mr. JelTery then pk to
them, and a glance at "ptti" told them
he meant busitinM, m they started off,
with ill concealed reluctance. Once
out of aigltt of their parent, a new
idea soiled the hoy, and inxtead of go
ing directly to bed they went up itttt
a room at the top of th houe liuml
up a a gymnasium.
Here the two urchin put on boxing
glove and began sparring tike two
little Sullivan. They wore none Ux
quiet and the noise they made wit
beard down in the sitting mom. Mr.
JelTery donned hi wvereat frown and
murched up stair, Opening the door
of hi)t gymnasium bo saw hi boys go
ing forettch other like Trojan. They
saw him at I lie same moment, and both
at the Ktme time dropped down on
their knee, throw up titer? band, atill
burdened with tho boxing gloves, as
though they were at prayer, and aid
in mock eariieetiicn: "Notr I luy me
down to Ieep," The net knocked Jlr.
JelTery out completely, and ho could
not utter a crou word. Ho shook hi
finger at them in playful sternuiwsNud
ordered litem to bed. Iht tune tho
little follow went, but they knew they
hud taken the wind out of ptpu' sail.
Chicago II iimM.
Sha Kits Slltt anil OUi-m.
"When 1 go to tho library," suit! a
lady, "and try to get any or tho daily
paper I umially find a horrid man in
posnessiott, either reading every line
!...!.. I.I ,1 I . .
iu mio o;in-r, iiieimiiug tue auvoniso
meiiLi, ort hi cartde.isiy renting hi el
bow on. one paHr while carefully pe
rusing another." . .
"What do you do in tunli an event"
"Oh, I (imply htka a seat near him
and glare. Yea, sir; glare with all tho
tigerish concentrated ferocity an amia
ble woman can throw into a pair of
weak bluo eye."
"What litipK)HC
"Oh, lie atufu about uneasily, a if
ho were the focus of four down pair of
opera gliutsoK, and presently cither
move hi arm or dosorU the paper
want to get lint men don't bother too
nearly a much a women. Why! lie
cause women are imjwrvlou to and
wholly oblivious of a glare o a stony
stare or tiny other form of ocular in
tensity. For instunco, when I go to
look for tho foreign maguxinos I usual
ly find some lady reading my fuvorito
periodical, wbilo tho rent a.e out of
"Wlioro tire thoy)"
"She is sitting on them and nothing
this side of a dynamite oxplosiou will
got her to move, 8o I pas on."
There in a good sized moral hidden
about thi story soiuowhoro, St Loui
Poloon In Renplrad Air.
Professor Brown-Sequard Is reported
to have lately Inforiried the French Acad
emy of Sciences that by condensing the
watery vapor coming from the human
luns he obtained a poisonous liquid
capable of producing almost Immediate
death, The poison Is an alkaloid (organic),
and not a microtia or series of microbes,
lie Injected this liquid under the skin ol
a rabbit and the elfect was speedily mor
tal without convulsions, Dr. Hequnrd
laid It wa fully proved that respired all
contains a volatile element fur more dan
gerous than the carbonic acid which Is
ono of it constituents, and that the
human breath contains a highly poison
ous agent, This startling fact should br
borne in mind by tho occupants of crowd
ed horse cars and 111 ventilated apart
ments. Boston Journal,
Filling a ton Kelt Want.
. The genus crank soems determined to
put the new department of agriculture
to some uso, or perish in the attempt, An
application for a yoke of oxen, a horse, a
cow and agricultural tools was received
at the department not long ago, and on
another occasion a man who had heard
Uncle Sam was "rich enough to give u
each a farm" asked the secretary for an
order for 100 acres of land. Home peoplr
had an Idea that the creation of the agrl
cultural department was unnecessary,
but others, It appear, regard It a "till
Ing a long felt waut." Pittsburg Chrotil
A Ooorgla editor leads all Uio papnr
on the guessing suhomes. It asks Its
reader to "guess who owes three years'
mbnerlpUon and refuses to pay it in
iwoot potatoes!"
Tfca Cenutrt U Hot a Urae Military
ITui-m, but III Iter In Hie Am Remark
attl tor Thtilr rMllllv la tlsmlllt. lb
ItUt -New TtMjr Arc Tanaut 4 Trained.
