La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 16, 1904, Image 3

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Offloe iU J.T.WUllamaon.La Grand
Parties wishing the aervieee of a com
petent bookkeeper are aaanred satis
factory results. Prioea reasonable
C. B. diuthojn
Offlce Over Hill Druif", 8tor
La.Grande, Oregon
Office at A T Hill's Drug- Store
La Grande, Oregon Phone liG J
Residence phone 701
Malheui County Uvestment
For Investments In
Write to C, T. McDANIEL
Ontario. .Oregon
Lod&e Directory.
fcAGLES La Urana Alrie t9 F 0 K dnU
vary Friday night 1U K. oi r nail ill pa
lilting bretheru Invited U aoen.
C U itockWeU, W Ah JTlll., W BC
Marion, No IB meet each Tuesday in JOk'a
Al Helauer Chief Ranger.
C J Vanderpool Keobeo. . . . .
IOD V La Grand. Lodge. Mo 16 It
their ball every baiurday night. Vie! uug mem
ben cordially invited to attend.
U E Coolidge, Bee.
A. b & A. M. La Grande Lodge
1 o. 41. meets every 1st and 3rd Kutnr
u.y of each month.
A C Wiliiama Seo,
O 1 Hoffman W. tt
KaSTErN BTAR O K is Hope' Chapter No
IS ineeta the second and fburtn Wednesday oi
each month at I'M) p in in Maaonic Tempi.
Mr Clara T Lyle, W M
Mary A Warnick, rico . ,
(STAR ENl'AMPMENT No 81, . O. O. F,
ineeta every firm and third Thursday, in the
month In Odd Fellow hull. Visiting broth
er! always welcome E. itobuuton. C V.
Geo. Bail, Sorlb.
On all cash purchases of
$1.00 or over on meats ana
lard unsil July 1, 1905. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, hams, etc. ' :
Phone 1601
! Lots 17, 18, block 102,
i Chaplain's Addition.
Addveai bids to -P" tare
k of Observer
Public Sale .
yjThree quarter sections all plow land
1 miles south of Island City in a bod;
or will divide to suit. Only 25,00 per
acre. Mostly seeded fall grain others
aek 15,00 and 60.00 Bee Powers tbe
Minnisota Landman.
Script Script
OUt-edged forest reserve, approved, on.
remralned, reedy for immediate use any
.here. -westprl?.r &K BRne)
bomber ot Commexo Bldgi Portluud. or.
vim ,
JIPAJII J xlm- Ached al
wHS chicw Gpi
Portland. Dalles, Pen
Mni dletos. V alia Walla, N(, .
wuu Dayton, Pomeroj, J1
aua a ttli via Bpo-
. Portland, Dallea, Pen-
MO S die ton Umatilla Wal- vi,
lnlastewlsum.Oolfax 'u c
Monoow, Wallace Wai H-jfi an
J Dm'' Oner, ' Mpokane and
, otht-r points east and
........ north via Bpokane.
'eXZDallyi.und City. AJloel,
exoedt I m bier, ana Elsln N
Sunday oonnectiona at Klgln ago p
,15 am with stage tor point
In Wallowa oonnty
,:sa FraBchwn every llvs days v
I, C. MOOBE, Aftst
A rree for all right Occurs in a Basket Ball
. It ii to be trusted, 01 at least hop
ed, that in the excercises, and in the
garnet wbiob tbe basket ball team avf
our high school participate in, there
wil be no inch games played a is
depicted in the following article from
Nioboluville, Ky. . ;
Niobolasville, Ky., Deo. 16 With
four girls nnder tie care of pbysl
oians tbe local arnica stock backed off
the boards and court plaster held firm
at 12 an inoh the basketball game be
tween tbe young women of Jesatnine
college and a picked team of Niohol-
asville girls last week may be pro
noanoed an unqualified sucoeis. . .
In the artioles of agreement it was
specified that scratching, hair pull'ng
nudging and upperouts were btried,
bat some enthusiastic young pbeical
culture exponent forgot . ber , promise
early in tbe first inning and that's
Among the family archives on an
old Virginia plantation was found tbe
following bill for a funeral in 'he
days when tobacoo was the only oar
reoy in the tidewater country and
when fucerels were made the occasion
for generaHeasting :
Funeral sermon
For a brief
For 2 turkeys
For coffin
2 geese
2 bu. flour
Dunghill fowl
20 lbs. butter
Sugar and spice
Dressing tbe dinner
6 gallons cider
6 gallons rum
, 160
? 80
Dies From
Walla Walla, Dec. 6 After suffer
ing- for nearly four weeks from a series
of chills and paralyaid, whii h were first
noticed alter she was bitten by an in.
lect which she took for at.' elder bug, 9
year old Ntda Cope, daughter of A T
Cope, died last night about eight
o'clock. .
