THE) INDEPENDENCE 5200,000. la improvement will b mad ta Independence and vielutty during Iht Beit jrAr. Polk County It properliir tlill yew w nevei befor. AN ISDKPKNDBNT l'AI'KIl DKVOTKD TO THE INTKRK3T8 OF POLK COUNTY, VOL. VII. $j.oo Per Year. INDEPENDENCE, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, .1880, Five Cents Per Copy. NO. 39. , i THE WEST "SIDE. rtoLISaUL KatMnNlMlli Porf-ASte W ludvptud.ttee, aUBaCRIPTION KATES, rAVASUI IN ADVANCR. Ob Year - . . ... It.ool tt Month ... 1.00 Tare Months Waa not paid ta advance 5 I joj TO ADVERTISERS. llpIKtuM h Waled .1 Ih IimI of et. (Ik (the BflM at IK. fM'K Ml th. Wlllm.lit Itltl. M4 Oa Ik. mart line a th. H,ia aaA CeJlfcruta kaltruad: Amiain. autMilaUoa et Mt) ffW. U lb rtail .(.Ipmu, Mul wmiut in tnteaiy ppullI M in. Wlllaia WMenr Tk.MMdUrta.rM.liut elreulellna Ik. Im tea W tatolitmllN u 10 m.m. ut tk bl e Himwiil aiMiaau. JOB PRINTING! l TBI Latest and Best Styles, as um lowest h uvixg r rates. PHYSICIANS DENTISTRY. LEE & HITLER, PhTBiciaVna Ac Snrmtnn r o 1 U. S. Examining Surgeons. Oflk: aart aid al Mala St, WDiriKPX.NCR, ORIQOKi E. L, KETCHUM, ' Physician and Surgeon. OBat: Oaaaalta rim Kaliocal Baa. WDirSMOIMCB. . OfttOON. DR. J. K. LOCKE, Physician and Surgeon. Btttaa Vurta, Or goo. J. B. DAVIDSON, M. D. . Physician and Surgeon. u. 1. iiiimrara soEQiojr, bdepeadcace, Oregon. DR. J. B. JOHNSON, Resident Dentist, All work warranted to fire the beat of Sa Olfaction. tasarsvuiicjs ObBOOBJ. ATTORNEYS. JOHN J. DALY, Attorney and. Counselor at Law COLLECTIONS MADS. Ofln: Mill St., Oppoalt. Court IIoom, DAUAS. rot.I COUKTT, OfclOOX. A. M. HURLEY, Attorney and Counselor at Law. OBaai Cor. Mala and Mooaouth 8U., WPIMKDIKCI, ORIOOM E. E. Krengel, BUCKSM11NG - -AN I Manufacturer of the BOSS CULTIVATOR :And: Irenjel's Iron Fence. HORSE SHOEING. llr. ThomM Fennel, late of Chi cago, an experience! horse shoer, makes a specialty of that line. Circular and Crosscut Saw Gumming BOMB BY E. E. KRENGEL raiMnm wrrv UliLU JJlllUilVii lliLUIl WM. JONES, Proprietor. Thli Perry it now In operation, and prepared to tranafer paatengert and wag ant to or from the City. It bio pay Fer5oo5 ..bUb . View of Polk County. mw bwbb ubbj rmtwj bmiu gv w uibj i toy of Protpect Hill. BANKS. pirjt flatioijal Bai) wDKPiNBiwci, mm. Preatdant J. . COOPER i Vloa Preeldent. L. W. NQBIRTtON Caahlar W. H. HAWLIY DtHEOTORe I. I 9 WeMta?4MrS I TnaiMta (Mnl Uaklri tMeeta, Ban ( 4 Mil .ha a U tarUuaMiat7 P. nmM UmI ta laiaa at aa ruiai. oi aei. (M1nUm ataaaaaatt aol aa tevwrae. Mfae haarat I A. H. la 4 . M. HelPi hunla tt tata aaaaial if Tala ! Ha" Lock. " the independence ' National . Bank CAPITAL STOCK, 150,00a H. HIRSCHBKRO, raaldant. NtwON.' Vk PreeHer,. W. P. CUNNAWAY, Caahlar. A mml Waklaa ui imKabm BMMlaiaradlla aruudi inuii irr.H imaM lubtMft tm ahhi Mia OIRICTORBt Joahua MoDanlal, H. H. Jaaparoan, uooaman, n. Abram Naiaon. r, X l A. AUaau (Etablihed by Katlona authority.) THE - J. OP SALEM, ORBtOON, CAPITAL, PAID UP. $5o,ooao SURPLUS, BIS.OOO. B. B. WAIXACB, W. W. MABTW. rn.ld.Bt. VIM fntUMt. H. ALBUtT, Catkur. LOANS MADE. Taramar. aa vbtaBaad MW manhaaiaUa aradaiw. Mating tilMrtaflma imowiM or pobit. Baa rnrfm.f,. Mran. qrmwa v aa Bw Tol. CklMfa, rana, aanta, The Polk County Bank, Proaldant (PoriUndt . , A. MACRUM Vlca-Praaldant - P. L. CAMPBELL. Caahlar - - - I. C. POWELL. Capital Stock, Paid Up - $5o,ooo, $a 5,ooo. DIRKCTOH9: 1. A. MACRl'M, - f, S. JH)WKIX J B. BTVMP. - - IHAAC M. S.,MP)lf 1. V. R BUTTKR, - - A. B ..RICOH r. I. CAMPHKI.L. A n.r.l bnkln biiilna. lrnuMl. P.- Kmll r.c.lnd iilif-l tn chwk.nrnn crllll. 01 a;oiui. m.a., out. aiMwtiuiMit eh.ui. bouf hi and ml J, luKtani paid on Una oepotiu. Plr.pronf vault, and eurd br Y.l. tim kick. jdlna bonra,ta. m. to 4 p. m. THE Willamette Real Estate do., Of Independence, Oregon. Trantacti a general Real Ettata Buiiness buyt and tellt Property, affects In.urance and doci general Conveyance Builnaav Parties having Land for tale will find It to their advantage to LIST THEIR PROPERTY! With this Company, at they are daily tending littt of land seat, thua plao ing deairabia property before the retfc denU of the EatL JAMES GIBSON, J. W. KIRKLAND, PreaidenL Secretary. G. W. SHINN, HauBB, Bign & Ornamintil Paper Hanging, Graining, Fretcoiog; Etc. Paint room, oprxwite lohnaoo't Sublet,, Independence, Oregon. F. J. MORRIS, Prop. Fine Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. MIXED DRINKS A SPECIALTY. Whiteaker Brick, Independence MUs Ada Jndton. Mrs. Williams, JUDSON 5 WILLIAMS, DRGSSMHKERS. $mmmlkBimim A SPECIALTY. fiT10l(6 SALE DENVER Omalia; Kansas City, Clikagf CT PAUL. ST. LOU'8, AHB ALL BOINTS East, North & South, tot turitwr Mrilvular laaulr ut nr uat ol Ui. Cumt.ur or T. W. LEE, 0. r. A T. A rorU.ud, Urua. R. D. COOPER, Tlrkl AWt. IU4UHM8(, ftl"a YAQUINA BAY ROUTE Oregon Pacific Railroad Oregon Derelopmeni Co.'i Steimen. Short Line to California. f night and Fan$ tht Lowest. BTCAMSB BAIUNO HATHA B4MIBM WILLAMKTTK VAU.KY. 