La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 16, 1904, Image 4

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    Santa Qaus can Find Nothing
Better than
Everv Part of it Made at Home and
is Pure, Wholesome and Delightful,
If you want something Special leave
orders now.
Loy's Candy Parlors,
The Finest Place in Eastern Oregon.
Important Report
of Game Warden
When you want
the Best
PHONE j 18S1
A. B. C. Steam Laundry
La Grande, Oregon.
8UU Game Warden J W Baker has
prepared bis Brit biennial report to
tLe governor, which li now in tbe
baodi of the at ate printer, says tbe
Balem Journal.
He says Oregon today la one of tbe
beet game atatea in tbe Union.
Tbe most seriona violations of tbe
laws ooour in distant parts of tbe state
that are difficult to leaob and deputies
have to travel as far aa 75 or 100 miler,
and that with tbe small amount of
money allowed for paying them it ia
impoaalble to Investigate many com
plaints that are made.
The law for the protection of elk ex
pired September 13, 1901, and should
be re-euaoted as soon as possible.
Tbe deer In Oregon are on tbe ln
creage, and are not belog slaughtered
in Southern Oregon as they were in
tbe past.
The report of the numbers of the
Bbinese or Mongolian pheawnta are
Very conflicting, tome parts of the
stats reporting an Increase and others
a decrease. For the protection of theae
birds be recommends a limit of five
birds a day, and to prohibit tbe nse of
eogs for three years, and if used at nil
to confine their use to tbe last 16" days
of tbe open season.
Tbe native pheasant should be pro
tected for Ave years.
He re, oris that elk are Hot very
nomerons and should be protected en
tirely for 10 years.
Grouse are more numerous this year
ban last.
Quail in some parts of tbe state are
greatly on the increase. Josephine
aud Jackson counties being tbe best.
He says the law allowing one hunter
to kill 60 duoks in one day is a dis-
Experienced Piano polisher and wood finisher.
Bar fixtures and Bank furniture and all stain imitations a
artAninltv. Rnmodelinir and reDairine: All kinds of house
furniture polished and repaired. All work guaranteed J
. Leave orders at Pollman House, Phone, 1466
Startling Evidence
Fresh testimony in great quantity is
constantly comlng'ln, declaring Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption
Coughs and Colds to be nnequaled. A
recent expression from T J MoFarland
Bentorvllle, Va. serves as example,
He writes: "I had bronchitis tor
three years and doctored all tbe time
without being beniSted. Then I be
gan taking Dr. Ding's New Discovery,
and a few bottles wholly cured me."
Equally effective in curing all Lung
and Throat troubles, Consumption,
Pneumonia and Grip. Guaranteed by
Newlln Drng Company Trial bottles
free, regular sixes o0o and tl 00
Worst of All Experiencees.
Can anything be worse than to feel
that everv minute will be yonr last?
Sach was tbe experience of Mrs 8. U.
Newson, Deoatnr, Ala. "For three
years" she writes "I endured insuffer.
able Daln from Indigestion, stomacbe
and bowel trouble. Death seemed in
evltable when doctors and all reme
dies fulled. At lenirth I was Induced
to try Eleotrlo bitters and the reanit
was miraculous. I improved at once
and now I in oomuletel recovered
Bowel troubles Electric Bitters is tha
only medlolne Only K It's guar.
anteed by Newlln Drug Co.
When you want GOOD PRINTING
Call Phone No. 1371
t :
ftTlrhere is a difference
between printing
that "will do" and thai
which is tbe kind you
really want.
We make a specialty
of pleasiug, aa we have
the equipment with
wnich to produce good
printing and printers
who understand the art
of printing. - -
There is no order too
small or too large to
receive our oar etui
Wt print anything
Irom posters to visiting
TTiueigut Guaranteed j
grace and that 20 ia a large and suffix
olent number.
The limit on Mountain or Brook
trout should be changed from 125 a day
to 75. Salmon tront should be caught
with book and line In October and
Baas ars being caught in many
streams now and are increasing rapid
ly. When (he hunter and farmer are
oonvinoed that tbe game laws are for
kit than anil not on til then will the
game laws be respected.
