La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 20, 1904, Image 3

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    Santa Qaus can Find Nothing
Better than
Everv Part of it Made at Home and
is Pyre, Wholesome and Delightful,
If you want' somothing Special leave
orders now. "
LoyY Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon.
When you want
the Best
PHONE j i85i
A. B. C Steam Laundry
La Grande, Oregon.
" TT.-rnnrinnnprl Piimo nnliahpr and wnnrl finisher.
Bar fixtures and Bank furniture and all stain imitations a
specialty. Remodeling and repairing: All kinds of house
furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranteed
Leave orders at Pollman House, Phone, 1466
Startling Evidence
Fresh testimony In (treat quantity is
constantly coming In, declaring Dr.
E;ng'aNew Dls overy for Consumption
Coughs and Colds to be unequaled. A
recent eipression from T J McFarlaud
Bentorville, Va. serveB as example,
lie writes: "I had bronchitis lor
three years and doctored alt the time
without being beniflted. Then 1 be
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a few bottles wholly ourel me."
Equally effective in curing all Lang
and Throat troubles, Consumption,
Pnenmonia and Grip. Quarantined by
NewMn Drag Company Trial bottles
free, regular sizes 50o and tl 00
Worst of All Experiencees.
Can anything be worse . than to feel
that every minute will be yonr IastT
Such was the experience of Mrs 8. II
News n, Decatur, Ala "For three
years" she writes "I endured insuffer
able pain from indigestion, stomache
and bowel trouble Death seemed In
evitable when doctors and all reme
dies failed. At length I was induced
to try Eleotrio bitters and the result
was miraculous, I improved at once
and now I in completely recovered
For Liver' Kiduey, Stomaoh and
Bowel troubles Eleotrio Bitters is tha
only medicine Only 50'. It's guar
anteed by Newlin Drug Co.
Land Fraud Cases
A Coted Su es grand Jury in Port
land Oregon is now in session engaged
in investigating charges against a
camber of persons for enteriog into
a conspiracy to defraud the general
government out of several hundred
thousand acres of land ia Oregon. Tha
names of the conspirators have not all
been made poblio and the air is full
of conjectures and surprises as to who
tuey are. Tha finger of suspicion
points toward several men who have
held and now hold prominent places
in Oregon. 8enator John U Mitohel
and Congressman Uermnn are re
ported as being enroote from Wash
ington to appear before the grand
jury and clear their skirts nf any com.
plicity ia the conspiracy. Other men
who are prominent in Oregon nave.
lo been men interested in Cissjree
abls connection with tha fraudulent
transactions. The case is attracting
national attention.
William E Curtis in a Washington
special to the Chicago Record Herald
writes: "Secretary Hiicuoock says,
"I he rersons implicated are mostly
men wbo have occupied and still oc
cupy positions of influedoe and high
standing, both sooially and politically
Several of them are men of large
wealth and powerful connections and
they are naturally fighting desperate
ly to save themselves from exposure
and prosecution. They have interest
ed members ui both houses of con
gress in their behalf, and prominent
social lights in Washington, Philadel
phia, Mew York and els where wbo
have app.aled to Secretary Hitchcock
and to the president for mercy and
protection.. They have tried to drive
Secretary Hitchcock from the cabinet
It rumor can be believed, members of
bjtb houses are likely to be involved
in the complications before the en
tire facts are disclosed. It is under
stood that at least two men who
have been active in the conspiracy
have made full confessions and that
they imp ioate men of prominenoe in
The president has sustained Secre
tary illtoboock in every step he haa
taken, and both are determined that
no guilty man shall esoape this time.
The secretary "ays: "Every obstacle
that could be oontrived baa been
thrown In oar way, which baa requir
ed lime, patience, constant effort, de
ter mination and courage on the part of
those having charge of the investigation
to overcome. The men involved and
their friends have diligently sought
with the aid of the most skillful ooun
sel they oould employ to thwart the
purpose of the investigation and control
its' results favorably to themselves
Xueee dithoulties have been suocess-
lulij met and ovetoome, and the
tactics resorted to by the parties crim-
ually iuvolved and bi their frienda
have been circumvented and defeated
at all points It has been the deter
mination of the president and myself
from the beginning that the Investiga
tion should be thorough and complete,
and that every guilty man shall be
punished to the fail i stent of the law,
and nothing has been left undone to
accomplish those results
Portland Markets
Chicken reoeipta are very large, and
the demand la rather light, and even
at the present lor prices, the market
Is weak. Theie is a saortage of Ume
geese and turkeys and the demand is
good and prices strong.