The United State ha a very tslttlvt
territory, yet It ha the inllvt regular
army of any elvrlwd power of nearly
equal territorial extent Still, with
American Ideas and policy, the gallant
little fore aeem amply uuietent to
guard th country. I'eue I so muc h
the policy of our nation that even the
mall army find llttl to da Th great
Indian tribe hav been corralled within
their resorvatloiut, and th Ufa of tha
Unllsd Bute aoldlur I now narrowed
down to tha stereotyped military coda,
Weary with tha sum old eeremonle
from year to year, practiced until tha
regular tactic are absolutely perfect
they havt developed th principal gar
rtsoa duty, target shooting, Into a cieno
of remarkable aocuraey, The pieaimre
of tha practice and th tplrit of awuhv
Uon arouaed combine to waka them tba
tuot skilled markumen In tha world.
Tint BICAT Tll wonut,
Ttta rifle used I tlit ordinary Spring
field ervic pattern, a breaob loader,
carrying seventy grain of powder and
IKK) grain of lead, common ervic eight
Hint never get out of order.
Our little army may b deficient In
many way, but In the matter of rttle
hoot big to hit and with tha object of
hlttitig to kill (tlte busine In which tha
soldier I pretumed to ba particularly
fliclent), It certainly taid tirt in the
world. Another great advantage, aj
though not a pleasant one, ha been con;
tiuuou aud almost everlasting
on tha remote frontier. Surrounded with
large and tmall game, what wonder that
men, who buiuea It t to kill, always
elsod every opportunity for huntiugr
To be perfectly fair, our marksmen ara
orar in advance of the beat riuropt-an
soldier, that, so far a execution la con
cerned, the latter would have no how
whatever when pitted against our own
regular. Kurojman armies, though
armed with a longer range gun, yet lack
practice and accuracy. '
They am trained to volley tl tooting iu
toad of individual aim, and the result is
that fully half of the men tire at random
into tha air. Unci Saw' man ha to
depend upon himself. European nation
nurse thelrdisllkaof each other and their
military training partake of it They
pay more attention to batching up new
aclteme to hurt each other than hitting
lb bull' eye. Ttwy are abla to jderca,
time without number, a target In the
hape of an ettlgy of a French soldier,
but would mia at every thot aa Ameri
can target Neitlwr the French, Ger
man, Ikilgian nor Kussian have tha
kill of the American in sighting their
g unt or In handling their piece.
Boutin duty on the frontier is about
a follow: tlis soldier get 13 per
month straight pay, ration, clothing,
and a certain allowance which Is paid
him on the date of hi discharge; an in
crease for tacit year' service or re-en-tistment;
additional remuneration If pro
moted corporal, sergeant or artificer)
extra pay if workwl a a carpenter,
plasterer or mechanic, and lot of other
perquisite too mall to mention. Guard
duty I the hardest In the (orvlce, and
to thi lb soldier Is eligible about on
day In tlx.
aouttKit urc
Three Mil call a day, reveille, retreat
and tattoo(if a cavalryman, (table twiot
a daytt drill Monday or Friday, drea
Ssrnde every evening, and targot prao
ce whenever weather permit. Knelt
company in the aervice I provided with
a pair of bnwh loading hotgun. a cer
tain annual allowance of powder, thot,
wad and he)l, and thus ara open to
everybody for bunting purpose when
not employed on other duty, Tlte soldier
can then amuse himself knocking over
jock ralatit, bagging cage hen and prai
rie chickens, and missing a many duck
and wild geese a he waut to
Tours of detached service ar merely
plciilc. Large game of tome kuid can
almost alway ba found, and what better
port could any one ask? Titer i one
undeniable fact about a five year' term
in the United State army. Allnortaof
material are caught for soldier! the beer
drinking Teuton, the bull dog FjtglUh
itinn, the fun loving Irbhman, the Igno
rant darky, and, lu fact, men of all na
tionalities and all tiluto. They come to
us aa bright a meteor and a verdant
as cucumber; but no matter how gtven
and unsophisticated tha recruit may be
when he joins, he ha dovebped Into a
line marksman when ho leave the army,
and with decidedly mora sense than be
was enlisted with.
The bump of fun I exceedingly large
in the average soldier of the line. Oen
orally, a remarked, they are young men
In the prime o manhood, of flue physique
and perfect in every way (else they
would not have been accepted by the re
cruiting ofllcer), who look upon the term
of enlistment a a sort of lark, and pro
pose to get a much amusement and fun
out of the five year a possible. Aston
ishing as it may eem, yet It 1 neverthe
less true that It is no easy matter to en
list in tho United States army. Nineteen
out of twenty applicants are rejected for
cause, and the twentieth man must be
up to the mark, or he I liable totravol
the road of hi nineteen predecessors,
After enlistment expire a majority of
tha discharged soldiers, who orlglually
came from some of the states back east,
never return to their former homo.
