" LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER SATURDAY, AUGUST 20, 1910. AGE FOUR . . f .. I ''I :: T I - 1 I I THE OBSERVER r!ffd Prf Timstbjiu Sen Ice Bruce Dennis, Editor and Owner. Petered at the posioince At La 'jr?rCi as second-class matter Published Daily Except Snndaj SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dully, single copy. ............. 5c Dally, per week 15c Daily, per month...... 6tc Tils paper will not publish an ar ticle anr-earlng over a nora de plume Signed articles will be revised sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Please sign jour articles and save UsappoIntmenL THE COXCRESSXAX. There Is this about the congression al fight In the Second district, If It can be called a fight. The district Is already represented by a man who Is cn the square, a man who never goes frantic over one thing, a man who J- hhS been before the people of this district and hag never been found . bogus. When the old reliable Second district has such a man )i congress, why experiment with new and untried timber? Why give way to the Idea lhat we need a change, when we do ' tot? Why take up the rattle of self appointed leaders who are untried and experienced? It Is a fact, that the first term or two any man spends in the house Is time lost to the district that sends him. Immediately we hear s fne one isay, "this Is all foolishness, a man can make good the first term If he Is the right man." Can he? There are many things to learn In congress before a can knows how to act, before he has tie routine work, before he realizes where to butt In and they all take time. It Is very popular now for the Insurgent to say, "send me. and I'll show them.' Send him and he will Fhow nothing. He will take his seat alongside the rest of the new mem ter and every one of them will have to learn how before (hey can work. This district has a man who knows how. He is solid and without blem ish. Roosevelt once said, "Old man well enough Is old man good enough, left leave old man well enough lone." And that applies very well, Indeed, to the Second district of Ore-fon, Speoa Petticoat Sale New Heatherbloom Pelikoats Full W inch Shirred, Flounce Full width Dust ruitle of same Material, well worth $2.50 $ 0 0(5g) See the Window -M. K. WEST, The Quality Store Grande Ronde valley Is not far be hind, although the Grande Ronde peo ple have always been too modest to tell what they are doing. To prove the wheat production one has only to iook over the numerous flouring milH running overtime and also take note of the grain buyers' contracts. The total will surprise the most enthusi astic man In the valley. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. George M. Tetreau of Baker City, 19 a guest at the Savoy today. C. N. Finn, a prominent attorney of Portland, is registered at the Savoy today. County Judge Henry is home from Portland where he was called by the slight Injuries sustained by Mrs. Hen ry In a fall this week. Mrs. Henry Is nearly fully recovered. Jamea Sullivan and wife will leave torro-row for their cM hbme In La Cyge. Kansas, where they will visit Untie Dave Manlove. father of Mrs. Sullivan, and one of the old pioneers of Kansas. Mr. Sullivan will also vls- i it relatives" In Kentucky befors return ! ing to La Grr VISIT THE STATION" AND (JET E. TIirSEI). If you have a grouch and think there are better places than. La Grande. If you have eaten too .much and are a little bit miserable at your self and the world. If you get that too often opinion "the town Is slow, and there are so much better locali ties," Just spend a few hours at the railway station In the forenoon. Notice the trains as they arrive and depart, but pay closer attention to the number of people who stop In Li Grande. See them alight from every I coach and notice the hotel runner' 1 wagons as they fill with grips. Then ; turn your eyes to the Wallowa county I train that serves no territory jn thU world except one Eastern Oregon coun ty. Notice how it begins to fill thirty minutes before time for it to pull out. and by the time the engineer rings th? bell for the last time, practically every seat In