La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, December 15, 1904, Image 4

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OUloe wita J.T.Wuliamaon.La Grande
Parties iahlng tbe servLeea of a com
petent bookkeeper are assured mm
factory rwulU. . . . Priwe reasonable
C. B. Cauthorn
Office Over Hill Drufif. Store
La.Grande, Oregon' ,
Office at A T Hill's Drug dt or
La Grande, Oregon : -Phone iaU
Residence phone 701, '
Malheur County Investment -
J!. For Investments In ' :
Write to 0, T. McDANlEL ,
Ontario .1 . . . ......... Oregon
Lodge Directory.
VLuilngbr.Uieruluviba. tcaaeu-,
odb-utehh OK AMERICA Court Mai
ii..u.n. iuu 2J aiueta each i utttdn J lu tin'
lull. brother are luvlled to uuena.
. Ai UdUuivi Uiler iUniter.
U J Vanderpool keotfeu,
1 0 0 If t Orande Lodge, No lo n mm a.
Ihwt hall every bmurday """ VW uig n.m
. a & kuwbart N U
UKUoolidae, 60.
It jou've got a job tc do,
Do it DOW I
If it'a one yea wish were through.
Da it now I
If you're aare the Job's your own,
Don't jm and haw and groan--.
Do it no-1
Don't pat off a bit of work,
Do It now I
It doean't pay to ahirk, .
Do it now I
If yea want to fill a place
And be neef al to the raoe. .
ait get up and take a brace
Do Itnowl
Don't linger by the war, .
Do it cow I
You'll loae if yoa delay.
Do it oowl
If the other fellowe wait, x
Or poatpone until it'a late,"
Yoa bit ap a f neter gait ,
Do It now!
New York Bun.
The Electric Road
Meeting r
Important Paper Read
at Meeting of Neigh
borhood Club.
0LAssiriED Advertisements 4
One of the moat interesting meetings
that the ft eigbborbcod Club baa ueld
aiuoe ita inaiitation in tbia city, and
consequently one of the most interest
log of Ita kind, in the history of La
Grande, waa held at he parlors of the
Club la their room at the Ccmmer
oial Olab Building Tuesday afternoon
The meeting, and the urogram was
' , . ,. . . j conducted under the leadership of Mrs
The recent railroad talk ha. .caused Ly,e rhe Hi(tory . Unlon nty
waa tlie principal topic of the meeting
A, A. M. La Grande Lodge
Ih. 41. meete every 1st and 8rd baiur
u.y ot each month. . ."
AC WuhaniaSeo,
0 D Huffman W. Ai
U meet tlx ound aud tourtn Wedueaday oi
acb mouth al 7: p u i" Miuonic 1 tingle
Atre Uara 'l A.yle, W
Mary Warluua. aQ
BTAHENl'AMl'MkNT NO 81, I. O. O. F,
meet every linn aud Uilrd Hiutudaya la the
iuouiu in odd l-'ellowa bull. Vuiuu broth
cnt always welcome . b Hobiuaou. U i".
. lieu. UttU.tiorllM
On Lall cash purchases of
$1.00 or over on meats and
lard unsil July 1, 1905. A
complete stock of meats, poul
try, lard, hams, etc.
Phone 1601
: ii" WMSS C3 KSXifXI
. ! ( - FOB
Lots 17, 18, block 102,
Chaplain's Addition.
the Bard of Summerville to spout forth
a few lines with reference to the aatne.
if the survey for the road causes such
a buret wbat will happen to him when
the grading is commenred ia a problem
too deep for us .
Summerville, E'gin, Union and North
era Points Kallroad
Hark I I bear the train a coming,
Over the BummervUle grave yard hill
In the town of Summerville.
She goes right along up mill creek. ; -.
At the foot oi Pumpkin Ridge Uill,
Bbe turna the Nelder Canyon,.
By the Wade k Wright's aawmiil.
She turns down on Philip's Creek,
Close by the John Hug elope;
There she Is in Elgin.
Don't you see her emoke?