Civilisation, with all It drawback, has
lost it charm for them, and so thoy
Hick to th west and grow up with the
country, Long (ervice and extensive
scouting over the plains have cured them
of city life and a struggle for existence.
Thoy either take up land clalum some
where, buy farm from the railroads or
drift to ranching or stock ralslug. Many
of them prefer cowboy life, which a term
of service In the army, saddle and scout
ing work especially equips them for.
ISew York. Star. ,
lllddy rms a Smustlon,
A short time ago a family living oa
State street extension hired a green
urvant She waa told by her mistress
to wash the sucond-story window. Sbo
had seen the way in which that labor
was performed by tho neighboring serv
ants, and was all right s far oi washing
the outside of the windows was Con
oernod. When that part of the job had
been finished, it occur roil to bor that
tho propor thing wa to wash the lnslda
In the same way. What wa the ur
prlso and edification of the passers by
to see a' pair of generously proportioned
nothor limbs, clad In brilliantly striped
hosiery, dangling from the outside of
the wlndoow, with the owner blissfully
unoonsotous of the sensation she was
creating. The ludyof the bouso saw
the crowd collecting and went out to
lee what was the matter, Looking up
ward tho queer spectacle mot her gaxe.
Shocked and horrified she rushed in
Aoors and called the domestlo to the
lower household regions. Bridgeport
(Conn.) Farmer. ,
Sometimes a man is hard-working I
man and then again sometime Jka 1
paly a hard worklngman ',-
A Xw and lllahljr KiIIMh Vsnln at
tM In tli l'liutirili lllrr.
Fond Mamma (to her first-born, two
year old) Wou't niamnisVlitl cherub
tell her I' n tin Will about having her
'til picture taken to-dy?
Mamma' Cherub (energetically)
Qoo-er-r pict-er-goo-buol
Fond Msintn- IWmi't she tell It
trklght th dear 'Itt.a girlie? She'
hr own niamnia' blrdltd
Uniila Will Wa she good?
Fond MmtnNu wa Just a good
a gold. Wasn't 'oo, angel, dear? Tell
Untie Will how duod you were.
The Unity tioo-goo-er-bool
Fund Mamma Can't she talk dltlnnt
lj? Why, 1 oan understand her a well
as I can you.
tlnele Will You were lwy mrt
girl,' Annie.
Fond Mamma-Now you are making
fun of nm I know yuu are; and bsby
wa just a good a alia eould be, to ilia
Unele Will As good a she nould bel
That isn't saying much. Did (It cry.
Fond Matiuti Oh, wtdl, she cried
Jii.t little; but then she w no e.uu,
After I had her alt Died up and the
looked a sweet a a peach tha man told
her to look at the hula In the camera,
you know and watch for the llttl bird
to come out
Uncle Wll!-We!L the t (till and
looked, did she?
Fond .Mmiiiim Oh. no; h just tod'
died over to the instrument to sea If
there really wa a bird there. Wasn't
iteunnlng? ltaby, teU'oor Untie Will
about tha 'lllle birdie bird.
The llaby-N'o hlrdlel lloo bo
Fond Mmm(dttllghlid) That's just
tit way sue did at the photographer l
Wtt t It emitting,
Uncle Wltl-Vorv! Then what?
Fond Malum -Oh, then I comforted
bar, and gv her some candy, and got
ber fixed up attain, and tha sat just a
still until the man bad every thing
ready to pull th slide or push It,
whichever It I and then she cried for
more randy, and wa had to begin all
over again. Wasn't It cunning llaby,
teli Untie Will about It
llaby tioo-vor-taud!
Fund Mamma Isn't that tweet?
Uncle Will-Well, did you get th
picture Ukea after all.
Fond Mutuant -Of Course) (tut we msv
have to go again. Tha operator thought
it wa a good negative, but we can tell
better afuir h send us a proof, I ex
pect a proof will coma to-morrow, aad I
know lt il Uo just oo sweet for auy
t'nele Wlll-V it taken by th In
stantaneous proo-?