The egg market is weak, but there
are no changes in . quotations. Al
though the receipts are njt very large,
yet there la no oataide demand.
The Onion market ia firm but an.
changed and the dealers are paying
from fx. 10 to $225 per hundred, though
the latter prloe is exceptional.
Fanoy Bnrbank potatoes are In good
demand and the prioea grow firmer.
The wheat market remains quiet ai.d
quotations are anohanged.
Todays quotation are as follows :
Wheat, export prloe ..87oto90o
Barley, best $2X00 to $23.75
Oats 120. to 127.00
Hay, timothy.. 115 to" $16
Burre. bjqs and pouurar
Batter best creamery 280 to 30
Batter, ordinary.... .25o
Eggs, per dosen 2Ccto32)c
Chickens, per pound ....9)c
Potatoes per owt ,.85 to 85c'
Onions, per owt '. $2.10 to 12.60
Apples, best, per box 11.25
Peaches, beat, per box (Wo to 75o
Beets, per saok.. .....11.25
Cabbage, per pound. lc
Bteere.. 13.50
Cows i 2.75to3
Bulls 11.75
Stags :.. $2
Uowa. r-t ;;c to js.ii
Hogs, feeders $3.26 $4.26
Creamery Batter 65 cents per roll.
batter Fat 20 cents, per pound.
One yearling steer, and one yearling
heifer Both animals branded v '.'h
ooraesaoe arounueacn nip Done. vw-.c
last wen on Indian Creek range. A J
suitable reward will be paid tar thorn'
r for information leading to
their recovering,
J Draper
. R F O No I La Grannde Ore.
DAW 12-17 12-31
When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
ejphere is a difference
between printing
that "will do" and that
which is the kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasiug, as we have
the equipment with
which to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing.
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our carelul
attention .
We print anything
from posters to visiting
"We Are All Actors"
From our cradles we all have a ten
dency to act. Small boys pretend to
be men, soldiers, anything but what
they realy are. Tiny girls play at be
ing mothers, cradling their dolls. And
the art of acting increases the tendency
in those who wituess it almost as
much aa those wbo practice it. Some
of the most natural noting of the sea
son will be seen in the new rural
drama, "For Mother's Bake." A story
of New England life, whioe is sobedul
ed to appear.-
Driven to Desperation
Livlug at an out or the way place,
remote frotu civilization, a family is
often drWen to desperation in case of
accident, resulting In Burns, Cuts.
Wounds. Uloers. etc. Lav in a a
of Bnoklen's Arnica Salve, it's the
on earth 25o, at Newlin Drug Store. .
Couching Spell Caused Death
'.'Harry Duckwell, aged 25 years
ohoked to death early ye terday morn
ing at his home in the presence of
his wife and child. He contracted a
slight cold a few days ago and paid bat
little attention to It. fester lay morn
ing he was seized with a fit of cough
ing which ontinued for some time.
His wife sent for a physioian bat be
fore be could arrive, another conning
spell oame on and Duckwell died from
suffocation, St Lours Globe-Democrat
Deo 1 1904." Balls! da Horehound
Syrup wound have saved him. 25o. 50o
and $1.00. Newlin Drag Co.
Wednesday Dec, 21
University of Oregon,
GLEE and
Repertoire bright, catchy
eongs. Selections from
light opera, comic songs
and staunts. . -
That Thrcbbing Headache
Wonld qniokly leave you, if you used
Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their matoh
less merit for Sick and Nervous Heads
aches. They make pare blood and
build op your health. Only 25 cent.,
nion-y back it not oured. Sold by
Newlin Drug Co. '
"1 was much atflcted with aoiatioa"
writes Ed C Nad, Iowaville Sedgwiok
Co Kan, "going" about on crutches
and suffering a deal of pain. 1 was
induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment
I used three 5 Jo bottles, It is thj
greatest liniment I ever need, have
leoommended it to anumber of persons
all express themselves as being bene
fited by it, I now walk without crutch
ee, able to pefrormj a great . deal of
Iiijlit labor on the farm." Newlin
Drug Co.
Tillmann's Fine Goods
Every housekeeper wants pure spic
es and flavoring extraots . Tillmann's
are made for the best family trade.
On all cash purchases of
$1.00 or over on meats and
lard unsil July 1, 1905. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, hams, etc.