'lTlMlMll,iM'Jul, Kuvm wh' tram Kas fwu.)i-AiifM itl, AuguM mh, ,IW HUUH JIM. Th. (oamanv ihhm ika rUhl in rkx u J Trml.. runii-l alih ih. a a a J nomn .1 uumuu aaa Albany. KKMXMKt til OrVKun Pariflti I'imiil.r rtummer Kictawum. m Kate Tti keta are now on aala (rum all Valliy Puinta to 1 aquina anu rvmrn. C M. Hmmlt, Jr.. C. C H.ri.. vm. r. a r. ngi. u o to. Al. U F. a r. A M Moalauainy At. U.M I. a fiuKUro Corv.liu, onfua. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. Northern Pacific R.R. TWO RAATTBAINB DAII.VI KOCHAMOKOFCARtl SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO Aad all polH K4, rta Bt Piul ind MinnBBpolia. The Northern Picifio Railroad I. th. only Ua. ruaala la.angar Train. laoond-CIa. STaapar (li of ch.i.) Lunurloua Day Coaahaa. Pullman Palaoa Hlaaplna Care, Palao Dining Car iian.ii.i From Portland to the Enst. Baa'that your tick eta read via th nonnarn raomo H. H. and avoid onang or oara. In. rtortlatid at a-M 4 M ..J . ... m u daUy.rrtTtat MlnaWwli.or .at. faul at tj r. m. Pacific fronl'.nd rm daily.! tl MA. M. and ijo F U i .r. ooonmln. w,ih CuuUav boil, for .11 Dolnl. rMfrt aouad. A. U. CHABLTtiN, A. Ortl ra. Arnl, No, Itl, KUM 4rt, rwiuiaQ, vrrfun, arOapot, Cor. Plrat and O atreetr. EAST AND SOUTH VIA Southern Pacific Route. Shasta Line. Kiprn. Train. L Portland Dally. jLwiTJ. Noitfi73 Ar,"U "js"."iw Ar. 14 14 A. M r. m. L. PorllinJ Albany Ran franclaco 1. M l.y. Ar. 45 A. M Abu. train. .Uin uulv .1 lullowlu. .uiliui. north l KoMbarg: EMI Portland, Or.inn City, Woodbuiu, Mal.m, Albany, T.nn.nt, th.ild., tiaii.y. narri.nurf, juucuoo uity, rvlu aud Roebur Mall Dallyt 1" IB7 to Le. Arrive. Portland loo a.m. RoKburg ,,.,.6o r. u RoMburf ... (w a, m. I'ortlaiiif 4oor. M Albany Looal Dally ( Sunday); . Leave. Arrive . Portland .....soap. M. Albany gno p. M Albany .ya a. m. Portland oo a. u Pullman Buffet Sleepers. OURIST SLEEPING CARS, or tcoommcxUtioa of 8eonnd-;lin Paiitcngeri WertBltle Division. Bet. Portland and Corvallls. Mall Train Dally (Except Bumlay)i Lea.. Arrive. Portland.... ;:joa. at. Corvallla u:iop. M Corvalli. ,. , m. Portland 5:30 f. m At Albany and Corvalli. connect wlthUralut ol OreRon Paoille Hallroad. Expraaa Train Dally (Kxcept Runtiay): Leave. Arrive. Portland 4:40 P.M. McMlnnvllle. .-:. M McMlnnvllle. ,3:4s A. at. Portland ,. ,..6:ka, ut hroueh Tickets to all Points East and South. BWror tlck.tiland Informallon remnllni rale. map, lete.. eall on couiuauv'. aieut at E. KOKIII.KIt, I. P. ROMKKS, M.niiKr. aimi. u. r. a phm. Ageut. BRICK YARD. J. R. COOPER, OF INDEPENDENCE, HAVING A STEAM ENGINE, A BRICK MACHINE SEVERAL ACRES OF FINEST CLAY, now prepared to keep on hand a line quality of Brick, which will aold at reasonable priue. A. R GRIGGS, MEAT : jtf ARKET, f. r. Irria, carter. Cholc maatf Elkins & Co., PBoritiBToits or tub City Track and Transfer Co Hauling of all Kinds Done at Reasonable Rates. ftlllFted, Oak;,Ub OFirUood For Sal?. tarCoUecUons Made Montbly.1 INDEPENDENCE, ERXON CITY JHOTEU, C Street, Independence, Or. A. W. HOWELL, Prop. Plrat-ctaat In tverr ret pact. Special attention given tranaient cuatomert. A tempi room for commercial traveler. Mitchell & Bohannon, V Manufacturer of SASH & DOORS. SCROLL SjWINQ AND WQ0N Main 8trtct, Independenc, Oregon. I.H. ALEXANDER. :Daler In; Drugs and Medicines, BEDNA VISTA, OR. flavlng pnrchaaed th atork of Drug formerly owned by L, w. Konertaon, I am prepared to meet alt th old cutto men, and many more new one, l air nd courteous ireatmeal to alt. M. BEAMER, ! Manufacturer of ' And Dealer In All kinds of Harnett & Saddl7 Goods, Carriage Trimming and Repairing IRENE ALSTROM, ObttaelM Ska SunnuantMl la He Saaecb After Knuwlwlg. Account