Fond Mmni-0)i, no; It took utover
three hours; but bsliy was ut a good
a h eould Ue.VViu. II. Siviutr, in
On ml II M Lae-anrf4Mg Vletlms Bar
Kit Must tin.
What shall be done with the Woman
Next Ihatr who Uirrows our servant?
This neighborly person, with a turn for
economy, doe not keep a domns'.lu,
Why should she do no? If b bat oo
easlon to go out (bopping la the morn
ing, sbe simply order the parcels sent
to the next door neighbor addmss, and
hold herself free for calling in tho aft
ernoon. The servant next door answer
the delivery boy' ring and takes in the
goods. WLen the Wumsn Next Ifcwr
returns the neighbor' servant answer
the door bell and hands out the good
with a (printing step and a heart
grateful to Providence for the many
opportunities of usefulness placed with
in her reach. The butcher boy 1 In
trueted to leave the tok next doer.
The baker leave the bread next door.
The grocer leave the kitchen supplies
next door. Tha Woman Next Door
bu occasion to go down town and
leave Instructions next door to take
in her husband until her return.
The Woman Next IWraoet down town
again and leave the baby next door
until she get back. The Woman Next
floor instruct her caller to wait next
door in ea she 1 out And one day
the neighbor anrvsnt coldly not! An
the mistress that she intends to leave at
the end of tho month, and she tell
other people that she has grown weary
of doing the work of two families for
one wage, and that she was In hourly
tear that the Woman Next IHior would
Invito her In to wash her baby aud help
with tho dishes, or have the soiled
eloijins ent over on washing day
The Woman Next Door hears with re
gret that the servant next door has es
caped, but ber step doe not falter nor
ber heart aoften; she goes mercilessly
upon her wy, and the mtijfhtior engage
two servants, one for herself ami ona
for the Woman Next Dour, or move, or
dies, nd the Woman Next Door order
crape tor the funeral, and has the ptr
enl delivered at the bouse of mourning.
Th Woman Next Door must go. To
ronto Globe.
Ho KUn( with til Knit.
A well known Cl.iengoan recently
spent a Sunday in tho insane asylum
at Kunkukoe, He went there to see
one of the patients, and lie took dinner
with him, occupying a scat at one of
the table set apart ror "mild cases,"
During tho progress of tho meal a pa
tient at another table arose, carefully
deposited hi napkin at tho side of his
pluto, and, walking over to the next
table, caught another patient Willi a
powerful upmircut under tha ear.
"There!" ho cried, "that'll tench you
bettor than toeat with your knife." In
a moment more tho aggressor was
eiasotl by alert attendants and hurried
away to his own room. It was ex
plained that this was his one hallucina
tion, lie became wild whenever ho
aaw a man eating with hi kuifo. On
his way buck on tho train the Chicago
visitor thought what an awful task
this poor follow would have if ha were
allowed to eat iu certain local restau
rants and hotels, where at least half of
the guests are known in the vernacu
lar as "sword swallowors." Chicago
Herald, .
. - u
Points About the lintr Mrtish,
Theie is another consideration in con
nection with the use of the hair brush,
which, though it may scarcely need men
tion, should not be overlooked. The
brush should be kopt clean. It gives
one a shudder to see the brushes and
combs that are sometimes supplied at
places of public resort. No one should
ever think of using a public, hair brush
any more than a public tooth brush, un
less it becomes a matter of absolute no
cossity; but the fact remains that the in
dividual article requires to be properly
cared for, else it an Instrument
of danger rather than a delight,
If the case is not very aggravated the
bristloB may be washed in lukewarm
water, to which a few drops of ammonia
can be added. This will clear away the
accumulated dust and dirt as by magic,
The briBtles can be rinsed In pure water
and allowed to dry in an airy place; the
brush should not be exposed to the sun,
nor should the back of it be wet at any
time. Soda and soap soften the bristles,
and if the back of the brush be of ivory
It will turn yellow by their application,
For general use it is better economy to
buy a cheap brvmh, and, after using it
for a reasonable time, throw it into the
Are and start afresh. Uood Kousekeop-
Maun U,m,
lnnH.irfvrr tht Ortui Ifkrnt KU
nry and tAvtr Car.