Twelve or fifteen deputies should
be hired and the best way to seoore
tbe funds (or their pay would be to
loense all hunters both resident and
He makes tha following recommen
ationa; First Prohibiting the sale of nplsn d
birds for five years
Second License on eaoh resident
hunter of each 11.
Third License on each non-resident
Fourth License on eaoh jointed
fishing rod of 60 cents
Fifth lnnrnaM of penalties for
tbe violation of tha game ilawa.
Sixth Bounty on cougars of 120
Seventh Bounty on timber wolves
of 115
Eight Bounty on wildcats of $4.
He shows that there are 215 Chinese
pheasants 40 quail 4 pail of deer horns
shipped out of this state in the last
There were 49 arrests made and pen
ties Implied in tbe last .year
Allowanoe for the o'ffioe was 4200,
and expenditures were $4045,72 leav.
ing a balanoe of 1154.23
Wholesale and Retail deal
ers iu Hry, Grain, Vege
tables' and Fruits
Carload lots a Specialty
Lawson & Zundell
Office in Kiipatrick Rldg.
Phone No 1113
Annual Meeting
The annual meeting of tbe atock
holders of the La Grande national
Rank will be held at their banking
bonse, in L Grande, on Tuesday tie
tenth day of January A. D. 190a, be
tween tbe hours of 10 o'clock A. ,ia.
and 4 o'clock P. M, At .this meeting
a board of five djrectow, to erve for
the ensuing year, will be elected and
auoh other business will be traniaoted,
as may properly come before said meet
George Palmar.
President of the La
Grande National Hank .
12, 6-1,9.
Wednesday Dec, 21 J
University of Oregon,
GLEE and
Repertoire bright, catchy
eongs. Selections from
light opera, comic songs
and staunts.
That Thrcbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if yoo used
Dr King's New Life Pills. Thousands
of sufferers bavs proved their match
less merit for 8ick and Nerrous Heads
aches. They make pure blood and
build op your health Only 25 cent-,
money back if not cared. Sold by
Newlin Drng Co
9 Ymi Pan Hot
La Grande Creamery Butter
At the Following Well knowo Dealers
Romig Staples Baker Bros.
Mo Fay lane O. Ralston
GeddesBros J.W.White
0. L. Thoin
Portland Markets
Chicken receipts ere very large, and
the demand is rather light, and even
at the present low prices, tbe market
is weak. Thete is a suortage of tame
geese and turkeys and the demand ia
good and prices strong.
The egg market ia weak, but there
are no changes in Quotations. Al
though the receipts are net very large,
yet there is no outside demand.
The Onion market is firm but an
ohanged and the dealers are paying
from 12 10 to 12 25 per hundred, though
tbe latter price is exceptional.
Fancy Bnrbank potatoes are in good
demand and the prices grow firmer.
Tbe wheat market remains quiet ajud
quotations are unchanged.
Todays quotations are as follows:
Wheat, export price 87o to 90o
Barley, best $22.00 to 123.75
Oats .'. $28. to 1 27 DO
Hay, timothy $15 to 116
Butter best creamery 28Jo to 30
Butter, nrd inary 26o
EgKS, per dozen 26oto32c
Chickens, per pound '..9io
Potatoes per owt 85 to 95o
Onions, per owt S2.40 to S2.60
Apples, best, per box tl.25
t'eavheafbest, per box COo to 75o
Beets, per sacs; $125
Cabbage, per pound ljo
Bteers $3.60
Cows 2.75toi3
Bnlls $L75
Btags $3
Hogs, best $4,50 to $5.25
Hogs, feeders $3.25 $4.25
Creamery Butter 65 cents per roll.
Butter Fat 26 cents, per pound.
Tillmann's Fine Goods
Every housekeeper wants pure splo
es and flavoring extract. Tillmann's
are made for the best family trade.
