TzMUM Jill MI VUUiNi il llifll : lUj-i I lijiH lijii' VOL. XI LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. TUESDAY, MAY 10. 1910. NUMBER 1G2 lifllll. J IfflY CASE TO TODAY DEFENSE SPRINGS A SURPRISE WHEN IT FAILS TO CALL A STRING OF WITNESSES. STATt MAY ASK FOR REOPENING William Gohl the Alleged Wholesale Murderer Will Leave Case Ih the Hands of the Jury With Calling bnt Three Witnesses Reported One of Victims Found Tied to Anchor In Gray's Harbor Bay. Wv date instead of the day of the funeral because the Rector, Upton H. Gibbs.j expects , to be absent nearly all of next week! All residents of Brit ish and Canadian connection are re- quetsed to attend; ' A special invita tion is also extended. to v the Knight Templars and the Masonic fraternity generally, to show respect to the mem ory of one who was the most emi nent member of the eraft in Europe and had always taken a deep interest in Its welfare.', ' STREAMERS Montesano, Wash., May 10 The tt of William Gohl. former agent of the SaUormen'i Union, who : la' on trial for the murder of Charles Had berg, and suspected of other mur ders, will probably be decided by a Jury today. Prosecutor Campbell Is scheduled to make the opening state ment to the Jury today and; be fol lowed by the attorneys for the de fense ."- : ',: -U'' The sudden closing of the defense's ' case yesterday an hour and 20 min utes After the first' witness was In troduced, caused a sensation. It was expected that at least 30 witnesses would be called, but only three took the stand. , Campbell , intimated that the state would ask tor a re-opening of the case for - the introduction of more ' evidence, if. the report that the body of John Hoffmen, whom it was al leged that Gohl had murdered -had , been located tied to an anchor in ' Grays Harbor proved to. be. true. ' GOLDEN RULE IIS! SMALL AMOUNT OF CHANGE ALL THAT IS MISSING. CONTRACT ABOUT T6. BE SIGNED WITH COMMERCIAL CLUB. Fir. East Adams, South Depot Are Streets to be Equipped!. ROBBED : w Bobbers Hay Have Taken Away Con . ,., siderable Clothing as Well FAMOUS RAILROAD- MEASURE PASSES LOWER-HOUSE Washington, May 10. The house This marks theeglnnlng of the end this afternoon adopted the railroad, ol w vai oa lB0 mum in " legislation bill by a vote of 200 to 128. Mann, of Illinois, affected an amendment re-establishing the clause permitting the railroads to merge un- house. Leaders declare that It Is likely there will be few changes in the form of the bill as reported t ' day, being better than the remains I rt tha nrlirlnnl wTilh worn tint fnv ., . . ored b; leuiea loo, io iou. Aaamson moveaj to recommit me dm wun me in- j struction to eliminate the commerce but I think possibly the bill has not up in the final -stages of the fight over the long and Miort haul clause. This clause provides that a railroad must not charge more for the short haul than for the long one over the same line and In the same direction. It Is the belief that the administra tion does not favpr this amendment and Taft's 'speech at Passlac last night when he' gave, his virtual ap- provel to the packed bill is being quoted by the insurgents as a presi dential endorsement of their action. by Tart. Tart seemea satisnea and Bald, "I am not familiar with the 'condition of the bill In the senate, Not only will the ; incandescent streamers suspended over the main streets of La Grande be continued notwithstanding that the contract has expired, but the number ot the streamers will be Increased unless nreBent clans fail at the last mo ment It is planned to cloBe a con tract between the E. O. L. & P. Co and the - commercial club this even ing. The city has decided to contin ue the payment" of $25 toward the maintenance of the extra lights. Ten more streamers are promised for the same cost that was charged for the present equipment. However, all' are to be turnea out at midnight i The districts to toe provided with additional streamers are one block on Fir street, one block on the east end of the : present service n Ad ams avenue- and one block on Depot between Washington v and Fourth. This will i scatter the illuminations and give, greater service. j curt clauses, which was defeated by 17S to 150. . ';. : '-y' lj 1 V Taft Seems Satisfied f Washington, May 10. The , admin istration bill was today reported by the house committee by a whole Vote. been Emasculated la either house and that 1, contains all the remedial tea tures ' of the original and that the thing. omitted is neither .substantial no 111 ' rt U' ' Thl sharpest skirmishing wm come VANTS'A NEW ouhh FBEEWATEB PEOPLE SEND OUT BEPBESENTATITE. f MAKING A NEWSPAPER Editor. Sanderson In La Grande to ' Agitate Favorable Sentiment liLH UUV Ll'iUi FOR CANADA PREDICTED THAT BROTHER OF LATE KING WILL BE ..NAM ED G0TERN0R GENERAL CUEEN'S "K3TEER IN ILL CEALTil Small pieces of change and an un known amount of goods were taken from the Golden Rule store last night by burglars. Entrance wis effected through a rear window, the pane of glass being cut and removed in or der to get at the latch on the wln dOW. ' ".