B D a a n. o a a a a a. a a ; j . , , -- . I S . I Xmas News - Great- ?rifwmm ! . . , ; OREM IMPORTANCE Good iS" V I : New t ti&-svte; rf, .-IOJ? . .. , Vl ; aPIIfNin A"ua"rc,mwtu ' Young . tvfelill Merry old St. Nick r rei- H -. : ' ; JSSS: -ltfttP5!;! ; reduced prices - -- - WMBWHHHM 4 1 1 ' I J I I .TM ' III fSI' ' . .. . m A StOIC With ' ' new n thtswn fol Vea'ri A n j In that time the town has i KCCOm 'i urjyi deabled inop.ulatiqn business has increased FIVE FOLD. In other words our business Jbas jmadreat deal as ere rapid, increase than ihe town has. TV ) re doxn ot wmom to tbis all of which you will pereeite if yeu btgia buying drug store goods of ub. In the first place we had a therough training for pharmacy. In the second place we had ex ceptional opportuiUpa for learninhe practical j&ide ,of pharmacy in a successtuldrug store of the highest stand ing. In the third place we hare kept eur eyes epen und attended to bu$eBs; until W know th,e dexaa Is wf t the peeple of this town. A. T. J Prescription Druggist a Vv ww w' nua o Q a a a a a Farmera'i and LAGRANDEi flanttkrBtofuhy Rnrnlna fund Liability of Shareholders 60,000 ResDonsibility - 133,000... SSa acww a " i - We do a general banking, and exchange business. F'rafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President ; OITICEB8: DIRFCTOM: , , Oaow Vammmm. . . . Pwaldtat J. M. Bwryr J. M. Church J.ttBair..MVkie Elatdant k. B. OonaT, Oao. L. CJea , J M.Csmanfc;.V:r.::..0antora '-w,WFalmaf 5 3655 L:a Grande National B nk - . n;!U'G-da, Orag. ' l"'v - ' i CAPITAL SURPLUS $71,000.00 ' TraaMcta a gntnl banking v Biija uA& xchanga D aUBU tltb worHXOpltoctJoni ) .pUltA, . , ;, , HILL, "La Grande Oro 4 a a aa a aa a u OREGON v , baid c $ 60,000 '- . v .f . 13,000 a a n u fir a o J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier DO DDDDDQOQD OOO D la Grande Evening Observer 1EY BROS., Editors 4 Pr pi Entered at .the Poet OrBoe at La Qraode, Oregon, aa Second Claaa MaU Matter. - Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. . ... $6 50 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 I Per month...' 65c Single copy 5c SATURDAY EVENING. DEC. 17. 1904 - VIOLENCE ,1N LABOR CON FLICTS In the forget tiling number of tbo Outlook a writer has com piled statistics of violence , in la bor ron flirts in thn TTnitad States. He shows that during tug ii) uiuimis cuueu jauuary 30. 1904, 193 men were killed, 1 o .i . i t 1966 were wounded, . and 6Q44 wore arrested by reason of labor conflicts. These losses bear an alarming resemblance ,to, real war, and the fucts make it clear that this war fare is between opposing camps of workingmen rather than be tween labor and capital Of the killed, 125 were nonuuion men, 56 were union . strikers and 17 were officers of tbe law. O the injured 1626 wer nonnnion men, 173 .were - union strikers and 167 were officers of the law. Of those arrested, 415 were non union men and 5629 were union strikers. Judging from these statistics organized labor has frequently assailed the law as well as, the forces of nonunion workiugmen, for it appears that union men who were arrested outnumbered the nonunion men by more than 13 to 1. Right here is where the public rights are in- Tolved, for when, union or non uiiioa, : working men resort' to violence, their offense against orderly society is the same as that Orising when two farmers, for example, try to eettle a boundary dispute with clubs or shotguns. Woolen millsfor Baker sCitjr is an enterprise that is being in! quired into by eastern capital. 1 r ' ... I Chief Uorticuliural Inspector McPherson of Idaho ,. reports there are now 45,000 acres in fruits? in Idaho, an .increase of about 3000 acres iu the past two years. , When a fire starts in a busi ness block at night it heats the imagination of the reporters. The Minneapolis firo loss was reduced tc $500,000 from $3,- 00p000' whence toys cooled "The birth of a female child having two . faces is reported from Somerville, Massachusetts. What a politician it would make il it was only of the, male sex," remarks an exchange.. . But by the time she i& grown, woman suffrage will be iu force and , ehe will be right in lins. The way to boom your town is to boom your newspaper a by liberal advertising. No. busi ness man has a right to expect business . unless, he, advertises and no city has a right to expect good newspapers unless they are liberally supported . Baker City Democrat. The Tidings reports that the Ashland Preserving Company of Ashland, Oregon,, is making rapid growth in business from year , to year. , The output for 1904 has been 6,700 cases com pared with 4,400 cases in . 1903, The number of tons of th eral fruiti and vegetables use i for canning was about as follows. Tomatoes, 110; peaches. 35; pears, 14; blackberries, 14; straw berries, raspberries .and Logan berries, 7; plums and apples, 6 pumpkins and squarhe vlu; string beans and peas, 8; miscell aneous, 10; total 220 tons. The company has already established such a reputation for its pro- ducts that its brand is a valuable asset. Logs, the raw material of the saw mill man, ranges in price from $6. 18a thousand feet, en Puget Sound and Gray's Harbor, down to $3.71 in interior Ore gon. Tne labor and labor ' cost of lumber at the mills .is , from $11.89 at Gray's Harbor down to $7.33 on tbe Columbia river. Walla Walla Union . ' s , Full Weight Guaranteed Wholesale and Retail deal ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege , , tables and Fruits Carload lots a Specialty Lawson & Zundell Office in, Kiipatrick Bldg Phone No 1113 TREASURER'S CALL FOR CITY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that ther arw no f anda on hand to pay alt out etanding warrants baaed on General fond of La G-ande City, op to and in eluding, No 4026 endorsed April 2lai 1902. Interest on all warrants on General Fond troc No 3840 to No 4028 ineloa vt oeasea from this date. EJWalah Deo 9 1904 3 1 Ctty Treaaarer Mr A. R Kane, a Drominent itnu. gii of Baxter Spring!, Kanaaa, "Chamberlain'e Siomaob and. ,ier TableU are, in my. Jndgnient, (be prvparaiion or aoytb og re inre in action and with no ten - denoy to nauseate or gnpe.', , sale by AUdruggirta. uk iuujr ior oonsupation They ft 9 Ffrie Organs s. A. FOB. $46. $48, $52, $55 Thewell known and' popular Pacific Queen, . Very handsome styles. Payments $8.00 ' dowul 1 1 and $4 a( moath., Write, ,j , us for particulrrs. Mail Orders promptly and carefully filled. . . Eilers Piano House j ' 351 Washington Street, ! corner Park , .; ,;, H , Portland, Oregon Large storos also Spokane and Seattle, Wash., and Boise, Idaho. PplumbiadSS Umversity"!".; ifTLT TOl OITILOSQI' ' ; CoaroM. : Boarding school toryoanc men Aboyi. Sox 34S University PvK Station, Portland , Or (on TRADE FOLLOWS THE PRICE That is why people com here for men's aud by boys' shoes The J. E. Tilt line is oat spec ialty. Here is where prbe and quality are combined. z; ?'" C W. PRESTON, . L ' lfW,r M 'Shot Specialist " DEPOT STREET .;