Mr .. L C I'EXTLAXD. Publisher FRIDAY. FEBRUARY, 7. I WO. Let us drop this new court house question. Mais street of Independence should be raised at least two feet and the bridge when rebuilt nnule higher. This could easily he doue now. Ik the people of Polk county should have to pay for building a court house this year they have ouly themselvas to blame. This is a matt-'r in the hands of the people entirely. -1 ' - a ...ii Sii.KM with accustomed pluck, will set about building a larger and better bridge aeroas the Willamette. This county should pay ' for part of the bride, but should not have to keep either end in repair. That should be looketl after. Let Salem repair the bridge. Marios county paid for most of the Salem bridge and now the brid re is on Polk county soil, on Kaiser's bottom. Polk county is getting rather more than her share of the ruined bridge. If it is sold for old iron what per rent, will tleis county get of the proceeds! It will be noticed that we conic out this w k in reduced form. The truth is there are no 'trains running, nor any means of com munication with the outside world. We are not sure that we have paper enough to get out more than two issnes of this paper. Our readers will pardou our brevity. i Let us suppose that the county seat of Polk couuty were at some other point than where it now is, and it was certain to remain there, would the people of Polk county even then ask to be taxed to build a new court house! The people would say, let us get some money in our treasury. Mil.US get OUt 014 4ebt We have just sunk 15000 and more in the Salem bridge and will be called upon to "pony up" 20,000 for the next feeder to Salem. Bridges, culverts and crossings on the county roads are damaged. Repair them first, wa cannot get along with poor bridges and roads. THE COUNTY SEAT. The Dallas Observer comes out this week asking that our troubles : in Polk county be settled by peti tion and remonstrance. It says in other words that Dallas mast have a court house, that a petition must be passed, and if the petition gains the day it settles the matter and will not enter politics. There is no reason why it would not enter politics then than now. Only a few months ago it was settled in that way, aud still it does not satis-1 fy the Obterver man. He wants it ! his way or he is not satisfied. j If Dallas cannot submit her! question of connty seat right! squarely before the people she should not live in hopes of gaming her ends by tricks or chicanery. If Dallas candidate in this matter as much as she wishes to do she had better say St onco that only voters in Dallas Khali count and then it will surely Kettle the matter as the Observer wants it. That would be as fair as saying that only the names on the assessment roll or poll books shall be counted. There are only nine hundred and seventy polls, and this small representation is to decide the building of a court house in Polk county. And then just now is certainly a poor time to try and burden the people of Polk county with an expensive court house. Our assessment lower than ever and tax rate higher; onr bridges gone with floods and will need repairing. Such haste in the matter looks in bad taste just at this time. The Observer appears afraid THE WEST ! - a I It ...... .,!),, ,a I ; an enabling act which is fair for all, but thinks if it can get a petition of the right kind before the county court it will be far better than a legalised vote. The issue at the preseut time must come up either open and above board or else un derhanded and through prejudice aud infamous practices. It is better that it be settled squarely in a fair maimer aud an enabling act will do that, and now nothing else will. Is the flfwemr willing to submit this question or will it stilt insist that the petitioners alouo have tile right to settle itt If it will come squarely In-fore the people and allow this question to In-sub untied through another legislature and agree to so allow it, then there is no reason why it should enter polities for than each candidate wilt understand that he is to favor an enabling act What is fair for one, is fair for another. Qt'AHTlitu.V MKlsriNO. Th fourth quarterly nuvting of litdeppnitt'itott charjo, KvmtKttllcal vhmvlt, will U held at t'iui Calvary oluirvh next S m day. Rev. R C." Politic P. K. will otttolate. Pivat-hluK at II m and T i m. Omuitmiuti nfUT ui'iruiu,; NT num. Tbt-re will be no prcanltlnit horw at Independence tiinda nnrnltii, hut on Sunday evening The