It was while at achool about a month
ag), that tue little girl as bitten
twice on the neck and once on the
shoulder Soon afterward she was
suited with thills and was treated for
a time for typhoid fever From the
liist she was speechless and helpless
oeing paralyzed almost completely on
trie leit aide, Aftt-r a while the treat
ment was changed aud it was thought
the litue patient' showed slight im
liroteuient for a time, but the ohills
.teu red, and continued until death
fl .de . -ufferinKi last night.
In the Circuit Oouit of tbe Stats .of Oregon tt
Colon Oonnty.
L C WlLLIAMd, PlaintH
CA.salA A WILLIAMS. Defendant.
To Cassia A Williams, the above-named
defendant; lu the name of the Stat t,t iregon
yon are hereby required to appear and answei
lie comprint filed Hgalnat you In the above
entitled sua on or before the 21t day o
October. ll4. And If you fall to so answer, foi
whuV thereof, the plaiutitt will take decree
against you for the dlesoluilon of the marriage
contract ex.eUng between you and tbe plalu
nn .nil for niaU and disbursement of tbusuii.
Thia summons is puouaueu iu iu e
Oreiron Obaerver, a weekly newspaper publ
In U nlon county Oregon, by order of the .
iuib. rt Eakiu. Judge of the Eighth Juc
Thie summoua iiudu.uou iu .u e..h
.per nuuuauea
ne non
Judicial l the circuit Court 01 tbe Stale o
Oregb. nce a week for six oonsecullre week,
the Aral i uMioatlon thereof to be made on tin
Vtb day oi jJeptember, 1WH, and the last publi
cation on tbe aidayof October, WW, whlcL
was mad. on th. srd day of Septe mbei
Attorney lor Plain th
unique 1
liead The . Daily Observer
.d r,i.
about where the trouble becan.
"Ain't yon the sassy onel" eried the
first young lady who 1 received the
rough end of a Jab under her little
pink car. "I ll get bonk) with you
before many minutes; so dowT ; ' And
o on. ' ,
In about three minutes by a stop
watch the basketball game bad, been
converted into a battle royal, with
London priiering roles governing, "
Amious spectators called on the
reftree to plit them out but she was
too busy huotiDg for ber "rat." Mean
while the ball had been tossed op in
to the gallery and the battle royal
had suddenly switched Into a' wrestl-
log bout, with no holds barred." ' " '
A burry call brought in an ambul
ance and four doctors, and, the ,audU
ance breathed a sign of , relief, It it
believed several o(. the .girls ; will be
presentable) in kiss .than two weeks.
Can't We Bait l?
There is on exhibition at Ambler 4
Walters' real estate office two beets
ibat, perhaps as large or larger than
any ever before raised in this coontry
The largeet wtigb's' 47' poaods'aod
the other oie will weigh ' at , least 40
pounds. . Th.y were raised in what
is called white land by Mr Dilley
near 8bedd Station, Ihpre seems to
be no limit to the sixe of anything
grown in tba Willamette valley Cor -vtllis
Gazette. ,
Hibbing, Minn . Deo. 16 A lone
robber held up the Bank of Cbisholm
during business hours today secured
12200 and escaped. Be forced Cash
ier urierer into tne vault at the mui
ale of a revolver and looked the door.
i Notice 1. hereby given to the legal
voters of School District No. One, of
Union County, Mate- of Oregon, that a
Sp.ciul School '.vieetin of said Dial riot
will bu held at tb High School Build
az iu taid District on he 28th day of
December, 1904, at two o'clock in tbe
afternoon, fur the following objects:
To levy a tax lor the enppurt of the
schools during thia and tbe ensuing
year and for tbe purpose of levying a
tax for tbe payment of interest on t be
bonded debt of the district and for tbe
purpose of levying a tax to provide a
fund with whloh to payoff the bonded
dtbt of the district. ; . 1 r"
Dated this 12th day of December 1904
. Geo. W Hansen,
Chairman Board of Directors.
Attest: A O Williams, District Clerk
Office Rooms
tf In Summer building. For
lars inquire room No. 12.