of the lutnlahinasnd aUig gie of Ibis poor Finitialt girl have tuuehed many hoarta, Tli rough marvel out peraeverutica, and mwling ever olwlucle with firm and cheerful heart, the lias conquered all ilillicullica, aim now rejoictt In tho well eurtied honor of having been the 11 rat of her country women to receive a diploma a doctor of pliilotophy. . When s young girl watching her father's cattle tii was filled with yearning thai (he could not exprcm to know what book and ttudy could teach her concerning the wonder of uieuc and the wiadom of the paat, and then and there, upon the bleak mountain of her native land, the de termined that nothing but death itself thou Id hinder her lucces. Under th in (luetic of dark clouds, through which no ray of light gleam ed, she for a time prayed earnestly that the dear Ood would take her to himself, feeling ture that then sll knowledge would be unfolded to tor. This suite of atfuir having reached the ear of a humble pastor, interest was made for herentrance Into a good school, whore she paiwed as fourth among fortyaix young girls. She was then 18 year of age, and all this had been accomplished through intonae end earnest will. Bitting up all night, while others slept, to prepare for llie next dav's tasks, often Tutting, "save for the fresh snow iho ate as she walked," was as nothing if so be she could con tinue her work the great plan to which hor soul clung tcnucioualy. Then came an exiorieiico of teach ing, and after having utvod four pounds the again sot forth in quest of knowl edge. "With the scantiest of luggnge," she journeyed on foot to Iloltingfors, where alio prepared for her examina tion. Three pounds of her small store wore paid in advance for lodging, and this made her sure of a home for the winter. The last pound was expondad in loaves of hard, round rye bread the choupcHt kind of nourishment with which she could provide horaclf, and which was so methodically divided that every dtty until Christina a bit was sure. No (lie had she even when the temperature was recorded at 30 dogroes. But her soul was on (Ire, for a friendly profcHgor gave her instruc tion! in Latin, and very rapid was her progress. After hor matriculation she taught awhile to holp her family, and still went on with hor own studies, until "a well earned brilliant degree" was her reward. . Strangely enough, her greatest op position was from hor own sex, but bravely triumphing over even that, she was "recognized by her nation as the dauntless pioneorof woman's prog ress," The statement given concerning this wonderful woman adds that she still lives, honored anil appreciated by all, devoting herself heartily to tho educa tion of younger brothers, and adding continually to her own hard earned culture, hor whole soul bent on the ad vancement and education of her ooun trywomen. Harper's B'azar PACIFIC COAST NEWS Eight Murderers Occupy Cells In the Fresno Jail. Furest Fires Do Considerable Damage California A New Dctnofratlc I'aprr at Seattle. Th rtH-mint strVattle It shoains population over 4i),0U0, lr, Ml Utl under srmtt at Lo Amtfi)', t'hanttsl with criminal malprac tice, ' (kind hnutlti I U'liif don at Fort Winitttt, N, M.. I v the almriMhtKitnr of th rt-Ktilnr srmy, IWIihwhi of hunt landed tiriHrtli III ttut Hullo countlrit.l allluml fur fruit ptirpoave art nouxi. Tim run of aalmon In the (Vmulllv river thl nwMii ha beou eqtrltl to. It ti'tt sIiwaiI ol, any prttvltm year. Han Jiwe, Cat., I (skins mwutiir for eiimi rixnuiit. It I claimed that at'vfral thoueand lwoiilo were not en nuieti, J. D. Klrke. who waa mnnlemtl at Frv mui. Cat., ha! hi life Inmiml tor (.i; he slau rarrliol an sccident xilicy mriiw.twu. Thn I'lilttHl Hll (Mrrult Court at Ta coma haa ilwidwl that the entry of tide ar.iU at Tacoin with Valentine avrip invalid. Ultra I a bin run of aalmon t Cttm y thl year, but It I iloubllul tf uiuc li tinlilnii will lie done, owing to the low price tilTerml. ( I'av Director Wllllatin at Mare Inland haa siipiird ior an inveeuiratiua into tlie Open cltarifp ot iratia wnicn nave ntwn - r . . . . ' . t l made aiialtmt him. The AnifriiMin schooner MtttleJ. Dyer ha been at lunl by IVimty i-.meu In the harbor ot Utinaliwk fur illKiral aonllng, witti arvculy-clHlit kin uoani; The boarded the Victoria pllng at-luniiier Ariel, and was ordered out ol IVlirlng ae, '1 