La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, February 09, 1905, Image 5

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Everything , you want w'tnt tor that X
Grande Rpiide Euniber Co.
b Awaiting'Your Order at
Oji. Lir and JeHerson 81a.
OUR 311501 ALTY
Full X i TeWerM Stock"
-. - "iviv el floods. c .1 ( . (
8H0E3 .
a specialty
Cf ain Ws 'd by the Cord .
128 cu' ic ( et to the - cord. 16-inch dry chain
.". wood 3' 'St VM-d.1' Thu ii cheaper than by the load.
. You pay tr 'iat yoa get and get what yon pay for.
Phone 571
Meseeeeeeeeoeeeeeeeoaecccss)ce aaaooeo
".. 1 ( : e: u. f j
Tha Portland Journal of V recent
daU esye the following regarding'Rsp
reeentative MoLeod'e etetemeut wdi
Ufoia tbo,,commlttee pn counties at
8elemlaat week
In tb disoossion before the bout
committee on ooantlM , laet Tuesday
evening over tbe bill ' to create Hot
Lake esOntri Repreaentatlve1 MeLeed
ot Daiosl eoanty mad 1 statements
which, were oaatraed. by .those who
board, aim aa a charge that money
might bt improperly need to aecnra tha
peaeage ol the. bill. In tha oooraa of
bla remarks MeLeod allndad to Charlea
Oochraa of Union aa one of tbe ad
Tooatea ot tbo meaaura. -"f
MrCochraa waaaot praaenl at tha
oaunittee moating and npon reading
tha . publlahed ; ra porta of It b wired
fUprcaentatlve MoLood in reference
to them. Ha rooalTad tbo following
Treply Thoredry: , , I
"rail explanation and exoneration
In Journal today." i
aoooooa -4iii9iiiitttttv
. .4.
In anlnterriaw today Mr MoLaod
aaid that ha had not wlahad nor intend,
ad aai Moea ' not iatand to caat any
reflection npon tha Integrity of Mr
Cochran, nor to lnttmato that any of
tbo paopla oi Union proposed to oaa
money Illegally with tha mombart of
tbo committee on ooontiea. From bit
knowledge of the membere of that com-
initteaba bellered that all of them
are man who would eparn with con
tempt any offer ot money to lnttaauoe
their vote. While axoaarating Mr
Uoobran from any improper latent.
MoLood folly oonttrmed tbo aUtemeni
made by him before the committee to
too affect that he had been informed
that money bad, been;; reload for tha
porpoaa of putting the bill through.
Ho added that he waa ready to , make
affidarit to thla if called open to doao.
Theee explanatloaa are regarded aa
removing any aatpioloa ol wrongful!
intent on tbo part ot the advocates ol
the Hot Lake county bill and on tbo
part ot tha mambera ol tbo commit tee:
Hamttactorcr ol
Grande Roride Lumber Co.
ecial Services 'at
1-m rrmwa wavy -
The Bibie ' reading given by Bev again won the bearta ot the people
When you want
'"'tny&st ' '
PHONE j 1851
leeuoam imuu.1 r-
e ' and very innlruotive and
A. B. C. Stam Laundry
intereating. j
Hia aabjeet 'Tbe Bible revealed
anew the wondenul weapon Gbiiitiana
have in their baode in- the - word of
God. i Tberr are three tbonyand. k pro
1 uiaea in tha Bible lor the Child of
i Uod while thsre ta only one' lor ' the
; nnbeliever and that ia that God will
forgive ain.- 1 ' u ' i
The ehurch waa well filled , at the
evening eei vice and Bev Needbam
11 : a.
Church I 0re2oa
a krone anneal to tho unsaved.
- Hia text waa taken from Zeokarlaa
III 1 -6 verses showing that God will
lay aside tha old nature and olotbe ua
in righteousness il we will allow him
not the external righteousness ol the
scribe and Pharisees aa portrayed in
Matt, ft). , ,!-!
Tha solos by Mr Powers were very
impressive and winning.
Bev'Needham and Mr Powers will
olose their meetings this evening
Phone 1761
Produce Co.
LaGrandes Oregoa.
CoTuCT Jcffrsc2 y?nnft and Greenwood Streets
La Grange. Oregon.
f1 L. 'A. G R A N D E
i mou,r WORKS
Will ht ready for business Fcbruuy &
Gomplclc Machine Shops
and Foundry
Bev W L Van Nuys pastor ol the
Presbyterian eburoh in taia city baa
received the information ibat a former
classmate in Wabash College. Miki
Haraaawa a Japanese, who graduated
from that institution, has been a Dress
censor before Port Arthur during the
yl ; ', aeige, and ia now at tha front with the
army in Maoohuria. .. .
