La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, May 26, 1959, Page 5, Image 5

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    Church Wedding Rites Unite
Wilma Yaw,
Wilma Grace Yaw, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. L. Jackson, became
the bride of John C. Spray, son
of Mrs. Beulah Spray, all of La
Grande, in the prayer room of the
first Christian church. May 15.
The Rev. Lawrence Abla per
formed tne ceremony.
Mrs. Duane (Gay) Wilson was
organist, and Mrs. Stanley Day
and Edward Harms were soloists
The- church was decorated with
baskets of pink and white snap-
Union Briefs
'-, Obnrvw Correspondent
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Cantrcll pur-
cnased a nome sue from Mrs.
Bertie Elliott in northeast Union.
They will put a house there, that
they recently purchased at Pon
' Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bennett
sold a piece of property to Mr.
and Mrs. Don (Butch) Clack, for
their new home purchased at Pon-
, c
Mike Asper, Amelia Pearson
and Mrs. Williard Hill left Sat
urday for Portland on a combin
ed business and pleasure trip.
Mrs. Hill will visit her daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ber
nard Cress.. Asper and Amelia
Pearson will visit relatives.'
Look Who's
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Berry,
1408 Washington avenue, have
twins born May 25. They are
both boys, one named Eldon Ray,
weighing five pounds and 15 ounc
es; the other is named Elwin Jay,
weighing six pounds and four
ounces. -
' Mr. and Mrs. William Carter, La
Grande, have a son born May 18,
They have named him William
x Shane and he weighs six pounds
and. one ounce.
7:30 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary of
ficers and drill team will hold
installation practice in the hall.
7:30 p.m., 4-H club girls meet
ing on Charm and Poise, in the
small ballroom of the Sacajawea.
7:30 p.m., Grande Ronde Sym
phonic Choral Society will hold
t rehearsal in the KP hall.
2 p.m., Parkdale Club will meet
in the home of Mrs. Tom Carpen
tcr at Fruildalc.
7:30 p.m.. Sew and So Club
will meet in the home of Julia
Buckley on X avenue. Co-hostess
Nona Combs.
8 p.m., Order of Eastern Star
will meet in the Masonic hall.
Election of officers.
8 p.m.. Union County Art
Guild will hold a work night in
the Art room of the Administra
tion building of the college.
- 8 p.m., Royal Neighbors Social
Club will meet in the home of
Mrs. Grant Swalbcrg, 2012 Second
: 10 a.m., 4-H leader training for
first three clothing projects, Just
So Girl, Sew Its Fun, and Charm
ingly Yours, in small parlor of
2 p.m., Frances Brown Auxil
iary will meet in the Neighbor
hood Clubhouse for annual Moth
er's Day Party. Guests are being
invited. Those attending are ask
ed to bring photos of their moth
er and of themselves as children.
6 p.m., The LS to B of LF and
E, will hold a potluck in the IOOF
6:30 p.m.. Old Timers Club 71,
members and auxiliary will hold
a meeting and dinner in McAlis
tcr hall, honoring Mr. and Mrs.
P. H. Murray, men's president of
the General Committee, and Mr.
and Mrs. F. G. Baker. She is
president of the General Commit
tee for the auxiliary. Each mem
ber to bring own table service
and salad or dessert.
7 p.m., The Soroptimist Club
will hold a dinner meeting in the
Sacajawea. Miss Mary Berry,
Sheffield, England, will be in at
tendance. 8 p.m., Eagles Auxiliary will be
holding the last card party of
the current series.
VThitH A TANG-TAe Perfect jf&ji&Sfo
IV KSalod Dreaing iddsjfWf jjji IV
l -J thatsmooth. MmmMl ;
John Q, Spray
of (dragons and" gladioli.
xne Dricie wore a light blue
suit with fur trim, her acces
sory were rose and she carried
a white Bible with a white orchid
and satin streamers.
Mrs. Stanley Day was the best
man to the groom.
Jimmy Yaw. bride's fivp vpar
old son, was Bible bearer.
The mother of the bride wore
for the occasion a black and white
afternoon dress with black and
white accessories and a Dink
rosebud corsage. The Broom's
mother wore a green afternoon
dress, black accessories and also
a pink rosebud corsage.
The reception was held in the
church following the. ceremony.
Mrs. tvereu Abbott served the
wedding cake, which she also
made and decorated. It was a
three tiered cake with garlands
of roses anoVibclls. Mis. Stanley
Day poured. ., .Assisting were the
Misses Cheryl Day, Linda Hens
ley and Shcryll Hcnslcy.