(ikNTMMRNi I nolle a great Inert
litth tale uf your remedy, and Judge
that by th repeated ra'l for It lht It
give entire and comp'el tatlsf.e ton to
km parlle using It U U th but ff!l(ng
KUlntt and LiwrVwt that 1 Itandl In
lock, Rtp tf ally your,
Jon Wm. fUi.TKB,
MIA Mt.slon ttrt t, corner of Twmiiy 0rt
Htn Pruichw'o, ('!.
At Hi He (IvMtlemaa Hikw (ho hw lint
vol Misilu ( his ailiul, irlmlyKll wlm bmI
IsIm), Itir-y ssr, l liwl. Ihi.Iu.) uirt Yih; hut,
It lie kf on iiwstluluaitHi(n,bUiMiisr
hat't - .
Inslluwlnt tnscllf ily ni th fcMniv( Mt rmw
tlinmsli iimliu l. t he nVsitly -liimln ol Htlslil'l
itlM-HM. am ilil'U' will i Ibo tlt iwrs
nf hvsllli If 11 1 sllmtml l ilrtfl rtiMvrpwiiin
lhM, 1 lis Mlr, tm. It lii il sU lu-li-pliMs
mt.lli-sti.ui iIims u iMXHllty dlmif Hi
Iii-Iiii tottsnl On' iurt ol ssleir. will W wltWmml
hi th quii-liMiKt nl ittMM. in vlwilii s ini
rlli let yuar Hnilrs Isll Mime HinO'iur'" slmn
K'li litllsrs. wlik li xliuulslra lli rvusl urssiit
without IrrllMlnssiwI ii-lltuUiiin, Iwo nitwit
In lw ,in'hi-iii.l lnra lhioiM"lli'lMl HwiiII
ls'iel niiiti)( In. 'Ilien bs tnilnr
riiB.-l in-)ii.llclll, Tti Killers liii istirsln Hi
klilui-) nt! lil'tiHf, In ruHiiiiiili Willi I In- iiwim
sml tin' ilntr-llii. iiiiiiiii, simI mi sttiiril Unllut
sill. It Ih slttinln ilusl sulue III (iivit.111
lii li'l Fiirln Itiit-rinlll.-til sml N oillii-iil Ivvvr.
MlllMiaurai, niu.llrtlim sml ibvauislUiii llslui
How tluth th Hill ti b
Improve Hi isemlns te-uri
In SMlliurlii iii lit BWMt ol t
.t ml aulsiiu sli lb sour.
Itirluillng IS rare novel i In, shtpe ane
artistic iinporird oleoKrible and chn
mat le csrtts. Thi larir and beautiful col
lectio srnt by mail to any on who will
do this! lluv a box of lb itetiuln Dr. V.
Mcln' Celebrated l.lvr I'llls from an)
druirgbit prleaxaecnta, and mall us tht
outatd wntpper with your dd rmw, plain
If written, snd 4 rent lu stamp. Tht
genuine MrUne' I'llls ar prepared onl)
by Fleming Urn., lHulmruh, 1'., ate
have been in rensuutt ut fur over slxt)
yearn. They r siirtor to all other lu
purity and ffwlivenes. A certain rnrt
for ttntlitwilloii and stli-k bnutvhe. Ad
dresia, Flemlnii llros., I'tttobunth, ('.
"Hcotl! It nlt Riiuivr to IU." "Wliyitim t
vou dlvlheuT" '" Iss'tiirs ami uiuleristvrs sr
U Msmnl ninriialir '
Wii.i.iau J, Sium-i.iiK, IMht Diam
Mokhi Couarr, N. J., write-i
' Wy bnslno- I ihu of sharpening
niln drill-, and I am much p-rd to
smoke snd gas. Ah ut three )cm ago I
begin to hav bad rough, with consider
tu liidiKvstlon sucl twins in my cliet
My phvsii-lan I'-ld in I d ytitpun of
eonsuiupiloit, Hr the dvi e of my father,
an old (ilrml ol ilHANlilUTH'M l'll.IJi, I l oin
uteiired nslim ilul valuable reiiuuy, ll)
His tlw 1 bel gut throiiith the wiroiid box
I began to pus very duuiKterilil bunmr
or pus. I b -ir-n to Improve very rapid!)
after Ih s, sml grew strotiKer suit ti ller
every d., aly uittlt Is now well I sleep
well at li lit lit, suit bat no more Indiges
tion." If A.lsnt hsit li- bom la thm he wimld
hm .null. i,l,. I n usitkn Kbtu sail put tl
M up st snctlitu.