L Haraaawa waa an . intelligent Jap-
1 ,1 j
: ; anese and made rapid progrtaa in hia
' studies, and on bia return to Japao
; , entered the aervice of bia country as
A f
W I la tha meAiiLimfl ha evad fclia onlv
daughter of a w -alt by Japaudse mer
ohant ani according to the custom 0
tbo country, Harasawa took the
name ol bia wile, nia full name now
being Miki Harasawa Yeauguebi the
latter being 'lie , wife' name. It
rw-scxYa t RlniikfilTllth
Manufacturer ot The Fitzge:al I R'Ma Feed: MJ ,
.,;,.. , . ,,f , nacas.jt.'? c- avwra -
Summerville Siftins
Snow at present.
Misa Maggie Milla came home Tues
day to baat the bed Bide ol her mother
Miaa Ella Hanter made a business
trip to La Grande Mocday.
1 Rev Moohel tha new Minister of tha
Presbyterian charoh wiU hold aervice,
both Sunday and oionday vening
'Mr and Mrs U Elledge iavialUng
their grand p areata Mr and Mra Lan.
man. '
' Mr Olson made a business trip to
La Grandt Saturday
. , Mr T Tii made a bualnesa trip to
La Grande Wedaeaday . ,
L After Piatt
Washington Feb C-G W Post, oi
Battle Creek Michigan, who baa been
been aotive in an agitation if a par
eeiapoat system, today filled wltb the
president of tbo aenato a petiton for
tha exclusion of Senator Thomas U
L ! Piatt fiom the aenato. Tha petition
L,argeet Packing
In. iKastern jJOrea;oa.
Will Pay Hiarhest Gash
Price lor Marketable .
custom in Jpao tbat wuera toe bride
is ibe only daughter of a family . toi
groom mu.t uke ber name. Where
there ia more tban one girl in a family
the bride takes the name ot ber bus
band. Pendleton E O.
..HOHNlETORlJ,'j! J'v.
8UCI E890R I O H.
D, 1
............. ..... ... ' 1 -1.. . V -
JptlUSj ROESCH, oprfeton ;
Are Voii Restless at Nfcht?
And haraaaad by a bad coogbf Use
iiailard'e Uorehound By rap, it will
aeoare yea aouad 'Bleep, and effect a
prompt .and radical cure. 2oo, 50c and
L Newiin UrogCo. , i
la baaed on the aaaertion that fiatt aa
an executive officer ot the United
btaaea xpreaa company, ia a party to
aooatpiraoy to maintain Identical
"rates among all ezpreaa companies for
art Idea shipped over their linea and
be asserts that Piatt baa told repre
sentatives of bla tbat bo will oppose
all legislation Injuriously afleotjng
bia oompanlea interest,
union. carpenters
5 Attention
The meeting oiht of the Local Un
ion No 872 baa been changed ao as to
come on the second and fourth Thurs
day of each month. All members will
pleaaetake notice. By order of 00m
mittee. ., ,;P
Largest Brewing Plant in Eastern Oregon
SAsk for La Grande Beer and get the Best
. r -r- t- ts " v -
"rwo Little rVaifs"
Despite tbo inclemenov of the
woatbar and taot that a fierce fire waa
raging at the time the play ; began at
Stewarts Opera House last evening,
tha production ot "Two Little Waifs"
waa witnessed by a large', and ' appre
ciative audience. All oi the charact
era were well represented, and es
peolally the characters of the "two
little waifa." Many specialties of high
grade were presented during the play
and ail who were present were well
aatified with the play and do . not re
gret the braving of tha weather to aee
tbo eame
Eight aoree of land 4 In orchard 6
room' good bam, : well watered
JuatOiiomlle east of poatoffice. For
particalara enquire at MoPartacea
giooery or John Gavin tbo owner 00
the premlaw will exohange tor town
property. Feb sV Meh 8
In The Pen
By Sorippa Newa Association
Wheeling, W V Feb 9 Great crowds
turned oat thla morning to witness
the arrival of Maonen'O B and G A
GroS, oonvloted of Postal frauds to
to theMundnville pententlary. Eleven
other priaoners accompanied tbem
After formalities were over the three
men marobed to the aouth ball and
tbo iron door waa looked behind them
They will probably bo gien some kind
ol clerical orI,
B P fait, the pioneer music teacbei
of Uraude Rondo Valley, ia stlU in tue
ring. During my vacation I made it
my business aa well aa pleasure to at
tend concert, operas, and ia faot
everything In my line ol buainese and
I fonnd that I aa a teaoher, and in
terpreter oi mualo am atlll in the front
rank. Pupils who do not wish the full
conservatory coarse may take tbe pop
ular pIsco course. This plaoea tbe
pupil in position to play the popular
m'unlo of tbe day, Church and Sunday
School music
The Violin popular course plaoea tbe
pupil In position to play all klnda of
dance mualo aa well as light overtures.