every coach Is occupied. What does It all mean? It means that you. friend, are living in one of the very best towns on the map, and you are too dense to appre ciate the fact. It means that La Grande Is making that steady surge forward from village to city and only a few are helping push, while t' are any amount of people who are laying back on the traces. It means that despite r.'ome of the dlssastlsfled mortals who live herein. La Grande Is to be the mtropolis and commert tal center of Eastern Oregon. Make several trips to the depot, get the Inspiration and return to your home or to your place of business with I a resolution that you will do your part KEORGE PALMER, Pres. F. J. HOLMES, Tlce-Prrs. P. I. VT. L. BRENHOLTS, As'. fash. EARL ZI NDEL, 2d Ass't fash. Meters, rnshier. LA GRANDE NATIONAL BANK OF LA GRANDE, OREGON Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $2CG,000.00 1 to make this a city. It Is cowardly and unfair to knock the town that feeds you. If you do not like the com munity, move on, there will be a live one to come In and take your place. HAVE A THOROUGH UNDERSTAND- INC. There is nothing like a thorough and complete understanding in this world. And In the irrigation project now before the people of the Grande Ronde, It Is Imperative that everyone shall be posted on all points of im portance. With this project com pletely argued, it grows in strength, according to our view. But objections should be raised in order that those who so sincerely fav or the water plant can explain their positions and make clear every detail. The columns of the Evening Observer are open to every person who has an opinion on the district plan. We wel come all cummunieatlons. The farmers' day at, Union, August 27, when the experiment station will unveil Its mysteries, should be one of the truly big events of the season. Robert Wlthycombe, the manager of the farm, has some good things laid away for Union county farmers on that day and no one should fail to at tend and hear his complete explana tions of things he has tried and found good. It has cost considerable to try out theBe experiments, and the state pays the expense, so why not take a little time and receive the benefit? When anyone says the Eastern Ore gon country Is not a producer of wheat In extremely large quantities, they are mistaken. It has always been conceded that Umatilla county was the wheat king's paradise, but ' the Birth Record. Eorn to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith of this city, a ten-pound daughter. Official Notice. All bicycle riders please take notice that there is an ordinance now In ef fect prohibiting bicycle riding on any and all sidewalks of La Grande be tween the month of April and Novem ber 1 of each year. Anyone "aught violating said ordinance will be prose cuted to the full extent of the law J. W. WALDEN, Chief of Police. Holly Roller Starves. Los Angeles, Aug. 20. Reverend John O'Xeil. a religiou Holy Roller fanatic, died today In a cotta.ge near the outskirts of the city, as the result of a fast which he, together with J. E. Eutler, Mrs. Nellie Boyle. Alice Grif fin, IS years of age, and Mrs. Boyle's neice, have kept up for more than five weeks. O'Neill died, refusing food. Mothers of Vounir Babies, Read Tltis: The Chicago Tribune calls attention to this list of Boothlng syrups, etc., for children officially designated by the United States government chem ists and experts as "BABY KIL LERS." Do not, under any circumstances, If you value your child's heajth and life, use any of these preparations: Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, (morphine sulphate.) Children's Comfort, (morphine sul phate.) Dr. Fahey's Pepsin Anodyne Com pound, (morphine and sulphate.) Dr. Fa hrney's Teething Syrup (mor phine and chloroform). Dr. Fowler's Strawberry and Pep permint Mixture (morphine). Dr. Groves' Anodyne for Infants (morphine sulphate). Hooper's Anodyne,, the Infant's Friend (morphine sulphate.) Dr. Miller's Anodyne for Babies, (morphine sulphate and (Moral hy drate.. Dr. Moffett's Teething Powders, (powdered opium). Victor Infant Relief, (chloroform and cannabis Indica.) ii You are Invited to Attend Services at the First Baptist MIXRCTORS jj 1.'