Sbe leavfS Elin, goes down the river,
And bunts the loweet pasa
Sbe leaves the tirand Ronde to the right
And takes up the Looking Glass.
She winds around those canyons
Over ridges high until ehe vanishes
Far from the view of eye.
Then through the lovely timber along
by the Looking Glass
8be crosses over the summit oloae by
the Woodard Pass.
Then over those deep canyons
Yuu will hear her lovely hum,
fche rushes out in Milton;
Long by the Tillikum
Then to WallaWalla another railroad
There oonneots tba Northern Pacifl
that runs to Puget Sound .
Now all of our little towns have some
thing of which they can boast.
For we will have an outlet clear to
tue Pacific coast.
Farewell to Walla Walla, Farewell to
Milton to. , v . .
Farewell to Elgin and to Summer
vllle adieu.
and the perseverance and research the
members had exercised in preparing
themseivea on this subject deserves
great commendation. Theartloles pre
pared may, in days to come, be a part
of, or at leavt assist in making, the
reoorda of our grand state of Oregon.
Ihere was a good attendance, and the
afternoon was passed pleasantly. All
who were present came away feeling .
that they had been greatly bene tl tied
by being present. Beside tb Impor
taut papers read, the time was beguiled
with exquisite muslo and friendly con
versation . The program was aa fol
lows: '"" " -"
History of Union County. Miss
I A talk on Pioneer Days. Mrs Geo.
U Currey
Dueit "I Would That My Love'
Mrs Stevens and Mrs Neill.
A Short Sketch of the Life of the
Late Major 'Kellogg Mrs Slater.
, i a
For Rent I Wood for Sale I
.Note It hereby given, tbar the co w , ,
parmershi p heretofore between
w o Peach, J 8 Peach and G W Peach
under th. i.ama -t Peach Bros., ha.
tbis day been dissolved by mutual con
Seat. WO Peach retiring J 8 Peach
and Q W Peach, who will eont lnne the
fenniuess. aa each Uro-.. -'I
nrr.t,.ntin 'ebm nd '-olle h . c
cotinta iue thn old 6rm.'
Dated at U Grande Oregon
. . e.T fi
2tn aay ot now -f
11. W 13
W G Peach
J Pea
O w - en
1 be building formerly oO'-upied by
the Salvation army Kor full uar
tlmlars and rates inquire of Mrs
S C Zuber. Aug. 31 1 f
For Sale
fresh Cow guaranteed good milker
To sell cheap if sold at onoe.. In
quire at M U Kirtley livery barn., ,
16 inch, 4 feet and pole wood, all
drv and eold at lwest price Phone
1281 s H. Atklnenn
0t Old rou St re
la'and t'lty. De 8 1004.-Th an
D ial sto. kh 'Her me ingf t'' 'fini
City Church Ass clatiorrwill be n d
in the ch'iroh Monday. lieoembr t'1,
I 4, for tbt pnrpoe- - of leo. ii i
i 'ors ft 'rder.if
J F E Ki He, ; ?-
Home Cured
The Harris meat market now naa a
complete line of their' famous home
cured, breakfast bacon and hams. Our
old customers know what tbia means .
... ., , -.. ... ... ; j A sample order will convlnoe all of
FOR RENT OR SALF-160 acre hrm ,the nuperlorlty of ourhoma cured
weU Improved. Will either rent or moat, " Harrla Ment Market,
sell. Inquire of m. Mosa,, . La 1 1 : . . '..! ' .
':. Grande Rural Free Delivery ; No. 1,
l4 mixes north of Island City. , j
Dec 6 January 6. ! J
' Farm for Sale
I desire to sell my beautiful little
farm of 80 aorea two miles and a hall
east of La Grande on the rural 'poatai
and farmers Telephone line to suit the
purchaser. ai .