Rector of St Luke's
Aihburnham, Ontario, Testifies to the
Good Qualities of Chamderlsin't
Coujh Remedy
Ashburuham. Out., April 18, 1903,
1 think It is only right tbit I should
tell you what a wonderful effect
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has
produced. The day before Eatter I
was so dislresbed with a cold and
oough thai I did net think to be able
to take any duties the next day, as my
voioe was almost choked by the oough
The same day I received an order
Iroio you for a bottle ol your Cough
Remedy. I at onoe procured a sample
bottle and took about three doeee of
the medicine. lo my great relief toe
oough and cold had completely disap
peared and I was able to preach tht ee
limes on Easter Day. I know that
this rapid and effective cure was due
to your Cough Remedy. I make Ibis
testimonial withoul solioitaiion, being
thanklnl lo have found such a God
sen I remedy. Respectfully yours,
K.A. Laagleldt, M. A.,
Rector of 8s. Luke's Churob.
Tu! remedy is for sale by All Drug
General News
Tha American oorn orop of 1904
would fill 4.056.000 cars, eaoh oar
containing 600 bushels.
James Morris sged 80 died Decern
ber 14 at Turner. Or. He bad lived
in Turre'r and Albany for 69 years.
Ten United 8tates prisoners escap
ed in a bunoh from Fori Baker, Oal.
Tbey dug a bole through a stone wall
stole weoooDS and are at large and
' Edear M Watson 22 years or age a
brakeman, was caught between cou
plers and instantly killed in the rail
road yards at Portland the night of
December 13.
Mrs Louisa Paddy, at Butte Mont.
has eaten nothing for three weeks.
She is afflicted with a religious mania
and believes she can live indefinitely
perhads forever, without taking food.
Tbe American Association of Trav
eling Passenger Agents bss iusl ad-
j urned at Mexico City after select
ing Portland , Or. as tbe plsoe for the
next meeting in 1905. Tbe exaol
time is not yet fixed.
Of the 668 patients in the Mo tana
insane asylum, 252 aie native-born,
214 foreign-born, and IS of unknown
Rev.Tbonaaa A Hyland who organ.
ised the first Episcopal church in
Astoria. 35 years ago, and was its
rector 15 years, died December 13 in
Aetori ased 70 years. He leaves a
w.fe but no children. '
Senator Penrose objected Deoember
14 in tbe senate to the confirmation
of Governor Brady for reappointment
as governor ol Alaska, with the re
suit that tbe appointment is hong up
for some lime to come.
Eraetus 8 Joelyn died at Santa
Barbara Gal., December 11 aged 79
years. Mr Joslyn Cttne to uregon id
1852 and bis house and other property
was destroyed at Hood River by the
the Indians in tbe outbreak ol 1856
He helped in 1859 to organise the
Congregational church at Tbe Dillee .
Remember every pound is guaranteed
When you ask for La Grande Creamery Batter you
help a home industry and thereby help your own
Pasturized sweet Cream and Fresh Buttermilk
always on hand. '
La Grand? Creamery Co
75c to $5.00
Some are but slightly used.
Three fine coal burners at a bargain,
Fine Guitar, new, only . . $7,50
Eight Winchester rifles $2.50 to $ 9.00
Iron Beds . . . 1.00 to 12.50
New Chairs : . . . ' .60
New Chiffonier .... 8.50
New baby buggy and child bed at wholesale cost.
Upholstering Furniture Repairing
We carry Stove Repairs.
Notloe is hereby given that there
are now funds on hand to pay all out
standing warrants issued on General
Fund of La G'ande City, op to and in
cluding, No 4026 endorsed April 2lst
Interest on all warrants on General
Fund tron: No 3840 to No 4030 inolus
ve oeases from this date.
J Walsh
Deo 9 1904 3 City Treasurer
Mr. A.R Kane, a prominent drug
gist of Baxter Springs, Kansas, says:
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets are, iu my judgment, tbe
most superior preparation of anything
in use today for constipation Tbey
are sure in action and with no ten
dency to nauseate or gripe.', For
sale by AH druggists.
MtMwMwltMl Ml ,
T) be given at Island City
Mon. Night Dec. 26.
Neilson's Orchestra
All are Invited.
Good time Assured Tiokets $1.00
IMIMMIMMMHb1 wh a um4 tt4
is our business Those who want to
sell, tell us about it and we tell those
who want to buy. If a seller fixes bis
price too high we tell him so. He
files it lower so we can sell it and the
buyer gets the advantage of our know
We offer several houses and lots,
and business property, too. Someone
will make money iu buying.
mCa Srande Snvestmont Company,
1110 A.dama Avenue, La Grande, Oregon