CitKiill - 'froii-n'sMiKfAiof TrocM
ar sure remlj for cough snd sorr
throat. Sfl rents box.
ratW In th sir dn ant brlu In ny rvtil, bin
ttli ) PUUI lllstl.
What Itnys Talk About.
, Hava you ever overheard the con
weraation of a number of small boy
who, tiring of "pool away" and "sting
guat," have teuted tlteutsitlves upou a
curbstone to cool olfi It is a study.
They Invariably talk of tltnir reajtect
ive fathers, and the evident desire of
each is U plaeo his own particular pa
ternal piirenl iiK)ii the higliesl pinna
clo. "My futher knows tnora than
youra," ay ono boy to another,
"cause he' a iicwttiMtpcr man ha
write for the paper." The other boy
nil! conUunptuoualy and says:
"Huh I he don't write any, he geta ad
Vcrlwementa. That' what my jta
say." Then the first boy get back
witlit "Maybe lie doe, but he geut
frtK) tickets to the theatre, just the
sumo." Thi i usually a crusher, a
boy do not usually see anything
above free theatre tickets.' A third boy
boast that his pa i on the board of
trade and that ho has often accompan
ied him there, while a fourth boy' pa
ia in a railroad office and can ride
without paying. So the youngster
go on, while their fathers bustle for
them, and the "old gent" would all
feel proud if the? knew what enthusi
astic curbstone champions they had.
Chicago Herald.
lnUuTuplvd Memory.
From an article entitled "A Study
of Consciousness," by Professor II, S.
Wood, in The Century, we quote a
follows: "During the centennial ex
hibition a big, burly Scotchman was
brought to the hospital unconscious
from sunstroke. I plunged him into
a mass of slush and water and piled
great musses of ice about his head. A
ho gradually struggled back to con
sciousness, his first aeuaution was that
he was packed away iu an ice box and
doomed. When he catue more fully
to himself hi drat inquiry was, 'Who
am If I said, 'Who are youf This
be could not answer. For four day
that man lay in tho hospital, appar
ently perfectly rational, wotideriug
who he was. During all this time his
frionds were searching, and had de
tectives looking for him all through
Philadelphia. At last hi recollection
came back, and ho waa able to give
hta name."
I Am
So Hungry
After Taking
A Few Doses of
85 Oonts a Box.
or jtxx rmtraaiBTB.
u. i.n.l nttnrf" " Nei f bsllev h
lisU to Ue lu "'" ", ,, -
There ha ntwf been anything dlf'
rl that will e.iu4 IhAWi.' Kl tt-
forotf bouwhold ue. It maka peinllook
ilk nrwatid ektlli r AM ".
washwoman y H la a pltaur Ut um It
Ask your groor forU.
Th hspr dlMM-lh turn who has IN bw
T0TMttvi "ru-m Inftifm yor "4m
hopeless mww T ' ; I.ZIa i
hall Im M to tee b-'UI" at mt
1 1 1 1 (hifilll wd .li upm4
1st fssfl slnwt re. .
1'stM ( tstat riaM,
Hiw n for MM, Wending ma Itjbtef
Out hns bss nml lb worn is l t""
.uudlu u out u-a tair to ailiMil
i slii Kirk's Umaun fll Olelowet l "
i Minuis. !! U llf hltt. Srts a JH1MJ
! ivs rslW. Ir, KlrS's WMf (t! 1.(,J"lfr."i
priiiH,ii4 Ulu taH, Ivory a M
"Jiw'bT'iimfflsis a4 ja-ei b f J-a
of prlew, tl.un prr but. J. J. Mek Oa., waolf
ssm , -
Whsl vou scIiIbv I lu to pirn. ,
inn frlvud'i nts Mmlws l-k,
W pnslllviilr ear rtihttir n1 sll wrtl dls
mum jlioratill fr; MiHi"
h.irilro. Hia; snd iinill riir. Art
it,Mai!irMtuihllf. rrlirrlil M ,
Msrln-I ttrw-l, Mil Ktslu lWJ.
Tar Oaaas for breakfast.
Bsr of Imitations of th evlrbmlcd leal af
NorUt Carolina fla Cat Tobaeee.
Both tlte method ami rvmillt when
Myrup of Fig, ia token; it ia pleasant
ami refreshing to tiio taste, aud adi
gently yet promptly on tha Kidneys,
Liver aud Bowela, cleanmi the sys
tem effectually, dispell cold, had
tcltei and fever and cure Itabitu,'.!