Phone 1601
s!b13 reck anauailr
Wra and Mn Adoptee) to Seeare
Better Iliebwar Coaviet Labor
la the Sooth Seme Folate e Road
a a result of bad roads American
farm life often becomes isolated and
barren of many social benefits and
pleasures, and our country people In
some communities suffer great disad
vantages, ambition being checked, edu
cation hindered, energy weakened and
Industry paralyzed. Every possible ef
fort should be made to develop a lor
for country life, to place the country
people In closer communication Witt
ope another as well as with commercial
centers, to enhance the value of farms
by Increasing the profits derived there
from, to promote moral and rellglouf
ttrvelopment, social Intercourse and s
more regular attendance upon the pub
lic schools and to pavo the way for the
telephone, the automobile and the rural
free delivery of malls. The building of
good roads will do all these things ana
many more.
The majority of onr country road
are too flat to shed water, says M. O
Eldridge, assistant director of public
roads Inquiries. Without water there
can be no frost or mud, and without
frost or mud a good road Is easily
mnlntalned; consequently the chief ef
fort of the road builder should be to get
rid of the water. This is the whole
story in a nutshell. With good, open
soils and light traffic surface drainage
of the earth road Is usually adequate.
With close alluvial or clayey soils and
medium traffic subdralnage must be re
sorted to, but with heavy traffic and
narrow tires the surface of any dirt
road will be completely destroyed;
hence the necessity of a consolidated
mass or crust of gravel or broken
Within the "last few years several
ways and means bave been adopted In
the various states to secure good roads..
Among them are state aid, convict la
bor, wide tires, bonding, etc. New Jer
sey now has about 1,000 miles of road
built under the state aid plan. The
state pays one-third of the expense, the
counties one-third and the towns and
abutting property owners the balance.
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connect
icut and New Tork have now enacted
similar laws, and state aid is being fa
vorably considered by the legislatures
of many other states. In New Jersey
and the other states Just mentioned
they have now done away with the
cruel Injustice which places upon the
fanners and property which they own
the entire burden of building roads for
the whole people. The difference be
tween the old way and the new way la
forcibly Ulustrated In New Jersey.
From 1C0 to 125 baskets of produce
bow. make a fair load on Jersey stone
Neds. Twenty-Ave baskets were a
good load on the old dirt roads.
Twelve bales of cotton can be easily
drawn over the atone roads In Meck
lenburg county, N. C, where formerly
two bales made a good load. One hun
dred miles of first class stone road
have been built In this county by con
rlcta, and from five to ten miles are
added annually. Since the good roads
have been built farm lands bave ad
vanced In value from $12 and $15 per
acre to $75 and $100. South Carolina
also uses her convicts In building
roads. The roads In South" Carolina
are built of sand and clay. Clay Is need
to Improve sand roads and aand Is used
to Improve clay roads.
TJp to a few years ago some of the
California convicts had been supported
in comparative Idleness at the expense
of the taxpayers, while others had been
manufacturing articles that were sold
la competition with free labor. Under
a new law the convicts are now turning
out upward of 100,000 tone of crushed
You Can Get
La Grande Creamery Butter. I
At the Following Well known Dealers
Rom ig & Staples - Baker Bros.
Mo Faylane C. Ralston
" Qeddes Bros , J.W.White.
0. L. Thorn
R member every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Qrande Creamery Butter you
help a home industry and thereby help your own
Pastnrized sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always onhand.
La Grand - Creamery Co
. m
75c to $5.00
Borne are but slightly used.
Three fine coal burners at a bargain,
Fine Guitar, new, only . . $7,50
Eight Winchester rifles $2.50 to $ 9.00
Iron Beds . . . 1.00 to 12.50
New Chairs : . . . .60
New Chiffonier . . . . . 8.50
New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost.
Furniture Repairing
We carry Stove Repairs,
sisjgtjejel 8tle)e)sle9at. tJtsksji,V
lel tMiseeeeeeans sis i
Tl be given at Island City
Mon. Night Dec. 2.
Nellson's Orchestra
All are invited.
X Good time Assured
Tlokets $1.00
r- .ay ' '..VI
is what you buy when tht price is
right. If you want lo see some of
that ki ad of property don't lose any '
time ia getting here.
We bvo a lot (of real estat") for
sale, thut other mun would buy but
thy hsv? net seen it. II you see it
fif- il liki it, t un it is yours at
the b rhin pf .oo. " .
We can't keep it all,
1110 idams A?l La Grande, Oregon