The nowlyweds arc honeymoon
ing to Southern California. For
her traveling', the bride wore a
rose knit dress, beige coat and
accessories. , ,
The couple will be home at
203 N avenue after June 1.
The bride is, dental assistant to
Dr. A. V. Pflugrad, Elgin, and
the groom is, employed by the
Union Pacific Railroad.
OES Initiates
Four Persons
Four candidates were initiated
into the Order, by the Order of
Eastern Star Hope Chapter 13.
Lcla Harris, worthy matron and
Roy Cork, worthy patron, were
presiding. ifiP -
A ceremony of the Draping of
the Altar, In honor of the members
who have died during the last year
was held. '
Mrs. Louie Morgan a member of
Hope Chapter, now living in Ta
coma was present.
Spring flowers i and candles dec
orated the v Chapter room and
serving table,At each place set
ting there was en artificial carna
tion corsage,
Two birthdajfrcak?s were cut by
the new members, other cakes and
refreshments were served.
Don Gaily., pro-temmed for the
secretary, and Herbert Johansen
will continue, as sentinel, as Myron
Whitney has"moved to Grants Pass.
On the committee for the eveJ
ning, were Elaine Smith, chair
man; Lula Johansen, co-chairman;
Herbert JohaWen, Laura Young.
Betty Ladd, Robert Dawson and
Gorman Harris,., Several officers
helped with serving. t
Th next- meeting will be ioo
tion of officers, May 27. .- I
oval Star Lodge
Honors Mothers
With Annual Tea
'field bv the Loyal
Star Lodge, at which members
of the lodge honorca tncir mom-
Tim mnm and tea tables were
decorated with bouquets and ar
rangements .of spring tiowers. a
tiH andl inscribed cake also
graced the t Renter of the table.
The decorating was done by Lois
Moore andJKer Douire.
Fnr the nrneram. Mrs. Rose
Gcttle showed moving pictures
and slides J5(,t a Ken' on mu
trip she and her husband had to
the Hawaiian , Islands this past
Tonnarv Her Dicturcs and talk
were received by the 20 ladies
resent. ' .
The following mothers were
presented with dainty' jeweled
ninc. Mrs ,Rffio German. Mrs.
Lily DriskeH, Mrs. Esther Doutrc,
Mrs. Anna Bradley, Mrs. Myrtle
Fowler and Mrs. Norah Noan. ine
pins were presented to the moth-
i by their waugnters. Mrs. iiei
was also presented with a pin
appreciation for providing the
Lodge president, fcva Magucn
anrl vti nresirinnt. Kstnor Doll
tro nrrsidod at the tea table.
Other guests for the evening
were Mrs. Iva Anderson, Mrs.
Roberta Murphy and Mrs. Anna
Wallace. Tne next regular meet
ine nf the lodec will be on Mon
day, June- V,'at the La Grande
Garden clubnouse.
May 26
R. M. Scott 1
. Henry Siiiibnis ,
M V.'--- '".-l
Miss Wheeler
Named IRC
Girl Of Year
Barbara Anno Wheeler, Jinst
ern Oregon College sophomore
from La Grande, has been named
"IRC Girl of the Year" by tho
International Relations Club, cam
pus organization.
Miss Wheeler, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Wheeler, 1710
Second, La Grande, is a 1957
graduate of La High
School and is majoring in lem?n
tary education at EOC.
Each year the IRC bestows this
honor on the "girl who hts par
ticipated in the activities of the
club and has contributed most to
its success and organization."
She- js also a member of Sigma
A'pha Chi, women's scholastic
Athena Reception
Honors Teachers
UNION (Special) Mrs. Elvic
Rizor and son, - Bill, attended a
reception at Athena, given by
Dolpha Lodge 80, AF and AM.
This was honoring all teachers,
and especially the following
teachers in the .community who
have had 25 years of service in
this profession, Sigrid Wolhowe,
Ellen Caudle, Mildred Bauer and
Charles Simpson.
The Rev. Don Wolstcr, Episco
pal Church of Pendleton, was the
guest speaker.
Entertainment was by the Char
ity Assembly. Rainbow for Girls.
These receptions are being held
throughout Oregon by all Masonic
lodges. This was a public recep
Members of McKcnzie Chapter
112 OES, assisted in serving re
.Mrs... Kiaui and i,Ellei.i!Gutltr
are sisters.
ass- -K -
mime; ire?
Mod.l T-45, Actual Sii.: 4x314 inch.i
Send in a bell from any pack
age of Blue Bell Potato Chips,
or reasonable facsimile, to...
' '' 'S KLBM
Tune In for dates of drawings!