,'onstirVtiou permanently. For aaU
ia 60c and X bottlt by all druggist
S mm anisisassaatsa Wsasaa Osenlsiils,
Utawla. Uvar OanalatiHa, UM a
PsstfcsSMiitxitriise tmi tMsiika.
C- i mwj mm m mm n I; aa u
navw vtwar ansa u
tr-itlBaaaa. la. lot Ma.
Washi.notos Coi.i.i-xik.
A Uitlltt aud Amy Rchoi.1 Air
Htwr Hsii.tim L Location in th Coi-stst.
TV rim fur bnaMrrt, (.-. pit rmr.
For misliimw adilmss
X. . rt'LrXiKD, A. M.,
Tacotna, Wh.
lloi Irrorier Everasoi in Oidor ftmnm.
-isaitHMO.ilirwIUW-.i.t, HsaUrsltrn sU
wiana"a, i uvr;Mrrnwi'nttt rawiatuj pwi,
kMlMlf fc.fHI- MttlK TKkATIIbKT HmU) to 4a
la tMl Iry fvai 4 lUalM atwl fmtUm f salvia. rtlllMk
HI) lMVllM4staikHI KM pnrWm Ustral (whHHl IWf
.(oa f BaaaS Itaate sad Booh. wSmtt
al Prim umaTra
. mumunw bhum lastrMDaana
t OO. n Pt atraa. a Kw,
Send Stamp for Our Pamphlets.
Wit hav RoiiKillilit nrw wlilch will ssv
yon Irnuble,
Cor. Mark! J oars Sts., i.r, row, IN,
san raMcira
I'rliu, .-i. Utdy AgMits Wsutct.
Wnll Irv lip U,.,h... II . i .1
, - . " ..-i i.mih-; mm a near, i
It ha btwu trlwl snd hss not thru rulli'f. You
may b nwdlnii It Jit tinw ami at-aiwly 1
(lamia st the htait nt tho list Hwlluirtou A Co.,
MlaaiMMimmMaT "T U""
??! oihonb aatna,
Ttrey Jfi!.!"i'Llr,'i'",,,r,-Ja,aa A
?, mulllo ton., m ,u, bi,.,
!"'b""Ik r ll atui
aaana. MMKriMla. Mot .
tt IK, l..H," a haw. ay
SliSti llw'l ... -
Y Tlie Best Typewriter.
BettiJ forCllot.
ancral Acnu,
1 1 1st Nt.,lortland,Or.
N. r. N. U. No. JWD-S. F. N. U. No. 42t!
used Fore
mm ...
What would
W LOti for ? A mllO p A V R OC Ih
IrrtsJi I ."rr
rrml ud nEKVUUB DavLTLlTVt
ail r m.".t
11. 1
, . kat.a i aiftaini
Aflllinl All KOHCfim HA klT
f1Ill I iw 1, Trlalfmt I'mR.n-
l I lUhl MIXiaAI. SfklN'i 1,0,
U rsvrrr. fun. l
Diamond Drill Work.
II h fiiMniHUl Cor Prill l'-r mlun.l m
tar, MIS ti frO tut M!HIMl rllir.
ASUU for llm"t1 MM Marlilnorv so itif,
kIIi. rwiwwwbSM snllHtr. til wm
MM Mrawl, Han rraurtaew.
i p UUI.f Latkirlutftctartfi
and Dealers.
4H (Sr i( rr
IIKtMt miA tc aat fur Hi4r. I'rtu
sml TslKiw.
under Ntw Law
tkilillm, I4s. fsH-nts, simil for blsns
ultislli.M. an Inlorwslloa. I'slO' I O ran
l eu.liiii Airut. taaiiij(i(H. U .
WwiWftit I-ijWST
Id .cwrferl1yt
a ai not u
Ut tm fine r
o w.liiilu. aw
sn ully or fay M i rr.