lie Captain wa prwntnl wltli s copy at lite rrwuicnr pniciaiiia lion. The conlmlllnK lutereat In the Han IHfim I hilly and Weekly I'nlon ha been (liaimanl nf to Tlioma uanlvner and to (ietteral Kit H. Murray, who will be el- Itur-ln-clilt'l. The iiecewwrv amount 15 10 ha btn Kuitrantccil by cilitn nf Albany to tie- Irav tlie exiKMiae oi uit'ir naae team while tralnlm and attendliiK the North' wiwt Nrtitiien' t'lttriiaiiient at Hakane Fall. Return of the cenau aupcrvlmir aire the ptiptilallmi nt Arlmma, not tnchiding inaiaiia, tl n,wi. I lie turce utrspat town are: Tucmui, fi.lw, not Incliulliiit adiliibMi ami .uburl fbuiiix,3,ll5; I'rt-w.tilt, l,RL lit porta fnnti Taixma dtirinif July wt'Pe; l.tiiniH-r, o,:n,j,ti wet aattiion, S,mm cam-: nwl, 24,tCT ton.; wheat, a.4.'ft loii. The total real rwll trana. tent lor acvt'ii iiioiith have amounted to H,2K2,tl:t2.H7. I hlueatt have lu aitititntlti aenwa Iniin Itrillah Coluuibia, where they tent porarily took up quarter in the ( olville rcm'rviitioii aa itmwmtn. iitnv re mained lhtra until viich time a they out lil leave without molestation. Eight men churned with tui'hler now occupy cell t, 11., and aeorel iiiiH'Uiiifnof rertalti partie. have cnuel the juiltii he forlilled with armed men uimiuHt the HMwible attack of vlgilutitc, who ili't Uro they will hitnR all the miir- derera. The .worn ttiiteiueiiU by the mtporln- tendenl liled with County Aemr at Vlruliiia Cllv .bow that the total ore vleld ot the 0,11",,K'k hide mine, during the nuarter ended June 30, lWh), tnrre- pted HM,mi.t ton, yielding l,HJt),0.M in bullion. The Native Hon. ot the Ooldcn Weat and HHletv ot Pioneer have decided to in vite the lreiilent to beprearntonthedAy ot the celebration, and an liivtttltm form engraved In gold plat lut lieen prepsred nd will Ite immetllstely (orwartled to YVRHhlngton. The I'acillc Mai teamahli China. Captain 8btiry, hat sailed from Han Frnneleo (or China snd Japan via Vic toria. The China I the flirt tcmtr ot thl line to anil by thl route, snd will he followed until further order by the rent of the company's veeacls. At Benttlfl the ProhtbltionUt beld S meeting the other night, st which it wn dec Hied to put s full ticket in the fli'ld (or the com inn election. Tho riartv claim to hold the wtlancoof power. The Labor Mirtv. which will iho put in ticket, make the tame claim. A revolution in tho new'iRt)erbulnes i about to take nlace In Beattlo. The Journal, a Democratic paper, ha Jut changed hand, having been bought by a syndicate of real-estate men. The Democrat, aided by Jim HHP big tack, are now going to Hurt another daily. Tho Hum-erne Court' of Montana de cide that the Australian ballot law 1 mandatory snd not directory, and that a contestant who received a majority of the vote cast could not hold ollli-e be- cause he had failed to notify the Court Clerk of hit eandmnry within the time fixed by law. Governor Waterman ot California ha oucrcd a reward ot S3.K) (or the arrest and conviction o( the Chinamen who in- Hided the stubs resulting In youug Pier- son's death last wee at Mcuracxcn's bridge, near Hiiemmento, anil 1100 (or tho arrest ot eituh of the others partici pating in the deadly afl'ray. James W. Kerr, the loundryman who shot and killed Edward Cagnan, the nioldcrs' apprentice, at Han r rancisco on June 2(1, hns been held to answer in 5J, 000 bail, Bond wero furnished Imme diately, Henry T, Heott of the Union Iron Works, W. II. Tsvlor o( tho Rlsdon, JaiiK's Hiioer ol tho Fulton and Koliert Watt of Laugley A Michaels being mretle. Forest fires have done considerable damnge to lumber and dry toed in the northwestern part of Sonoma county, California. Gras is vcrydry, and ranch mon have been to foolish as to attempt to clear the ground of timber and brush by firing It. A very destructive fire near Oloverilale, which burned over several thousand acres of ground, had it origin In this way. Sarah A It boa Terry had her case imlnst' the estato ot the luto William Hharon retried last Tuesday in the Hu- perior Court at Han Francisco, and Judge i , .iii ,.