-''-,- "-:y-'':rt " How much was taken in the way. of goods it is impossible to estimate none may have been removed. Had not the few cents in change in' the till been missing and .the trace of the burglar left at; the window, the management of the store would not have known that the store had been ; .ransacked.. 0'.,' i- ';v;::-''' i ; Chief of Police Waldon has his scouts at work on various theories ,' but no manner of clews were left In the" wake of the robbers. Several . suits of clothing might have been taken without the, loss being notlca ' ble from the big piles,. Guns, Jewelry v and other goods that, tramps generally , dote on were not molested. r Go .to 'Jury Soon. Kansas City, " May lO.rThe belief is' that Dr. Hyde will bV the last witness for the defense. The predic tion today is , that the case will be In the hands of, the Jury by the end of the week. 4 The .'direct examina tion on Hyde continued today and It is expected that he will be crossex amined this afternoon. Hyde speci fically denied all the charges made against hini. ' He charged in return that some of his test tubes and the bacilli cultures has been stolen from his office during his absence. : HITCH ANGERS B. C. Sanderson, editor of the Free- water Times, spent last evening in La Grande trying to raise Some en thusiasm for the proposed new coun ty to be called "Orchard." Mr. San derson purposes cutting a rich juky sirloin steak out of Umatilla co un- ty's right slde cloBe to the spare rib and making a new organization. Nat urally Umatilla county objects to the operation for Freewater and surround lng country comes handy along about tax paying time. So the fight is on. . Freewater wants to secede and Umatilla says "no" Backed in this attempt to make a new county by the bankers and the prominent business men of -Freewa ter, Mr. Sanderson feels firm In his position and Is now rounding up dif ferent localities" with a" vtew ofget? ting support for the measure If he succeds In getting on the ballot this fall. He claims some Umatilla coun ty cltlzenB are forced io travel sixty miles to reach the county seat ; that trials are very expensive when wit nesses have to. be summoned so ' far away ; that the court hose" In Pende ton now 1b loaded with deputies and arious other, expenses that will be diminished under his plan. . In the new county of Orchard Mr. Sander-, son asserts there will not be a great deal of business and .the . officers can attend to all official duties- without assistance of deputies.;- " ; v' v- GUARDS SENT TO ESCORT TEDDY ARE BEHIND TIME. Colonel Forced , to Take Taxlcab to His Hotel Unguarded. I MEMORIAL SERTICES PLANNED ; FOB LATE KING.'. ";:'. Conadlans, Britons and Lodgemen Es : je dally Invited. Berlin, May 10. Colonel Roosevelt reached the railway, station 'a half hour ahead' of the Kaiser's Imperial Guard sent as an honorary guard. Roosevelt took a taxlcab and was at the American Embassy v when the guards reached the depot The Kaiser Is angry at Baron Von Schoen, minister of foreign, affairs, for allowing the miscarriage of the plans, on account of the Kaiser's mourning for the death of his uncle King Edward. ' -, RooBevelt and me Kaiser will meet only informally 'a few times. They lunched together at Potsdam Palace today. ! The Kaiser was very cordial. Memorial services for the late King Edward will be held in St Peter's church In this city on Friday even ing at 7:30. ' It has been set for this ; To Ylslt President Taft New York, , May 10. The Califor nlan exposition delegation left today for Washington where they will ap pear before President Taft and con gress and ask for federal force for the San Francisco celebration on ac count of the opening of the Panama canal In 1915. ; ' To make a newspaper requires many hands and sev eral minds. '. : ";:'.''' : Metropoitan papers' caa only be printed in large cen ters of population because of the enormous expense re quired; ' ' v. ''; '.' In towns the size of La Grande and Jther Eastern Oregon points the paper that first - gives -the telegraph news of the world au(d then confines itself to state and lo cal news is bound to satisfy, and please the people. . ; But ta do this requires aa Outlay, of money and laVor eacn weeK tnax iew, peopie reauzt( . ;. .. La Grande and Union and Wallowa counties are en titled to a good evening newspaper carrying telegraphic news, and that is what the Observer is today. We invite comparison with -papers of 'other cities of this size with the full realization that no loyal La Grande man well be ashamed of the Observer. : V 7 ,s ' . , The people liere have by their t busincBa and their good will exfesed' an abiding faith in the ability of the managenienVp print a live, wide awake newspaper. The better the patronage the stronger the paper ; will be, and we have every reason to believe that within a year the'La Grande Evening Observer will have attained a circulation far beyond the limits of what some might term its field. " . , ''v. :.;."