Quite a number of musicians who have
been under my Inetructnn are now
making aa teachera and
eololata. Puplla wbo are under my
ear will be thoroughly Instructed in
music. BP TAIT, teacher.
Ralph Lorena, a yonng brother of
Miss L R Lorenz, of the Core, la in
tbo oity for a few days having eoine
dental work dona.
A Touching Story
Is the saving from death of the baby
girl of Geo A ,ylar Cumberland, Ma,
He write ; -At the age of IX months
our little girl waa in deoliuing health
with eerioue Throat Trouble, .andjtwo
physioiana gave her t up .We :ware al
most in despair, when we resolved to
to try Dr King'a Mew Discovery for
Consumption, coughs, and Golds.
Tbe nret bottle gave raiiei, auer.ia
in foar bottles she waa cared, and ia
now in perteot health." Waver fallal
to relieve and cure a cough or cold.
AtHewllnUrug (Store ouo ana oiw
guaranteed Trial bottle free t a I
! ,v .; . 1
Public Is Aroused
The publio ia aroused to a knowladge
of. the curative .merlta oi that great
medicinal tonic, Electrlo Bitters, tor
aiok atomacU liver and aidoeys, Mary
Mary H Walters, ot 648 St Olafr Ave,'
Columbus O, writes: "For several
montha 1 was given up to die, I baa
fever and agas mr nerves were wreck
ed 1 could not not sleep, end m
stomach was ao. weak, from . uaelea
doctors drURa, that 1 could not , eat,
Soou alter beginning to take ' Electru;
witters, I omaine I relief, and in abort
timaiwaa entirely cured." Uuarau
teed at fewltna drug store, price . 60s
. yfp , mauufaotore Batter
fioml sweet .cream. ..Our
butter ie fall weight aad
Thia.U onaf.tbe.beatiauaioaUTa
stitatlona in tha atate. Dorlagtaa
yoar.1904 there, were nearly Foor
tnooaand leaaontglvea. Xb people
14 thla city and . valley .are begla
idg to dlaoover the freeA' advantage
of thUahool.Tbw ayaiem scad la
the lateat and moat practical, and
Inolnrlea all tbo lateat disoo varies
the art of leaching moale, , The
oa) la divided in iwodapart-
mentet Mo. 1 lafor beglnnera, from
lyeaxs apfand Uklnfli iabe irt to
itxl gradW'la thla daparimeat
nplla noma one hoar e? err M day
laKojataoctaeare tratal to
A Jiere they aradoata. Paptls
ae one or two leaaooi .-week aa
W oesir! No- oolioUra- wUi be
lermltted to ramala ia thla aoaooi
bo do not study.
! eaaraiiteed. Leave orders
at J. D. McKennooV
1 S
are the only kinds we aell.
Tbe meat that haa tbat rich appear
ance and tickela tbe palate ie the kind
yoa will get here.
Choice lamb, pork and veal chope.
airloln, round and porterhouse steakas
and other luzarlea la' oar line, are
aold here daily . and prioea ..that are
require good, aolld food. Meat la
a Dsceasity to each a man and he
abould have it All women .of tha
btuee should have It. All women of
the houae abould provide iheir hat
bands with food tbat will etrengttoa
tbem ao tbat tbey will be ingood condl
tlon to toll ao that tbo family may
live. , , ;. , ; .
Bock & Thomas
Itch Ringworm
T Lucaa," Wligo, Ky,, writes,
April 25th 1902: "For W to U yeara 1
bad bean . afflicted with a malady
known aa the Itch. The Itching waa
moat unbearable; I had tried for yeara
to ttod relief, having tried aU remedies
1 could hear of, bealdaa a number ot
doctors. I wish to atate that one aln-
?le application ot bailaxd'e dnow Lin
ment cured me completely and per.
mauently. Sinoo then I have used the
liniment on two aeparato occasion far
ring worm and It cared completely.'
28c, 60o and 1 bottlev.-Sewlln -Drag
uo. , ; .
. Harth . . .
Meana the ability to do a good day 'a
work, without nndue fatigue and to
find life' worth' living. Yoa oannot
have IndigeaUoa or constipation with
out ita upsetting the liver and pollut
ing the blood. Soon a condition may
bo beat and quickest obtalaed by Har
bioe, the beet liver regulator that tbo
world haa over know. Mra., O W
Smith wrltM. AprU 8, mil I aaa
Herbine. and find it the beat madioina
tor constipation 1 - and regaiatlng tha
liver I bave ever aaed.' Prloe 60 eeata)
Kewtla Drag Oo; 4 r
4 f
. t