-1-11 mmut:r reuiiertxi nu uecisiou, iioiiiing that the so-called marriage certificate, which she claimed Sharon signed, was a forgery j that she never had been mar ried to Hharon, and that she had no claim whatever upon the estate. EASTERN MELANGE. A Steamer Collides with Another Off Fort Carroll. A Toting Spanish Neblrman, Who is At tending School In This Country, Saltl to Have the Leprosy. It I rumored that Chri.thi Kibwon la In New Vork. Nine member of Comrrea have died during thi eaion. The eralaer 1'hllailelnbia ho been ac cepted by the government. A force ot men at Johnstown I .till engaged In earchlng lor the dead. According to a recent cenu the Kpu lallonof Montreal I extiuieteu al UW. The acheiliile of Immigration at Balti more thow that z7.0tH immlitraut land- d there. lililimond. V.. lute' lotl.ixw Itilmbi- taut, hut no hiMpital or public dlien ry, It b ald. The new eenau iclve Atlanl. ti.. a iKJimlnllou of OD.OtiO. n Im reaiw of 1U0 per eent. In ten year. A Wetturn ltemihlican Senator think Congrewwlll not ailnirn before Octtilwr, and per Imp. not then. rV-hoharie. N. Y.. ha acoonllmt to the taut eeti'ti almiit 4.0U0 lea iteople than alia had forty year go. Frank Woodruff, who w connected with the Cronln mimter. b now wanted In Kna lor horse etealing, Ernevt Hern, memljer of the Board of Trade ot Chicago, haa failed. He wa hort 2,00tl,0U0 btlhel of oal. Bifveral rllv official at Uinaha have been arreted and charged with briberv In aelllng railroad right of wty. ! Inspector Ueonre A. I.von. U. 8. N., h been onlered In charge ol the tavofflce it hn I ranclaco on N-titemtxT IU next. It hi thought that the centut will eltow the population of Kan to be about I J, Nebrka expect nearly The axaeiated valuation ot real Delate In Bnviklvn Ihia vear lor nuruoac of taxa tion i 1431.037.444. an inert' of IM,- S74.3JB over lt year, 1 Travel over the Rmoklvn bridire I in creasing to rapidly that ih Prealdent of the ComniiMiiott ay a new bridge diould be rominenced at once. tterretary Tract-hiined the nmtract tor the tulMiutr liler (or the armored HMitt-defenae veaael Monterey under con struction at Han Fraiiciwco. Alliert (Seomttan. City Clerk ot Pari. Tex., i minting, and hi account are short between t5,tKX)nd$10,0tx. Effort re being made to overhaul him. . , JitiiiiK Mooiii'v. the man who Attempt ed to blow up the ttesmer Uaeen in North river few year sovv wu.d row tied t Fort ltockwy lnt week. A uhcriplinn fund ha been started ainong New York phydclan lor the re lief ot Dr. John II. DotiKla. . who at tended General Grant in hi last lllne. The total contributions to the Johns town (Pa.) .utr.-rwr were 12.018.346.30. The UHI expenditure were t2,845,140.S3. The commliHilon lis t7,2o5.47 rash In hand. The apple crop of Nova Kcotla will l below tlie average thi aeason. Great ravage have been committed by cater pillar, which have (tripped whole or- hams. The Western railroad are considering plan by which no road shall take mora than a certain percentage of any com modity. It 1 to get around the anti pooling law, ' New York' water upply la graphic ally described a a stream equal to a river fifty feet wide, ten toet deep and flowing tlx mile an hour, pure snd cool, out of the hills. The steamer Louise, with 1,500 exenr- lonist on board, collided with the steamer Virginia the other day off Fort Carroll, five mile from Baltimore. Sev eral live were lost. ' Gambling 1 in full blast t Saratoiia. Long Branch and tome other place that could be named where the authorities lu not suppress It (or reasons: perhan. best known to themselves. Hwretjirv llnrrla nf the 'orlh Tntltnla Board of Railroad Commlitsiouer char acterizes As unreliable the report that no elevators in North Dakota will accept gillin (or storage this yer. An Investigation i under way In Bos ton a to the running of peach train from the Middle State to New England, it being alleged that the Eastern mar kets sre discriminated against. Manuel Gttrutia. 20 year old, the scion of a noble family in Spain, who ha been attending the military academy st Ches ter, Pa., is now In New York, and it is declared that he ha the leprosy. The House has non-concurred in the Senate amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill, which increased the appropriation for the Sailors' Home at Santa Monica from .90,000 to tl 17,000. Nearly 1.000 head of families In the Province of Quebec alone have made ap plication for the State bounty of loO acres ot land votd to Canadian who are the father ot twelvo children or more. Tlie saloonkeepers ot Chicago are In arm against the big brewery syndicate, and will not accept orders from 'it. 