Cured Paralysis
W S Baily, P O True, Texas, writes
"My wife had been suffering five
yean with paralysis In her arm when
1 was persuaded to use Ballards Suow
Liniment which cared her all right
I have also used it for old sores frost
bites and skin eruptions. It does the
work." 25o. 60o 31.00 Newhn Drug
The public U hereby notified that
I bave disposed of my feed store to
J. W. White and 1 desire to thank
the publio generally for , thsir, liberal
patronage la the past, and that parties
Uiw owing one will please caJ and set
ie with me personally or tbey pan ball
v the La urauae national cam woo
nl receipt U r all bills. 11-11 to 12-1
Driven to
Living at an out ot the way place,
remote froru civilization,' a family is
often drl.ea to desperation. in case of
accident, resulting lit Burns, Cuts,
bounds, Dicers, etc. Lay id a supply
of Buoklen'a. Arnica-8alve. . it's the
o i earth 25o, at Newlin Drag Store. -
t, For, Rent
, 1 he building- formerly ocopled by
' the 8aIvation army ' Kor fall oar
i ' tlcnlars and rates Inquire of Mrs
' 8 G Zuber.1 Aug. 31 1 f
FOR SALE Two organs and a aewing
; machine ,. Wyi be sold at a bargain
I If sold at onoe Inquire at 403 ag
I jjoner street. W Dlnkle.
lf .. 15-22 ".
For Sale
! : J c
FOB . RENT One alx room , bouse
Centrally located on Third street
between Alain and. Park streets. Ap :
ply tor particulars toff W, Klnsey.
! ; Freeh Cow guaranteed good milker
To sell cheap if .sold at onoe'. In
quire at M. U Kirtley livery barn. ,; '
irOn RENT OR SALElOO acre farm
f well improved. ' Will either 'Tent or
sell. Inquire Uosa, La
Grande Rural. Free Delivery No.. 1,
miles north of Island City. . - t
Dec 6 January 6. ...
Farm for Sale
I desire to sell ' my beautiful little
farm of 80 acres two miles and 'a bait
east of La. Grande on iht jural postal
and farmers Telephone line to suit the
purchaser. M'Baker "' tf'
PLAIN SEWING Plain dressmaking
and sewing.' - ' Myrtle Gates,
Cedar and Adams avenue at Adna
Roger's. A ' - 'y.ii'Jt
WANTED Work to do either: plain
i, sewing,, ironing or nureelng,;i) where
.! trained nursing is not required, -jj ,
1 . a Mrs ., R. Wood, v
Adams Avenue, opposite green bouse
I week . .. . . .... i,,;,, ... ,
Big cox Social
When?, Deo. ' 10, Friday. , Wberet
r it.H
uruuga nan.
, . Two, car loads of first class cbingles
Just reoeived by the Stoddard Lumber
Company. '.
Important; "Notice
All persons knowing tbemsel res in
debted to me wi 11. please., oa ll at , the
harness shop and settle up before Dec
30,-1904. . ,
. 'Any bills not paid before that date
( I be placed in the.hands ol an at
tor oey for collection. J H Chllds
' We will make you a box!coat for less
money than you pay for a ready made
garment and you have, two hu. dred
patterns to pick from. We also oover
buttons, press clothes and clean your
boats and fou have a chano to wiai a
$40 ooat with every dollar paid in our
store. Al Andews, Gents furnii-h-inga.
Phone No 231'
Heart Fluttering v .
Undigested food and pas in the stom
ach located just below .the heart,
presses ft an i causes heart .palpftat
ipnr VV hen your heart troubles ou
In that way, take Uerbine ,for a' few
days. You will soon be all right, SOo
Newlin Drog Co.
A Round Steak '7:
Is Just the thing to lay the foundation
for a good day's work. That is, when
it is tbe kind we sell.' Juicy,1 rich beefy
rlavor. Full of, nutriment. Makes1' tbe
weak strong, and the;. strong .stronger
1 All Kinds of Meat c
tbat are good to eat can J found la
our icebox in prime condition, at prtoes
that please. Too will tare well If your
bill of fare la bajed oa ourmeaU."-' 1
Bock & Thomas
t S. 7'-- "V - aj
Wood for Sale
1 i i : ; " "
18 Inch, 4 'eet and pole wood, all
drv and sold at lowest prices. Phone
1281 . IL Atkinson
i a .6t Old Town Store
Home. Cured
' i I arris meat market now naa a
complete line of their famous home)
cured, breakfast baoon and ham. Our ''
a .n.,AMaM. b.n. -K.t. m. ,
old customers know what this means . q
A sample order 'wilt convince all of .