-v vr v: The reason for this, feeling is because La Grande and vicinity wants such a paper. The people; realize that a good paper is a strong advertisement for the community in which it is printed, that it is an exponent of thrift progresswhereas a weak paper lessens confidence in a community and turns people away. ; ; ! We again call attention' to the telegraphic feautres of the Observer which are maintained at great expense and without which a newspaper cannot serve the pebple ! That general appreciation has been felt toward this paper is best evidenced oy me increasing suosenp tion list, and that too, wthout solicitation. because every . . ' .... . . . mi ji j one in the office has been too ousy wim pressing mings to make any kind of a canvass whatever. ; We reioice &i the crowing list and invite . all who are not readers to step forward and order the paper. This j 1 ' 1 is a mutual proposition no newspaper cau vxusi wuuvw the peopled support and no people can hardly exist with out a newspaper. .r , : ". ;. Thus far the management is abundantly pleased and has not the least shadow of regret for locating in La Grande the pay roll town of Eastern Oregon, the town mat uniocKS some 01 nature s ricuesi storeuouses, lue rIan8 be shaped immediately for town that is a JEJOOd place to live in, and the town that ir ntertalnment of the editors when destined to be the commercial center, of Eastern Oregon (they come. . , Just as Soon as the Funeral Is Over Queen, Mother will be Taken to a Place of Best Court and Relatives Fear that Strain of Crief Will be too Much for Her Duke of Con . - naught la Line for Job, , '. London, May 10. Fearing that the Dowager Queen Alexandria will sue- the funeral of the late King Edward, the physicians are urging her to take a long vacation. The Dally Express predicts today . that the Duke of Connaught, a bro ther of Edward, Will succeed. Earl Gray as governor . of Canada, and says , that the appointement will be made soon. Edward Is reported as having secured the government's agreement to the change previous to his death. 1 r ' . ; Forest Fire Rages t Houton, Mich, May 10- A portion ot the town of Allston was destroy ed today by a. forest fire sweeping over the county and endangering life The property of the Du Pont powder works Is threatened. Residents are fighting the flames at the risk of be ing burned to death. EXTREME SOUTH FERTILE WITH FUEL, SAIS EXPLORER COMMERCIAL CLUB HITS UPOJf A GOOD SCHEME. ; v " Oregon Editors Will be Asked to ' Tonr Grande Sonde Valley . . SOUTH men COAL H' Danger of World's Coal Famine Over shadowed b j Discovery - Chicago, May JO. Lieut, Shackle- ton, the furthest south explorer says there Is a vasy area of coal deposits on the edge of the Antarctic circle, which 'if mined will prevent a coal famine In the world Indefinitely. He says the fields cover four million square miles. Shackleton will not endeavor to reach, the Pole until Captain Scott, another English explorer, returns. Shackleton believes Uat Scott: will reach his destination. Back la Old Stand. Dispatcher Corbett and his under studies mcfVed back into the repaired quarters in the depot building,' The place has entirely changed lnterior lly and presents a more commodious and eye-pleasing appearance., ' - FIGHT mm BAD M OAKLAND CHURCnMEX BRING IT .A EW ARGUMENT , When the commercial club direc tors meet tonight,, the first gun will be fired In a campaign to bring the Newspaper Association of Oregon to La Grande and Union county when the association meets in Baker City June 18th and 19th. The club plans to havle the' delegates sidetracked when they reach La Grande,' and the commercial men ot the city will es cort the pen pushers to various points of interest In the valley, There will be considerable work connected, with the movement and negotiations will be opened with the railroad company to permit the delegates stopping here for a few hours at least No better mode of home advertising could be hit upon for though there seldom is a very large representation of Ore gon's newspaper men -at any annual convention, still it is always a hunt llnir. boosting enereetic aggregation, fight were adopted by the men oi the 'it satisfactory arrangements can be First Presbyterian church here to made with the railroad company, the aay ana tent. io uoveror uiueue. uiw attorney general and the district at torney and to the sheriff of Alameda county. ; Both Blacks and Whites of Bad Char acter Would Come to Oakland. Oakland, Calif, May 10. Resolu tions alleging : . the bad black and white characters will be attracted to Oakland by the Jeffries-Johnson