PLAIN SEWING Plain ;drestmaking
and sewing. Myrtle Gates,
Cedar and Adams avenue at Adna
Roger's.' . ' , '
Summerville Sittings
P" are
3 Address'bids to
h .of Observer I
Public Sale
yTbree quarter auctions all plow land
4 miles south of Island City in a body
or will dlvldd to suit. Only 25.00 per
acre. Mostly seeded fall gralu others
aBk 49,00 and 00.00 See Powers the
Mluulsota Landman, n
WAM'ED Work to do either plain
aewipg, ironing or canning, where
' trained nursing is not required. . , .-
.; , Mrs R Wood, ,
Adams Avenue, opposite green house
1 week - .- .
The undersigned will sell at public
nale, at the farm of M Baker, on Tues
day, December 20, 1904, at ten o'clock
a. m., the following: ,
j IMare . 1. harrow ' 3 colta '
,1 drill Scowe ' lgangplow
calves 1 mower 1 rake
1 ainirla harness lcultivafor
1 boggy household goods . ' - ,
Terms Amount op to $10, cash; oyer
10 approved noted, on 6 months time,
6 per cent interest; 5 per cent discount
on all cash sales over 110. -,
Ed Strlngham, Auctioneer.
- JP Baker, Jr.
Lunch at noon. ' Deo 15
' estate Notice
J R Kellog dei-eaaed. Estate. t . ,.
Noti.e is hereby given that the
ondeeigned, J M Cbur. h, has qoali
fled as Kxeoot .r of th last will al
tatamentofJ R Knltogg, dwad .
All persona bavi g clalma a.a'.u
Mid eatnte- are ht-reby- required In
present the same troperl-veriUel
the undersianed at the offices of O H ,
Finn, iommer Bmldirw. La timnde .
Oregon, within slxj WKUtbs, fr(.n the .
Hate of the first publication ' of ' this
Datrd and first published October
6tb 1904. v ; -
J M (Hjurcb, Executor of Estate of
J R Kellogg, det-eaeed v; v '
O, U Finn, Attwner for Exeouto
Try the Observer for first -class
Job Work.
Big box Social -
When? Deo.,. 16, Friday; Where?
Grange Hall. .
Pendleton laid
Penulaton. Ore., Deo 1& As a re-
uit of a wholesale raid made last eve
ning by Marshal Carney, Charles
Morrison, Joe Andeieon, J N Robinsou
p Letherman, W H George, G Hayes
Sain Miller and "Dutch Charl y" are
uudtr l0i) bjtda to answer to ibe
cbarge of guiiihliiig. Tbey were ar
r'gn d today in Justice Fitigerald'i
cort and we.e g vso tumorrow to
plead. It is f-aid by the iffloula that
.be men wtJ uof appear, but will for
feit their
Marines For Isthmus
Script i Script
tillt-adgtd forum retwrre, aiproved, uu-
teotntluoa, reaoy nir iuiiuuiau uae iuj
wUura. txiwort prlw t ,,,,
K. r.& F. B.KIli'y.
I bamber ol Comraeroe Uldg, 1'onUnd, ur.
NO. X .
g0 p. IU.
NO. .
1:80 a. m.
Knit Lak. Ueover Ft:
Wort n. Omaha, Kanaaa
(HtT. Bt, Loam, Vbloairo
11:90 a n
NO 6
la yOrttiy
tils am
Tim ached lit
Dalle. ln.
dleioa. "Valla Wi
l'o niero J
!W)inx, MoaooW.Bpo-
.uu a ita via pc-
Pnrtlu.n(l. Uttllea. W
luln, Uewmton, Uoir
IIikoov. Wallao W.
dner, upokaoe anl
otlixr rxiMita cant aqu
north vlaBpo";
'lnd City, ' Atioel,
Imblar. aud i",lirlQ,
M....ttMtloQa at k.ltfln
WlU Max loriMMum
lu wuiiowa county
5 V) a . Ii
V't '
Philadelphia, Deo. 15. The cruiser
Yankee sailed fur Panama today with
&Uu marines who will do police duty
ou the isthmus
Snow and rain at present.
Mr McCullogh of Wallowa is . out
I visiting hia daughter Airs J il Cboat.
Mr Ross xrvin has gone to Wallowa
to spend tht winter, . .