Sheridan (mritr and the! Otamr of Dallas came out on the! half shell this week. The Triltiuin here did not tt me at all. I Rich and Poor, Prlnea and Feaaant, the Millionaire ami Pay Laborer, by their common una of tills remady, attest tha world-wide rep. statics of Ayer'a Pill. Leading phy elciana recommend. ... these pills tot Stomach and IJver Trouble, Ciwtive neaa, Biliousness, ami Sick lleadaihe f also, for Khemuatixm, Jaundice, and Neuralgia. Tliey are augar-f oatcd ; con. tain no calomel ; are prompt, but mild, In operation ; ami, therefore, tha very beat medicine (or Family Cee, aa well aa for Traveler and Touriata. ' I have derived great relief from Ayer'a I'llla, Kiva jeara ago I waa taken ao ill with Rheumatism that t was nnsble to do any wrtrk. I .1..- 1 . A bill. I vat entirely cured. Since that lima I am never without a boa ot thee pllla. ' Peter Ctirinteneen, Sherwood, Wla. "Ayer's I'llla Iit heen In am in my family upward of twenty yeiira anil have completely verified all that la claimed for them. lu attai ka of pllea, from allien I ntWlered many yera, they aflnnl sir-ater relief than any other meilli lut, ever trie,!." X. F. Adaiua, Holly Spring, Texan. " I have tuml Ayer'a PIIU for a num. ber of iear, and have never found any thing to them fur giving me an appetito and imparting energy and aireiigili to the mMeiu. I alwavi keep them in the honso." R. I), ack-wn, Wilmington, Del. " Two boxes ot Ayer'a Pllla cured ma f Mima LJ A4rJf,l,A t ncauatiiic, from which I tone a anfferer." mina Keye,, Max. "Whenever I am troubled with ron tipation, or sutler from dm of appetite, Ayer'j fill net me ri;lit aain." A. J. Kiser, Jr., Km k lloiiie, Vu. "Ayer'a J'illa are in .enerul demand among our t'lintiuniMK, Our iialea of tlieui exceed tln of nil other pllla com bined. We have never known thora fail to givn entire aatiafiu'tinn." yV riglit Si Haanelly, San Uicgo, 'lexaa. Ayer's Pills, FREPAIIED Br Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mail. Bold ij all bealcra la Medicine, The Celebrated French Cure, APHRODITINE" nhmZJ. In 8I,R on k POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of norrotis or Any (ilBonJur o tlio (Tffinjrativ!! or- BtFORS .mg Imro the AFT eieewivo nicof Htlroulauta. ToUcco or li,liira. or tliroKsh youthful Imllaeretlon, over inrlulir ancc, 4e web aa lam of Hraln Power, Wakefnl new .Hearing down Pain In tha Duck, Hetnlual Yi enliiiwn, II ynterla, Nemmn Hrottratlnn Nnetnrn al EiniMinin, Uueorrlioia, iJliilneiw, Wh, Mem ory, Itmnl Power and Itnpotener, which If tie Itc'te'l often lead to prernaturoul'a airnand ituan rty. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxea for J 00 Be u it by mal! on receipt of price. ' A WKITf KN til AftANTEE for every S.y Jr!r'l., V'S'"1. t.b"10n(''r " 'ermaneDi. !S2tS"'eeM- T1;"'"l "t te.tlaiot.lala from old and young, of both acioa, pertnaneutlr cared by ApmoDiTina. Circular free. Addroli THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WEtTKatf BRAKCH, PORTLAND, OR. For sale by Boater k Locke. MITCHELL & BOIIANNOJT, Hash and Door Factory, in ni i ifi ti to cure K. R KRENGKL, Hlmksmith. BOWMAX & KIUKLAXD, lilatksuiiths. W. CKUWELL & Co, Drug Store. IXDITEXDIvNTE FERKV, Wm, Jones, Prop. ELK INS & Co, City Truck and Trsnsfcr Co. CITY HOTEL, A. W. Howel rop. M. BEAMElt, Harness and Saddles. JOHN AU.KN, Choice llecf. J. it, ALEXANDER, Druggist, lluena Vista, independence foundky, K. iiunvo, Prop. ESMOND HOTEL, Portland, Or. ARCADE SALOON, Wines, Licjuors and Cigars, SHELEY & VANDUYX. General Merchandise. a A. PARKER, Architect. II. M. LIXEH, Xcw Feed Store. GEO. E, RREY, Com ui ission Mcrchnnt. CAPITAL NATIONAL I1AN1C, of Halem. Capital $50,000, Surplus 115,000. s 2 33 m q !l 3 r CO 3. o (i Z O m t) m 2 O m z o Ed 3 O ? M MAZZK1TA HAMM)X; F. J. Morris I'rtip, A.M. HIKLEY, ,1 Attorney at J. .1. DA LEV. Attorney at Ijiw, Dull Hit. J. It JOHNSON, Uvttidtnit 1 Mil int.; IK. .1, K. DAVIDSON, M. 1. 1 l'hvaiciitu Si Snrgvon, IR J. K.UICKK, 1 rhjsifimw Surgeon. 1 Itut'im Vista, Or, CUHWEI.L&KimilEM, , rhysiciitns&Hurgeoiiii LEE ft HUTLEIt, riiysiciaim ft Surgeom FIRST NATIONAL HANK, oi JiuIciK'ndence. I J. S. Cooimt, Y. H. Hawlej .. I',-- l,...LW. , ,v. v murg; INI) EI'ENPICN'CE n ationai RANK. II. Hirschherg, W. j, (jnnawul J'i'S. Ctudiler.; 4 FOLK COl'NTY RANK, 1). T. Slitiifey, IraO. Row I'ri's. Citshior. A. Jt. (iRKifiS, Meat Miukt't WILLAM E'ra'U HEAL ESTAT!,' Co. J. Wr. Klrklatid, Hoc, Jus. Gibson, Tres, j i O. W. BIIIN1N, ItoiiHO a Sign raiiit: - t ,