'This owing to s resolution of the syndicate binding saloonkeepers in an arbitrary ay. Tlie Western Union neon e will carrv up the partially burned building in New York nine stories, dlMctu-ding tlie man sard roof, and will build an addition nine stories high on a twciity-tive-foot lot in rear ot present building. According to a telegram from Boston the damage in New England by the pres ent drought i now past recovery. Most the district nave Dcen without rain Indent tor a growing seueon for weeks. Corn and tobacco on the lowland are till in (air condition. J. A. Shea & Co., the fruit dealers of Minneapolis, have commenced a war 1th the Karl t nut uompany oi uan- fomla, which Is likely to be a pretty warm business contest, and sooner or later Is certain to draw the other fruit and commission houses of Minneapolis Into it. The colonisation of Swedish immi grants upon the deserted farm of Ver mont a dispatch from Rutland (Vt.) says, 1 not proving a success. Discon tent prevails, and gome of them are re moving to ihe lumber region of the State upon the Canadian and Maine border, FOREIGN PARAGRAPHS. Uruguay to' Raise Her Customs Duties Ten Per Cent. Potato might Itl Sweden India Tea Said to be Taking the Place of the Chinese Article. Cholera 1 epidemic at Meccs. Th Cathedral at Btravburg I thoroughly reetorcd. to be Bnmtlpox I decimating the population oi village in r.gypt. Ruaala oppoav the appointment of n..i i- ii.'i... i... .,. 4uihii.u iijmiup. mj mi. lune, Belgium 1 recruiting hundred of Sou danese native lor the longo State, The Crown Prince, of Greece 1 critl rally 111 from premature confinement. It I retorted tint Emperor William will hereulter revise Bismarck's inter view. Violent religious snlmoallie have been excited t Vienna by s cese of sbduo- uon uy nun. Mr. Mcky 1 reported from London laying that the will hire a house at W anhington next eann. A hurricane t Hunklm h demolished the water conductor causing great scare. uy. jvaiive are dying Irom famine. The tlave trade between Madras and Rangoon atill continue. The coolie are auld in the latter place t 25 rupee eaen, i The next ftangerbund festival will be held In Vienna from the 14th to the loth of August, and will bring together about 12,uw iingor. A dlptch from Cairo uy: Ravage of the cotton worm In Egypt continue, ami propect lor a lull crop are cortsld erahly impaired. A Hungarian-East Indian Sleamihlp Company, with a capital of 1 ,000,000 franc, lis been formed at Fiums under the wnctlon of the government. The French Clumber has adopted the bin ior me renewal of tne ur tax on sugar. The bill extend to August, 1802, The mr tax i 7 franc on raw sugar. The Ruaalan Minister of Finance will tliortly visit Central Asia to examine the measure to be taken for the develop ment oi the iranacRspwn provinces. It h been calculated that there are about 200,000 families living in London on snout 1 a week, and they are in large measure the ople ot one room. According to Euroiean merchant tea from India Is rapidly taking the place of tne t nniHe article, tne result oeing tnai many person in Chin are without work Tlie President of the British Board of Agriculture env that within s short time animal sutfiri ng from pleuro-pneumoni have arrived at Liverpool from ew York. The English Government ho turn' moned the inixe of tlariullton to pay fHO.000 levenue duty on the 13,1100,000 reallted by the recent sale of hi art cor lection. Deeertera from the German army pan mio e ranee nearly every weox, ihe; take service in the foreign legion, ani a. i " adB are -nl to Akjeria aud snd other part oi Atrtca. The potato blight h mde it appear ance in Sweden, and the outlook (or the crop i very discouraging. In certain parishes the priest report that a (amine Is expected. The English Royal Niger Company ho prohibited the importation or !eo( intoxicating liquor in it African terri tory north of the seventh parallel of north latitude. The Government of Uruguay will prob ably raise the custom dutie 10 percent,, making them payable In gold, and will devote the fund thus raised to the re demption ot paper money. An American named Skinner and a Ruasian named Kriegsk hsve started from Ixuuton on a wager to ride on horse back from Moscow to the Crimea and re turn. The rrince Regent ot Bavaria refuses to ennoble Mis