Mr Hunter has been on the sick lUt
for the past week fcnd ia slowly recover
ing:' :
Mr Geo Pieroe from the Pierce Bros
ranch was in thia city today looking
after bis Interest
Mr E F Tice made a buisnees trip
o Elgin Monday,
There was a farewell party given
Deo 10 in the honor of Miss Ethel and
Mr William Hamilton. - Those present
were the following; Maggie Newbill,
WilmaRineturt, tlazel Tioe, Gertrude
McCullogh, Lula f,an man, Pearl Mur-
chison, Viuiut chat lu, Ella Hunter,
Emma Gilmau; Chi.ialina Vanderpool
and Ethel Hamilton and Messrs
Charlie Murchiao i, Albert BakerJ
K-ri and Fred Dittetbrant, ; William
li inter, Dave McKoczle, Harry New-
bill Willie Lniim:tn, Vera Ktnehart
full lrvin, Muud -uud hex sURae
Clyde and Lervy McEenzle, Francis
Uiluian, and William Hamilton, it
was will enjoyed by all. Mr William
Hamilton and family auoompaned by
Mr Willie Lanman, left for California
where they will make .their future
There is a revival meeting in the
Presbyterian Churoti this - week and
the week following.. . . .
Mrs Lanman or k grand ma as the is
always called ia ou the sick list at
present. Mug
Shingles, Shingles
vTwo oar toads of first class thlnglee
just received by the Stoddard Lumber
Now Ready for, Sale.
The people of thla county are now
notified that the O'Connor addition ia
now ready for the market a d that
I " K- " remarkably
low prliea ' - theae lota aro 60 , by Ul
fet and are without except oo the
beat re Idenoe lot- in the city Per
sons wlstilng larger traots can aeoare
Just whattber wantfcy goii g a t 'tie
further bno in the ame addlt onf
Do not fall to see this addition and ae
oare ouo of these choice selection . be
fore some one else gets the lot yoa
want. For full description : of i r'-0P-erty
and quotationa call , npon Dr
O(nr.or La Grande Ota ' ' " 4
- -- Phono Main 2141 - -Cor
Park and Oak 8 tree
. J.. t
Mitchell Chairman
' Washington, Dec. 15. At the open-
lug of the setiate today the annouoce-
u.fUt was . made of the committee
changes to take elfect Doi ember 15.,
ana beiiator .Mltclull ol Oregon was
iiiveu the ihairmauship of the ' intei
ou. mi io cnual vommittee to fill the va
cancy caused by t ie death of Senator
tldi.uu, vie former ohalrmau.
aiao p
u Ui C'trcuit Cou;t of lht8 of Oregon toi
" t'nlou Oouuty. .
L; WILLIAMS Vlalulla ,
I AM1A A WILLIAMS, Defendant.
To C'aiwla A William", the 'above-named
.li li uU.iui; Ik the dhido of tlieHttof Oregon
yuuaru heiv'y t'tiuired to appmr aud annwci
U coin II. ed Kailil.l you In the above
viuillrd ciiit on or belora the 'ilat day o
(XUlH'i..ltM. And If you (all UM anawer, foi
wuul llierwif, llio pluliitllt will ta deuret
HKuinm you for lliv ulMlu(lon of the uiarrlanc
colrx t exiting betweeu you aud the plain
till and lorcoaU and dubumemruU of thuauii.
Tui iiiiiimmn Ik publiKheU In the Kantern
Oikuu Ubwtrvcr, a weekly ucwapapvr publl.httl
in liulou county Oregon, by older of the Hon.
lUitx rl Kukiu, Jmltie of the Klulilll Judtclul
l.'wir. t ol the cuvull Court 01 theHtalaoi
1 Uivko. -vure a wrvk lor lx uonaeoutlve wekt.
Uie nrKi , . hiohiiou ibeieof to tie mnde oa th
lui ay ol .-kiiluuibvr, luut, and the liwt puhll
Otttlouon llio 2Ui day of October, IVOt, whleb
waa made oa the itrd day of bepta ruber
' Attorney (or I'Uuutli
; Office Rooms .
In Sammar building. For .' particu
lars inquire room No. 12. ; . tf. ..