Nothing to write but your nome ,
.. and -address en the envelope. ,
e Winner need net be present
at drowingl .
e Mail in as many separate
entries as you wish)
noma drawn llrtt In every drawing:
FREE! year's supply
(ont Giant-Siit Triplt-Pak pr wttk)
Toteto Chips
...from your favorite grocer's!
With The
D. Stephens Serving
On Aircraft Carrier
G. Stephens, seaman, USN, son of
, Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Stephens of
: Elgin, is serving aboard the attack
'aircraft carrier USS Shangri-La
. operating in the Far East. "
The carrier is currently cruising
with the US Seventh Fleet off Ja
pan and Formosa, providing air
striking -might to this country's
first line of defense in the Western
Pacific. ' , : ' i
Daniel Marks Serving
At Naval Air Station
B. Marks, airman apprentice, USN
son of Mr. and Mrs. Mark B.
Marks of 204 May, Enterprise, is
serving with patrol Squadron 22
at the Barber's Point Naval Air
Station, Oahu, T.H.
Before entering the Navy in Nov
ember 1958, he graduated from the
Enterprise High School. .
Pfc. M. Park Stationed
At Cherry Point,, N.C.
Woman Marine Pfc. Mildred F.
Park, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lowell Park of 1707 Washington,
La Grande is serving at the Mar-
Elgin Club Holds
Installations ; r
''ELGIN (Special) Mrs." Mettie
Rasmussen installed new officers
at the meeting of the Elgin
Womans Club. They met in the
Methodist Fellowship center. Mrs.
Irene Gilliam, chairman, presid
ed over the business.
Those taking office were Mrs.
Helen Roulet, chairman; Mrs.
Everett Bails, vice chairman
Mrs. Irene Gilliam, secretary, and
Mrs. Frank Keller as treasurer.
Co-hostesses for the ' mootinc
were Mrs. Bertha Withnnmnnn
and Mrs. Jennie McDowell.'1
: wf
Drastic price
Shop this event and save on coats, suits and dresses.
One Group One Group
Jfp 2(g)00
Values To 95.00 Values To 45.95
Values To 69.98 Values To 35.00
32 2300;:
One Group oi DRESSES 6.98
HATS at....
All Sales Final ".
.Woman's Editor
ine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point
Cherry Point is the home of the
Second Marine Aircraft Wing and
provides modern Jet overhaul and
repair facilities.
Jerry McCully Serving
At Patuxtent River, Md.
NO Jerry R. McCully, Aviation
Machinists mate third class, USN.
son of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit A. Mc
Cully of Enterprise, is serving at
the Navel Air Station, Putuxent
River, Md.
R. Fowler Scheduled
To Return To States
Russell H. Fowler, seaman, USN,
son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fowler
of Route 1, La Grande, is schedul
ed to return to San Diego, Calif..
May 29, aboard the destroyer USS
Hammer after a tour of duty with
the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the West
ern Pacific.
The Hammer, a urut of Destroy
er Division 111, has visited Japan,
Formosa, Phi'ippincs and Guam.
Prior to returning to San Diego
the Hammer took part in the Cor
al Sea Celebration, May 2-9, at
Melbourne, Australia.
Jack Whittle Competes
In Rifle, Pistol Match
Competing May 11 to 16 in the
Western Division Rifle and Pistol
matches at the Marine Corps Re
cruit Depot, San Diego, Calif., was
Acting Gunnery Sgt. Jack R.
Whittle, son of Mrs. Avis Gintner
of Elgin, and husband of the former
Miss Dolores L. Wayne of Van
couver, Wash.
He is serving at the El Toro
Marine Corps Air Station, Santa
Ana, Calif.
If successful in Western Division
Competition, he will enter the Mar
ine Corps Matches, June 1-6 and
fire against the best shooters from
the Eastern and Pacific Division
Ann Johnson's
slashes in high fashion women's wear!
. . No Returns, Refunds or Exchanges
Riveria PTA
Holds Fina
The last meeting of Riveria
Parent Teachers Association was
held at Riveria school Friday af
ternoon with Mrs. Calvin Vcss
presiding. Mrs. Vess led the sa
lute to the flag.
The girls special chorus under
the direction of Mrs. Florence
Miller, sang two selections,
"White Choral Bells" and 'LSong
af the Open Air.'
Kathy and Karen Nunn sang
'He's Got the Whole World m
His Hands". Linda and Cindy
Simpson sang "In tho Shoemak
er's Shop".
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bates gave
reports on the convention.
Jack Piper's sixth grade won
the room count for May and Mrs.
Frances Wilson's third grade
won the room count for the year.