Wheeler of Philadelphia, who married Count Panpenheim. The Count must recognixe tne marriage a morganatic or lose his title. It I reported in Limerick, Ireland, that Bishop O'Dwyer ha received a let ter from the Pope approving the Bishop' recent letter of censure to Dillon in con nection with the Persia) mission. A plan I now under the consideration of the Russian Senate to restrict the rights of the Jew participating in vari ous branches of trade snd commerce snd to limit the privileges ot Jewish me chanic. The London Daily Telegraph state that England and r ranee will appoint commlssionora to find the limits of the French share of influence in Central Af- rial, a mod I tied by the Anglo-German agreement. Andlcare Cipriani of Rom has been condemned to six months' imprisonment and to pv a tine of 1,000 franca because hi recently published memoirs contained certain offensive remarks about the royal family of Italy. A ladies' committe has been formed in connection with the International Con gress to be held in Berlin, to provide for the comfort and amusement of the wives of foreign practitioners during their stay In toe Herman capital.'' Soveral ladies ot Leinberg have offered their services a Amazons to the Em peror of Austria in cBe of war. They offer to furnish their own uniforms, arms and horses, and ask only that a military instructor be provided for them. As soon ns the horse car from Cairo to the pyramids nre completed, and the work Is nearly done, an elevator will nc made to the tope of the venerable piles, so that ascent may be made quickly aud comfortably to the modern traveler. A ukase la impending in Russia for the expulsion ot Hebrews numbering 4,000, 000 from that country, 'fills 1 believed to be the only means to prevent conten tion of the poorer classes, growing out of money transactions and race hatred. An F.nulinh nimnnnv under roval nro- teution has been granted controf of the Straits ot Ormus, which connect the Per sian gulf with the Arabian sea. This virtually gives ungiand control oi me gulf, and Is a menace to the forward move ment oi Kuamt. The London Dally New' Vienna spe cial say that Premier Btambouloff of Bulgaria has summoned the Colonels of all tlie regiment and the Deputies ot all the leading town to assemble at Sofia on August 8, when Bulgaria will be pro claimed independent, with Ferdinand a sung. :; - PORTLAND MARKET. Wht Tb feeling la' rather weaker In sympathy with other markets, which are much easier throughout notwith standing the continuance of unsettled weather in England and th report of a heavy deficiency In the world' ripply it th English Miller' Convention. Quote! Vlley, 1.22.153Xj Walla Wall, nomiiil, 11.20. Floob Quote: Standard, 3.76j out Id brand., 3.60 per barrel. Oat The market i firm. Quote: 62 $5fc per bushel. Mii-urrerr The market Is firm. Quote: Bran, l5tl7; Short. WfelO; liromid Barley, S32.50; Chop eed, 126; Middling. 22.50 25 per toh. Hay The market it firm. Quotes li20perton. VsurrASLBS The market I Arm. There sre no California Potatoe in th market. There are no change in thi market except Potatoes, which are a trill ' lower in price. Quote: California Cab- Culifornie Cauliflower, 1.25 per dosen: Oregon Green Pea. 8c per pound j Young Union and Lettuce,. 15c per dosen bunrhe ; new California Onion. 2W;e ner pound ; Oregon, 2c per pound j Oregon String Bean. I Sc per pound: California Cucumber, 15(jf,)ci Oregon, 25c per Jm en j Oregon Carrot, 10 15c per bunch ; Oregon AsparagtwrlOc per txrand : Oregon Beet, 10 16c per dozen ; Oregon i uriiips, per mu x ; LalilornlaUorn, 1 2 per box : Oregon. 2 1c rwr dnaen Cal ifornia Tomatoes, 1j per box; Oregon Potatoes, 7flcc(tl per cental Faurr There are some Oregon Can taloupe in the market. There are no changes in price. Quote: California Lemon, 4 50; fancy Sicily, 188.60 tier box ; Califoi nut Plum, 11.25; Oregon Peach Plum,l)4(2cperpound;Oregon Brlhw Prunes, 75clper box ; Cali fornia Aprieot,1.25 per box; California Pear. tl.26(t2: Bartlett. 2,75; Oregon, 12(32.25 per box: I'iutupptea, I3.50t.u4 per dosen; Ba.-iin, tingle banche. 13.75: double. W; California Apple, 1.75is2; Oregon, 7V'(4tl.2S per box; California Peaches. tlal.25; Oregon. 75c(otl.25 oer box: Or egon Blackberrie. 