()!;jE PALMER YV. L. UUKMiOI.'l. (V(. i'i M;itN ( I W. J. ( U K P. J, MKlEIiS . .. CLEAVER tj I I . J. HOLMES W. M. riEIUK r. m. lniiKir . . - With our au..t ftrfe nud fad!:'Mr-s v i-mi midcr nn cHiciin' ;'' '. turtle and band!'' jenr bu.-lucs iu ji.nr ci.iire salt-i'.icJltnt. J . ft; 4 '.N GO! GO! GO! Portland Race Meet Live Stock Show & Harvest Home Fair Sept. 5th tolOth DANKERS' Purse of $lo,ooo.oo for trotters. Hotel Purse ot $5,ooo for pacers Special features e.ery day. Wed nesday and Thursday are ' the big days. Auto races. Baloon ascentions. Any number cf free entertain ments. Special prizes for . nights of amature aero nauts in their own aero planes. Greatest exibition of fat stock ever held " West of the 3reat Divide. A great Midway. Not an idle minute in the week. All entrance tickets are numbered. The lucky win ner gets a pony and cart or $2oo.oo in cash. ...REDUCED RAILROAD RATES... Ask your local Agent Anyone who needs a truss needs the help we provide. Our trusses are high grade and all guess work Is elimina ted from our methods of fittipg. We guarantee entire satisfaction. NEWLIX DRUG CO. Vou 3Iay Have Appendicitis and 'ot Know It If you have wind or gas in the Btom ach, eour stomach or constipation, you very likely have chronic appendi citis, which may any minute become acute. A SINGLE DOSE of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded in Adler-i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy, will re lieve you try it. you will be surprised at the QUICK ACTION. HILL DRUG CO. . ' ' STOP THAT St RATI RING. Just as Lonir us Vou Hare Dandruff Vuur Head will Itch. It's the little microbes that iire gnawing down into the hair roots. It may take, a long time for these per sistent pesf3 to get down to the vital part, but when they do they will des troy the life of the hair in a very short time. "I write in short, that my head was rlinost running ino crazy, and I saw your ad in the Thns-Unlon. I boucht m bot'lo of Fnrisian Page at rnc.e and t,i! tried It. and In a week I cmild se that Ijliviy bend was almost well, and my hr.ir waa'growin.c wonderful, and I co)t!nued usin? Parisian R; H ahon'i The Greatest Bar gain Store in City J Extra Special Bargains 25c An Indian can be happy vv'J ouJ a Piano. But who mnls to ue an inuijur STEIHWAY, LUDMG, KtRTZMAHN, A. fl. CifAS and C0N0VR Pianos tor sale by t X J. JCOJJ I next Sunday. Sunday s hool at 9:15'. Preaching set vice t 11 o'clock 15. Y. P. U. prayer mooting r.t 7 p. ml, and evening service at S p. in. 11 e nv.r:. it:,"; iVem'? will be th fourth lesson on tb life of Jos eph 'Kvenlng thetuo, "The P.iUorV !;. . t:on io the Civic nights? of a Towu or CUM Govsnt'u.-s.t.'- , FRANK E. GRAY, Pastor now. my hair is beautiful and every body admires it. My .scalp is always fl Yo'?r customer. .Mrs. S. Dln- J-.l-!ojr;l)!e. Fl;s .' October IT.. 1909. Parisian Rp,?... the niot -delig1it.fi 1 hair lerdorcr, la ;,na-ar.teed by Nwliri Drui Co. to stop falliny; hnlr, to cure dandruff and nil diseases of the wain or money back. It is the most re freshing hair dressing In the world. Ladies use It extensively because It makes the hair beautiful, soft and lux urlan. 60 cents a bottle from the Glr oux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. The girl with the auburn balr Is on every bottle. I H 9 bars, good Laun dry soap 50c Baker's choc- n. olate Cj 30c box of Gocoa 10c box spice 05c 25c Vanilla Extrat-f J iwvn 6c 25c Lemon extract 3 pkgs Jello 25C 15c Monopole If) mince meat I VC Gloss Stares pkg QJ Gnrn starch pkg 07c Arm and'Ham-ZliTJ-mer Soda. UO2C 5c Toilet Soap 3 JQj Jelley Glasses Der dozen I i5c Ladies 25c :o. lars for . Ladies' 25c Patent 'IC, Leather belts $2 bed 4 rj spreads 4lJv $2.50 bed spreads Pillow slips, per hCf rjair Tv 1 Bed Sheets 72x90 $2.00 60c Pair Dreamland (1 Ot Feather Pillows $1.0 Good size cotton 7K hla.nkftt I A Ladies 20c ribbed 0 top hose 50c Boy's Knee Zfyfi PantR JJh 1 2H Fancy Oil Gloth per yard' 75c Granite Dish J(M Feather Dusters 25c Talcum Powder 251 m 1318 Adams Ave. m Fir st. La Grande, QH v 7r