Miss Amelia Jossi,- fourth
grade, and Mrs. Donald Ains
worlh." sixth grade were present
ed with gifts.
Mrs. Victor Tarter installed
the officers for the coming year:
president, Mrs. William Piper;
first vice president, Mrs. R. L.
Berglund; second vice president,
Jack Piper; secretary, Mrs. Henry
Bates; and treasurer, Mrs. Rich
ard Hamilton.
Mrs. Calvin Vcss presented
candlestick holders to the PTA.
Mrs. William Picper presented
Mrs. Calvin Vess with her ' past
president's pin. '
Refreshments were served by
the first grade mothers.
Ladies Aid Gives
$50 Toward Fund
The Riverside Ladies Aid agreed
to donate $50 to the World War II
Veterans for a M?morial m pio"
neer Park. They met in the home
of Mrs. Alma Tuveson, for a regu
lar monthly meeting with 10 mem
bers' present.
Laura Andrews, president, pre
sided over the meeting.
Happy Birthday was sung to
Hattie Wise and Elizabeth Knute.
Daisy Charlton was awarded the
prize for the evening.
Members appointed to the sick
committee are, Jessie Damcrall,
Hattie Wise and Grace Briggs.
The remainder of the afternoon
was spent visiting. Refreshments
Ann Johnson
Correct Apparel For Women
Observer, La Grand, Ore.,
A tribute to past and future
keynoted the final years meet
ing of the Greenwood Parent
Teachers Association Friday, May
Mrs. Bertha Scott, retiring af
ter many years of teaching in the
La Grande school system, and
Miss Elda Mae Childcrs, resign
ing to be married,' were recipi
cuts of farewell gifts. Miss Hazel
thristensen, who is , taking a
years leave for further study,
was presented with a xard. -
Out going President Mrs. Vivian
Ycung, spoke briefly on the ac
complishments made in tho past
year, ' thanking all who had
helped her during her presiden
Shower Fetes .
Miss Hudson
Miss Helen Jo Anne Hudson was
honored recently with a bridal
shower, held Iri the home of her
grandmother, Mrs. Howard Hud
son. There were 34 persons attending
and playing games. Prizes for
games went to Mrs. Ron Puckett.
Mrs. Mary Truax, Mrs. Ronnie
McMurphy, Ethel Johnson, and
Mrs. E:mer Denton.
"The gift table was centered with
a pink umbrella, streamers and
miniature kitchen utensils.
The honored opened her many
gifts and displayed them.
Refreshments were served by the
hostesses, Mrs. Harry Hoadlcy and
Mrs. Bill Baca.
Miss Hudson is the bride-elect of
LaVern Brant, who is now serving
in tne Navy. The couple are plan
ning a July wedding.
were served bv the hostess. Alma
The next meeting will b hMH
June 11.
Ns-tron wov.n eotton plld
ubtly rtyltd with ftntl. thr.
tint faUinf from a iquand yok,
hlghllf httd by very pr"
rota. Th solid color iklrt, of
court, iMturei a patenUd cut
out front. whltaBlack or
WhlttBlua combinations. ,
10.98 u
We have a complete line of maternity
lingerie, garter bells & nursing bras.
Tues., May 26, 1959 , Page 5
cy. She extended a special thanks
in the form of corsages to the
mothers who are leaving Green
wood PTA. honored were
Edya Lovely, Mary Owen, Mary
Lovelace, Viola Dillman and
Leila Browning.
The new officers were install
ed by Mrs. Elmer Beickcl. They
were president, Mrs. Joe Baker;
vice president, Mrs. Don Hanson;
secretary, Mrs. Vincent Gibson;
treasurer, Mrs. Robert Mink, and
historian, Mrs. C. L. Slack. ;
' A program was presented by
the. sixth grades. Rye's room
gave three choral readings. The
second, "The Monkeys and the
Alligator" was vocally punctuat
ed. ' 'Ainsworth's room showed slid
es drawn and narrated by the
children showing examples of
(heir art and science classes.
Following the meeting, refrcsh-m-nts
were served in the school
l.inch room by the sixth grade
Bride's Books v '
O Cook Books .. ,:
O Photo Albums .
Household Budget .
1104 Adams WO 3-2411
Ask about ',
our clinic '
tested !lu-
Lift maternity
supports. :
Three little pointed tahi ore ac- j
ccnttd by three colors of star
to add much .to thl smrfmer"
minded dress of no-lroi wash- :
able cotton Cape cord with a I
hultnn-ndlustnble let-out pleat.
Black, Rett or. Plug. Sices 8-13.
4 W'
' . ; . -