6veV per pound ; Caii- luriiia r ausrmeions, t z.du$4.0U ; Oregon, t2 ter dosen ; California Cantaloupes, .5dij3 per dozen; Oregon, t2.26 per crate; California Grape, 60475c per box, (1.6jper crate; CalitoruiA Crabap ple, 76c per box. BvrritM The market 1 firm. Quota: Oregon fancy dairy, 26c ; fancy creamery, 27Jj; good to (air, aM22UC; common, 15l7)ic; choice California, 23t per pound. Eoo The market is firm. Quote i 22 c per dosen for Oregon. Chkbib iroote: Oregon. ll(12Vc: California, 9Xfl0cj Young America, 13 tgitc per pound. Her tjuote: aint, isc: rcanuui, green, uc; Almond, 17c; iiltierw, 13 tjtl4c; Brazils, 13(S 14c per pound; Cocoa nuts, $1 per doxen. KocLrav The market i firm. Old Chicken have fallen in price. Quote : Old Chickens, 5g5.50; large Spring, 13 small ppnng, wgx.ou; old inick, 4.5ti((t;6; young, 5C0; old Ueese, S5; voting. S(i9 per doxen : Turkey. 180t 2oc er pound. -- Ta M.rehtUMllM Market. HrtiA The market I firm. Quote: Golden C, 6c; extra C, 6'ic; dry granu lated, lc ! cube crushed aud powdered, 6.c per pound. The market Is steady. Quote : Small White, S3; link, $4; Bayos, 1-1-50; Butter, 13; Lima, 5.60 percental. yuote: tKVSs; voce. Hf.T Quote: Liverpool. 117.60. (18.50.(19.50: stock. (ll(S12per ton In carload lot. Coai. On Quote : (2.20 per case, Daixo Ficrr The market iacteady. Quote: Plummer dried Pear, lOtg 11c; nndrted and factory Plums, 6HWoc: Peaches, tun-dried, lOVjc; evaporated Peaches. 16,17c; Smyrna Fig, 14(9 10c ; California Figs, 9e per pound. -CannkdGoop -Slarket is firm. Quote : Table fruit, (2.23, 2W; Peaches, 2.6J; ftartiett Pear. (2.2o; Plums, (1.65; Strawberries, (2.25 ; Cherries, (2; Black berrie, 11.851.95; Raspberrie. (2.25t 2.60. lie fruit: Assorted, (3.60 per doten; Peaches, (1.25 1.30: Plums, (1.25; Blackberries, (1.05; Tomatoes, (1.1S($3.50; Sugar Peat, (1.40Q1.60; String Beans, (1. Ktcs yuote: exc per pound. Hips The market i weak. Quota tions: Dry Hide, selected prime, 8tA Be. - Kc Is for cull : green, elected. over 66 pound, 4c ; under 65 pound, 3c ; e-neop reus, snort wool, nutaooc; me dium, 60vt0c; long, 90c$(1.26: hear- itng, iuwc; laiiow, good to choice, 9 S3So. WoopThe market 1 dull. Quota tion: Eastern Oregon, I0c; Valley, 10(J 18c per pound. The Meat Market. The meat market is firm. Quote : Beef Live. S(g3!tfci dressed, 7c Mutton Live, 8(S3c: dressed, To. Hog Live, 65)ic; dressed, 7c, Veal 6& 8c per pound. Spring Lambs (2 each. (UOKXD MXATS AMD URD. - The market is firm. Quotations: East ern Hams, 13(S14c; Breakfast Ba con, 1314c; Side, 10ll.c; Lard, lOigllc per pound. Bat On BiUj Birch, llr. William Birch, th old tim minstrel, is tut recover! from a tevar. illneat. YMterday morning h. met a friend who own a fast trotter, and who offered th ui Of It to Birch, laying that th xroia of a rid would do him good, Birch accept! tb offer, and in th afternooo ordered ti kens hitched to a light road wagon. He drove lowly down Lexington avenue. Th hor pranced about in a llraly manner, and at tune evinoed a dlspoeitioo to lu both side of thtret In vain did Birch toothingly y, "Sob, Bony," and "Of haw, there," At last a train cam biasing through th tunnel, and th bora took th bit In hit mouth and bolt d. Her 1 where Birch concluded that be wa no Jehu, for he wrapped the line about th whip and deliberately climbed over the back of th aeat. Ha did not stop at thl, and toon hi short kg were dangling over th tailboard of th wagon. He dropped off, rolled over in th mud nveral times, got up, pulled down hi vest and remarked to a po liceman: "I mad a hit that time, ehP Th officers then took him to task for not holding on to hi horn, but Birch shook his head and ld reflectively, "There's lot ot hone and bog gle it tail world, most noble guardian of the law, bvt 111 glv you a quiet tip that then I but on Billy Birch." New York Evening Sun. : : " ' ' A Midnight lUvcri. ' ' ' I stt before tb. open grate, ' : . . "i . And, a. I watch tlie dying; Or (Tli evening, and the hour tl late), Old memorial aad thoughta tnapire. Alone and lonely ther 1 alt, Watching dying, glowing nnbar. sri Aad trying, aa thtlitii flame Sit : Aad daao about, not to remember 1 The thing that troublea all mj dream, ,! And ao torment. m, sleeping, waking, - CnUl at time. It almoat aeem j Aa It my weary heart were breaking. j ' Tb or die out. The sudden ohlU ' ; u But make, my melancholy deeper. I go tounraat, brooding MiU, I . Aad wlanin eannel coal were ebeaner.