1 Uxtrut it (whjM
W ikmt tr aUH4f Im t
rtir l IN ttrtfiMal iumI
ftttM, lkM4J 4.B(jMNMr, - l
tjKMbral Imm it Hsawrf a U(r, fcc
WtM, t-Tf M tiMt lastSMtnimt u
lUuasl rnaax. mm a4 mhm torn fMwa.
sH i . m4 rWmttam Wk Uf saMMiM,
nvHMF afsasri j s al sbji HX.
lt MClUUl tIUtlltWi4ai
rUmtmnmmmm mtmim4 twi. Ja
m ttmtM, " 4 lutkjmmn. t
t lMi( 4 tm)f prtm Mlaa(H
MM. UA-IUO A I (a, INT Mfir i .w
IM ft mVrHf af MM M H , IfccW'W
4e, aairuaiuy, fatmmfkfi ;)
In tWi? Unmi: mm.
dMtwiNa It, CM m tm i? ttmmt, m
twH tL M aVaiP i. mMmm
rf4TTTTAf f9v .i.
I III I 1 1 II III traM. lMjrvi(.aa.
V4 IV at tVll Mp m4 9mmHiM ft. tnr w aa
vvwjwak. iwaatiritr - f 9 w wtt 1 Htak
To dltfc milils M aamaata
t If .t-r atlr VHUtihi,
ptuntf,4tewirytAwlKMty.smwm.W'uwn . iimL
UM mat an nriu Th. I, ti muni I al.n..,
fea Uaviara IIohIl utvug(llthaM. aiv
ml simniw asinv. twwi,uaK.waat
asiitlSliSrvSw4M.,BrviM.rvit. TtattSHfcaai4
a mil ao ,.Hsa awaww ia iiiiiaajiini,.
vrttl-Min. I.:f
im iiMaiaa.
Will Ka no other Jobacco
WKo orce tries
Plug Cut.
Jhts is U secret of 'As
' Immense sale.
The Best Family Soap
in the World.
Dobbin Ktd-trlc Snap Is rtWwj wr fbr von
to tB, If yoa follow lUrrrhomA. than sr
utber snap would be Uflivx tn you, fit t.y
llaumrli'Mrtairaamt, t'lotln x n.aiu
Iton't you mml to mt mrg. rtnthrs,
tlina, Utw. n!, nt bsaltht All these rn
asvwl if yon will trp IioW.livs' KU-rtrin
st- Wa uf - irp," koowln, f yuU tn- it
bm. rott will dirays use tt," Hv yout
tiwwf order it
ato raoNTST.,aN rnANciaco.CAU
JT or 110 UK on th tx-atttifnl nralrtn ol
IVxs ailitiM Fsank Lskcm, "Tbs" Laud
Aiwiit, San Auirelo, Trias.
Amilv to MtU B, MTKPHKNB A;t'tl., Atlnnievs,
Ml t stunt, WmhltMrtua, . t:,. Braurb ottm
-t Iwv Isuit, tMiutt, Chti ana
iSi iswt! llFilXi?i.i
obtain . fv-en auid-
emu, luforntallou
7,;- ,:,. "., . i.i.tkio i pp. i-ai,-u
ft hlngum, , C. ( tkS ttayni.
Th thlrMnth rr untlor Miwnt
Principal brlus tti-pterabor . lsssl,
Ora led eonrso ol study, lustrnt-timi
UioroBith; dim-ipltns strict.- MillUry
Injtnictlon ttndwcli-rir of V. &. Arm.
olhwr hMll. 4 for thst Burtwue. No
bad boys .lrottlwt. OvwWOptiBlls last
Jir. arly amillfaitoit neraMry. sr
.r-lrrtiUr and lull Inf.irmatlon atdivaa
lbePriiiclil, J.W.HU.UM IX,
- lrwer n. Portisud. Or.
It will S.r. ... hM, li t, nhr
aawMaakltlia(aiy. a
H nww. MukM. It IT u aS
ura m Kuust, aa,
mm , 01, tutt, Zmm
o.avninrt ,,v.
-11. wtiijuaiss"1
j,rv v u r imnu
GURU KftrTDAnftnikr
AlbUiM r-rulM II flSflttsly.
T4 Minna ffi,l . 1. 1T,
mmm Vm ftf "' tit tu
Olrirt Atklxw Club, I tnl tojr tm
Kvetir mt "' '"' twliif
aoil urtui ll"l cuiwl l-r 11 imtlm ml.
Jmmpmt lum f'stiss,
. SSI t!ttl hi, MUMIIl, htU, W 13, l
I lumti-it foul) B rrtn lit I nun, an4
MMlivxi 1f tllil Vwv Imiif, I nwi nr
h . M. itA Oil nir. d
- ' t. todinkk.
m CHAIUI 1 eU Bsltew. Si
I 11 A i,k
( test ft-iffia.s
I mr m t lkMte u