tbe superiority of our home cured i
Harris Meat Market, ,
The undersigned will sell at puilio
i nale, at tbe farm of M Baker, on Tues
day, December 20, 1904, at ten o'clock
a2 m., the following:
1 Mare 1 harrow 3 colts 1
s 1 drill 3 cows 1 gang plow
8 calves i mower i (& j
1 single harness . 1 eultlvaror
1 eet double harness 1 wagon
ljbuggy Jbouwbold goods
;Terros Amoant up to tlO.casb; oVey
S10 approved notes, on 6 months time.
6 per cent Interest 5 pe cent discount.ugt what that, want by gokg. a t Ml
on all cash sales over 310.
Ed Btringbam, Auctioneer.
J F Baker, Jr.'
Lunch at noon. Deo IS
Try the Observer for first
Job Work.
. .
The Bulletin just issyed - by the United tstea .
, , Government, after months of careful research, 'shows
that in the Western States, the VvVrage ramirypar-
MSfiSS5 goofJsCi the'amounrdrC Q -
, ' On this basis the 2250 families - visited w
with each issu$ of the 7Daily atid WeeMy ' OB- e
ISER VSR annually purChasS MfvfCaitdis toVtL
'' y ' i .'$ '... Usui- i-ii-1 v. i i a : '(voiime
-,! : ' , . ..
........ ?!
The natural logical conclusiorj cannot' be otherwise
than that no wide-awake
the few. too
omeata necessary to convince himself of the
oY the" abUe-' sUtementV- 6an afford tBinisi
t. i t
the opportuuityjflacitig his annotfricments (25,500
each mouth) before this army of purchasers.
' An' ad under such conditions, properly taken care
of will most certainly bring enormous returns on tha
investment. - ' V ft; V 'H.
These Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration of
every business house whose
pends upon the patronage
irsr Class
p sisn
Notiee la hereby Riv.n tikat Ue co-
; partnership BretoforeexiKmv between
W O Peaoh, J 8 Peach an1 ii V rWh
under tbe name f Pecb Broe , h
itbiaday been dtseoived by motnal ron
1 aent, ' O Peach retlrtna;. J 8 Pch
(and OW Peach, who will continue the
business, as Peaoh Bros will pay all
outstanding debts and collect aWao
eonnu due tbe old firm.
- Dated at Ma Orand. Oregon tni
,28 b day of Nov. 1904
I " vr G Pea i
I J Pea .'
11 W 12 O w
Island aty. Der.8 : 1904. Th an
Dial stockholder mee lng of the i elani
City Church Ass-ofatfon will be lie d
In the church i tinnday, Uecvmbr l'-',
1 k4, for tht parpoe of flec ir It
i:'ora.i Hyrderof .
EE Kl(d1e. PresH
1 I 1 Uim. fW
J R Kellotf,? danfd 'tat.
Notl e Is tereby uiven that
nadeals'.ed.-1 w'hor -h ha quail ;
ae txwsof of th laai will an i
trs'ament of i R Klog. d-awl
. prao,,, havi g clal ms a alnH
Mu aetate are , brebj reqnirvd , to
ureeent the eame iToperl veriSed to
naereiBnea ai rn,
i . . . . a AL.
urefton, virnm eix mriiine imm us
1ateothe first publication of this
boticer - I
Dated and first published October
J M ChuroK Executor of Estate of
i R Kellogg, defeased 1
O, U naa, Attwner for I Rxeo tto
, , Now Ready for Sale
''T5s izzii .itinfcw are now
notified that the O'Connor iddirlon la
now ready for- the 'ar.t' a d that
choice loU nan b- had at remarkabl
low b'i -ea r-Theert tnts are' AO by 110
tettand are wittiorA excwbtioq the
!test re idehoVlot' in the city ' Per
ssna wishing larger traots can see a re
further baoa in
the same additon.
Do not fall to i
this addif ion and
sure dm of these holoe selection be
,'1 fore some one else' ireta the lot yon
want. For full description of roP-ertyand-
quotations . call; npon Ur
0Connor La Orande Ora
Phone Main 2141
Cor Park and Oak Stree s
i iff i an '
A 'f .art
business man who" will' take
of business
of this city and 'county,'
iJob Wbrk s