Cured Paralysis
W S Eaily, P. 0 True, Texas; writes
"M? wife had been suffering five
years with her arm . when
1 was persuaded to use Ballards Snow
Liniment which cured her all right
I have also used It for old sores frost
bites and skin eruptions. It doea ' the
work." 23o 60o tl.tO Newho Drug
Important Notice
All persons knowing themselves in
debted to me will please oall at the
harueas shop and kettle np before Dec.
3(1, 1004. ,
,nv bills not oatd before that date
wi 1 he placed In the, hands o' an at
to: tev for collection. J II Cbllds
We will oiiko yon a.bixcoat tor less
moui-y than von pay for a rumly d-de
u.truient and you have two hundred
patterns to pica from. : Weaieooover
button a, press clothes and clean . your 1
n.ita nn(t coil hitvn a irhniiOd to Win a I
ftO coat with every dollar paid in our
store. ' Al Anuews, uenta mruien
inga. Phone No 231 ...
Heart Flutterinff;
Undigested frod and gas in the stom
ach located j ist below the heart,
presses it an I causes heart palpltat
ionr 'When your heart troublae you
in that way take; Herbine for a few
days.. You will soon be all right, 50o.
Newlln Drug Co,
"1 was much aOQcted with soiatioa"
writes Ed C Nud, Iowaville Sedgwiok
Co Kan, "going" about on crutches
and suffering a deal of pain. 1 was
induced to try Ballard's. Snow Linbnent
I used three 5 Jo bottles, It la th)
greatest lniment I ever used, have
lecommeuded it to a numbur of persons
all express themselves as beiog bene
fited by it, I now walk without crutch
es, able to pefrorm a. great deal of
light labor on the farm." Newlln
Drug Co. "
Ocean Btamers between Portland ti 6
Jan Francisco every flva days ,
; V v ' H, C. MOOBK, geat '
. Pay Up
Thepublioh hereby" notified that
I have disposed of my feed t tore to
J. W. White and 1 desire to thank
the publio generally for their literal
patronage u the past and that partiet
ii jw owing me wilf pleacall and set
ie with me peraooall or they eanoali
.it the La Grande National Bank who
mil rtctipt for all bills. 11-11 to 12-1
Driven to Desperation
Living at an out of the way place,
remote froti. civilization, a family is
often driven to desperation In case of
accident, resulting In Burns, Cuts
Wounds, Ulcers, etc. Lay io a snpplj
of liucklen'a Arnica Salve. It's the
O i earth 'Jm, at Newlin Drug Store.
The Bulletin just issued by the United States
Qoveromeat, after months of careful research, shows
that in the Western States, the average family pur
chases annually goods to the amount of
1 . On this basis the 2250 families visited
with each issue of the paily and Weekly OB
SERVER annually purchase merchandise to
the amount of
ftead The Daily Obseryei
A Round Steakj
ia just the thing to lay the foundation
tor a good day's work. That is, when
It la the kind we Belli Juicy, rich beefy
flavor. Fall of nutriment. Makes the
weak strong, and the. strong stronger.
J All Kinds of Meat
that are good to eat found to
our Icebox in prime condition, at prices
that please. Yoa will fare well If your
bill of far la baied oa oarmeats.
-: ' f , - "r- i
B6ck& Thomas
' The natural logical conclusion cannot be otherwise
, luan tuati uu wiutJ-uwitaw uuoiuobb uiau wuvr win ma.o
; 2 the few moments necessary to convince himself of the
; I accuracy. 6! ihl Jabove Utetaettt, can afford to miss
j the opportunity of placing his announcements ( z5,560 .
j f each mouth) before iis army of purchaser's.
it .; - -
I - ---v.-v:
An ad under such conditions, properly taken care
of will mnat nftrf.ft.inlv hrinor flnnrmonn r a turn a nn
j . - ; , I
investment. ! " . " ' 7
These Presentations of
Should receive the most careful consideration of
every business house whose volvme of business " de
pends upon the patronage of this city and county, 4 f
' ? .
1 .' ,
.First Olasd Job Work
t f
i i